Then police rushed in with everything they had and that´s a lot
From the revolutionary standpoint the 1st of May 2015 in Hamburg was a political victory. It is everyday life for the struggling proletariat to confront with the bourgeoisie, its state and institutions as well as with revisionism. If it suffers temporary defeats because its forces are weaker then the enemies that just shows the necessity of the development of its forces. That the demonstration at Feldstraße was crushed does not mean that the struggle was not successful. On the contrary. The resume from 2014 “We fought together. Very different Types of people. Neighbours together with Punks, Communists together with Anarchists, workers together with students, all together against their oppressors“, the statement “The world of blatant poverty rises against the world of monstrous wealth … They have got a better world in their heads and fierce hatred in their hearts” was proven correct and the demand “Do not let the bloodsuckers have their save heaven” (from the Call of the League against imperialist Agression) was fulfilled.
First of all we have to take a look on the political situation in Hamburg before the 1st of may 2015. It differs from 2014. It was less tense. The struggle of the refugees of Lampedusa in Hamburg (Die Welt: “Demonstranten bringen Polizei ans Limit” 03-11-2013) developed strongly before 1st of may 2014 and affected almost the whole town. The protests against “danger zones” around the turn of the year (Zeit: “Mehrere hundert Menschen bei Gefahrengebiet-Demo”, 07-01-2014), the Flora-demonstration on 21st of December (NDR: “Hunderte Verletzte bei Rote-Flora-Demo” 23-12-2013; n-tv: “Was alles nicht gesagt wird” 23-12-2013) and the demonstration on walpurgis from the Rise Up! – alliance are further struggles that took place prior and around 1st of may 2014 and were lacking in 2015.
The revolutionary 1st of May faced the desire for revenge of the ruling class because of the huge victory won in 2014 (SoL: Bericht zum 1. Mai 2014 in Hamburg; BILD: “Demo wird zur Straßen-Schlacht”, 03-05-2014; Hamburger Abendblatt: “Polizei überrascht von Gewaltbereitschaft bei Mai-Krawallen”, 02-05-2014; etc.). It was impossible for the enemy do allow such a success once again. Therefore the enemy send everything to the field against revolutionary 1st of may and its organizers.
One thing everyone in Hamburg knows about is that there was a parallel activity organized at the same date. For sure a lot of friends and comrades will have questions about that issue but because the class enemy trying to take advantage from that we won´t argue on that question.
For these and many other reasons the necessity occurred to mobilize more powerful. It is important that a lot of work was done by the people. In almost every district of the town posters were hung up e.g. in Altona,
Barmbek, Bergedorf, Billstedt, Dulsberg, Eidelstedt, Eimsbüttel,
Harburg, Horn, Lurup, Mümmelmannsberg, Neuwiedenthal, Ottensen, St.
Pauli, Steilshoop, Sternschanze, Veddel, Wandsbek and Wilhelmsburg. One
of the slogans of the mobilization “Long live international
solidarity!” could be heard during the clashes the whole night and this
shows the success. Additionally grafities and sprays were made. Beside two official mobiclips from the League against imperialist Aggression (Revolutionärer 1. Mai 2015 Hamburg, Devrimici 1 Mayis 2015 Hamburg) there were a lot of others made by others from which we want to emphasize “1.Mai 2015 in Hamburg – Frauen kämpft und wehrt euch!“ because it is the first time that a womensgroup made a call for the revolutionary 1st of may in Hamburg as far as we know.

The struggling day of the international proletariat start in Hamburg with the participation of the BGIA as the internationalist block on the unions demonstration, as every year. With round about one thousand participants it was the biggest part of the demonstration, as last years. Different Turkish organisations like ADGH, ADHK, ATIK, the popular front, Partizan, YDG and Yeni Kadin, organisations from Iran, Latin America, Palestine and German revolutionaries and anti-imperialists from Hamburg and other parts of the FRG participated. The block was what it have to be: “The vivid expression of the deepest merger with them … struggling in stormcentres of world revolution: the revolutionary parties and organisations from Africa, Asia and Latin America” (Call of the League against imperialist Agression). At the end of the demonstration the Rise Up! – block with some hundred participants circumnavigated the police lines and made a spontaneous demonstration which was supported by members of the internationalist block.

At 6 pm started the revolutionary 1st of may at Feldstraße, as last years. First we want to quote the report of the Hamburg branch of the antinationalist “Groups against Nation and Capital”: “We distributed between one and two thousand leaflets at the starting point of the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration at metro station Feldstraße. We have had some discussions at our bookstall and sold lots of our books and brochures e.g. our criticism on real socialism and Maoism.
degree of discipline and organisation of the SoL and their allies
regarding the mobilization and the incredible cruel police violence was
very impressive. Despite the rival demonstration they mobilized more
than two thousand people (who quickly dispersed after police attacked).
They also withstand outnumbered an extremely violent police. That was
spectacular. That demonstrates how efficient even a small group can be
if it is based on the principle of cadres and not being just a bunch of
thugs.” Others report about 1,500 participants. The numbers launched by
the police through bourgeois media of 750 not surprisingly
underestimates the case.

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