Wednesday, December 29, 2021

ITALY- ICSPWI info -solidarity for political prisoners in India from italian classist trade/union after call PCI(Maoist) for 1 january 2022 actions!

ITALIA: solidarietà con i prigionieri politici indiani (da slai cobas sc)

Lo Slai cobas per il sindacato di classe aderisce alla campagna e invita lavoratori, organizzazioni sindacali, associazioni solidali con i prigionieri politici a parteciparvi

1° gennaio 2022 – aderiamo alla campagna nazionale e internazionale in tutte le forme possibili prepariamo una azione a sorpresa nei prossimi giorni all’ambasciata a Roma e al consolato India a Milano

Fermare la repressione scatenata dal governo indiano!

Solidarietà con prigionieri politici in India!

Rilascio immediato di tutti coloro che sono stati illegalmente arrestati per il caso Bhima Koregaon!

Comitato Solidarietà India ha lanciato questa petizione anche in e l’ha diretta a La Federazione Internazionale dei Diritti Umani (FIDH)
ambasciata indiana a roma, consolato India a Milano, Ministero degli esteri e Ministero della giustizia Italia, stampa nazionale
è pubblicata

Fermare la repressione scatenata dal governo indiano!

Solidarietà con prigionieri politici in India!

Rilascio immediato di tutti coloro che sono stati illegalmente arrestati per il caso Bhima Koregaon!

Negli ultimi anni a livello internazionale è cresciuto in diversi paesi e nella stessa india un movimento di solidarietà per il rilascio incondizionato del leader del Fronte Democratico Rivoluzionario (RDF), Prof. Saibaba, per l’intellettuale Prof. Anand Teltumbde, per lo scrittore rivoluzionario Varavara Rao e i tanti altri attivisti ingiustamente imputati nel caso Bhima Koregaon (BK-16).
Il 5 luglio scorso c’è stato l’omicidio di Stato di padre Stan Swamy, uno degli accusati nell’infame montatura Bhima Koregaon, a cui sono state cinicamente negate le cure mediche di cui necessitava.
Alcuni prigionieri politici maoisti sono stati uccisi in custodia e tanti altri ancora sono stati torturati.
Quella di Bhima Koregaon e del presunto piano per uccidere Modi non è che una montatura nell’interesse dei politici Hindutwa al potere e per coprire i criminali fascisti al loro servizio.
Sentiamo come nostra responsabilità difendere tutti gli attivisti sociali e oppositori politici falsamente accusati e imprigionati. Il solo loro crimine è essersi battuti e continuare a battersi per la democrazia e per tutti gli oppressi: i dalit, le minoranze tribali e religiose, le donne.
Varavara Rao, ottantenne, è stato rilasciato su cauzione per motivi di salute, ma il tribunale non gli ha concesso di vivere insieme alla sua famiglia nella sua residenza. Non è che un modo per mantenerlo sotto un altro tipo di detenzione.
Gowtam Navlakha e Sudha Bharadwaj soffrono gravi problemi di salute e hanno chiesto la libertà su cauzione ma il tribunale si è pronunciato a favore della polizia e non gliel’ha concessa. Giuristi di tutto il paese e all’estero hanno criticato questa decisione definendola niente di meno di un insulto alla Costituzione indiana.
Negli ultimi 20 quasi 2000 persone sono state uccise in custodia dalla polizia in tutta l’India. Ma solo 26 poliziotti sono stati riconosciuti colpevoli di questi omicidi.
Da quando il giudice Agarwal ha rivelato il suo rapporto, accusando la polizia dei massacri di Sarkenguda e Edsametta, in Chhattisgarh, sono trascorsi anni senza che un solo poliziotto sia stato arrestato.
Il mondo intero, la stessa ONU, ha condannato l’omicidio di padre Stan Swamy ma il governo indiano non ha intrapreso alcuna azione nei confronti dei responsabili.
Il Presidente della Corte Suprema dell’India, L. V. Ramana, ha dichiarato apertamente che gli articoli della Sezione 124A (sulla sedizione) sono obsoleti e che gli organi legislativi devono abrogare quella norma. Ma i legislatori non se ne curano.
Grazie a queste leggi draconiane posso mettere dietro le sbarre tutte le voci che contestano e si oppongono ai governi. Gli accusati sono richiusi in cella di isolamento, dette Anda.
Molte organizzazioni giornalistiche, tra cui Press Club of India, Editors’ Guild of India, Press Association, Indian Women Press Corps e Delhi Union of Journals hanno condannato le accuse di sedizione mosse contro giornalisti e intellettuali e si stanno battendo per l’abrogazione della legge UAPA e simili.
A dicembre Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan si è fatto avanti condannando il linciaggio del leader della “Unione degli studenti Asom” Animesh Bayan. La legge sui poteri speciali delle forze armate del 1958 è in vigore da decenni in Nagaland, Asom, Manipur e Arunachal Pradesh e negli ultimi decenni ha consentito omicidi, atrocità e torture impunite contro il popolo della regione per mano dell’esercito indiano.
Il 5 dicembre, 13 persone sono state uccise in uno sparatoria nel villaggio di Voting, distretto di Mone, in Nagaland. L’incidente ha innescato una nuova ondata di proteste e lotta per la revoca della legge.
In questa situazione, tutte le forze democratiche a livello internazionale devono mobilitarsi per la liberazione immediata e incondizionata di tutti gli imputati nel caso Bhima Koregaon e per l’archiviazione della montatura giudiziaria contro di loro, per la fine delle operazioni repressive contro ogni voce di dissenso, la liberazione dei prigionieri politici e l’abrogazione delle leggi draconiane che danno “legalità” alla caccia alle streghe!





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INDIA: Red Salutes to Member of the Central Committee Martyr Comrade Chintanda! CPI(MAOIST)


Central Committee

Press Release

December 18, 2021

Red Salutes to Member of the Central Committee

Martyr Comrade Chintanda!

Member of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) Comrade Narendra Sinh (Ashoda, Chintanda) laid down his life on the 6th January 2020 in a hospital in a town. He was suffering with illness for a long time and was in Coma since 2018. He was 74. He was the native of a village in the limits of Kesaria police station of East Champaran district in the state of Bihar in a middle class peasant family. He has a sister. He had his primary education in his village. His family shifted to Delhi where he had higher education in Jawaharlal Nehru University. He did his Doctorate on the Tharu tribal people living in Bihar-Nepal terai of the Himalayas. He did not marry.

After being granted a degree of high qualification he did not wish to take up any job. He took up work for the oppressed people to establish an exploitation-free society. During his education he was attracted towards Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. He studied it in detail. After finishing his education he started to work among the workers in Delhi. He was one of the founders of General Workers Union of Delhi. He organized the workers under this banner. During this time, in 1998-99 he came into contact with members of the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). He started to organize the peasants of villages as an activist of MCC. During his research he saw the horrible conditions of the Tharu and Uraon tribal, Dalit and landless peasants of West Champaran and was terribly moved. It is well known that the peasants of West Champaran not only face feudalism but also the dacoits. The people of the area are in terror and despair.

As soon as he went to the area he opened four schools by the name ‘Jan Shiksha Kendr’ (People’s Education centre) and started to impart education to the Dalit and tribal children. Apart from formal education the People’s Education Centres also imparted education about social change. Some of the students became part of class struggle.

At that time revolutionary work was going on with the perspective of establishing Base Area. He made efforts to build revolutionary movement among the people of the area. He developed mass base, formed the Krantikari Kisan Committee and guerilla squads. In the initial days of his revolutionary work an incident took place. Dacoits attacked the house of a minority adjacent to Sundarpur School. The men of the family were out at work at the time of the attack and two girls and the mother were there. The dacoits attempted sexual assault. The women cried out on seeing the dacoits. On hearing them Comrade Ashoda took a stick and went there along with his students and those present around. He shouted at them to stop. In that atmosphere the powerful voice of a red soldier and the resistance of the village people made the dacoits run out of fear. He brought the family the same night and gave shelter in the school for many days. The incident became a point of organisation and struggle for the people. This forest area of West Champaran developed into a guerilla zone. Land and arms were seized from the landlords, forest was protected, dacoits were chased away, there were attacks on the police and camps and arms were also seized from them. people stopped the cutting of forests by the landlords and the governments and protected them. They chased away the bandits. They made guerilla attacks on the police and police camps that are constantly indulging in attacks on the people.

When the North Bihar committee of the MCC was formed, Comrade Chintanda became part of it and when 3U (North Bihar-Uttar Pradesh-Uttarakhand) Special Area Committee was formed he was elected as a member of the Committee. When MCCI and CPI (ML) People’s War merged to form the CPI (Maoist) in 2004 he became a member of the Central Committee of the united party and subsequently became part of its North Regional Bureau (NRB). With the losses the NRB was dissolved and Comrade Chintanda continued to be a CCM until his last breath.

Comrade Chintanda was not only a good teacher of formal education but of Marxism. He took the responsibility of educating the cadres of the party. He taught to cadres of the areas of struggle on Marxist philosophy, Marxist economics and politics. His method of teaching was simple and natural. He explained complex things in a simple manner. He applied Marxism to practice and explained it through present examples. He had good hold in English and Hindi languages and also taught grammar of both the languages.

Comrade Chintanda was arrested three times in North Bihar, first in 2005 in North Bihar and the last in Kanpur of Uttar Pradesh in 2010. Each time he was arrested immediately after his release from jail. His arrest in Kanpur was very awful. He was tortured. It affected him physically and mentally. He suffered from mental shock three times due to the tortures by the police. In 2010 he lost one ear. He acquired Bone TB in prison. He had BP, Hernia and Piles. After his release in 2014 he could not take up any serious political responsibility. He gradually lost control on his body and mind. Oppression by the police and in jail deteriorated his body. He lost mental balance. In spite of treatment he could not recover and finally bid farewell to the world on 6th January 2020. We lost him forever.

Today Comrade Chintanda is no more among us. But we have his memory, ideals and his political work. His sacrifice, commitment and dare continue to inspire and guide all of us. His memory continues to make us feel strong.This is his magnificent and unforgettable memory.

After his release from Kanpur jail he came to Bihar-Jharkhand border area. There was an encounter with the Para-Military. They were firing and shelling but Comrade Chintanda was neither afraid nor disappointed. He was physically weak but his voice powerful. He courageously and heroically advanced in the battle. He enthused the PLGA fighters and attacked the enemy. He shouted ‘Comrades! Para-Military forces are not lions. The fighters of People’s Liberation Guerilla Army are live tigers and live long. Friends, advance and wipe them out’. The young fighters of PLGA took on the enemy with this inspiration and the Para-Military had to step back. 

Comrade Chintanda was good at self-criticism. When he understood that he went wrong he was least hesitant to admit and rectify it. He followed strict discipline in his daily life. This continued inside the prison and until he went unconscious. Mental shock deprived him the ability of tireless reading, writing and speaking. He was good with his comrades.

Few quotes and lessons from his life

1. Comrade Chintan was born and brought up in an exploitive caste but stood on behalf of the oppressed workerpeasants and oppressed people of the tribal, Dalit, backward and toiling castes. He laid down his entire life for the sake of revolution. He never demonstrated the least character of oppressed caste. He was a Communist of good characteristics.

2. He had higher education in prestigious educational institution of the country. He could have been a Professor in any University. But he sacrificed a life of conveniences and became a Revolutionary Communist. He served the proletariat like a proletarian. His sacrifice and commitment are ideal and commendable.

3. He thought that nothing should come in the way to accomplish New Democratic Revolution in India. He stood steadfast in the arena of armed struggle until his last breath.

4. The lure for post and money is an enemy of revolution. He was conscious about them. He even sacrificed his hereditary property and lived like a proletarian in the Party and among the people. He sacrificed his house and family and considered his comrades as kith and kin. He laid down his life among them. In difficulty he approached comrades and not his family. He lived according to his conditions and objectives. He did not compromise to anyone outside the party.

5. We might not be alive but the world will change. Revolution need not necessarily be completed during our life time. But we have the responsibility to accomplish it and the future generation shall do the rest of the work. He imbibed this and implemented it all through his life.

6. He made true what Nigerian poet and theatre personality Bole Shoyenka said. When he was released from prison after two years Shoyenka said thus about the effect of his prison life – ‘What you believe before going to prison you believe even after release. But this belief would be stronger’. In spite of arrest three times and torture, he neither broke, surrender nor was afraid. He considered the secrecy of the Party more than his life. None of the states reported that there was any loss to the Party due to him. Each time after his release he became part of class struggle and people’s war with tempered determination.

7. He had a special feature in life such as, to sustain confidence in revolution and people in the utmost difficult conditions; stick steadfast to the official line of the Party; stay strong on class line-mass line and MLM.

Comrade Chintanda is a great teacher, popular speaker, educated academician and relentless activist. His proletarian characters made him a strong Communist and unwavering Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. The CC pays tearful homage to our comrade, co-warrior and teacher. We pledge to fulfill his work. We appeal to all the ranks of revolution to take lessons, initiative, determination and commitment from the life and relentless work of Comrade Chintanda. Transform the grief out of his martyrdom into strength, the tears into anger. Let us pledge again and again to fulfill the ideals of the martyrs,

‘Comrade we march forward holding the Red Flag

Your loss grieves us but we go on marching forward’.



Central Committee


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Italy - MFPR: Solidarietà alla lotta delle donne afghane!

“Non siamo le stesse donne di vent’anni fa e non resteremo in silenzio”, “Vogliamo lavoro, cibo e libertà” - Ascoltiamo e facciamo nostre queste parole, solidarietà alla lotta delle donne afghane!

Dopo l'iniziale annuncio di alcuni provvedimenti di apparente apertura verso le donne con l’obiettivo di ottenere legittimità internazionale, i divieti per le donne introdotti negli ultimi quattro mesi e mezzo dal governo dei talebani in Afghanistan sono stati diversi, con moltissimi diritti negati, come quello al lavoro e all’istruzione.

L'ultima norma, approvata dal ministero per la Promozione della Virtù e la Prevenzione del Vizio, ha proibito alle donne di viaggiare senza un accompagnatore maschio per più di 72 chilometri. Oltre a vietare alle donne di viaggiare da sole, la norma vieta ai tassisti di far salire sulle proprie auto donne senza velo e impone a chiunque, uomo o donna, di non ascoltare musica in macchina.

E’ in corso quindi una nuova fase di attacco alle donne, e la risposta delle donne è stata immediata e coraggiosa

In decine hanno manifestato a Kabul contro le misure discriminatorie decise dai talebani, da agosto di nuovo padroni dell’Afghanistan. Lo hanno fatto sfidando coraggiosamente la repressione delle forze dell’ordine, che hanno sparato sul corteo per disperderlo, chiedendo giustizia sociale, istruzione, lavoro e libertà. Dicono di rappresentare metà della società e vogliono che la comunità internazionale non le dimentichi.

Le foto che ritraggono le manifestanti ora hanno fatto il giro del mondo, nonostante la censura della polizia che ha confiscato le macchine fotografiche ai giornalisti.

Ma dai paesi imperialisti non possiamo aspettarci nulla di buono senza una lotta radicale, anticapitalista e internazionalista delle donne anche in quei paesi.

Contro gli imperialisti e i talebani non vogliamo né interventi né accordi delle potenze imperialiste. “Le donne devono imporre i loro diritti con la forza”, lo abbiamo scritto nel 2001 e nell’agosto 2021. Lo riaffermiamo oggi, esprimendo la massima solidarietà alla lotta delle donne afghane.

Come nel 2001 le donne dissero: "Noi che odiamo così tanto il burqa, non permetteremo che sia l'imperialismo occidentale a togliercelo. Sarebbe come uno "stupro", anche oggi sono le masse popolari afghane, le donne in prima fila che devono liberarsi dai talebani e dagli imperialisti con la loro lotta.

Siamo noi donne, compagne di tutti i paesi, la comunità internazionale che non deve dimenticare le donne afghane e che deve impedire all’imperialismo dei propri paesi, Italia in testa, di strumentalizzare la terribile condizione delle donne in Afghanistan per i propri interessi economici e geostrategici, fino anche a sostenere il regime medioeval-feudale dei talebani.

“Non siamo le stesse donne di vent’anni fa e non resteremo in silenzio”, “Vogliamo lavoro, cibo e libertà”, ecco cosa ci dicono oggi le donne afghane.

Ascoltiamo e facciamo nostre queste parole!

Nell’assemblea in presenza delle donne/lavoratrici del 4 dicembre a Milano, abbiamo sottolineato l’importanza dell’aspetto internazionale e internazionalista assunto nella manifestazione contro la violenza sulle donne a Roma del 27 novembre, in particolare con l'azione del Mfpr.

Riportiamo, di seguito, alcuni appunti sulla situazione internazionale delle donne di cui si è discusso in quell’assemblea:

“… un altro aspetto importante che c'è stato nella manifestazione del 27 è quello dell'aspetto internazionale e internazionalista, perché la violenza sulle donne non è una questione che riguarda solo le donne di questo paese, le donne italiane, ma riguarda le donne di tutto il mondo, e in particolare poi ci sono dei paesi in cui le donne subiscono una violenza che non ci sono aggettivi sufficienti per poterla descrivere. 

Di recente è stata lanciata una giornata internazionale di sostegno alle masse popolari che in India stanno facendo la guerra popolare, lottando contro un governo genocida, un governo fascista come quello indiano, dove c’è Modi al governo, uno dei potenti del mondo che è venuto qui in Italia proprio al G20 e che è stato a braccetto con Draghi e con tutti gli altri potenti del mondo. E a questa giornata di sostegno alle lotte che stanno portando avanti in India, lanciata in tutto il mondo dal Comitato internazionale di sostegno alla guerra popolare in India, noi come mfpr abbiamo contribuito e fatto anche delle iniziative di controinformazione, scritte, striscioni, pannelli. A Milano si è fatto anche un presidio al consolato indiano, dove hanno partecipato pure le compagne del Mfpr per portare un saluto rivoluzionario, in generale a tutto il popolo indiano, ma in particolare alle donne e alle compagne indiane che stanno portando avanti, appunto, questa lotta rivoluzionaria. L'India è uno dei paesi in cui le donne subiscono una doppia, tripla, quadrupla violenza. Una violenza che è legata anche al sistema feudale di caste che c'è in quel paese, alla questione religiosa, alle misure di isolamento e militarizzazione imposte dal governo per sradicare i maoisti.

In India le donne vengono stuprate fin da piccole. Di tante bambine stuprate, violentate, neanche si parla in televisione; a volte invece si è visto che violenze atroci subite da ragazze anche nelle città, hanno suscitato la rabbia popolare contro queste atrocità con  manifestazioni di massa contro queste violenze, che sono veramente atroci: donne bruciate, donne che se rimangono vedove poi sono sottoposte a una condizione di oppressione allucinante. Ci sono dei paesi in cui le donne che rimangono vedove vengono messe in dei grandi campi di concentramento e devono vivere lì con un minimo di sussidio, abbandonate da tutto, socialmente invisibili.

…abbiamo portato questo messaggio nella manifestazione del 27, ma c’è stata anche una delegazione delle donne palestinesi che hanno affermato che in Palestina le donne devono lottare contro due cancri: il regime di apartheid israeliano e una struttura sociale, anche interna alla Palestina, che le vuole sottomettere; c'erano inoltre anche degli striscioni con fotografie delle donne curde, perseguitate, incarcerate, uccise dal regime fascista di Erdogan.

Questo aspetto di unità internazionale è importante, perché tutte abbiamo la necessità di fare alcune battaglie insieme. Ci sono le questioni dei femminicidi, degli stupri, la questione sull’aborto, ed è chiaro che su questo terreno noi dobbiamo costruire una forza internazionale che va dal Texas alla Polonia, dove ora vogliono negare totalmente l'aborto, all'Italia dove i tentativi pratici e ideologici di mettere in discussione l'aborto sono meno eclatanti, ma vogliono arrivare allo stesso scopo. In Italia ad esempio, stanno presentando la nuova misura dell'assegno unico per incitare, stimolare le donne a fare figli perché sono troppo pochi, perché i padroni vogliono carne fresca ecc., e questo l'hanno detto le ministre, l’ha detto Bonomi presidente degli industriali, lo hanno detto altre parti del parlamento. A parte il fatto che è ridicolo pensare di incentivare la natalità con qualche soldo in più, tra l'altro preso da altre parti del salario, dalle detrazioni fiscali, ecc., dietro questo discorso di fare figli appare l'ombra nera dell’attacco al diritto di aborto. Diritto all’aborto che sarebbe da migliorare, non togliere, per la questione per esempio degli obiettori di coscienza.

Ecco, questo problema, questa lotta, necessita anche di un legame internazionale.

D'altra parte questo legame internazionale è importante non solo sotto l'aspetto della necessità della lotta CONTRO, ma anche per agire la lotta PER, nel senso che in alcuni questi paesi, vedi l’India, c'è un grandissimo movimento delle donne, migliaia sono state in prima linea nella grande lotta dei contadini, e una parte in questo movimento è in prima fila nella guerra di popolo per costruire una nuova società, una società in cui il potere sia in mano alle masse popolari, in cui le donne possano decidere della vita e di tutto. E questo è un messaggio non solo per l'india, ma anche per noi che siamo nei paesi imperialisti."

Monday, December 27, 2021

128th birth's anniversary of Mao Tse Tung - Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

 In this anniversary the principal task of marxist-leninist-maoist in the world is the work for the international unity on the basis of marxism-leninism-maoism

for this it needs to start from the most high level of this unity in the past after Mao's death - RIM's foundation and RIM's adoption of athe Declaration  Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - 26th december 1993 - that we publish today  - in the next days we will publish other texts for showing that new declarations about this, are less good and correct than this.

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!


In 1984, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement was founded, grouping together the nucleus of the Maoist revolutionaries the world over who were determined to carry forward the fight for a world without exploitation and oppression, without imperialism, a world in which the very division of society into classes will be overcome - the communist world of the future. Since the formation of our Movement we have continued to advance and today, on the occasion of the Mao Tsetung Centenary, with a deep sense of our responsibility, we declare to the international proletariat and the oppressed masses of the world that our guiding ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

Our Movement was founded on the basis of the Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement adopted by the Second Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations in 1984. The Declaration upholds the proletarian revolutionary ideology and on that basis in the main it correctly addresses the tasks of the revolutionary communists in different countries and on a world scale, the history of the international communist movement, and a number of other vital questions. Today we reaffirm the Declaration as the solid foundation of our Movement upon which we are building a new clarity and deeper understanding of our ideology and the more solid unity of our Movement.

The Declaration correctly stresses "Mao Tsetung's qualitative development of the science of Marxism-Leninism" and affirms that he raised it to "a new stage". However, the use of the term "Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought" in our Declaration reflected a still incomplete understanding of this new stage. In the last nine years our Movement has been engaged in a long, rich and thoroughgoing discussion and struggle to more fully grasp Mao Tsetung's development of Marxism. During this same period the parties and organisations of our Movement and RIM as a whole have been engaged in revolutionary struggle against imperialism and reaction. Most important has been the advanced experience of the People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru which has succeeded in mobilising the masses in their millions, sweeping aside the state in many parts of the country and establishing the power of the workers and peasants in these areas. These advances, in theory and practice, have enabled us to further deepen our grasp of the proletarian ideology and on that basis take a far-reaching step, the recognition of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the new, third and higher stage of Marxism.

New, Third and Higher Stage of Marxism

Mao Tsetung elaborated many theses on a whole series of vital questions of revolution. But Maoism is not just the sum total of Mao's great contributions. It is the comprehensive and all-round development of Marxism-Leninism to a new and higher stage. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is an integral whole; it is the ideology of the proletariat synthesized and developed to new stages, from Marxism to Marxism-Leninism to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, by Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin and Mao Tsetung, on the basis of the experience of the proletariat and mankind in class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiment. It is the invincible weapon which enables the proletariat to understand the world and change it through revolution. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is a universally applicable, living and scientific ideology, constantly developing and being further enriched through its application in making revolution as well as through the advance of human knowledge generally. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the enemy of all forms of revisionism and dogmatism. It is all-powerful because it is true.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx first developed revolutionary communism almost 150 years ago. With the assistance of his close comrade-in-arms Frederick Engels, he developed a comprehensive philosophical system, dialectical materialism, and discovered the basic laws which shape human history.

Marx developed a science of political economy that revealed the exploitation of the proletariat and the inherent anarchy and contradictions of the capitalist mode of production. Karl Marx developed his revolutionary theory in close connection with and to serve the class struggle of the international proletariat. He built the First International and wrote, together with Engels, the Communist Manifesto with its resounding call "workers of all countries, unite!" Marx paid great attention to and summed up the lessons of the Paris Commune of 1871, the first great attempt of the proletariat to seize state power.

He armed the world proletariat with an understanding of its historic mission: seizing political power through revolution and using this power - the dictatorship of the proletariat - to transform social conditions until the very basis for the cleavage of society into different classes is eliminated.

Marx led the struggle against the opportunists in the proletarian movement who sought to confine the struggle of the workers to improving the conditions of wage-slavery without challenging the existence of this slavery itself.

Together, the stand, viewpoint and method of Marx came to be called Marxism, and represents the first great milestone in the development of the ideology of the proletariat.

V.I. Lenin

V.I. Lenin developed Marxism to a whole new stage in the course of leading the proletarian revolutionary movement in Russia and the struggle in the international communist movement against revisionism.

Among many other contributions, Lenin analysed the development of capitalism to its highest and final stage, imperialism. He showed that the world was divided between a handful of imperialist powers and the great majority, the oppressed nations and peoples, and showed that the imperialist powers would be forced to go to war periodically to redivide the world amongst themselves. Lenin described the era in which we live as the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Lenin developed the political party of a new type, the Communist Party, as the proletariat's indispensable tool for leading the revolutionary masses in the seizure of power.

Most importantly, Lenin raised the theory and practice of proletarian revolution to a whole new level as he led the proletariat in seizing and consolidating its political power, its revolutionary dictatorship, for the first time with the victory of the October Revolution in formerly Tsarist Russia in 1917.

Lenin waged a life-and-death struggle against the revisionists of his day within the Second International who had betrayed the proletarian revolution and had called on the workers to defend the interests of their imperialist masters in World War I.

The "guns of October" and Lenin's struggle against revisionism further spread the communist movement throughout the world, uniting the struggles of the oppressed peoples with the world proletarian revolution, and the Third (or Communist) International was formed.

Lenin's all-round and comprehensive development of Marxism represents the second great leap in the development of proletarian ideology.

After Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin defended the proletarian dictatorship against enemies from within as well as from the imperialist invaders during World War II, and carried forward the cause of socialist construction and transformation in the Soviet Union. Stalin fought for the international communist movement to recognise Marxism-Leninism as the second great milestone in the development of the proletarian ideology.

Mao Tsetung

Mao Tsetung developed Marxism-Leninism to a new and higher stage in the course of his many decades of leading the Chinese Revolution, the world-wide struggle against modern revisionism and, most importantly, in finding in theory and practice the method of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to prevent the restoration of capitalism and continue the advance toward communism. Mao Tsetung greatly developed all three component parts of Marxism - philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism.

Mao said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Tsetung comprehensively developed the military science of the proletariat through his theory and practice of People's War. Mao taught that people, not weapons, are decisive in waging war. He pointed out that each class has its own specific forms of war with its specific character, goals and means. He remarked that all military logic can be boiled down to the principle "you fight your way, I'll fight my way", and that the proletariat must forge military strategy and tactics which can bring into play its particular advantages, by unleashing and relying upon the initiative and enthusiasm of the revolutionary masses.

Mao established that the policy of winning base areas and systematically establishing political power was key to unleashing the masses and developing the armed strength of the people and the wavelike expansion of their political power. He insisted on the need to lead the masses in carrying out revolutionary transformations in base areas and to develop these politically, economically and culturally in the service of advancing revolutionary warfare.

Mao taught that the Party should control the gun and the gun must never be allowed to control the Party. The Party must be built as a vehicle capable of initiating and leading revolutionary warfare. He emphasised that the central task of revolution is the seizure of political power by revolutionary violence. Mao Tsetung's theory of People's War is universally applicable in all countries, although this must be applied to the concrete conditions in each country and, in particular, take into account the revolutionary paths in the two general types of countries - imperialist countries and oppressed countries - that exist in the world today.

Mao solved the problem of how to make revolution in a country dominated by imperialism. The basic path he charted for the revolution in China represents an inestimable contribution to the theory and practice of revolution and is the guide for achieving liberation in the countries oppressed by imperialism. This means protracted People's War, surrounding the cities from the countryside, with armed struggle as the main form of struggle and the army led by the Party as the main form of organisation of the masses, mobilising the peasantry, principally the poor peasants, carrying out the agrarian revolution, building a united front under the leadership of the Communist Party to carry out the New Democratic Revolution against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism and establishing the joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes led by the proletariat as the necessary prelude to the socialist revolution which must immediately follow the victory of the first stage of the revolution. Mao put forward the thesis of the "three magic weapons" - the Party, the Army and the United Front - the indispensable instruments for making revolution in every country in accordance with its specific conditions and path of revolution.

Mao Tsetung greatly developed the proletarian philosophy, dialectical materialism. In particular, he stressed that the law of contradiction, the unity and struggle of opposites, is the fundamental law governing nature and society. He pointed out that the unity and identity of all things is temporary and relative, while the struggle between opposites is ceaseless and absolute, and this gives rise to radical ruptures and revolutionary leaps. He masterfully applied this understanding to the analysis of the relationship between theory and practice, stressing that practice is both the sole source and ultimate criterion of the truth and emphasising the leap from theory to revolutionary practice. In so doing Mao further developed the proletarian theory of knowledge. He led in taking philosophy to the masses in their millions, popularising, for example, that "one divides into two" in opposition to the revisionist thesis that "two combines into one".

Mao Tsetung further developed the understanding that the "people and the people alone are the motive force in the making of world history". He developed the understanding of the mass line: "take the ideas of the masses (scattered and unsystematic ideas) and concentrate them (through study turn them into concentrated and systematic ideas), then go to the masses and propagate and explain these ideas until the masses embrace them as their own, hold fast to them and translate them into action, and test the correctness of these ideas in such action". Mao stressed the profound truth that matter can be transformed into consciousness and consciousness into matter, further developing the understanding of the conscious dynamic role of man in every field of human endeavour.

Mao Tsetung led the international struggle against modern revisionism led by the Khrushchevite revisionists. He defended the communist ideological and political line against the modern revisionists and called upon the genuine proletarian revolutionaries to break with them and forge parties based on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles.

Mao Tsetung undertook a penetrating analysis of the lessons of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and the shortcomings as well as the positive achievements of the construction of socialism in that country. While Mao defended the great contributions of Stalin, he also summed up Stalin's errors. He summed up the experience of the socialist revolution in China and the repeated two-line struggles against revisionist headquarters within the Communist Party of China. He masterfully applied materialist dialectics to the analysis of the contradictions of socialist society.

Mao taught that the Party must play the vanguard role - before, during and after the seizure of power - in leading the proletariat in the historic struggle for communism. He developed the understanding of how to preserve the proletarian revolutionary character of the Party through waging an active ideological struggle against bourgeois and petit bourgeois influences in its ranks, the ideological remoulding of the Party members, criticism and self-criticism and waging two-line struggle against opportunist and revisionist lines in the Party. Mao taught that once the proletariat seizes power and the Party becomes the leading force within the socialist state, the contradiction between the Party and the masses becomes a concentrated expression of the contradictions marking socialist society as a transition between capitalism and communism.

Mao Tsetung developed the proletariat's understanding of political economy, of the contradictory and dynamic role of production itself and of its interrelationship with the political and ideological superstructure of society. Mao taught that the system of ownership is decisive in the relations of production but that, under socialism, attention must be paid that public ownership is socialist in content as well as in form. He stressed the interaction between the system of socialist ownership and the other two aspects of the relations of production, the relations between people in production and the system of distribution. Mao developed the Leninist thesis that politics is the concentrated expression of economics, showing that under socialist society the correctness of the ideological and political line determines whether the proletariat actually owns the means of production. Conversely, he pointed out that the rise of revisionism means the rise of the bourgeoisie, that given the contradictory nature of the socialist economic base it would be easy for capitalist roaders to rig up the capitalist system if they come to power.

He profoundly criticised the revisionist theory of the productive forces and concluded that the superstructure, consciousness, can transform the base and with political power develop the productive forces. All this took expression in Mao's slogan, "Grasp Revolution, Promote Production."

Mao Tsetung initiated and led the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which represented a great leap forward in the experience of exercising the dictatorship of the proletariat. Hundreds of millions of people rose up to overthrow the capitalist roaders who had emerged from within the socialist society and who were especially concentrated in the leadership of the Party itself (such as Liu Shao-chi, Lin Piao and Deng Xiao-ping). Mao led the proletariat and masses in challenging the capitalist roaders and imposing the interests, outlook and will of the great majority in every sphere that, even in socialist society, had remained the private reserve of the exploiting classes and their way of thinking.

The great victories won in the Cultural Revolution prevented the capitalist restoration in China for a decade and led to great socialist transformations in the economic base as well as in education, literature and art, scientific research and other parts of the superstructure. Under Mao's leadership the masses dug away at the soil which engenders capitalism - such as bourgeois right and the three great differences between town and country, between worker and peasant, and between mental and manual labour.

In the course of fierce ideological and political struggle, millions of workers and other revolutionary masses greatly deepened their class consciousness and mastery of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and strengthened their capacity to wield political power. The Cultural Revolution was waged as part of the international struggle of the proletariat and was a training ground in proletarian internationalism.

Mao grasped the dialectical relationship between the necessity of revolutionary leadership and the need to arouse and rely on the revolutionary masses from below to implement proletarian dictatorship. In this way, the strengthening of the proletarian dictatorship was also the most extensive and deepest exercise in proletarian democracy yet achieved in the world, and heroic revolutionary leaders came forward such as Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao who stood alongside the masses and led them into battle against the revisionists and who continued to hold high the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the face of bitter defeat.

Lenin said, "Only he is a Marxist who extends the recognition of the class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat." In the light of the invaluable lessons and advances achieved through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution led by Mao Tsetung, this dividing line has been further sharpened. Now it can be stated that only he is a Marxist who extends the recognition of class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat and to the recognition of the objective existence of classes, of antagonistic class contradictions, of the bourgeoisie in the Party and of the continuation of the class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat throughout the whole period of socialism until communism. As Mao so powerfully stated, "Lack of clarity on this question will lead to revisionism."

The capitalist restoration following the 1976 counter-revolutionary coup d'etat led by Hua Kuo-feng and Deng Xiao-ping in no way negates Maoism or the world-historic achievements and tremendous lessons of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; rather this defeat confirms Mao's theses on the nature of socialist society and the need to continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Clearly, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution represents a world-historic epic of revolution, a victorious high point for the world's communists and revolutionaries, an imperishable achievement. Although we have a whole process ahead of us, that revolution left us great lessons we are already applying, such as, for example, the point that ideological transformation is fundamental in order for our class to seize power.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: The Third Great Milestone

In the course of the Chinese revolution Mao had developed Marxism-Leninism in many important fields. But it was in the crucible of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that our ideology took a leap and the third great milestone, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, fully emerged. From the higher plane of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism the revolutionary communists could grasp the teachings of the previous great leaders even more profoundly and indeed even Mao Tsetung's earlier contributions took on deeper significance. Today, without Maoism there can be no Marxism-Leninism. Indeed, to negate Maoism is to negate Marxism-Leninism itself.

Each great milestone in the development of the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat has met with bitter resistance and has only achieved recognition through intense struggle and through its application in revolutionary practice. Today the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement declares that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism must be the commander and guide of the world revolution.

Hundreds of millions of proletarians and oppressed masses of the world are increasingly propelled into struggle against the world imperialist system and all reaction. On the battlefield against the enemy they search for their own flag. Revolutionary communists must wield our universal ideology and spread it among the masses to further unleash them and organise their forces, in order to seize power through revolutionary violence. To accomplish this, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties, united in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, must be formed wherever they do not exist and existing ones must be strengthened in order to prepare, launch and carry through to victory People's War to seize power for the proletariat and the oppressed people. We must uphold, defend and, most importantly, apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

We must step up our struggle for the formation of a Communist International of a new type, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The world proletarian revolution cannot advance to victory without forging such a weapon because, as Mao Tsetung taught, either we all go to communism or none of us go.

Mao Tsetung said, "Marxism consists of thousands of truths, but in the final analysis they all boil down to one: it is right to rebel." The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement takes the rebellion of the masses as its starting point, and calls on the proletariat and revolutionaries the world over to take up Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. This liberating, partisan ideology must be brought home to the proletariat and all the oppressed because it alone can enable the rebellion of the masses to sweep away thousands of years of class exploitation and bring to birth the new world of communism.

Hold High the Great Red Banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

26 December 1993

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Internationalism - Statement PCm Italy against visit of the ministers of the government of Italian imperialism Draghi in Tunisia


diffused in Italy and Tunisia english- french and italian traslation

Statement: the ministers of the government of Italian imperialism Draghi, Di Maio and Lamorgese with blood on their hands again in Tunisia to strengthen anti-migrant policies

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Maio accompanied by the Minister of the Interior Lamorgese will visit Tunisia on 28 December with the aim of renewing Italian pressure on a further repressive strengthening of migration policies in the North African country. As has already happened in the countless bilateral meetings in the last recent months, gifts and funding are announced to strengthen the control of Tunisia's maritime and land borders and will probably ask for the umpteenth time for the creation of detention facilities for migrants similar to the Italian CPRs to ease the pressure on the latter and an attempt will be made to increase the weekly repatriation rate.

Despite Saied's proclamations of principle, post-25 July Tunisia has not changed its anti-migrant policy in the service of the interests of Italian imperialism in particular and of European imperialist countries in general.

The contrast operations of the Tunisian coast guard have multiplied, the expulsions of citizens of the sub-Saharan countries in the desert on the border with Libya and all this has resulted in the multiplication of episodes of racism. Meanwhile, Italy invests in the militarization of its borders with the southern shore of the Mediterranean with the intention of placing missile batteries in Pantelleria and Lampedusa islands, finances the anti-migrant repression not only in Tunisia but also in Libya, while thousands of migrants have died in recent years and continue to die from drowning every day (a recent estimate numbers 5,000 in the last 10 years alone), migrants who manage to arrive safely on Italian coasts are subject to police persecution and illegitimate incarceration in the CPR where often they find death as recently happened to two Tunisians: Wissem Bel Abdel Latif who died in his hospital bed where he was tied up for three days and Ezzdine Anani who committed suicide, yet another, due to the extreme conditions of detention in these centers . Dying at sea in the CPR or being repatriated, this is the fate reserved for migrants from Tunisia by the Italian government!

In recent weeks there have been some protests in Tunis in the city center and in front of the Italian embassy and in other cities of the country, to ask for truth and justice on the death of Wissem Bel Abdel Latif and on the fate of hundreds of disappeared in sea. We welcome these demonstrations of indignation and protest which show how much the next visit of the representatives of the Italian government to Tunisia is undesirable. Di Maio and Lamorgese, Italian government Draghi, murderers!

Tunisian regime accomplice! Down with Italian imperialism and the Tunisian bureaucratic-comprador capital regime at your service! For the free movement of migrants! For all migrant martyrs, you will pay dearly, you will pay for everything! For the unity of the Italian proletarians and the Tunisian popular masses in the name of proletarian internationalism!

PCm - Italy

26 december 2021

Dichiarazione: i ministri del governo dell’imperialismo italiano Draghi, Di Maio e Lamorgese con le mani sporche di sangue nuovamente in Tunisia per rafforzare le politiche anti migranti

Il ministro degli affari esteri italiano Di Maio accompagnato dal ministro dell'interno Lamorgese si reca in visita in Tunisia il prossimo 28 Dicembre con l'obiettivo di rinnovare le pressioni italiane circa un'ulteriore rafforzamento repressivo delle politiche migratorie nel paese nordafricano.

Come già successo negli innumerevoli incontri bilaterali degli scorsi mesi, si annunciarenno doni e finanziamenti per rafforzare il controllo delle frontiere marittime e terrestri della Tunisia e probabilmente si chiederà per l'ennesima volta la creazione di strutture detentive per migranti simili ai CPR italiani per alleggerire la pressione su quest'ultimi e si proverà ad aumentare la quota settimanale di rimpatri.

La Tunisia post- 25 luglio a guida Saied nonostante i proclami di principio di quest'ultimo, non ha modificato la propria politica anti-migranti al servizio degli interessi dell'imperialismo italiano in particolare e dei paesi imperialisti europei in generale.

Si sono moltiplicate le operazioni di contrasto della guardia costiera tunisina, le espulsioni di cittadini dei paesi subsahariani in pieno deserto ai confini con la Libia e tutto ciò ha avuto come conseguenza il moltiplicarsi degli episodi di razzismo.

Intanto l'Italia investe nella militarizzazione delle proprie frontiere con la sponda sud del Mediterraneo con l'intenzione di piazzare batterie missilistiche a Pantelleria e Lampedusa, finanzia la repressione anti-migranti non solo in Tunisia ma anche in Libia, mentre migliaia di migranti sono morti negli ultimi anni e continuano a morire annegati ogni giorno (una recente stima enumera a 5.000 solo negli ultimi 10 anni), i migranti che ce la fanno ad arrivare sani e salvi sulle coste italiane sono oggetto di persecuzione poliziesca e incarcerazione illegittima nei CPR dove spesso trovano la morte com'è successo recentemente a due tunisini: Wissem Bel Abdel Latif morto nel suo letto d'ospedale dove era stato legato per tre giorni e Ezzdine Anani morto suicida, l'ennesimo, a causa delle estreme condizioni di detenzione in questi centri.

Morire in mare nei CPR o essere rimpatriati, questo è il destino riservato ai migranti dalla Tunisia da parte del governo italiano!

Nelle ultime settimane vi sono state alcune manifestazioni di protesta a Tunisi in centro città e davanti la sede dell'ambasciata italiana e in altre città del paese, per chiedere verità e giustizia sulla morte di Wissem Bel Abdel Latif e sulla sorte di centinaia di scomparsi in mare.

Salutiamo tali manifestazioni di sdegno e protesta che mostrano quanto la prossima visita dei rappresentanti del governo italiano in Tunisia sia indesiderata.

Di Maio e Lamorgese, governo italiano Draghi, assassini!

Regime tunisino complice!

Abbasso l'imperialismo italiano ed il regime capitaliustico burocratico-compradore tunisino al suo servizio!

Per la libera circolazione dei migranti!

Per tutti i martiri migranti, pagherete caro, pagherete tutto!

Per l’unità dei proletari italiani e masse popolari tunisine in nome dell’internazionalismo proletario!

PCm Italia

26 dicembre 2021

Déclaration : les ministres du gouvernement de l'impérialisme italien Draghi, Di Maio et Lamorgese avec le sang sur les mains de nouveau en Tunisie pour renforcer les politiques anti-migrants

Le ministre italien des Affaires étrangères Di Maio accompagné du ministre de l'Intérieur Lamorgese se rendra en Tunisie le 28 décembre dans le but de renouveler la pression italienne sur un nouveau renforcement répressif des politiques migratoires dans ce pays d'Afrique du Nord.

Comme cela s'est déjà produit lors des innombrables rencontres bilatérales de ces derniers mois, des dons et des financements seront annoncés pour renforcer le contrôle des frontières maritimes et terrestres de la Tunisie et demanderont probablement pour la énième fois la création de centres de rétention pour migrants similaires aux CPR italiens pour alléger la pression sur ces derniers et une tentative sera faite pour augmenter le taux de rapatriement hebdomadaire.

Malgré les proclamations de principe de Saied, la Tunisie de l'après 25 juillet n'a pas changé sa politique anti-migrants au service des intérêts de l'impérialisme italien en particulier et des pays impérialistes européens en général.

Les opérations contrastées des garde-côtes tunisiens se sont multipliées, les expulsions de citoyens des pays subsahariens dans le désert à la frontière avec la Libye et tout cela a entraîné la multiplication des épisodes de racisme.

Pendant ce temps, l'Italie investit dans la militarisation de ses frontières avec la rive sud de la Méditerranée avec l'intention de placer des batteries de missiles à Pantelleria et Lampedusa, finance la répression anti-migrants non seulement en Tunisie mais aussi en Libye, tandis que des milliers de migrants sont morts ces dernières années et continuent de mourir de noyade chaque jour (une estimation récente est de 5 000 au cours des 10 dernières années seulement), les migrants qui parviennent à arriver en toute sécurité sur les côtes italiennes sont soumis à des persécutions policières et à des incarcérations illégitimes dans le CPR où ils trouvent souvent la mort comme cela est arrivé récemment à deux Tunisiens : Wissem Bel Abdel Latif qui est décédé dans son lit d'hôpital où il a été ligoté pendant trois jours et Ezzdine Anani qui s'est suicidé, un énième encore, en raison des conditions extrêmes de détention dans ces centres.

Mourir en mer, dans le CPR ou être rapatrié, c'est le sort réservé aux migrants de Tunisie par le gouvernement italien !

Ces dernières semaines, il y a eu quelques manifestations à Tunis dans le centre-ville et devant l'ambassade d'Italie et dans d'autres villes du pays, pour demander vérité et justice sur la mort de Wissem Bel Abdel Latif et sur le sort de centaines de disparu en mer.

Nous nous félicitons de ces manifestations d'indignation et de protestation qui montrent combien la prochaine visite des représentants du gouvernement italien en Tunisie est indésirable.

Di Maio et Lamorgese, gouvernement italien Draghi, assassins !

Régime tunisien complice !

A bas l'impérialisme italien et le régime capitaliste bureaucratique-comprador tunisien à leur service !

Pour la libre circulation des migrants !

Pour tous les migrants martyrs, vous paierez cher, vous paierez tout !

Pour l'unité des prolétaires italiens et des masses populaires tunisiennes au nom de l'internationalisme prolétarien !

PCm Italie

26 dicembre 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021

Internationalism - Tunisia - Joint Declaration Italy/Tunisia - Contre l’ingérence impérialiste en Tunisie

 french e italy  traslation

Contre l’ingérence impérialiste en Tunisie

Les réactionnaires de tout bord en Tunisie sont d’accord comme d’habitude sur les bienfaits de l’ingérence impérialiste en Tunisie maintenant ils veulent que les impérialistes viennent à leur aide après avoir subi un coup dur quand les opprimés se sont une fois encore révoltés dans plusieurs villes à travers le pays.

Les intégristes obscurantistes et les libéraux; valets de l’impérialisme demandent à leurs maitres américains et européens d'intervenir vite en Tunisie et ceci après le soulèvement populaire du 25 juillet 2021, et les décisions prises par le président Kaïs Saïed tels que le gel du parlement le levé de l'immunité de ses députés et le limogeage du gouvernement de Hichem Méchichi, qui était à la solde de l’impérialisme et la réaction.

Les impérialistes ont répondu en intensifiant leurs pressions sur le président Tunisien en ce sens pour qu’il fasse marche arrière en revenant sur ses décisions et faire volte face au peuple surtout que le régime tunisien est encore sous leur contrôle. Les forces populaires révolutionnaires, progressistes et patriotiques, ainsi que la majorité du peuple tunisien, s'opposent à toute forme d'ingérence étrangère même si elles ont besoin d'une plus grande unité d'action pour contrer plus efficacement les plans de la l'impérialisme qui visent la restaurauration du parlement avec les forces anciennes qui le composent jusqu'à une éventuelle agression impérialiste .

À cet égard les partis et organisations signataires de cette déclaration expriment ce qui suit:

Premièrement : nous dénonçons fermement l’ingérence des impérialistes en Tunisie qui vise le maintient du pays dans un état semi-colonial et parmi plusieurs autre buts de faire du pays un serviteur de leurs intérêts en gardant leurs frontières maritimes contre les proletaires migrants comme c’est le cas pour les impérialistes Françaix et Italiens, tout en continuant à exporter des capitaux vers le pays en le contrôlant économiquement et en contribuant au chantage permanent de la dette financière.

Deuxièmement : nous appelons toutes les forces révolutionnaires, progressistes et patriotiques en Tunisie à lutter activement contre cette ingérence impérialiste et ses agents opérant à l'intérieur des frontières nationales et à l'étranger

Troisièmement : Nous appelons les forces révolutionnaires et progressistes du monde à soutenir la lutte héroïque du peuple tunisien pour l’indépendance nationale et le socialisme en signant et en faisant circuler cet appel.

Parti Communiste maoiste - Italie.

Parti Kadéhines - Tunisie. 03 novembre 2021

Contro l'ingerenza imperialista in Tunisia

I reazionari di tutti i tipi in Tunisia concordano come al solito sui benefici dell'ingerenza imperialista in Tunisia, ora vogliono che gli imperialisti vengano in loro aiuto dopo aver subito un duro colpo quando gli oppressi si sono ribellati ancora una volta in diverse città del paese.

I fondamentalisti oscurantisti e i liberali, servi dell'imperialismo, chiedono ai loro padroni americani ed europei di intervenire rapidamente in Tunisia e questo dopo la rivolta popolare del 25 luglio 2021 e le decisioni prese dal presidente Kaïs Saïed come il congelamento del parlamento, la revoca dell'immunità dei suoi deputati e il licenziamento del governo di Hichem Méchichi, al soldo dell'imperialismo e della reazione.

Gli imperialisti hanno risposto intensificando la pressione sul presidente tunisino affinché invertisse le sue decisioni e facesse un voltafaccia al popolo, soprattutto perché il regime tunisino è ancora sotto il loro controllo.

Le forze popolari rivoluzionarie, progressiste e patriottiche, così come la maggioranza del popolo tunisino, si oppongono a qualsiasi forma di ingerenza straniera anche se necessitano di una maggiore unità d'azione per contrastare più efficacemente i piani dell'imperialismo che mirano a restaurare il parlamento con le vecchie forze che lo compongono fino a una possibile aggressione imperialista.

Al riguardo, le parti e le organizzazioni che hanno sottoscritto la presente dichiarazione esprimono quanto segue:

Primo: denunciamo con forza l'ingerenza degli imperialisti in Tunisia che mira a mantenere il paese in uno stato semicoloniale e, tra gli altri, a rendere il paese un servo dei loro interessi "proteggendo" i loro confini marittimi dai proletari migranti come nel caso degli imperialisti francesi e italiani, che continuando ad esportare capitali nel Paese e controllandolo economicamente, contribuiscono al ricatto permanente del debito finanziario.

Secondo: facciamo appello a tutte le forze rivoluzionarie, progressiste e patriottiche in Tunisia affinché combattano attivamente contro questa ingerenza imperialista e i suoi agenti che operano all'interno dei confini nazionali e all'estero.

Terzo: chiediamo alle forze rivoluzionarie e progressiste del mondo di sostenere l'eroica lotta del popolo tunisino per l'indipendenza nazionale e il socialismo firmando e facendo circolare questo appello.

Partito Comunista maoista - Italia.

Partito degli Elkadehines* - Tunisia 03 novembre 2021

* in arabo (lavoratori più sfruttati/i più sfruttati)

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

INDIA: Intensify the movement of International Solidarity for the release of Political Prisoners! CPI(MAOIST) Central Committee

ICSPWI announces International Meeting 29/30 january 2022 in North Italy



Central Committee 

Press Release 

16 December, 2021 

Intensify the movement of International Solidarity for the release of Political Prisoners!

Condemn severely the draconian Acts of the Indian state!

 Raise voice and fight for the withdrawal of Bhima Koregaon case! 

Dear friends and comrades of Indian Revolution! We convey our gratitude and revolutionary greetings to the ongoing commendable movement and effort for the past more than 8 years in solidarity at the international plane for the release of political prisoners languishing in Indian jails. In conditions of intensifying imperialist financial, economic and political crisis, there is a rise in fascist attacks on the revolutionary people, leaders and activists of revolutionary, democratic, secular, patriotic, antiimperialist national movements. The Central Committee of our Party appeals to international friends and comrades of Indian Revolutionary movement, especially the organisation for solidarity to Indian People’s War to severely condemn the same and to fight in a much stronger manner for the release of the questioning voices imprisoned on several false accusations. 

You have been building up the movement in solidarity for the past few years for the unconditional release of the leader of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) Comrade Professor Saibaba, intellectual Professor Anand Teltumbde, Revolutionary Writer Comrade Varavara Rao and other activists falsely implicated in Bhima Koregaon case. You are aware that Father Stan Swamy one of the accused in the infamous case said to be ‘BK-16’ was murdered by the Hindutwa state on 5th July by depriving medical facilities. Comrade Milind Teltumbde, a member of our Central Committee laid down his warm blood for the sake of New Democratic Revolution of the country heroically fighting with the police in an encounter in Gadchiroli of Maharashtra on 13th November along with 26 other guerilla comrades. Comrade Milind was alleged to be the main person in the destruction in Bhima Koregaon and murder of Modi. The allegation was in the interests of Hindutwa rulers and to protect the evil fascists. The Hindutwa rulers are conspiring to murder the rest of the comrades too in the same manner. It is our responsibility to protect all of them. All of them are relentlessly fighting for democracy for the oppressed people of social communities such as the people of Dalit, tribal, religious minorities and women. Our Party appeals to put up firm fight to protect them from the conspiracies of the fascists by intensifying the people’s movement for their release.