| 08-01-2015 | On January 7
th 2015 three armed persons busted into the
of the
Charlie Hebdo Magazine, the magazine was in their morning meeting, the armed gun men killed editorial director
Stephane Charbonier
together with 9 colleagues and two security personnel, many people
were injured. It is said that the reason for this massacre could be the
cartoons that were published about the prophet Mohammed two years ago or
the recent cartoons against the IS. Whatever reason the reason is, this
is a massacre made by the reactionaries in collaboration with the
imperialists against the freedom of press and speech. Whatever kind of
reactionary group may be behind this, this is an attack towards
thinking people, and the right to publish freely, and most important it is an action against freedom of speech.
The Charlie Hebdo Magazine has been taking threats since 2012 and was
supposedly protected by the France police, it is very ominous that
three gun men can bust into an
in the middle of the day in the center of
. Again just two years ago on January 9
2013 the Kurdish politicians Saline Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla
Saylemez were brutally murdered in Paris. Since two years the people who
killed them have not been found and also here it is ominous to see that
no results came out so far.
In a time where in France reactionary movements, anti-Islam
propaganda is being waged it is questionable to have such a massacre.
Also in a time in where movements like PEGIDA in Germany that is
inciting chauvinist emotions amongst the people with anti-Islamic
propaganda, a movement that tries to mobilize thousands of people into
the streets with racist policies, gives doubtable contradictions to this
massacre. Generally
in a time all over Europe racism is developing, and racist parties come into power such a massacre is ominous and suspect.
Of course the main
reason for this massacre is the massacres and occupations of the France
state for the profits of the imperialist. In some Middle East
countries, in Mali etc. people are being incited against each other,
soldier units are sent to these countries and civilians are being
killed, this could be one of the main reasons for the massacre.
Together with this massacre, just like by 9/11 all over Europe just like in France under the
of anti-terror war “new Security” laws with racist character are being
passed. This is going to affect the migrants, and immigrants in Europe.
As workers and migrants workers, toilers and democratic forces we
have to condemn this massacre but by doing so we must advance the common
struggle for the unity of the people against racist, segregation laws
and policies and so –called “new security laws”. Like
Stephane Charbonnier
once quoted “instead of bowing down on my knees I prefer to die on my
feet” has a deep meaning. We should stay straight on our feed in our
common struggle against racism, segregation, and imperialist policies.
We as ATIK and member federations of ATIK condemn the reactionary attack
against the Magazine and once more emphasize that we are on the side of
all press workers that write
, think free!
ATIK-Charlie Hebdo Statement
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