Thursday, February 27, 2025

Le regime Zelenskj au service de l'imperialisme et de la repression antiproletaire et anticommuniste


Le 28 janvier, le Service de sécurité d’Ukraine (SBU) a arrêté cinq militants marxistes-léninistes du Front des Travailleurs d’Ukraine ( FRU ). Ils ont été interpellés sous le motif de: possession de matériaux communistes, possession de « littérature communiste illégale » (selon la loi), dont des documents de la Fondation Rosa Luxemburg (proche de Die Linke et du Parti de la Gauche Européenne), appel à la résistance contre la conscription de la jeunesse ukrainienne et pour la fin de la guerre. En vertu de la loi qui interdit la propagande contre la guerre en Ukraine, ils risquent jusqu’à 15 ans de prison. Le Parti Communiste d’Ukraine est interdit depuis décembre 2015, ses dirigeants sont en exil ou en prison.

documents for new India international campaign 1


On the Frontlines of Revolution: An Exclusive Interview with the Communist Party of India (Maoist)

  Today’s people’s war in India is recognized as one of the most advanced revolutionary struggles in the world. Dubbed India’s biggest internal security threat by the Indian state, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is a leading force combating the privatization of natural resources, exploitation of labor, and the promotion of Modi’s Hindutva agenda.

In an exclusive interview, we spoke with the party spokesperson Amrut, Central Committee Member and Head of International Affairs of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) about the unique conditions in India, the efforts to build a new society within guerrilla zones, and their perspectives on pressing questions facing the global left, including the character of China and the rise of new imperialist powers.

How long has the CPI (Maoist) been engaged in the people’s war in India, and what stage is this conflict currently at?

This is the fundamental question of the Indian revolution. To answer this, allow me to go back five decades in history. The history of people’s war in India is deeply rooted in the resounding period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) of the ’60s, which was well known as a turbulent decade. It was the time when the two outstanding and front-ranking leaders of our streams—Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee —emerged on the scene in the course of applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) to the concrete conditions of India and by fighting, exposing, and breaking from the age-old revisionism of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the neo-revisionism of the CPI (Marxist) brand.

The great Naxalbari revolt led by Comrade Charu Mazumdar in May 1967, was at the time hailed as the “Spring Thunder over India” by the Communist Party of China (CPC), proved to be the clarion call for revolutionaries. Under the revolutionary leadership of comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee, thousands of cadres broke away from the neo-revisionist CPI (M) and joined hands with them. Comrade Charu Mazumdar formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee formed the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). These two great Marxist teachers conducted a class analysis of Indian society and laid down the political strategy for the Indian New Democratic Revolution.

The political strategy of our party is armed agrarian revolution and the seizure of area-wide political power. The military strategy of our party is protracted people’s war (PPW). According to this strategy, we make the countryside our base areas, where the enemy is relatively weak, and then gradually encircle and capture the cities, which are the bastions of the enemy forces.

According to comrade Mao’s theory of PPW, there are three stages to capturing state power. At present, the Indian revolution is in the stage of “Strategic Defensive.”

The Indian state has been attempting to eliminate the CPI (Maoist) for decades, particularly through Operation Green Hunt. What is the current status of this military operation?

We must recognize that before the commencement of Operation Green Hunt, the Indian revolutionary movement had already faced severe repression and suppression campaigns in past decades. Our erstwhile parties, CPI(ML)(PW) and MCCI, faced fascist repression by the reactionary Indian state since the outbreak of the Great Naxalbari Armed Peasant Uprising. The first counterinsurgency campaign, “Operation Steeplechase,” began in the 1970s, and various repression campaigns were carried out by central and state governments in the ’80s and ’90s. With the merger of two revolutionary streams, our new Party, CPI (Maoist), was formed in 2004. Since then, the Indian State has declared it the single biggest internal security threat. From that time, the Indian State has been undertaking protracted counterinsurgency campaigns such as Salwa Judum, Sendra, Operation Green Hunt, Operation SAMADHAN, and in the beginning of 2024, the Indian State began a new military offensive campaign named “Operation Kagaar” (Final War), which is part of the reactionary Surajkund strategic counter-offensive operation plan. All these campaigns are part and parcel of the Low-Intensity Conflict, which is the strategy of US imperialists to crush worldwide people’s movements. More than 15,000 comrades of all ranks and files of our party and the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), including revolutionary mass organizations and revolutionary people, have laid down their lives until now in the incessant killings by the police and in retaliating against fascist repression campaigns.

In the multi-polar world order, social-imperialist China is putting in immense effort to replace the dominant imperialist financial systems like the World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund, with its own financial institutions.

Amrut – CPI(Maoist) Spokesperson

Toulouse : Manifestation contre la dissolution du Collectif Palestine Vaincra


Suite à l’annonce de la dissolution du Collectif Palestine Vaincra (voir notre article) et la nouvelle manœuvre juridique pour prolonger la détention de Georges Abdallah , plusieurs organisations appellent à manifester ce samedi 1er mars à 11H au départ du métro Jean Jaurès à Toulouse.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

République Démocratique du Congo: Révolte estudiantine réprimée dans le sang - info

 lundi 24 février, l’Institut Supérieur de Techniques appliquées (ISTA) de Kinshasa a été le théâtre d’un drame. Trois étudiant·es ont été blessé.es par les forces de sécurité lors d’une manifestation contre l’augmentation des frais académiques. Le coût des études et la facturation en dollars américains alourdissent les dépenses des familles. Ce lundi, la colère a explosé dans la rue, la répression a été brutale. Les forces de l’ordre ont lancé des gaz lacrymogènes, donné des coups de matraque et finalement tiré à balles réelles. Les trois é blessé.es ont été en charge dans un hôpital à Barumbu au nord de Kinshasa, on ignore le nombre d’arrestation. 

Luita de classes mundial- galizavermelha - for debate


Luita de classes mundial

Luita de classes mundial

1. Oriente próximo e o colonialismo da OTAN

Introduçom: Israel é um aparelho colonizador dos Estados Unidos e dos seus aliados da OTAN.

Se em algumha parte do mundo topamos com um processo de colonizaçom clássico esse lugar é Palestina. Na Palestina existe o enfrentamento entre os colonizadores (os israelenses) e os indígenas (a populaçom palestiniana) igual que os dos séculos passados. A expulsom dos indígenas das suas terras e vivendas que som ocupadas por colonos, a descriminaçom legal dos indígenas, o apartheid, a criaçom de “reservas” (Batustans) para indígenas, a limpeza étnica (desterro) e o genocídio, som todas práticas que caracterizam o colonialismo.

Definições de Privacidade

Como sabemos o colonialismo é um processo de substituiçom da populaçom autóctone por colonos, umhas pessoas de famílias de origem europeia (ainda que em alguns casos estas famílias levem décadas na América).

Umha vez que entendemos isto, fica claro que Palestina é a maior colônia existente na atualidade (ainda que nom é a única). Tamém fica claro que a única postura justa sobre Israel é exigir a total descolonizaçom da Palestina e a substituiçom do Estado de Israel por um estado palestiniano independente.

Outra cousa que demonstra o presente histórico da Palestina é que Galiza e os demais povos da Europa que sofrem opressom nacional nom som umha colônia. Simplesmente nom existem colônias na Europa. O que existe na Europa som países do centro imperialista que sofrem opressom nacional, mas isto é algo muito diferente de ser umha colônia.

Realmente tanto o sionismo “judaico”, igual que o sionismo “cristiano” de algumhas igrejas evangélicas, o fascismo (tanto cristiano, como pagano, como o admirador do nazismo, ou o fascismo indutva) e o salafismo takfiri, som todos eles instrumentos das potências imperialistas, dos estados burgueses do centro imperialista e em certos casos de algumhas potências regionais de países atrasados como a Índia, Arabia Saudita, Qatar, etc, etc. Nom se trata de guerras religiosas de ningum tipo. Aqui a religiom e o nacionalismo som os instrumentos da burguesia. A CIA e outros serviços terroristas de espionagem criam, armam e utilizam estas pessoas como mercenários e terroristas, para desta maneira conseguir os seus objetivos políticos. O sionismo e o salafismo em Oriente Próximo servem ao seu amo, a burguesia dos Estados Unidos. Naturalmente todos os serviços de espionagem dos países do centro imperialista tentam imitar a CIA e utilizar estas organizaçons terroristas.

Estes últimos anos assistimos a dous fenómenos importantes. O primeiro é o descrédito dos meios de comunicaçom da burguesia do centro imperialista. O segundo fenômeno é o acesso a informaçons de meios de comunicaçom libaneses, palestinos, iemenitas e dos jornalistas palestinos de Gaza, etc. O proletariado mais avançado da Europa, de América e do mundo, busca informaçom para poder tomar umha postura justa sobre a situaçom dos países que sofrem o colonialismo, os ataques dos grupos internacionais de salafistas takfiris, as mobilizaçons contra os governos fantoches das semi-colónias em África, a guerra da Ucrânia, as guerras populares, etc. Frente a este fenómeno notável os estados burgueses da Europa buscam formas de censurar as vias de comunicaçom dos povos oprimidos, dos movimentos revolucionários e tamém dos seus competidores russos.

Depois de entender tudo isto, podemos estudar mais particularmente o que está a passar em oriente próximo na Palestina, no Líbano, na Síria e no Iêmen.


A situaçom de Palestina é realmente dramática. O valente povo palestino leva polo menos desde 1948 sendo vítima de um processo de colonizaçom genocida sionista, mas já antes desta data sufriam o colonialismo británico.

DKU: Neither Denmark nor the USA, Greenland belongs to the Greenlandic people!

naoistroad support all declarations and antimperialist actions in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden about antiNATO/antiTrump USA/anti imperialism State in this countries  - for debate and common actions!

DKU: Neither Denmark nor the USA, Greenland belongs to the Greenlandic people!

Per request, we are republishing a statement from our comrades in Denmark’s Communist Youth (DKU). The statement was originally published on Proletarian Perspectives.

As a result of the US election, we now see how the imperialists in both Denmark and the US are falling over themselves to assure us who can best rule Greenland. The Danish bourgeoisie, represented by their politicians, are now putting forward one reactionary and racist viewpoint after another. What they all have in common is that they believe they can speak for the people of Greenland, even though at the same time they promote racist illusions about the people of Greenland. The Danish Democrats’ Inger Støjberg refers to them as “the young person who has moved away from home, who still gets his clothes washed at home” and the Danish People’s Party’s Alex Ahrendtsen says that “Denmark has as much right to Greenland as the Greenlanders themselves”. The so-called “self-government arrangements” that Denmark prides itself on are nothing more than a colonialist lie. The Danish state supports the Greenlandic state with DKK 5,700,000,000,000 a year just to keep Greenland in a permanent state of dependency. Through economic dependence and military presence, Denmark maintains an iron grip on Greenland, all while portraying their exploitation as “charity.” This is the same colonialist strategy that imperialists have always used – to disguise oppression as care. This hypocrisy is unlikely to change whether it is Danish kroner or US dollars that secures dependency of Greenland.

Throughout, the angle politicians and the press take is “What the Danes think about the Danish Realm”, whether it should be preserved or whether we are fine with Greenland getting a new ruler. In this way, they undermine the whole issue of Greenlanders’ own point of view and only reinforce the arrogant and colonialist idea that Greenland’s independence is a matter for Denmark and the Danes to decide. At the same time, the Greenlandic self-government is extremely wavering on this issue, not rooting for the idea of an independent and free Greenland, but trying to maintain close relations with Denmark.

Whether it is the US or Denmark, the result is the same, the continued plundering of the Greenlandic workers’ surplus value for the benefit of the Danish and international monopoly capitalists, and their natural resources subject to the monopolies, and not to serve Greenlandic independence. Furthermore, Greenland’s geographical location remains important to Denmark, the United States, and NATO in their attempts to secure position against Russia and China in the North Atlantic. The competition between the imperialists becomes a bargaining chip that most likely becomes the most important in the negotiations between Denmark and the US, thus subjecting the people of Greenland to the increasing and more direct confrontation between the imperialists.

In 1917, Denmark sold the so-called West Indies to the US, these islands where Denmark committed numerous crimes against the enslaved population. There is now the possibility that Denmark’s colonies will again change hands, and the numerous crimes Denmark has committed against the Greenlandic people will be forgotten and the country treated only as a business commodity. In this situation we see how critical the lack of a communist party in Greenland, Denmark and the US is. The Greenlandic workers are defenseless against the imperialists’ plans.

The Communist Youth of Denmark stands firm: Greenland belongs to the Greenlandic masses!

We strongly condemn Danish colonialism and American imperialism. Greenland’s future must not be determined by imperialists, but by the Greenlandic people themselves.

Build the communist party in Greenland, Denmark and the USA! Down with Danish and American imperialism!

No to chauvinism and racism against the Greenlandic people!


Let the Greenlandic people decide!

By Espen S.

Over the past week, Greenland has been high on the global agenda after Donald Trump threatened to annex the island — with military force if necessary.

The elections in Germany - for debate


these elections have been marked by the failure of the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, of the so-called “Traffic Light Coalition”, made up of partners as disparate as the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the FDP (the “liberals”). A coalition eroded from within by internal disagreements, in which the junior partner of the government (FDP) acted as opposition, seeking its own profile to survive politically as a partner of a new CDU-CSU government.


The basis of this political crisis, not only of the government but of the other parties and institutions, in a word of the German imperialist state, is the recurring economic crisis of the last 10 years. But in particular, in the case of the government of Chancellor Scholz, still in office until the new government is formed, the stagnation of the economy with a supply barely above “0” has already lasted for 2 consecutive years. Naturally, the cause is the most advanced parasitism or imperialist decomposition, expressed in the fact that Germany is the third economic power in the world, with a growing export of capital in the midst of the internal crisis to exploit the whole world in search of imperialist super-profits, in collusion and conflict with the other imperialists. It is a fact that the deepest cause is not the high energy prices, taxes and too much regulation and bureaucracy for companies. The above will be true for medium-sized companies and below that are also affected by the relocation of the plants of the large monopolistic companies; The reason for the decline of the economy in the country is that German financial capital is invested in China or in the most advanced sectors such as AI in the USA, associated with Yankee financial capital (participation system). The most labor-intensive, least competitive and least productive industries go to the semi-colonies of Eastern Europe, Brazil, Mexico. All of which is done with the impetus of the economic policy of the State and its government in power. Do not forget that it is state monopoly capitalism.


As Marx teaches, in the event of an economic crisis, losses are inevitable for the capitalist class as a whole. But how much of this does each capitalist have to bear? This is decided by strength and cunning; at this point, competition becomes a fight between enemy brothers. From this moment on, the antagonism between the interest of each individual capitalist and that of the capitalist class as a whole prevails.The antagonism in the economy is reflected in the political superstructure. Collusion and struggle become more acute. The interests of an imperialist faction and of the groups within it are expressed in the struggle between the government and the opposition, and within the government and the opposition itself, between the various parties that make it up. We are faced with what is known as the phenomenon of “political polarization”; the antagonism between the interests of each faction, of each group, of each party and even of their representatives prevails. We have seen the display of strength and cunning by Olaf Scholz and Habeck and the blatant lies of Linder, each trying to hide their true performance in the predicted end of the “Coalition.”


This weak and dissimilar government was not in a position to offer a “stable government” and the next one – as has been announced for some time, before December 6, 2024 – will not be a stable government either, nor will the one that follows it. The government of Chancellor Scholz, who is still in office, like the governments that will follow it, must act in the midst of the sharpening of all contradictions. We list: the contradiction with the sole hegemonic superpower, Yankee imperialism, with the other imperialist powers, especially Russia, and within the imperialist alliance of the EU itself; the sharpening of the main contradiction, imperialist countries-oppressed nations; contradictions that drive the development of the bourgeoisie-proletariat contradiction in the country itself.


In relation to the previous paragraph, we refer as an example to the economic sanctions imposed by Yankee imperialism against Russian imperialism, followed by the European Union (EU), which affects Germany and other EU members and produces the rise in prices for energy and transport, which directly affects the homes of the vast majority of the population and raises prices (inflation). Imperialist war against Ukraine, consequence: hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine in Germany and other EU countries; 2011, war of aggression against Syria and increase of hundreds of thousands of refugees in Germany from 2014; the current war of Yankee imperialism and the Zionist State against Palestine, Lebanon, Jemen and other oppressed nations of the MoA: a great wave of solidarity from millions of people in the country and the world, rejection, condemnation and greater discrediting of the governments of the imperialist countries for the political, economic and military support of their governments to the imperialist-Zionist genocidal action.


War of Russian imperialism against the Ukrainian nation (main contradiction) and inter-imperialist contradiction; that is, Yankee imperialism and the imperialist forces under NATO command against the Russian atomic power. It is true that the imperialists provide the bullets and we provide the dead, as Chairman Gonzalo said in relation to Afghanistan and other wars of imperialist aggression or representation against the oppressed nations for the spoils, which are the oppressed nations.In the case of Ukraine, the two contradictions overlap, without ceasing to be, the contradiction of the oppressed nation Ukraine against the war of aggression of Russian imperialism, the main contradiction among the two contradictions; the other is secondary. All of the above, plus the acts of Islamist terrorism and some hateful actions by extremists against Muslim migrants, such as the public burning of copies of the Koran, have aggravated the “security problems” in the EU and Germany.


In short: the growing discontent of the working class and the majority of the population against the government headed by this imperialist bourgeois state led by the financial oligarchy.


On migration (illegal migration) and “internal security problems”: domination through the policy of “divide and rule”


Therefore, the various parties, not only the ultras of the AfD, have agitated against migration (illegal migration) and “internal security problems” in the election campaign that culminated in the vote on February 23, 2025, in order to divert attention from the real problems faced by the oppressed in this country.


On this issue, with only minor differences, the reactionaries’ plans and propaganda are aimed at contrasting the interests of the German workers and population with those of workers and people of foreign origin, in order to poison the consciousness of the great oppressed masses with distrust and hatred of this part of the population because of their origin, under the cover of the fight against “illegal migration” and “internal security problems”, taking advantage of individual “Islamist” acts of terror, etc. This propaganda against migrants is not only from the AfD extremists and neo-Nazi groups, but from other parties as well.


The working class needs unity, not division. Its worst enemy is the savage prejudices and superstitions that its enemies sow in the masses. Hatred and distrust of foreigners is a double-edged sword. One edge is directed against the "foreigners" and the other against the German people. That is why the working class must protest with the greatest energy against these plans and reactionary propaganda, as Lenin taught us. As he himself said, they try to make the foreigner the scapegoat for their own sins, we are referring to oppression and imperialist wars of aggression against oppressed countries.


Class solidarity among workers in Germany without any kind of prejudice and solidarity with the struggle of oppressed nations "is not a question of abstract justice or human sympathy, but the first condition of their own social emancipation."


Therefore, it is necessary to refer to "the problem of security." A German academic from the Royal College of London was asked a few days ago on the MOMA (ARD) TV programme how these young Islamists become radicalised to the point of committing these acts of terror. He replied that it was through Islamist platforms that incite people to take revenge for acts committed by the infidels in their countries, such as in Gaza, etc. So, what can we deduce? That this security specialist, despite the careful formulation of his answer, so as not to go against imperialism, for some reason he works at RCL, wanted to say that the ultimate cause of this radicalisation and individual acts of terror would be the imperialist wars that are taking place in the Greater Middle East, we add, especially since 1990 to date.


This means, as has been said many times, by friends and strangers, if there were no oppression, exploitation, misery and imperialist war against the oppressed countries, there would not be this “radicalisation” to commit acts of Islamist terror. Thus, the ultimate cause of these “Islamists” would not be their backward religious ideology, and there would not be the radicalization of some individuals against “internal security” in these countries, there would not be imperialist genocide against the oppressed peoples. And without the imperialist wars of plunder there would not be an increasing increase in migration from these oppressed countries to the imperialist countries.


On the subject of individual acts of terror, we take Marx who said that no English worker would agree to be blown up in London by a bomb from the Irish Fenians, that these acts did not serve to win the sympathy of the English workers for the cause of Irish independence. “The Fenian rising took place early in 1867. Marx had been most active in promoting an agitation among the English workingmen in favour of the imprisoned Fenians, and wrote with passionate indignation of English hypocrisy in refusing to treat them as political prisoners, but he realised the limitations of the movement and disapproved of its terroristic displays (Note to Letter 102. FROM MARX TO ENGELS. London, 30 November 1867).





The AfD celebrated its “great success”. It proposes a coalition with the CDU-CSU, because that is how it was voted.


Merz said that they had won the election. But with less than 30% of the votes cast, that is, a bad starting point for a “stable coalition government”. He is, according to him, in favour of a pragmatic energy policy, economic growth and NATO.


Migration is portrayed as “illegal immigration”, “an internal security problem” and an economic problem. Chauvinists, jingoists…


Olaf Scholz acknowledged his defeat and with it his failure as Chancellor. He congratulated Merz, spoke for the democrats and acknowledged his failure against the ultras, and called for continuing to fight against them. Ukraine, as a supporter and against the extension of the war, was grateful that the party stood firm, closed ranks with its government,


Commentator, it is a historic fall in its entire history (of the SPD).


BSW, the social chauvinists, a party that is not in parliament has no significance, words of Sara Wagenkenett herself. And they have been left out of parliament.


TV moderator: Merz “clear winner”, AfD celebrates, “Left” (die Linke) claims great success with less than 9% of total votes cast, SPD worst historical defeat.

But the moderator said that Merz's future as chancellor was not clear, he is below the 30% he aspired to for a “stable coalition” with his preferred partner the FDP.


Merz talks of political change, but how is he obliged to partner with the SPD to govern. The prediction of Gabriel, Merkel's former foreign minister, that the next government and therefore the one that follows will not be stable is being fulfilled.


The CSU is ruling out the Greens, because the voters have voted for a political change and that cannot be done with the Greens, we are waiting for the results.


For the first time an ultra party like AfD is the second force, that is to say a party different from the CDU-CSU and SPD.


Merz had hoped for a victory (more than 30%), in the course of the night it will not be enough for a majority with a stable government, we know, he does not have his own majority, the formation of a stable majority is an open problem.


Scholz bitter result.


Merz insists that he is the clear winner, “we wanted a coalition with one partner but if the voters decide otherwise it will be with two.” In addition, his preferred party, the FDP, did not enter parliament.


Moderator, it is not a stunning result, it needs at least two partners. What changed after 10 pm when it became certain that BSW would be out of parliament.


Weidel, the voters have voted for a blue (CDU) and black (AfD) government. They must explain to the voters how they are going to deal with the Greens. If they go with the SPD and the Greens they will not be a stable government and in two or three years they will be overtaken by us, that is my prophecy.


The CSU is putting the emphasis on anti-AfD politics and on the fact that they do not want to be vassals of Moscow (Sölder.), thereby extending a helping hand to the future, i.e. the path to normalisation of the ultras. They are not attacking them for being “right-wing ultras”, as is the official line.


Habeck is ready for talks. He spoke of normalisation of the AfD, we do not know what that means for him, whether it is because of the 20% result or because of the speech.


Liedner says, a heavy fall for the FDP.


MRZ: The situation is more difficult than we had imagined. I hope to form a coalition by Easter.


They speak of a clear mandate from the electors that the results do not authorise.


Merz is going to do the same as the failed coalition, which is why there will be new elections, says Weidel.


Merz: “This party only exists because there are unsolved problems in Germany and if they are solved they will disappear. What we translate is, “if the Merz government adopts their programme, they cannot radicalise any further.” This is the same discourse as the CDU government of the time in the early 1990s, with the “neo-Nazi” terrorist attacks against foreigners, which it used to cut back on asylum rights. What was done in the past with terrorism is now done by the AfD to cut back on rights, that is, the reactionary state and law through low-intensity warfare.


Merz: As for Trump and Putin, for me it is an absolute priority to strengthen Europe and be independent of the US. For the US, Europe is of no concern, we have no illusions about what comes from Washington, intervention in the internal politics of Washington and Moscow.

In a word, they complain about Germany’s (Europe’s) dependence on US imperialism and that it treats them as vassals (as Putin said). We say: three worlds are being outlined (Chairman Mao). Lenin: “The Russian army serves as a pretext and basis for all militarism in Europe…”


The Greens are offering to form a coalition government at any price in the name of democracy and Europe. Habeck said that Merz had lost ground in the elections and would have to talk to them.


 Scholz reforms the debt ceiling. It is his stalking horse for the SPD in the coalition talks.


According to commentators, the results do not lead to a stable government. What is the clear victory of the next chancellor, Merz? How will he be able to implement his migration and economic policies, which he copied from us on these two issues? Chrupalla, a member of the AfD extremists, said.





“ (...) the most important thing: every industrial and commercial centre in England now has a working population divided into two hostile camps, the English proletarians and the Irish proletarians. The average English worker hates the Irish worker as a competitor who lowers his standard of living. In relation to the Irish worker, he feels himself a member of the dominant nation, thus becoming an instrument of the aristocrats and capitalists in central Ireland, thereby reinforcing the domination of the former over themselves. He has religious, social and national prejudices against the Irish worker. He adopts towards him an attitude very similar to that which the “poor whites” maintained towards the blacks in the former slave states of the USA. For his part, the Irishman returns the same coin with interest. He considers the "English worker as a participant in English domination over Ireland and at the same time as its blind instrument.

This antagonism is artificially maintained and sharpened by the press, the pulpit, the humorous newspapers, in a word, by all the means at the disposal of the ruling classes. It is the secret of the impotence of the English working class in spite of its organization. It is the secret of the maintenance of power by the capitalist class. This class is fully aware of this" (LETTER FROM MARX TO MEYER AND VOGÍ •[London] April 9, 1870)



See attachments in the part following the Marx quote


US elections at "Caren Miosga"


For Gabriel, the US is the "only superpower" and if the country "only has to look after itself, we as Europeans will be the hardest hit." The former vice chancellor paints a bleak picture for Germany and its neighbouring countries should Trump win and the US become increasingly isolated: "We are dependent on this America. Without it we are a province."


Sigmar Gabriel at Caren Miosga

"We obviously have no government"

November 4, 2024


Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) speaks with Caren Miosga about the dispute within the traffic light coalition. The ARD talk also focuses on the upcoming US elections. There is also praise for Trump's election campaign.


On Tuesday, the world will be watching the US elections and Caren Miosga interviewed former Minister of Economics and Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Atlantic Bridge, Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), on Sunday evening on ARD, together with three other experts, on the question "Trump or Harris?" as a guest.


However, she could not ignore the divisions in the coalition government in Berlin; she addressed them at the end of the programme and asked Gabriel whether he would have allowed himself to be invited to an economic summit by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, unlike Minister Robert Habeck. "There is obviously no government," replied Gabriel, adding that a primary campaign is already underway.


The fact that Habeck has publicly presented his own proposals for an investment fund and that Finance Minister Christian Lindner has now published an 18-page document on economic recovery actually belongs to "interdepartmental coordination." However, Gabriel does not believe that the traffic light coalition will end quickly and says that the coalition partners are "afraid of new elections." By the way, that would also be “suicide out of fear of death.”


Sigmar Gabriel praises Christian Lindner

There are many signs that the traffic light government will continue. Unlike in 1982, when Otto Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) broke the coalition with the SPD and simply “went over to the CDU”, a CDU-FDP coalition would currently not have a majority in the Bundestag. Gabriel said he was more worried about the federal election in 2029 than the one in 2025, because if “the government continues to be so bad” then it would lead to “conditions like those in France”.


Terrorism expert Peter Neumann


Radicalisation on the Internet: “More than ever”

February 17, 2025 | 09:23


Terrorism expert Neumann warns of ever-increasing radicalisation on the Internet. Social media must be dealt with “more severely”, “where Islamists are more active than ever”.


A series of violent incidents have occurred in Germany: in Munich, Mannheim, Solingen, Magdeburg and Aschaffenburg. In Austria, there was also a recent attack in Villach. The threat of terrorism seems to be increasing and the debate about its causes, prevention and political measures continues. Topics discussed include radicalisation, the importance of social media and the dependence on international actors.

Terrorism expert Peter Neumann has answers to questions such as how perpetrators become radicalised, what measures would be necessary to counter such attacks and what role the United States plays in uncovering such acts.

In an interview with the morning newspaper ZDF, Neumann explains... perpetrators can become radicalised

According to Neumann, who was part of Armin Laschet's (CDU) team of experts during the 2021 federal election campaign, radicalisation has increased considerably in recent years. This is a "novelty": "It's not that the Internet is something new," says Neumann, "but that exclusionary radicalisation on the Internet is becoming more and more evident."


This development is due to "so-called algorithmic amplification", i.e. the automated amplification and distribution of certain content on the Internet. "If you are interested in the situation in the Middle East, you click on a video that perhaps has an Islamist tone, you only see videos like that," he explains. The platforms also provided the personal network.


"This is happening faster and more frequently than ever before," warns Neumann. "That is why we also see cycles of radicalisation that sometimes last weeks or months and which are actually very, very difficult for security authorities to detect."


US elections at "Caren Miosga"


For Gabriel, the US is the "only superpower" and if the country "only has to look after itself, we as Europeans will be the hardest hit." The former vice chancellor paints a bleak picture for Germany and its neighbouring countries should Trump win and the US become increasingly isolated: "We are dependent on this America. Without it we are a province."


Sigmar Gabriel at Caren Miosga

"We obviously have no government"

November 4, 2024


Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) speaks with Caren Miosga about the dispute within the traffic light coalition. The ARD talk also focuses on the upcoming US elections. There is also praise for Trump's election campaign.


On Tuesday, the world will be watching the US elections and Caren Miosga interviewed former Minister of Economics and Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Atlantic Bridge, Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), on Sunday evening on ARD, together with three other experts, on the question "Trump or Harris?" as a guest.


However, she could not ignore the divisions in the coalition government in Berlin; she addressed them at the end of the programme and asked Gabriel whether he would have allowed himself to be invited to an economic summit by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, unlike Minister Robert Habeck. "There is obviously no government," replied Gabriel, adding that a primary campaign is already underway.


The fact that Habeck has publicly presented his own proposals for an investment fund and that Finance Minister Christian Lindner has now published an 18-page document on economic recovery actually belongs to "interdepartmental coordination." However, Gabriel does not believe that the traffic light coalition will end quickly and says that the coalition partners are "afraid of new elections." By the way, that would also be “suicide out of fear of death.”


Sigmar Gabriel praises Christian Lindner

There are many signs that the traffic light government will continue. Unlike in 1982, when Otto Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) broke the coalition with the SPD and simply “went over to the CDU”, a CDU-FDP coalition would currently not have a majority in the Bundestag. Gabriel said he was more worried about the federal election in 2029 than the one in 2025, because if “the government continues to be so bad” then it would lead to “conditions like those in France”.


Terrorism expert Peter Neumann


Radicalisation on the Internet: “More than ever”

February 17, 2025 | 09:23




Terrorism expert Neumann warns of ever-increasing radicalisation on the Internet. Social media must be dealt with “more severely”, “where Islamists are more active than ever”.


A series of violent incidents have occurred in Germany: in Munich, Mannheim, Solingen, Magdeburg and Aschaffenburg. In Austria, there was also a recent attack in Villach. The threat of terrorism seems to be increasing and the debate about its causes, prevention and political measures continues. Topics discussed include radicalisation, the importance of social media and the dependence on international actors.

Terrorism expert Peter Neumann has answers to questions such as how perpetrators become radicalised, what measures would be necessary to counter such attacks and what role the United States plays in uncovering such acts.

In an interview with the morning newspaper ZDF, Neumann explains... perpetrators can become radicalised

According to Neumann, who was part of Armin Laschet's (CDU) team of experts during the 2021 federal election campaign, radicalisation has increased considerably in recent years. This is a "novelty": "It's not that the Internet is something new," says Neumann, "but that exclusionary radicalisation on the Internet is becoming more and more evident."


This development is due to "so-called algorithmic amplification", i.e. the automated amplification and distribution of certain content on the Internet. "If you are interested in the situation in the Middle East, you click on a video that perhaps has an Islamist tone, you only see videos like that," he explains. The platforms also provided the personal network.


"This is happening faster and more frequently than ever before," warns Neumann. "That is why we also see cycles of radicalisation that sometimes last weeks or months and which are actually very, very difficult for security authorities to detect."

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Italy - free ANAN YAEESH! SUPPORT PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE - L'AQUILA info Soccorso Rosso Proletario Italy


against fascist attack at Cultural Association of Turkish Immigrant Workers (ACTIT) and Young Struggle (YS) in Paris - info and large solidarity


Fascist attack in Paris, France

. Source: Yeni Demokrasi.

Yeni Demokrasi has recently reported on a fascist attack which took place in Paris. A fascist group attacked the Cultural Association of Turkish Immigrant Workers (ACTIT) and Young Struggle (YS) activists around 5.20pm on Sunday afternoon. The activists carried out a film screening when the attack took place. The assailants were armed with broken bottles. Several of them have been arrested. The attackers belong to a Nazi organization, Kob Weille Group. They seriously injured by stabbing a CGT member who was attending the event.

The Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB) has expressed its solidarity with the YS’ activists and with the ACTIT center and condemned the attack. AGEB also made a statement that we unofficially translate as follows:

The fascist tendency is rising in the world and in Europe. It is acting as an enemy against the immigrants. The fact that some are leaning against chauvinism in imperialist centers is the main source of spurring of these fascist groups.

As the inter-imperialist contradiction deepens, there are more war provocations all over the world and struggles to occupy other countries and for the re-division of the markets. At home, the way to increase chauvinism is to implement hostility towards the immigrants. In the world, this chauvinist wave is needed by the war-mongers.

The attack on the ACTIT Association shows that the struggle against chauvinism will put the revolutionary forces as a target. This attack should be seen as a result of the reactionary wave we have passed through, not as an “individual” deviation.

Against fascist attacks, we invite all revolutionary, democratic and progressive forces to struggle, to strengthen democratic progressive organizations and to act more organized.

-Let’s reinforce the ranks against imperialism, fascism and all kinds of reaction!

-Let’s repel the fascist attacks with revolutionary struggle!

Long Live Revolutionary Solidarity!

The fascist aggression against the Cultural Association of Turkish Immigrant Workers (ACTIT) and Young Struggle (YS) on February 16 has sparked a broad solidarity movement and many mobilizations and actions of several kinds have taken place during this past week. ., a great demonstration which took place in Paris on February 22.

Susan Abulhawa and Arundhati Roy against Palestine's genocide and for Palestinian resistance


Oxford Union CAUGHT Censoring Palestinian Writer’s Viral Speech On Israel’s Genocide

Intervención de los camaradas italianos en la Cumbre de Munich – PCm Italia info in castellano

traduccion de Revolucion Obrera
Intervención de los camaradas italianos en la Cumbre de Munich - PCm Italia info 1

Camaradas obreros, trabajadores, traemos los saludos de los proletarios y comunistas italianos a esta importante manifestación contra el imperialismo y el fascismo con ocasión de la llamada conferencia internacional de Seguridad de la OTAN que en realidad analiza, decide y avanza hacia la guerra imperialista mundial.

Todos los gobiernos imperialistas aumentan desproporcionadamente los gastos militares y dicen explícitamente que es necesario prepararse para la guerra. Las potencias imperialistas de EEUU, la UE y la OTAN se equipan con armas cada vez más modernas y devastadoras y prevén el uso de armas nucleares que ponen en riesgo el futuro del mundo, unido a la creciente crisis climática medioambiental. Todos los países imperialistas refuerzan los ejércitos, militarizan los territorios y la sociedad, preparan a la opinión pública para la guerra, desarrollan la economía de guerra. El imperialismo ruso y el socialimperialismo chino son, por un lado, el blanco de esta ofensiva y, por otro, se montan en la crisis del imperialismo occidental, principalmente de EEUU, para un nuevo orden favorable, bajo la bandera del multilateralismo.

El imperialismo desata a sus perros guardianes como primera línea en la guerra y de la guerra contra los pueblos – véanse los regímenes que les son serviles en Israel, Ucrania, Siria, etc.

Todas las potencias imperialistas en connivencia y contienda entre sí y los gobiernos que les están subordinados están unidos contra los proletarios y los pueblos del mundo. La guerra tiene su origen en la crisis económica, sistémica, mundial del sistema capitalista/imperialista que exige un nuevo reparto del mundo.

Todos los Estados imperialistas y los gobiernos a ellos subordinados avanzan en la transformación de los Estados reduciendo y borrando la democracia burguesa, atacando las libertades democráticas y los derechos de los trabajadores y de las masas, llenando las cárceles de opositores políticos, estableciendo formas de dictadura cada vez más abiertas, que atacan los derechos de la mujer, la libertad de pensamiento, etc. y difunden el racismo, la cultura oscurantista y el fundamentalismo religioso.

Tanto en Alemania como en Italia practican cada vez más una dictadura, disfrazada de «democracia»; y ante el descontento, las protestas proletarias y populares, llevan a cabo una represión cada vez más amplia, un estado policial general que incluye además del ataque a los trabajadores y al derecho de huelga, ataques a los inmigrantes, a los derechos de la mujer, represión a los estudiantes, censura a los periodistas, monopolio de los medios de comunicación, etc.

Las elecciones se convierten así cada vez más en la expresión de una falsa democracia, abandonada por casi la mitad de los proletarios y de las masas populares y transformada progresivamente en un instrumento de consenso para el gobierno y de transformación reaccionaria del Estado del capital. No son ni pueden ser el lugar donde cambiar las cosas.

Por el contrario, necesitamos organizar la lucha general en las fábricas y en los lugares de trabajo, en los barrios proletarios, en las plazas. Necesitamos nuevas y fuertes organizaciones políticas y sindicales obreras y populares, necesitamos un frente único anticapitalista, antifascista y antiimperialista.

Necesitamos la unidad de lucha de los proletarios y de las masas populares de los países imperialistas y de las naciones y pueblos oprimidos por el imperialismo.

En Palestina hay una guerra de exterminio con masacres, bombardeos y destrucción, éxodo masivo y corre el riesgo de genocidio a manos del Estado sionista de Israel de tipo nazi apoyado por el imperialismo norteamericano, la UE, incluida Italia; la nueva presidencia fascista/imperialista norteamericana ha lanzado ahora un plan de solución final, por esto debemos realizar aún más un gran movimiento de solidaridad. Solidarizarse con Palestina es el primer deber internacionalista de los proletarios y de las masas populares del mundo entero.

El imperialismo es la miseria relativa y absoluta de los proletarios y de las masas oprimidas, de la pequeña burguesía empobrecida de las ciudades y del campo con recortes salariales, precariedad, desempleo, recortes en gastos sociales, salud, educación, medio ambiente; ampliación de la brecha entre regiones ricas y pobres; nueva esclavitud, desempleo juvenil, desigualdad de la mujer; costo de la vida.

En los países oprimidos por el imperialismo todo esto se agrava por la permanencia y preservación de la opresión nacional, colonial y neocolonial y feudal.

Debemos unirnos porque todos juntos debemos detener la marcha hacia la guerra imperialista, debemos detener el avance de los fascismos y las dictaduras, debemos luchar juntos para cambiar radicalmente nuestras condiciones de vida y de trabajo.


Detengamos la guerra imperialista y si estalla transformémosla en una guerra civil revolucionaria por el poder proletario

Detengamos la marcha nazi-fascista y a todos los gobiernos que los protegen y alimentan

Unámonos bajo la dirección del proletariado para hacer avanzar a los pueblos del mundo hacia la revolución socialista mundial, para erradicar el imperialismo y establecer así una sociedad sin explotación ni opresión de ningún tipo. Muerte al imperialismo y al fascismo libertad para los proletarios y los pueblos

Viva el internacionalismo proletario

Proletari comunisti Italia blog

SlaiCOBAS /Italia –