Wednesday, March 9, 2016

IWD - Women, fight for jobs, land, social services and rights! - GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women

Fight the oppressive, imperialist puppet, corrupt and fascist government!

GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women sends our militant greetings to women all over the world as we commemorate the International Women’s Day this year.
We celebrate and honor the lives of women who fought more than a hundred years ago for the recognition of women’s key role in the economic, political and cultural spheres. They laid the foundation upon which the militant women’s movement was built and sparked the struggle to end women’s oppression and abuse.
We send our solidarity to our sisters in Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangladesh who are organizing in unions to fight multi-national companies that squeeze super-profit from workers’ sweat and blood. We salute our sisters in India and Pakistan, in Africa and Latin America, who are passionately and tirelessly defending their lands and ancestral domain against the destruction of big foreign agricultural and mining companies despite political repression and criminalization by fascist governments. 
We celebrate with our sisters in Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq who are calling for peace and justice and an end to US and NATO led occupation of their lands. We stand in solidarity with our sisters in Palestine who never ceased fighting against Zionist occupation of Palestinian lands. We salute our sisters in Kurdistan who are leading the fight to resist war and occupation by fundamentalists and in asserting their people’s right to recognition and autonomy. We stand with our sisters in Haiti, who are relentlessly fighting for their sovereign right against foreign intervention and repression.
In the US, we recognize and honor our black sisters and all women of color who are fighting against systemic discrimination and human rights violations perpetrated by the state. We stand in solidarity with our indigenous sisters in Canada, the US, Switzerland and Australia who are fighting against discrimination and are struggling to uphold and defend their culture and ancestral domain.
We salute our sisters and grandmothers in Japan, Korea, China and here in the Philippines who despite their advanced age continue to call for justice for the systematic sexual atrocities committed to them by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II and who are still fighting against state powers that want to obliterate them from history. We are one with them in their call “Never again to another generation of comfort women!”
We honor, we celebrate, we continue the fight!

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