Sunday, April 28, 2024

From Ang Bayan: US Pours $17 billion In Funds For Israel To Continue The Genocide In Gaza

The US Congress on April 20 approved a bill that would grant the Zionist regime in Israel more than $17 billion in funding to continue its genocidal war in Gaza and expand its war across West Asia at the behest of the US. Apart from the genocidal campaign, the US will bear the cost of enabling the Zionist regime’s missile defense system amid the expansion of armed conflict throughout West Asia.

It has also earmarked $9 billion for supposed “humanitarian aid to Gaza” which is mostly done through food drops. The US has openly banned aid to UNRWA, which it accuses of being involved in the October 7 attack despite having no evidence.

“This support, which is against international law, is a license and a green light for the Zionist extremist government to continue its brutal aggression against our people,” Hamas condemned. “We consider this step as confirmation of official US complicity and partnership in the war of extermination waged by the fascist occupation army against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

This measure (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act) is one of the three measures passed by the US congress related to its distribution of aid for its imperialist wars in different parts of the world. After a more than a year delay, it also passed a bill providing $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine and $8.1 billion for US “allies” in the Indo-Pacific, mainly Taiwan. These bills must have counterparts in the US Senate to be passed.

The Marcos regime was among the recipients of military aid, as the US’ main puppet in Asia against China. It will receive $500 million to finance the arms and military equipment it will buy from the US under the guise of “modernizing” the AFP, as well as the construction and renovation of US military bases or “EDCA sites, ” and launching war games on Philippine land, air and sea.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Waves of Campus Protests Against the U.S.-Backed Israeli War of Genocide Continue… and Spread

Several hundred students and pro-Palestinian supporters rally at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, April 22, 2024.


Several hundred students and pro-Palestinian supporters rally at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, April 22, 2024.  

Since we reported at the start of this week on the wave of protests at campuses across the country against the U.S.-backed Israeli war in Gaza, sparked by the student encampment at Columbia University in New York City, encampments, walkouts, rallies and other actions have not only continued but spread. This is a very good and important development, inspiring and challenging millions more throughout society. Here are some of these continuing and spreading campus protests—in the face of police and threats from campus administrators—in the past three days.

At Columbia University, president Minouche Shafik had called in the NYPD riot pigs last week against the protest encampment, and more than 100 protesters were arrested. When the protests continued after this vicious assault, Shafik set a deadline for Tuesday night for the encampment to disband, and then extended the deadline for another 48 hours. On Wednesday, MAGA Republi-fascist House Speaker Johnson landed on the campus to publicly call for Shafik’s resignation for not shutting down the protests immediately—and raised the possibility that the National Guard should be called in if the student encampment continues. Students met Johnson with boos and shouts of “stop the genocide” and “free Palestine.”

At other campuses in New York City, hundreds of protesters at New York University (NYU) defied threats from campus officials and set up tents at Gould Plaza. Monday night, the NYPD moved in to take down tents, push students out, and arrest dozens. At New School, students set up protest tents inside a school lobby and others formed picket lines. Asked how long they would continue, a first-year student said, “We’re demanding something. So if it doesn’t happen, we’re going to have to keep going.”

New York: Students at NYU have been protesting genocide in Palestine.  April 22, 2024, the NYPD moved in to take down tents, push students out, and arrest dozens.


New York: Students at NYU have been protesting genocide in Palestine.  April 22, 2024, the NYPD moved in to take down tents, push students out, and arrest dozens.    Photo: AP

At Yale University, an Ivy League school in New Haven, CT, police moved in against campus protesters Monday, on the third night of their encampment demanding the university divest from weapons manufacturers. They arrested 47. Defying the pigs, students had locked arms and circled around the flagpole at Beinecke Plaza. Protests have continued on the campus.

At another Ivy League school, Brown University in Providence, RI, students began an encampment Wednesday morning with “more than two dozen tents pitched on the main green and roughly 75 students participating.”

American University, Washington, DC: Hundreds of students marched to the university president’s office on Tuesday to demand that the school divest from Israel.

University of Texas, Austin: On Wednesday, according to a Guardian report, “Hundreds of students walked out of class to protest against the conflict in Gaza and demand the university divest from companies that manufacture machinery used in Israel’s war efforts, carrying signs and chanting. Dozens of local and state police—including some on horseback and holding batons—formed a line to stop protesters from marching through campus. Officers pushed them off the campus lawn and at one point sent people tumbling into the street.” At least 20 were arrested, including a photojournalist.

Ohio State University, Columbus, OH: Campus administrators called on the police to forcibly kick out dozens of protesters who had occupied a campus building to call out the school’s “complicity in Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid and the climate crisis.” They arrested two protesters, from Students for Justice in Palestine and Ohio Youth for Climate Justice.

University of Pittsburgh: There was a sit-in in support of the Palestinian people, and students and faculty members set up tents on the campus. 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: According to the Michigan Daily, “About 40 pro-Palestine University of Michigan student protesters set up an encampment on the Diag Monday morning…”

University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles: Students began an “occupation” of Alumni Park on the campus in support of people of Palestine and demanded ending university investments in Israel. Protesters faced off against campus cops who moved in to try to dismantle tents and remove signs. As we post this Wednesday night, the LAPD with batons and helmets have begun to arrest protesters who are refusing to leave the park. According to a New York Times report, “A few dozen protesters are standing in a circle, linking arms in the middle of the park. About 200 other protesters have moved to the edges of the park, chanting, ‘Divulge, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.’”

California Polytechnic University, Humboldt, Northern California: Hundreds of protesters occupied Siemens Hall Tuesday night. 

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian students and protesters rally in front of Sproul Hall, UC Berkeley, April 22, 2024.


Hundreds of pro-Palestinian students and protesters rally in front of Sproul Hall, UC Berkeley, April 22, 2024.    Photo: AP

University of California, Berkeley: On Monday night, protesters “camped out overnight in Sproul Plaza following a demonstration to demand an end to the war in Gaza and the university's divestment from companies with ties to Israel. Students occupied the steps in front of Sproul Hall and pitched tents in front of the building, calling the action a ‘solidarity encampment.’ The encampment began as a rally in solidarity with the ongoing pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University...”

Among other campuses around the country where students are protesting: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA; Boston University and Emerson College, Boston, MA; Tufts University, Medford, MA; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Rice, University of Houston, Texas A&M, UT-Dallas, all in Texas; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. 

Italy - state's repression in naples against unemployeds in struggle -

info slaicobas/italy (PCm Italy)

Movimento di Lotta – Disoccupati “7 Novembre”



E’ di questa mattina [23 aprile] la notifica della Procura di conclusione di indagini preliminari ed inizio del processo che vede ben 43 indagati tra disoccupati/e organizzati con il Movimento 7 Novembre, Cantiere 167 Scampia e compagni/e del Si Cobas e di Iskra solidali.

Un mega-processo che mette sotto accusa la lotta per il lavoro ed il salario in città, in particolar modo i mesi di Dicembre 2022 e Marzo 2023, quando le istituzioni nazionali e locali facevano saltare i tavoli di trattativa di questa vertenza storica sottraendosi al rispetto degli impegni assunti su formazione ed inserimento al lavoro.

Da quanto emerge dalle carte è evidente il tentativo di costruire un castello giudiziario finalizzato a narrare di un disegno criminoso, trasformando la lotta dei disoccupati in un problema di ordine pubblico e non politico/sociale.

La storia di questo movimento, come tutta la tradizione del movimento operaio, insegna che solo la lotta paga.

Ci impegneremo nelle prossime ore a convocare una conferenza stampa e ad articolare un comunicato più complessivo che chiederà a tutte le forze di esprimersi e rompere l’isolamento di questa lotta, scendendo in piazza insieme al movimento di lotta.

Iniziando da domattina e dal 1° Maggio, h 10:00 a Piazza del Gesù.

23 aprile,

Movimento di Lotta – Disoccupati “7 Novembre”


   secours rouge

Italie: Mega-procès contre les militants des luttes des chômeurs à Naples


Un méga-procès qui dirigé contre la lutte pour l’emploi et les salaires dans la ville de Naples (l’une des villes italiennes où le taux de chômage est le plus élevé, avec 40 %), en particulier pour les mois de décembre 2022 et du 23 mars, à l’époque où les institutions nationales et locales avaient refusé les négociations sociales et s’étaient dérobées à leurs engagements en matière de formation et d’insertion professionnelle. 43 camarades issus de différentes réalités syndicales et politiques de la gauche de classe à Naples sont procès, notamment des militants du Mouvement des chômeurs du 7 novembre, de Cantiere 167 Scampia, des Si-Cobas et de l’Iskra.

Honrar a Nuestros Mártires - NDFP

Honrar a Nuestros Mártires

Del 17 al 24 de abril, el Frente Democrático Nacional de Filipinas (NDFP, por sus siglas en inglés) celebra la Semana para Recordar y Honrar a los Héroes y Mártires del Pueblo Filipino.

Turquie: Makbule Özer, 81 ans, incarcérée à nouveau

Makbule Özer a de nouveau été incarcérée lundi à Van après avoir été déclarée apte à l’emprisonnement par l’autorité médico-légale turque. Cette Kurde de 81 ans, originaire de la région de Van, avait été arrêtée l’année dernière avec son mari Hadi Özer pour “soutien au terrorisme”. Le couple avait été condamné à plus de deux ans de prison. Après quatre mois de détention, l’exécution de la peine de Makbule Özer avait été suspendue en septembre 2022 compte tenu des multiples problèmes de santé dont elle souffre. La dernière évaluation médico-légale, publiée vendredi, a annulé une décision antérieure qui avait reporté sa peine, entraînant sa réincarcération à Van. Makbule Özer a commenté cette décision: “Je ne peux plus marcher, mais on me ramène en prison. Je ne peux pas utiliser mes mains et mes pieds et j’ai beaucoup de maladies. Comme j’ai du mal à respirer, on me branche parfois sur un appareil à oxygène. Quand j’étais en prison, les autres femmes se sont occupées de moi. Sans ces amies, je n’aurais pas pu survivre là-bas”.

secours rouge

En Guerrero: así se vivió la reunión organizativa del Encuentro de las Resistencias


Este pasado 21 de abril nos dimos cita diferentes organizaciones sociales, sindicales, estudiantiles, campesinas, obreras y populares de todo el país; la sede fue el edificio de la Coordinadora Estatal de Trabajadores de la Educación de Guerrero (CETEG-CNTE). Los trabajos se desarrollaron en un ambiente de respeto y fraternidad.

Se inició presentando la mesa de debates y pasando lista de los representantes, uno a uno fueron exponiendo su trayectoria, como han llevado sus luchas, como han respaldado la lucha del magisterio democrático y de los padres y madres de los estudiantes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa, dejando en claro una cosa: que la CNTE ha sido ejemplo de lucha popular y que no hay duda del respaldo que goza entre las distintas organizaciones del pueblo quienes saludamos la ruta de movilización hacia la huelga nacional magisterial. También se resaltó que tenemos una lucha en común, después de un largo debate se tomó un pequeño receso donde compartimos comida tradicional guerrerense, al reanudar la reunión se terminaron de presentar algunos otros compañeros y al final se tomaron los siguientes acuerdos:

  1. Coberturar y apoyar la lucha de los padres y madres de los 43 estudiantes normalistas de Ayotzinapa en su jornada de lucha del 26 al 30 de abril en la CDMx.
  2. Coberturar los saludos fraternos en el Sexto Congreso Nacional Extraordinario de la CNTE a celebrarse los días 26, 27 y 28 de abril del presente año en la CDMx.
  3. La necesidad de desarrollar una jornada proletaria a nivel nacional de carácter unitario e internacionalista este 1° de Mayo, día internacional de la clase trabajadora.
  4. Respaldar el plan de acción que emerja del Sexto Congreso Nacional Extraordinario de la CNTE empujando la huelga nacional magisterial.
  5. Apoyar cada acción de la Asamblea Nacional Popular y el llamado al boicot contra la farsa electoral burguesa.


De la reunión se han desprendido algunas tareas, destacándose en este momento la elaboración de un manifiesto unitario y un solo cartel para el 1° de Mayo; continuar las reuniones de las resistencias a convocatoria de la CNTE; y construir una plataforma nacional que respalde las luchas y los planes de acción de las diversas formaciones populares.

Nuestra organización democrática ha decidido sumarse a este proceso como parte de la ruta nacional que hemos acordado agitando la campaña ¡Frenar la guerra contra el pueblo! ¡No votar, organizarse y luchar! atendiendo correctamente los problemas de la unidad, la cual debe basarse en unidad con principios traducida en unidad en la acción. 

Durante los trabajos de este encuentro, activistas revolucionarios distribuyeron propaganda llamando al boicot electoral, y colocaron banderas de Palestina en apoyo a la Resistencia Nacional, sumándose a la exigencia de libertad para el camarada Georges Abdallah.


¡Frenar la guerra contra el pueblo!

¡No votar, organizarse y luchar!

¡Gobierne quien gobierne los derechos del pueblo se defienden!

CP-Sol Rojo


Turkey: Ünal Yiğit, Imprisoned Partisan, sentenced to 35 years in prison


Featured image: Ünal Yiğit. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

Yeni Demokrasi reports that Imprisoned Partisan Ünal Yiğit was sentenced to 35 years in prison for seven allegations, including “being a member of an illegal organization”. His lawyer has objected the ruling by the Istanbul 29th High Criminal Court to the Court of Appeal.

It is also denounced that his right to defense was denied by forcing him to participate through a video call while he was held in Marmara Prison, in the Silivri district of Istanbul. Ünal Yiğit argued that he could not make a proper defense through the video call, but the judge disregarded his plea saying that he could “sit down and receive his sentence”, admitting that the verdict was already set before his defense was made.

It was reported that Ünal Yiğit was offered individual transportation to the court house, which he did not accept. We have previously reported on prisoners being tortured by the old Turkish State while being transported between different prisons.