Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Turkey: Repression against the democratic newspaper Yeni Demokrasi - maximum solidarity

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article published by Yeni Demokrasi:

An investigation was launched against our newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, Tuba Apaydın, by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”.

The event held by Partizan and YDG in Samandağ in 2022 was raided by the police. In the venue where the event was held, the police broke the walls, removed the silicone from the windows, and even destroyed the food. 29 people were dragged on the ground and detained with handcuffs behind their backs. Our newspaper also reported the police torture, which was recorded on video by the public, publishing it due to consideration of the public’s interests. These images and the news were used as a reason to launch an investigation against Apaydın.

Apaydın, who testified within the scope of the investigation initiated on the allegation of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”, was asked whether he knew the 29 people detained. In the investigation file, it was claimed that the news on our newspaper’s website contained statements “praising the organization”. Apaydın was asked questions about these allegations.

Apaydın’s lawyer, Destina Yıldız, said that a lawsuit had been filed against her client with the same allegations before, and that she was acquitted in these cases, and requested a decision of non-prosecution regarding this investigation.

red herald

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Italy - blockage of Genova's port against war and solidarity with Palestine

 info proletari comunisti

- Genova bloccato il porto in solidarietà con la Palestina

Manifestazione contro armi in porto Genova, mezza città in tilt -i manifestanti, oltre 500, hanno bloccato anche il varco Etiopia a Sampierdarena

Varchi del porto bloccati e traffico in tilt a Genova per la manifestazione pro Palestina indetta da varie sigle tra cui i portuali del Calp, l'assemblea contro la guerra, i sindacati Si.Cobas e Usb e varie altre associazioni. Per i manifestanti il porto di Genova è il transito "da dove passano massicciamente le armi che contribuiscono al massacro del popolo palestinese" per cui "bloccando il porto di Genova, simbolicamente blocchiamo la guerra nella sua configurazione logistica".

spanish language FILIPINAS: ¡Terminar la Brutal Operación Kagaar contra el Pueblo Indio! ¡Avanzar la Guerra Popular en Filipinas e India! (NDF-Cative)


FILIPINAS: ¡Terminar la Brutal Operación Kagaar contra el Pueblo Indio! ¡Avanzar la Guerra Popular en Filipinas e India! (NDF-Cative)


¡Terminar la Brutal Operación Kagaar contra el Pueblo Indio! ¡Avanzar la Guerra Popular en Filipinas e India!

En los últimos meses, el régimen fascista de Modi ha intensificado su guerra represiva y su campaña contra la insurgencia contra la lucha armada en India liderada por el Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta). Desde enero, el estado reaccionario de India ha implementado la campaña Operación Kagaar como parte de la campaña más amplia Operación SAMADHAN-Prahar, iniciada en 2017.

Con el objetivo del estado de terminar con el movimiento revolucionario armado del pueblo indio, el gobierno de India ha movilizado más de 10,000 fuerzas paramilitares, de las cuales 3,000 provienen de otros estados de India hacia Maad. Se dividieron y desplegaron en seis campamentos paramilitares en el área, lo que equivale a tres paramilitares por cada siete residentes locales.

La operación se centró en Abujhmaad (Maad), una región montañosa y boscosa del sur del estado de Chhattisgarh, que el estado considera «bastión de los maoístas». Maad forma parte del bosque más grande de Dandakaranya, que abarca los estados de Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Telangana y Andhra Pradesh en el centro de India. En esta región, la mayoría de los habitantes son los Adivasi o pueblos indígenas de India.

La Operación Kagaar apunta a partidos, organizaciones, activistas e individuos que se oponen al estado bajo el pretexto de combatir a los maoístas. En los últimos cinco meses de operación, más de 130 civiles y revolucionarios han sido víctimas de ejecuciones extrajudiciales mientras se presentaban como muertos en «encuentros» contra el Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación del Pueblo (PLGA) del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta).

Se han vuelto comunes las violaciones flagrantes de los derechos humanos por parte del estado de India contra el pueblo del país y contra las leyes humanitarias internacionales. Los militares, paramilitares, policías y otras fuerzas armadas del estado han cometido crímenes bárbaros contra el pueblo de India. Los casos de detenciones, violaciones a mujeres, rendiciones forzadas, bombardeos y otras violaciones a los derechos humanos se han acumulado desde enero hasta la actualidad.

Las campañas contra la insurgencia y las operaciones del régimen fascista de Modi en India no son diferentes de las operaciones lanzadas por el régimen US-Marcos contra el movimiento revolucionario en Filipinas. Al igual que en India, los casos de ejecuciones extrajudiciales, torturas y rendiciones forzadas de revolucionarios, activistas e individuos son comunes en Filipinas, dictados por el imperialismo estadounidense bajo el liderazgo del tiránico Biden, con el objetivo de acabar con la creciente lucha revolucionaria del pueblo en todo el mundo en medio de la insalvable crisis del sistema capitalista global.

Por lo tanto, se debe condenar enérgicamente la descarada colaboración del régimen de Marcos con el régimen de Modi a través de acuerdos militares. Como la llegada del primer lote del sistema de armas de misiles BrahMos el 19 de abril desde India. Estas armas tienen un costo de más de $375 millones o PHP18.9 mil millones, donde Marcos obtuvo el dinero para pagar desde el tesoro público.

El régimen de Marcos está utilizando el tesoro del pueblo filipino y malgastándolo en armas de guerra que servirán principalmente para la represión contra el pueblo indio. Mientras que las armas de guerra se utilizarán en la incitación incesante de Estados Unidos contra China en medio del conflicto en el Mar de Filipinas Occidental. También se utilizarán en la intensificada campaña contra la insurgencia contra el pueblo filipino.

En esta situación, es correcto que el pueblo de Cavite apoye y se solidarice con la lucha del pueblo de India. Debido a los continuos intentos de destruir nuestras tierras cultivadas, saqueo y opresión por parte de los imperialistas, el pueblo debe seguir el camino de la lucha revolucionaria. El camino de la revolución democrática popular a través de la guerra popular es la única solución para derrotar las operaciones militares represivas del régimen fascista de Modi y Marcos.

Por lo tanto, el Frente Democrático Nacional de Cavite expresa su pleno apoyo y solidaridad con la lucha revolucionaria liderada por el Partido Comunista de India (Maoísta) y la guerra popular promovida por el Ejército Guerrillero de Liberación del Pueblo (PLGA) y la lucha del pueblo indio por sus derechos y demandas.

Nuestro llamado al pueblo es, ¡terminar la Operación Kagaar en India! ¡Pueblo filipino e indio, únanse! ¡Guerra popular contra el fascismo de los regímenes de Modi y Marcos!

for 1july international day of action - in turkish


HKP (Maoist): Kagaar’a Karşı Dünya Protesto Günü Gerçekleştirin


Merkez Komite

Basın Bülteni

15 Haziran 2024


Kagaar’a Karşı Dünya Protesto Günü Gerçekleştirin

Dünyanın Ezilen Halklarıyla Birlikte İleriye Doğru Yürüyün

Sevgili halklar;

1 Temmuz Dünya “Kagaar Operasyonu”nu Protesto Günü’nde, Hindistan’daki Halk Savaşını Desteklemek için Uluslararası Komite (ICSPWI) tarafından bir çağrı yapıldı. Öncelikle HKP (Maoist) Merkez Komitesi ICSPWI’ye şükranlarını sunar.

Hindistan egemen sınıfları, Hindistan’da elli yılı aşkın süredir devam eden halk savaşını kökünden yok etmek için Ocak 2024’ten itibaren “Kagaar Operasyonu” adı altında yeni bir karşı ayaklanma askeri kampanyası başlatmıştır. Bu askeri kampanyada, 6 aylık bebekten 60 yaş üstü Hint vatandaşına kadar 125’ten fazla devrimci kitle, çeşitli kademelerden kadrolar ve HKGO gerillaları katledildi. Partimiz, şehitleri anarak, enternasyonal proletarya ruhuyla ezilen Hindistan halkına yönelik soykırımı durdurmak için sesini yükselten enternasyonal halklara kızıl selamını iletmektedir.

Partimiz, yurttaşları Kagaar Operasyonu’na karşı çıkmaya ve Hindistan egemen sınıflarının faşist politikalarını yenilgiye uğratmaya ve Hindistan’daki halk savaşını destekleme ve halka yönelik acımasız askeri saldırıları durdurmak için Kagaar’a karşı dünya protesto günü gerçekleştirme çağrısı yapan uluslararası halkla omuz omuza yürümeye çağırmaktadır.

Monday, June 24, 2024

report of antiG7 manifestation 15 june Puglia /Italy

 many photos and many videos and speechs of maoist comrades on italian blog proletari comunisti


In the protest demonstration on Saturday 15 June against the G7, we participated with a strong contingent mainly made of workers, members of proletari comunisti, the Slai cobas for the class union and the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement, who struggle every day in their workplace, in the territory, to defend the workers’ interests and raise their class-consciousness and turn it into social political struggle against the masters and the government.

The G-7 brought together the chiefs of state and government of the 7 most industrialized and richest countries in the world; they were joined by premiers of various countries, from India to Brazil, from Turkey to the Middle East, Argentina, etc. The representative of the European Union and the Pope also participated. This summit decided one thing above all: 50 billion to continue the war in Ukraine, to continue all reactionary imperialist wars within the framework of sharpening world contradictions between the imperialist G-7 countries and Russia, China. A military and economic escalation that represents a step forward towards the third world war. They also reiterated the concrete military and political support for the genocide in Palestine carried out by the Zionist State of Israel, in the name of the so-called "Biden plan".

These are the decisions they made in a luxury resort in Borgo Egnazia, having made the Apulia a militarized zone, under a state of siege imposed by around 8,000 men of all police and armed forces, fully armed, even with posts missiles and aircraft carriers. They turned the inhabitants of that area into sequestered at home. At the same time, they tried to fuel the population's fear of protest demonstrations.

They occupied all the luxury hotels, first and foremost the Borgo Egnazia resort. They went on huge binges, endless celebratory photos and videos of all kinds, to show that they were all in agreement. They thus flaunted their power over the destinies of the world.

Italian prime minister Meloni, even more than her cabinet made of half figures and disqualified characters, tried to gain credibility towards the so-called "Great of the earth", with a humble subservient attitude, making the entire Region available to the warlords, under the sign of luxury, the waste of millions and millions of public funds. It has been reported that the overall cost reached 100 million.

Against this Summit, a strong mobilization effort was made by the forces gathered in the anti-G7 regional coordination, to which our organization and all the forces connected to it contributed, in stark contrast with to the stand prevailing among the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left, the base unionism -except the Cobas Confederation and the Slai cobas for the Class Union- and the economicist or extremist groups, that have deserted the mobilization and left the field free to the imperialist masters and the Meloni government.

More than a thousand people with a strong base in the area participated in the protest, along with delegations from all over the country.

It has been important that the people of Fasano did not accept the logic that local administrations and the government had tried to impose them, to force them to keep everything closed, not to participate in anything.

The demonstration crossed the town along 3 km, and in many streets the march saw a strong presence of the local population at the sides, including the many who looked out from the windows.

The masses of Fasano were able to see with their own eyes that those who the State, the government, the mainstream press, the local press, the local administrations tried to paint as potential terrorists were in fact many young people, women, workers from Taranto, Brindisi, Bari, a few from other Italian cities.

They saw workers who had faced long journeys, like those from Bergamo; they saw comrades, at the forefront in the struggles on their territories, on the environment, against military bases, coming from Pisa, Florence, Ravenna, Milan, etc.; they saw many who came from other parts of the Southern Italy, like those who are opposing the bridge in Messina; or those who are carrying out many demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people and above all against the main war industry of our country, Leonardo, in Palermo.

The march gradually became an explosion of slogans against the warlords, against the capitalist/imperialist system. An explosion of solidarity to the Palestinian people. A protest that gradually gave a voice to everyone, who could not only to make their voice heard loud and clear, but also everything they represented.

It was said at this demonstration: they are 7, we are the rest of the world; those who do not want a new imperialist war, who do not want genocide in Palestine, who do not want poverty, exploitation, who do not want hunger; those who struggle in Italy for work, wages, against environmental and territorial devastation; the students who protest a school that serves the war, who claim to break any relationship with Israel; all those who ask for peace, democracy, and certainly not war, police state; all them were represented in the demonstration.

It was a strongly anti-fascist demonstration, because in it clearly advanced the understanding that we have a modern-fascist government in Italy, which wants to get its hands on the entire country and drag it into the imperialist war.

With the slogan "Apulia is not a war zone, never again G7 in our land", this demonstration was able to dismantle the propagated image of this G7; it managed to move, to excite the masses of Fasano who began to see clearly what this G7 really was, not what the mainstream media and newspapers told them.

There were journalists from other countries around the world, from the US to Japan who had to report the contents and strength of the demonstration. A highly communicative event towards the masses, among whom the consent to contents it expressed gradually increased.

We communists, avant-garde proletarians, women of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement, are proud for having participated and contributed to its success.

We supported the anti-G7 coordination that made it possible, those who did the utmost to build the unity necessary for this demonstration.

The Meloni government and its servants in the Region claimed that Apulia with the G7 has become the showcase of the world. No, it has become the showcase of war. This G7 was a real shame, an outrage not only to our territory, but to the people of the world, to the workers of the whole country.

This demonstration unmasked the Meloni government, the warlords of the G7 and the entire court that supported them. It unmasked the bourgeois state, which is incapable of dealing with even the basic problems of the people but sends 8,000 armed and trained soldiers and secret services when hosts these summits. They deployed such a military force because they are afraid, they fear that the people don't believe their propaganda it and will rebel against all this.

The message of the demonstration was: It is right to rebel! Unite in one front all the organisations, associations that are against war, fascism, repression, against the attack on work, wages, health care; against 50 billion for the war while people have to pay for medicines, youth are forced to emigrate or can't afford the costs of their studies and don't have a real future.

In this demonstration the protest of women was at foremost. Because this G7 dealt with women; the worst "women's representative" was Meloni herself, the chief of our government, who tried to remove from the agenda any reference to women's rights and in particular to the important and symbolic one, women's freedom of choice, which is the freedom of abortion.

This demonstration was a general re-appropriation of the resistance struggle of the Palestinian people: "We are all Palestinians", "Netanyahu murderer, hands off the children", was repeatedly shouted. Representatives of the Palestinian people spoke wholeheartedly and accounted the enormous disaster of a people deprived of everything, at risk of starvation, who are also denied humanitarian aid; they talked about hospitals bombed, about women who cannot give birth, they talked about 15,000 children murdered in this war, they talked about the hatred that marks imperialism, the Zionist State of Israel towards a whole people, so much as they try to annihilate them with genocide. They also spoke of the solidarity that is growing and that even the G7, the ultra militarized summit of the lords of the world, is not able to suffocate the voice of the opposition, the voice of the people.

The demonstration also condemned other regimes attending this summit.

The Erdogan fascist regime, which is waging a war against the Kurdish people, which filled the country with political prisoners -at the demonstration there were representatives of the Kurds in Italy who spoke and conveyed their thanks to the entire protesters and clearly exposed what is happening in Turkey.

The Indian regime of Modi, who was welcomed with all honours by Meloni and other imperialists, it being important for them in the framework of the inter-imperialist conflict, particularly against China, while the Italian imperialist state with the Meloni government actively participates in the maneuvers of the Indo-Pacific pact, is the regime of massacres, suppression on the Indian masses and particularly the indigenous populations of the forests, the national minorities of Kashmir and of the fighters of the people's war led by the Maoists in many areas of the country. At the demonstration we exposed the nature and actions of Modi and his regime with panels and speeches about the nature and actions of Modi, obtaining a strong audience from the demonstrators and the international press.

The G7 marked a stage in the support to the inter-imperialist war ongoing in Ukraine, fuelling the war which transformed Ukraine into a territory of immense destruction and deaths for many Ukrainians and Russians. Nevertheless the next day the warlords went to Geneva to talk about peace in Ukraine.

The G7 saw the various rulers smiling, embracing each other, while each of them was thinking of his interests, clearly together with the others, but also against the others.

From this point of view, government leaders appeared increasingly weak. Biden, who risks not being elected in the next American elections, as well as Macron and Scholz, who come from an electoral defeat. All these rulers have focused on defending themselves and the imperialist interests they represent.

In front of all this, it is important that the voice of the demonstration and the voice of our organization have been heard loud and clear. We have dealt a "blow" to imperialism and its governments. We brought portraits of warlords with bloody faces; we put up banners, posters denouncing any aspect of their policies; and with our speeches in the square of Fasano, at the gathering, during the march, from the stage at the end of the event, we exposed what was happening and what the G7 really was. Strong, clear speeches, made from the heart, in close connection with those we represent or want to represent, speeches which characterized the demonstration in a proletarian, revolutionary, internationalist and communist way.

There were more than 1000. Think of the significance it would have had if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands from all over the country had come to Apulia. Think what a slap in the face it would have been for the warlords, what a slap in the face it would have been for Meloni. Think of the significance it would have had for the peoples of the world to know that these rulers, wherever hold their summits, are surrounded, forced to hear loud and clear the voice of the people and in particular of the majority of the people, the proletarians, the poor masses, the youth, women.

Where were the unions? Trade unions in all countries are increasingly at the service of the masters and the government. In Italy they talk, talk, but in fact they are tight like thieves with masters and ministers at the negotiating tables. These unions did not mobilize the workers on this occasion, indeed they tried everything to keep them from knowing anything.

Where were the parties of the so-called "opposition", busy until the day before in the electoral campaign talking about the "needs of the people", about "peace"..?

Where were the USB, the Si.Cobas? Where were that part of organizations that define themselves as anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, internationalist? Where were the No-Tav movement? Why did they miss this date?

On the 15th the two hills emerged clearly: the hill of imperialism, of capitalism, of warlords, of exploitation, of fascism, of the oppression of the peoples of the world and the hill that fights to overthrow this world, to eliminate this system that produces war.

Our hill says: let's stop the war, let's rebel, let's organize, let's unite, let's make a great united front, let's unite all the forces that are against the imperialist war, let's stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, let's force our governments to break economic, political and military ties with the State of Israel, we demand the condemnation of the Israeli regime for war crimes by the International European Court of Justice, we are for the recognition of the State of Palestine because in that land, Palestine, it needs a State, from the river to the sea, we need an international and internationalist front.

The demonstration highlighted the existence of an embryonic proletarian, communist, internationalist party that has to be built, because politics cannot be delegated to parliamentary parties, it is necessary that the proletariat, the masses in the streets, have their own party.

This G7 Summit was a step in the march towards world imperialist war, and the struggle against it has national and international significance.

The 50 billion taken from Russia's assets is a true act of war. We are therefore measuring ourselves against a great event.

In Fasano, having dismantled the narrative in the small means to get the key to dismantle it at a national level. It teaches us how to dismantle the war machine, with which contents and slogans.

Genocide is a consistent form of the ideology, politics and practice of imperialism in the current phase of crisis – Paper Tiger Imperialism. In that, Palestine is emblematic but it is not the whole. We have to fight imperialism. We in Fasano fought the battle of the Palestinians, but against the our enemies, striking the imperialist world system. This is the contribution we gove to the Palestinians.


In Fasano it wasn't a question of launching extremist slogans, such as "Piazzale Loreto..." - some comrades did so. The matter was not and is not the self-demonstration of who we are. Nor should Meloni be considered as Mussolini. “Fascism” is different today, it is modern-fascism.

The correct, central slogan that spoke to those were around us was: "Puglia is not war zone, never again a G7 in our land".

Slogans with an identity but affirmed in connection with the masses were needed.

At the G7 proletari comunisti chose to conduct an autonomous action, taking up our responsibilities in terms of propaganda, agitation, organization, bringing this battle at a national level in the workplaces and areas of presence.

In Fasano we occupied the central square since the morning, brought the national and international banners and slogans of our organization; just as at the gathering, during the march, from the stage at the end of the event, we brought the general and particular line of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist proletarian and communist vanguard, in what was not only part of the large movement of solidarity with Palestine ongoing throughout the country, but also the most important event of national and international significance that took place in Italy, particularly this year.

What entered the scene in Fasano is the embryo of a genuine revolutionary Party. We represented the most organized form of the proletarian and people’s voice in the field of opposition against war and fascism.

We were an internationalist contingent, not only for having joined the internationalist aspect of the event, with Palestine at the centre, but for having brought Turkey and India regimes to the attention of all the participants and all the mass media.

The Party that we are building in its form of propaganda and agitation, which is the center of our activity in this year, has emerged in a clear, sharp form during the demonstration, without any shadow of sectarianism, ideologism, self-referencing and self-propaganda.

We brought the slogans: against the imperialist war for the socialist revolution; the imperialist war can only be stopped if the people's war advances; all summarized by the most significant banner of the entire event…

We exposed the real nature of the Meloni government, in a way which in a certain sense was the most incisive and direct against the Meloni government, hitting the mark and provoking the reaction and attack of the entire bourgeois press and mass media.

In the demonstration we were a vanguard Party with a mass line, and the mass line led by a Party is a Maoist weapon to address and gather the support and potential of the masses.

It was the result of the good work done in the red base in Taranto, joining the work of the anti-G7 regional coordination.

Our comrades came at the demonstration with a vanguard spirit and great efforts, aware of the great work done in Palermo and Bergamo-Milan to put the mobilization against the G7 on the agenda, in a difficult situation and daring to go against the tide.

We openly fought the desertion by the radical parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left, by base trade unionism in its two largest wings, the right USB and the "left" Si.Cobas. On this occasion, their economism and false extremism showed their true nature, and that they are, in spite of many comrades who are part of them, useless tools not only for the construction of the party but for the construction of the united, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist front.

As well as is is clear that, although there were many students and women, their national and organized presence was certainly missing. As regards the women, it is yet another proof of how important and strategically decisive the role and organization of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement are.

We must fully valorise the demonstration and our action in it on a national scale and make it a ground for the advancement of the entire movement and in particular of the class and our organization.

Of course, what the demonstration has marked is the persistent crisis of the working class and the still inability by the struggle movement in general, see the resounding absence from Naples, to find a path to a real recovery. The social and political passivity, whose only signal is electoral abstentionism, the subordination of the entire movement to the interests of the bourgeoisie in the factories and workplaces, the rule of the ruling class ideas in the mass consciousness and of the wrong positions and ideas also in those sectors of political opposition and union and social struggles, all that shows the actual limit of consciousness and organization that we have to face.

The demonstration in Fasano encourages us, it must serve to fight pessimism, ideological and practical backwardness, subjective shortcomings, keeping attached to particularisms, which continue to exist in our ranks, which act as an internal enemy to our work.

Now we have to continue. We are really strong and influential when we act as a united group in the manner of Lenin, assimilate in the field mlm worker training, draw lessons from practice.

It is the time of the plan for the Party, of the new Theses, of the program, of agitation and propaganda, to organize the Party of the revolution.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar. - COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) Central Committee

15 June, 2024

Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar.

March forward with the oppressed people of the world.

Dear people,

On July 1, World protest day against "operation kagaar", a call has been given by the International Committee for the Support of People's War in India (ICSPWI). First, the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) express its gratitude to ICSPWI.

To wipe out from its root, more than five decades old people's war from India, the Indian ruling classes have started new counter-insurgency military campaign from January 2024 in the name of "operation kagaar". In this military campaign, more 125 revolutionary masses, cadres of various rank and file, PLGA guerillas have been murdered, which includes 6-month-old baby to above 60 years old Indian citizen. By remembering the martyrs, our party conveys its red salute to the international people, who with the spirit of international proletarianism are raising their voice to stop the genocide on oppressed people of India.

Our Party appeals to the countrymen to come forward against operation kagaar and defeat the fascist policies of the Indian ruling classes, and march shoulder to shoulder with the international people who has given the call to observe world protest day against kagaar to save the people's war in India and to stop the brutal military assaults on the people.

From the past six months, the ongoing operation kagaar's military attacks and genocides on the people of India, especially in the Central India on the indigenous people of Dandakaranya region, has been severely condemned and voices has been raised for the establishment of peace in Dandakaranya by the lovers of democracy, progressive, pro-people, and revolutionary organizations and forces, and they are marching forward in various forms. America, Europe, South America, Africa, and several countries from Asia are demanding the Indian state to stop the operation kagaar immediately. Recently, during the G-7 meetings in Italy, a protest rally has been organized against the operation kagaar. Their fraternity with the oppressed people displays the international proletariat spirit.

In our country, several revolutionary organizations, forces, democrats, journalist, writers, artists, pro-adivasi, social activits and lawyers are condemning operation kagaar in various ways. While condemning the illegal activities of the police forces, they are knocking the doors of judiciary. They are calling for strike. To stop the genocide and the bloodshed, they are appealing the Indian people to intensify their movements. They are condemning the treacherous plan of peace talks by the Chhattisgarh government and demanding to hold peace talks with Maoist party with honesty. First, they are demanding to stop the ongoing genocides on the people and withdraw extra security camps from the forest. Our party conveys red salute to all these people.

On January 1 in the state of Chhattisgarh, in Bijapur district's Mudhvendi village, police murdered six-month old infant girl. After that, they are committing genocides in every 8 to 10 days. In the continuous genocides; Chipurbati, Korcholi, Aapatola, Kakur-Tekametta, Pidiya, Rekavaya and Gobel, in general indigenous youths, peasants and revolutionary without making any discrimination of female, male and old age, are being killed. This apart, in several other incidents, adivasi youths are getting killed and police are stating that Maoists have been killed and are spreading their false stories. After every encounter, the central home minister, Amit Shah by appreciating the criminal police personnel, is legitimatizing the encounter, and announcing time-period to make India Maoist free. All fallacious statements of Amit Shah are vehemently criticized by the Indian people, and while taking the dead bodies they are saying to the world the truth of the events, and filing cases against the culprits in the police station. By standing in support with them, several journalists, you-tuber, and social activists are doing ground reports to say the truth.

The indigenous people, because of their tradition, whenever they go to forest, they carry traditional weapons to protect themselves from the wild animals. But after the commencement of operation kagaar, there is an illegal ban on the indigenous people to go to forest. After killing village people, the police are not stating the names of the deceased person, not showing their faces, and wrapping the dead bodies in the plastic sheets, and declaring that "unidentified Maoists have been killed". Bedside the dead bodies, weapons, bombs and revolutionary books and papers are decorated and displayed. Even some dead bodies are covered with guerillas uniforms. People are exposing, instantly these illegally activities of the police. To save their lives from the police firings, people are running to forest, but the security forces, already encircled the area, are killing them even after the villager's requests not to kill them. Through these brutalities on the people, they want to terrorize the people to separate them from the movement for justice and eliminate the Maoist party; this is the aim of this military campaign. It is also clear that, to hand over the natural resources to the imperialist forces and big domestic corporate houses, the Indian state is carrying out this genocidal war. To eliminate the movements of the indigenous people who are fighting for their forests, existence, and dignity, in the eastern and central India's forest regions, which is going on for more than 20 years by pouring bloods, the Indian ruling classes have started operation kagaar and they are stating that this is for the end of Maoist party.

Dear people of the country and the world,

In the recent 18th Lok Sabha's election, the people of India have defeated the pro-corporate hindutva BJP. From the past 10 years, the pro-corporate BJP's anti-people policies have caused enormous problems for the people and they have taught a lesson to Modi-Shah, who were repeatedly shouting, this time more than 400 seats. People have exposed the bogus development model of BJP and its slogan of Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vishwas(with everyone help and with everyone confidence) and shown the power of people in this election. They smashed the hopes of the imperialist forces and the domestic corporate houses to make Modi win the election with absolute majority, so that they can loot the enormous natural resources of the country with more speed. With their help, the hindutva forces to make India a developed country by 2047 (hindu nation, brought forward Surajkund policy in 2022. The people of India have rejected all these policies and poured water in their dream to make government with the strength of their own. By facing the wrath of the people from 10 years, Narendra Modi in a opportunistic way, merging with regional parties, has become Prime Minister for the third time.

The people of the country have clearly declared their stand against the government's corporatization and militarization policies in this election. They give their verdict against the hindutva policies. But they will not think to move away from their fascist policies, despite the people's verdict and global protest. Because imperialism is neck- stuck in deep crisis. To come out from the crisis, imperialism is throwing the people of the world in the morass of war. Their thirst for the resources is not going to be quenched. For them several Modi is needed. The need of the big market of India is equally there. Anyone comes in their way; they will remove from their military strength. But history every time says that it is not possible every time.

In today's people's movement, there stands on the hand all the corporate forces and their government agents who dance to their tunes, and on the other hand there are broad masses, workers, students, intellectuals, and employees who stands firm with the movement. The international oppressed masses are conveying their brotherhood from the bottom of the heart to these forces. We appeal to them to oppose those corporate companies who are investing capital dipped in the people's blood, in our country and force them to take back the capital. We need to speed up anti-imperialist movements and class struggles of the oppressed classes of the world by forging strong brotherhood among the oppressed classes of the world. How much repression and military onslaught they inflict on the masses, no fascist will be forgiven. They will die like a Hitler and in here also people will achieve victory, and history will prove this truth.


Abhay Spokesperson Central Committee

Friday, June 21, 2024

INDIA: RESIST GENOCIDE IN BASTAR! RESIST OPERATION KAGAR! (Revolutionary Student´s Front) - support to 1 july international day of action! - info ICSPWI





On January 1, a six-month old child was killed by the security forces and this was passed off as paramilitary forces as a “casualty of crossfire”. There were five witnesses to this incident including the mother of the child who claimed the security forces are lying. The fake encounter of three peasants in Nendra on January 16, and the murder of Ramesh Poyam when he went to take a bath in a river on January 30 are other such incidents that happened in January. On 13th January, the State used drones for aerial bombings in Mettaguda, Errapali and Bottethong – villages bordering Sukma-Bijapur in Bastar. On February 27, three villagers were killed and called “Maoists” by the security forces in Kanker. On April 2, the paramilitary forces killed 13 people, all of whom were claimed to be Maoists. Among these 13, was Kamli Kunjam – a deaf sick Adivasi minor who was dragged from her house, raped, murdered and her body brutalised so as to not leave evidence by the paramilitary forces. Human rights activist Bela Bhatia has found that among these 13, over 7 people had no links with the Maoists and were innocent villagers. On the same day, a 12 year old child was taken away by the security forces from her home in Korcholi. When she returned home after 6 days, she revealed she was forced to get down on all fours while the forces beat her on her back. She was also forced to cook for herself.
On April 2, Sarju Tekam, convener of Bastar Jan Sangharsh Committee was arrested on the fabricated charges of aiding Maoists. The police apparently recovered planted “evidence” from his house. On the same day, 13 people were detained by the police and no further information was given about their status for the upcoming week. On April 7, the forces used drones again for aerial bombardment of Palaguda, Ittaguda, Jiloraguda, Gommaguda and other villages. On April 16, 29 Maoist political activists were killed in an Anti-Naxal operation. Among these, only 12 were armed combatants and could resist the forces. 17 other political activists were captured, taken prisoners and beaten and then murdered in cold blood. The same thing happened in case of the April 2 encounter as well. On 3rd June, Suneeta Pottam, a civil rights activist of Bastar was arrested for "being linked with Maoists". 12 FIRs were lodged in her name. Killing captured Prisoners of War, raping and murdering civilians, murdering civilians and disguising their bodies in combatant uniforms – all of these flout the International Humanitarian Law.
The Adivasis of Bastar have always seen very brutal offensives being brought down upon them. Even during the Congress government, the Salwa Judum and the SPOs brought down similar terror upon their lives during Operation Greenhunt. The BJP has launched Operation SAMADHAN-Prahar-Kagar. All these governments want the same thing – to displace the Adivasis and profit off the minerals under the ground. But all these military offensives have been met with the bravest of heroic resistances. In front of genocide, the Adivasis of Bastar have stood tall for almost fifty years. Today it is the duty of the revolutionary, progressive and democratic people of the world to come forward and resist this war launched by the State. Let us observe July 1 as International Day against Operation Kagar.
Our demands -
Stop Operation SAMADHAN-Prahar-Kagaar.
Stop Aerial Bombardment of Bastar.
Release all political prisoners unconditionally.
Compensate all the families of the victims of fake encounters.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stop Operation Kagaar! Communist Party of the Philippines -

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines recently proclaimed June 20-July 20 as a Month of Solidarity for the Indian people’s struggle, particularly the Adivasi masses’ fight against Operation Kagaar. In line with this, the PRWC is dedicating a page to compile all related articles, statements and documents on the struggle of the Indian people.

The pronouncement is a response to the call made by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and its international support group the International Committee to Support the People’s War in India (ICSPWI), for a campaign to oppose Operation Kagaar and support for the Adivasi people’s resistance, and the advancement of the people’s war in India as the primary means to thwart the regime’s suppression campaign.

Solidarity month with the Indian people's resistance to Operation Kagaar

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines declares June 20 to July 20 as Month of Solidarity with the Indian people, especially the Adivasi (indigenous) masses in their fight against the fascist Operation Kagaar and the terrorism of the Modi regime supported and instigated by the monopoly capitalist companies and imperialist powers.

The Central Committee calls upon all revolutionary forces and the Filipino people to express in various ways their support for the Indian people’s struggle against the heightening brutal war of suppression and counterinsurgency campaign of the reactionary Indian state.

This war is directed against the Indian people and their revolutionary forces led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Since January, the Indian state has been carrying out the Operation Kagaar (“end” in English) as part of the larger counterinsurgency campaign Operation SAMADHAN-Prahar.

Thousands of military, paramilitary, police and mercenary armed forces of the Indian state have been deployed in Central India to subdue the people. It is used by the ruling state primarily against civilians, Adivasis, activists, and anyone who resists or dares to speak out against state oppression and repression throughout the country. It also targets the revolutionary leaders of the CPI (Maoist). The operation clearly violates international humanitarian laws, the rules of war and special protections for vulnerable sectors in areas of armed conflict.

The suppression campaign in India is similar to the intensified suppression currently being experienced by the Filipino people under the US-Marcos fascist regime. It is characterized by the heightened use of widespread bombing and targeting of civilian communities. Militarization in India and the Philippines has served to pave the way for the entry of large-scale mining operations, destructive dams and foreign corporations.

The fascist regimes of Modi and Marcos are in collusion with each other. Last April 19, the first batch of BrahMos missile weapon systems arrived in the Philippines from India costing $375 million or ₱18.9 billion, paid for with public funds. The taxes of the Filipino people are used to satiate the big capitalist arms producers in India and to support the regime that oppresses the Indian people.

In the face of fascist suppression, the struggle of the Indian people and the Filipino people continues. Both of them exemplify courage in fighting terrorism and oppression, even when it is fraught with difficulties and sacrifice. Although thousands of miles apart, the struggle of the Indian masses and the Filipino masses serves as an inspiration to one other.

Amid a world being shaken by wars ignited, instigated or supported by imperialists, it is imperative that the people of India and the Filipino people unite to advance their struggle for national freedom and democracy. The liberation of their countries from imperialist oppression and domination would serve as an invaluable contribution to the global struggle against imperialism and for freedom and socialism.

End the Operation Kagaar in India!
Defend indigenous land in India and the Philippines!
Fight destructive mining in India and the Philippines!
Marcos and Modi, fascist-terrorists!
Down with Imperialism!
Long live the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army of India and the New People’s Army!
Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Communist Party of the Philippines!