Thursday, May 3, 2018

USA - May Day 2018, in Boyle Heights Red Guards – Los Angeles

The masses demand revolution; our task is to give that to them; our fate is sealed in the glory of this condemnation

The following is a speech given by supporters of Red Guards – Los Angeles earlier today, May Day 2018, in Boyle Heights. The rally and march was one of the only independent and militant attempts at rescuing May Day from the claws of the bourgeoisie and its revisionist lackeys.
Police presence was astonishing with dozens of cruisers on the streets surrounding the march-bloc, helicopters overhead and California Highway Patrol blocking freeway offramps. Pigs in riot gear and in formation were salivating for a confrontation, but remained still and confused like stupid dogs.
They were expecting an all-out war but we only, merely reaffirmed the war already in existence. Nonetheless, we out maneuvered the pigs, blockaded several streets as the march-bloc continued onward, regrouped to go over strategy.
Lessons to draw from today are plenty. But the main one is that all actions must be seen as militarized operations in preparation for revolution. Capitalism is death. Revolution is life. We aim to live!

Que viva las masas!

The Haymarket massacre and its martyrs: remember this day that enshrined May Day into its historic place back in 1886 when thousands of workers organized and organized strikes for an eight-hour workday and revolution. On that same day pigs killed four workers and charged anarchists with conspiracy and sentenced six to death. Since then it has been 132 years, and what has become of this day?
Maoism teaches us that sometimes things turn into their opposites.

May Day has become a state sanctioned parade with pig escorts, with the labor aristocracy at the forefront holding hands with the treacherous comprador nonprofit poverty pimps who poison our people and the working class everyday with their sugar-coated bullets. A day that is supposed to commemorate the international proletariat! A day that is supposed to commemorate the working classes of the oppressed nations and internal colonies, those who face white national oppression and capitalist-imperialist exploitation! A day where we are supposed to show our power, has become another day for sloganeering; it has become another day for revisionist to posture, bark empty demands, and show their oppressors that they have no teeth with which to bite.
We stand in solidarity with the Red Guards and principally Maoist collectives who are working towards the creation of the Maoist Party. We stand in solidarity with Maoist parties across the world who are committed to building socialism and fighting revisionism through People’s War!
The white chauvinist left has been absent from national liberation struggles of the colonized indigenous nations, forced into the ghettos, the barrios, the reservations, the prisons or the grave. The proletariat and its allied sectors and classes continue to suffer from hunger, unemployment, homelessness, patriarchal violence and overall viciousness accelerated by the continuing and sharpening capitalist crises such as overproduction, under-consumption, drop in capitalist profits, stagnation of wages, while the US leeches off the laboring masses of the proletariat of the oppressed nations of the Global South.
No longer can we squalor this day! No longer can the people continue to receive the short end of the stick from the US. What do we have? Nothing! What do we want! Everything! We shouldn’t speak in the abstract. What needs to be done is the concentric construction of the three weapons of revolution: the Maoist Party, the Maoist People’s Army, and the Maoist United Front. What needs to be done is to militarize the masses and all the pre-Party Maoist formations!
Through Serve the People – Los Angeles and its course in mobilizing the masses for revolution through its People’s Committees and its anti-ICE defense units, we are unshakable with optimism that the seeds of the People’s Army have already been planted and that each day, each new step in the class struggle led by Serve the People – Los Angeles, shall we see those seeds germinate into an unstoppable armed, disciplined and centralized army!
Through the women’s popular defense units we will soon see proletarian feminism emerging in quantifiable and invincible progress, neutralizing the enemies of the people who prey on proletarian women, especially from the internal colonies, organizing the fury of proletarian women to unleash it as a force of revolution, wiping out all reaction, from the exploitation at the centers of production to the oppression of the residual patriarchy that reproduces itself in the home, in abusive relationships and from the repressive state apparatuses.
We who uphold the universality of Protracted People’s War must begin training and casting off the revisionist gossamer of pushing off armed struggle into a far-off future, until the conditions are so-called right. It is rightism, and hence a betrayal to the people, to hold off on the construction of the People’s Army until U.S. capitalism becomes even more reactionary. The masses do not yearn for the instant gratification of spontaneous leaderless riots. They yearn for revolutionary structure and leadership of proven selfless revolutionaries and a concrete strategy.
We must prepare today, yesterday and tomorrow for the prolong confrontation, the protracted war, against the capitalist state. We must carry out military actions against the enemies of the people! We must steel ourselves in the fire of class struggle everywhere it is in its sharpest stages – such as production and housing.
Comrades! Los Angeles! Boyle Heights! On this May Day, we not only hoist the scarlet banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, but make it known that this is a reaffirmation of the escalation of the strategic defensive into equilibrium in the war against gentrification! A war that is part of the larger Protracted People’s War getting ready to be born every day Maoist build links with the masses and carry out the mass line, which contains revolutionary violence, as the vehicle to revolution!
We declare war against all things poisonous to the people and our revolutionary cause. War on gentrifiers! War on parasitic slumlords! War on real estate vultures! War on capitalist developers! War on local government sellouts like the city council! War against local vendidos who put their own interests, lining their pockets with the blood-money of the oppressed and exploited, instead of the benefit of the people. War on the treacherous revisionists who masquerade themselves as radicals or revolutionaries who claim to be “communists,” “Marxists,” “Marxist-Leninists,” even some who falsely claim allegiance to “Maoism.” War on the fascists, while currently in decline, continue to militarize into paramilitary organizations! War on the enemies of the people!
If we are not concentrically constructing the Maoist Party, the Maoist People’s Army and the Maoist United Front, while militarizing the masses and our pre-Party formations, then there is no defense against gentrification, against ICE, against those that have been brutalized and exploited for centuries. The only salvation to the proletariat, in this country, in its oppressed nations like in our Chicano Nation, and outside of this country, is the militarized masses and the firestorm of Maoism!
To quote El Partido Comunista del Peru who held the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, high on this day:
We asked ourselves, how will we develop the Party? A plain and simple response is: Through armed struggle.
The masses dream of revolution, of revindication. Our country’s working class knows only two roads: barbarism or socialism. And both require violence but only in the latter is that violence revolutionary and mastered by the proletariat, its Party and the masses.
On August 24, 1980, El Partido Comunista del Peru initiated the armed struggle, the People’s War, and released a document to forever-commemorate that glorious day in history, In it, they said and we repeat:
The masses tremble, the flood tide rises, and the storm approaches. Reaction in this country as well as in the world, also dreams of soaking the revolution with blood and fire, of drowning it in blood. These are old, dark, and violent dreams. They are not facing the same situation as yesterday.
Our task is clear: only through revolutionary violence can the masses create real political power! As we continue to fulfill this task the lines of demarcation between us and our enemies of every stripe begin to take form. As we, genuine communists, Maoists, prove ourselves to the masses and fully immerse ourselves in their lives and struggles which is part of the larger class struggle, these self-proclaimed but fake “revolutionaries,” these revisionists and all other enemies, begin to be thrown away like the rotting waste that they are.
Nada es imposible!
Comrades, we have seen and been heavily involved in the developments within Boyle Heights. From the victories on the anti-gentrification front, it becomes evident that the path we are traveling is the correct one. With the working class tenant front in Boyle Heights, it becomes evident that the masses yearn for blood, for vengeance and liberation! The masses are fighting back and we will guide them toward victory through revolutionary violence and warfare!
Que viva Los Guardias Rojos!
Que viva El Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo, principalmente Maoismo!
Que viva las masas!

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