Wednesday, March 11, 2020

MFPR Italy - 8 March Declaration in the fever of women class' struggle because all life must change!

unofficial traslation

Two tips of the iceberg we see when approaching the Women’s Day this year: a new escalation of femicides, rapes, sexual violence on women and the heavy attacks on work, wages and living conditions of women workers. Amidst these tips there are dozens of other attacks that affect all the practical, ideological aspects of women's lives.
We had pointed out long time ago, and now it is evident: most of the crimes against women -femicides, rape, assault, sexual harassment, stalking etc.- are always fascist, no matter who commits them, because they are driven by hatred for women, women who dare to decide, to rise up against the existing state of oppression and the "deadly normalcy" of the family; but more and more often behind a femicide or a rape there is a fascist, either organized or not, either by militancy or mentality, as well as not infrequently there is a policeman, a carabiniere.
That is why we say that fascists are rapists, and rapists are anyway fascist.
Femicides are becoming increasingly "ordinary", heinous, which feed on each other -suffice it the tragic count this autumn. But their real, constant source is given by fascism-populism, with its natural, inevitable road companion, sexism. Modern fascism is the structuring as system of everything is reactionary, male-chauvinist. It has also "contaminated" sectors of the masses, mass media. And its official political, institutional representation legitimizes even the impossible.
First we saw Salvini, Lega, Meloni and all the rightists who intervened with the resumption of clerical-fascist fundamentalism on the family, on the role of women, against the right to abortion, the divorce, then we had laws, such as the "Red Code" -still in force- which have only a content of "law and order", repression, control, not support for women. At the same time, we see the closure of the places of women.
Finally we had the current Democrats/5Stars government that behind the demagoguery of free nursery and the single allowance for dependent children, whether parents work or not, has repainted and relaunched, in harmony with the Vatican, the campaign for more children, to increase the birth rate, the parenthood.
As can be seen, fascism and conciliation policies are hand in hand against women.
The state and governments, above all, trying to keep women chained to the role of protector of family and the "normal" couple, feed a viciuos concept of property and increase this low intensity conflict against women.

The other side of the coin is the heavy attacks on work, wages and living conditions of women workers.
The stats tell the rapid worsening of the condtions in the sectors with a higher female presence: more than 5 thousand school cleaning women workers are being thrown out, pushed home following internalization, therefore with the State that directly sack, while those who remain get their wage and working hours heavily cut; as well as many thousands are the women workers in the mass ditribution who in a few months risk being fired or put into layoffs without a future or blackmailed with transfers; in the factories, the Whirlpool's struggling women workers are also at risk of being fired at latest the next October, following the women workers of AirItaly and Piaggio already sent home, etc. etc.
Meanwhile, precariousness is spreading. The poor employment contracts of the contractor cooperatives, with very low wages that do not allow women to be independent; in factories where immigrants work, always hired by cooperatives, contractual rights are shamelessly cut, exploitation conditions are imposed to the limits of slavery, union rights are tried to be canceled.
All forms of discrimination on working conditions, wage inequalities, increase, just as the sexual harassment by employers and bosses.
But this year was also the year of the deaths, often passed in silence, of our migrant sisters; of the huge number of deaths at sea, many were women, often together with their children; at the same time deaths in the ghettos resumed, from Felandina-Metaponto to Foggia where two women died burned; and the survivors, instead of having houses, jobs, documents, are being forcibly evacuated, and if they struggle they are charged, tried, driven out. The Lega/5Stars government, Minister Salvini, tried everything to repel migrants, putting their lives at risk, under the new government, even if migrants reach our country, they risk being sent back to their countries, to the camps of torture and rapes in Lybia, in silence, because of the infamous Italy/Libya agreements, and the substantial remaining in force of the "security decrees".
The other policy, in fact, which unites the last two governments in a black thread, is that of repression. In this year, first with the Lega/5Stars government, then with PD/5Stars, women who struggle, denounce, or even just dare to explain what fascism is in schools have been repressed and in some case they lost their jobs. Just as in the last few weeks, women comrades of solidarity with migrants are tried for in Foggia and Calabria, precarious women workers in struggle are tried in Palermo and Taranto, immigrated women workers in struggle, Italpizza and others, had to suffer police assaults, charges and fines, three comrades who opposed the judiciary covering of rapists are sentenced to very high fines in L'Aquila; those who fight against evictions in Turin are locked in prison in harsh conditions; those who oppose the obtuse regulations of the police state are arrested (like Nicoletta Dosio), etc. etc.

But on this Women’s Day, it is the strength and determination of the women's movement and the struggles of women workers who remain as a light in the dark: from the hundreds of thousands of women who went to the streets on March 8 last year, to the great demonstration in Verona against the "family day", from the demonstration on November, 25 to the dozens of initiatives during this year.
And, in recent months, it is mainly the women workers, the precarious workers who went to the front row in the struggle against masters and government and were the most rebellious and angry because they have double chains life to lose and an entire life to change.

We reaffirm:
- To femicides, which are fascist crimes, we must respond as we respond to fascist violence, with the collective strength of women's struggle and the necessary liberating violence. The women's movement must be more and more a "danger" for the men who hate women, the government, the state, the police, the judiciary. The neighborhoods where a woman is killed must be occupied by women, as occurred in Milan. The police stations where women's complaints are dismissed should be besieged by women; as well as the courtrooms that often are the stage of a double violence against women, etc. No woman should be alone!
- Every struggle of the women workers is the struggle of all of us because, for each of us who is driven back into the house, we all go back and, for each victory, we all advance. And to any repression of struggles, the answer must be: "We all are strugglers!".
- We must always be at the side of our migrant sisters, of the women who suffer and die in wars waged and fueled by imperialism, including our imperialism.
- Just as we must be the most daring and ready to demonstrate alongside the struggling women, from Chile, to Turkey/Kurdistan, and the "megaphone" of the revolutionary, communist women who trace the path for revolution and true liberation, first of all the Maoist revolutionary women of the people’s war in India.
- But above all it is necessary, and we strongly affirm it in this March 8, to develop/build a revolutionary women's movement, feminism must be proletarian and revolutionary, or inevitably, beyond the will, it is a "feminism that makes itself the handmaid of the capitalism "(as A. Vincenti writes in "the womens’ strike"). For this reason, this year we affirmed -with our summer seminar- the need that women, the advanced proletarians, our comrades grasp the weapon of revolutionary theory, to openly fight against bourgeois feminism, a 360° fight, because all life must change!

MFPR Italy

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