Thursday, May 31, 2012

Conferência Internacional de apoio a guerra popular na India call in portugues.

Conferência Internacional de apoio a guerra popular na India.

Conferência Internacional
de 24 de Novembro de 2012 em Hamburgo
Apoiar a guerra popular na India!

Os mandamases do sistema imperialista mundial levam a cabo uma ofensiva
contra os povos do mundo. Guerras de agressão imperialista como contra
Iraque, Afeganistão e Líbia marcam o início do novo século. Eles preparam a
seguinte guerra contra Síria, Irão ou contra qualquer outro, porque uma coisa
é segura, que eles não se vão a deter por própria vontade. À vez,
estes impõe aos povos as secuelas da crise, especialmente aos
povos das nações oprimidas; mas também nos mesmos países
imperialistas, a classe operária é esmagada permanentemente e os seus direitos
fundamentais são arrincados rapidamente. Nesta situação, o fascismo não
é um perigo nebuloso, senão uma força actuante. Ao mesmo tempo, os
imperialistas destroem o planeta sistematicamente. Tudo isto é muito
conhecido. Isto mostra que o imperialismo é reacção em toda a linha, isso
mostra que o imperialismo não se condice com o progresso da humanidade e,
mais ainda, com a sobrevivência de uma parte cada vez mais grande da
população mundial. “O fim da história” que os imperialistas anunciaram
a toda a voz desde os anos noventa, é um inferno para o proletariado e os
povos do mundo; mais a opresión acicatea a resistência, e assim, desde o
Peru até as Filipinas, desde as Ilhas Britânicas até China, desde
Colômbia até o Kurdistán, desde Nigéria até Grécia; em todo mundo
os países querem a independência; as nações, a sua libertação; e os
povos, a revolução. Tal é a base para uma corrente que a de enterrar
ao imperialismo, mas o problema reside em muitos casos, em que a luta
contra o imperialismo limita-se só à resistência sem outra perspectiva
que a própria sobrevivência. Por isso, para desenvolver esta luta como
uma onda poderosa da luta antiimperialista e revolucionária, é necessário o
factor consciente e organizado que seja capaz de dirigir a luta consequente
até o estabelecimento do Poder do povo.
Portanto, vale o esforço de dar uma mirada para a India.

A India, o que as classes dominantes cínicamente apresentam como o “Caminho
Indú”, é um exemplo do que “traz o desenvolvimento do imperialismo”- o
céu para os ricos e o inferno para o povo. Enquanto a riqueza das
53 pessoas mais ricas do país é igual a 31% do PIB do país,
vive 77% da população com um ingresso de menos de 20 Rupias
apróximadamente 50 centavos de Euro) ao dia.
Cada dia morrem 5,000 crianças em consequência do fome e a desnutrición,
isto é perto de dois milhões de crianças mortos por ano.
A percentagem da população que padece fome é maior que o de Etiópia.
A crise agrária, como consequência directa da política imperialista,
 causa sempre uma imensa miséria ao campesinado e tem
 como consequência uma onda de suicídios, na qual centos de milhares
 de camponeses desesperados tiram-se a vida.
“A mais grande democracia do mundo”, é um país no qual a grande burguesía e os terratenientes
fã os que se lhes vem em gana. Um país no qual o sistema de castes permanece intacto.
As diferentes minorias, as diferentes nacionalidades e povos
devem aguantar viver numa “prisão de nações”.
Para aumentar a exploração imperialista, estabeleceram-se Zonas Económicas Especiais,
nas cales os telefonemas empresas”transnacionais”podem actuar sem limites.
Dúzias de milhões de pessoas são obrigadas a converter-se em refugiados internos,
porque são expulsos da terra onde desde sempre viveram os seus
antecessores, para que o capital possa roubar as matérias primas ali
existentes. Nós poderíamos mencionar muitos outros exemplos, isto poderia
encher todo um livro, a questão é clara: a revolução antiimperialista e
antifeudal é uma necessidade para a imensa maioria do povo da India.

Esta revolução está em marcha. Baixo a direcção do Partido Comunista da
India (Maoísta) desenvolve-se uma guerra popular - qualificada pelos mais
importantes representantes das classes dominantes - como o maior perigo
para o sistema. No campo existem milhares de organizações do verdadeiro
Poder do povo. Nos Comités Populares Revolucionários, aqueles que
desde faz séculos não tiveram nada, começaram haver estabelecer o seu próprio
Estado. Eles organizam com as suas próprias forças uma sociedade onde não existe
o fome, onde há educação e saúde, e onde quem possui a terra é
quem a trabalha. Ali não existem terratenentes ou lacaios dos
imperialistas. Ali as necessidades das massas são lei. Ali vive-se a
verdadeira democracia, a nova democracia do povo. Nas cidades
avançam por saltos as organizações de massas, a classe operária da Indiana,
em Fevereiro deste ano levou a cabo a greve mais grande na história
da humanidade, com a participação de 100 milhões de pessoas e as
classes dominantes têm pânico pela crescente influência dos maoístas.
A guerra popular remove as mais profundas bases da sociedade.

Como não poderia ser de outro modo, as classes dominantes e as suas mandamases
imperialistas não ficam tranquilos com os braços cruzados vendo como o
movimento revolucionário progride. Eles actuam como sempre e em todo
o lugar fizeram-no, eles buscam afogar em sangue a luta do povo. Os
“especialistas” da luta “contrainsurgente”dos Estados Unidos e da
Mossad de Israel estão ali para asesorar no terreno às forças
repressivas. As forças paramilitares do Estado lutam diariamente contra
a guerrilha, os chamados paramilitares estão organizados e armados
militarmente. O exército e a força aérea tomada parte sempre nos
combates. O Estado reaccionario a organizado bárbaras campanhas por exemplo:
Salwa judum, “Green Hunt”, entre outras, e aplica a política que é
comparable à campanha dos Nazistas contra as resistência antifascista na
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Eles aplicam sistematicamente assassinatos,
tortura e “desaparecimentos”contra os dirigentes revolucionários.

Mas o povo não se deixa esmagar. A Guerra popular avança sem deter-se
com o claro objectivo da tomada do Poder, isto é possível, já que o
factor consciente e organizado, do que nós falamos, existe e
está em condições de dirigir a luta consequente até o final. A sua luta
é justa e é uma obrigação internacionalista dar o nosso total e firme
apoio. A Guerra popular da Índia tem que fundir com a luta dos
povos de todo mundo e ser uma parte da grande corrente revolucionária
que finalmente deve vencer ao imperialismo. O avanço de um consequente
movimento antiimperialista num país de 1200 milhões de habitantes, fará com que
a correlación de forças entre o imperialismo e as nações oprimidas
mude, e em consequência, isso seria um grande impulso às forças
revolucionárias de todo mundo. Apoiar este movimento não significa
somente cumprir uma obrigação senão um serviço ao avanço do movimento
em todos os países.

É neste sentido, é que nós organizamos uma conferência
internacional o 24 de Novembro deste ano em Hamburgo. Nós
esperamos, que esta conferência seja um importante impulso ao movimento de apoio
internacional à guerra popular na Indiana. Delegações de diferentes
países deverão participar nesta e através disto brindar as suas
experiências e ideias de como elevar esta campanha a um maior nível. Nós
queremos que esta conferência seja, uma conferência onde se expresse a
iniciativa, a energia e a vontade antiimperialista e revolucionária de proletarios,
mulheres, novas, imigrantes, artistas progressistas e
intelectuais. Nós não queremos que seja só um acto formal, senão uma
expressão viva de internacionalismo proletario, para que com isso esta possa
servir a dar avanços concretos na campanha de apoio.
A conferência está aberta a todas as forças que participam deste objectivo. Por isso:

Todos e todas à Conferência Internacional
de Apoio à Guerra Popular na India!

India PCI m Declaration



Press Release

May 11, 2012

Chidambaram has no moral right to talk about ‘kidnaps’ by Maoists

While incarcerating thousands of Adivasis and agitators in jails

On 9-05-2012 Home Minister P. Chidambaram while replying in Rajya Sabha said - Maoists ‘kidnapping’ young collectors, elected representatives and foreigners indicates a clear shift in the nature of the Maoist extremism and shows that Maoists are resorting to ‘terror’ tactics to bend the state government to their demands and that Maoists seek to stop development in those districts. He reiterated his government’s resolve to continue the anti-naxal operations by following a two-pronged strategy of development and security related strategies to face this challenge.

Chidambaram was obviously referring to the recent ‘kidnaps’ of the Italian tourists and Jhina Hikaka (MLA) in Odisha and collector Alex Paul Menon in Chhattisgarh. This statement also comes in the backdrop of the centre pushing hard for the formation of the NCTC. The government wants to put each and every just struggle under the head of so-called ‘terrorism’ and suppress the movements that they are part of. With the May 5th meeting with the Chief Ministers not reaching a decisive conclusion on the formation of NCTC, P. Chidambaram even while trying every trick in his basket to form it, is fast weaving his vicious web to create opinion that would push every action taken by the people for their genuine demands into the so-called ‘terrorism’ vat and consequently makes every citizen who participates in these struggle forms a so-called ‘terrorist’.

Firstly, we want to state that these are not ‘kidnaps’ done for ransom, vendetta, personal demands or settling scores. People are ‘arresting’ them and putting the genuine long-standing collective demands of the oppressed people, particularly the Adivasis in those areas in front of the government. All the demands are pertaining to the severe excruciating state repression that has been unleashed on them, particularly for the release of thousands of Adivasis incarcerated in the jails and their leaders. 3000 Adivasis are in jails in Chhattisgarh while 6000 Adivasis are in jails in Jharkhand. Thousands more are jailed in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and other states for fighting against displacement and for Jal-Jungle-Zameen. Peasants fighting the land lords with the slogan ‘Land to the tiller’ and fighting police atrocities have been put in jails in large numbers in areas like Narayanapatna and Lalgarh. They had been implicated under false cases and denied bails in the most unjust manner. Many had been arrested in front of the jail gates after being granted bails and again put in jails after foisting more false cases on them. In fact, most of them would have been released even if they had been sentenced. Such is the callousness of the Indian state towards the Adivasis and the poor of our country and the reason for this is to pave the way for corporate loot of natural resources in the mineral rich forest areas of our country.

The sole reason for such ‘arrests’ is not any so-called ‘terrorist tendencies’ among the people or the CPI (Maoist) leading them but the Indian State. If at all it had delivered justice to the people at any point of their life, people would not have been forced to take up such struggle forms to get their demands fulfilled. A people crushed under the iron heels of the State are very rarely taking up such forms after taking up all kinds of struggle forms like dharnas, bandhs, rallies, protest marches, hunger strikes - in one word every kind of collective struggle form involving hundreds and thousands of people for days, weeks, months or even years together to get their people (ranging from juveniles to very elderly persons) released. The Indian state always answered with bullets, more arrests, more beatings, more custodial deaths, more false cases and more ‘abductions’ of these agitators. The police, paramilitary, judiciary, civil administration, bureaucracy etc that constitute the Indian State are acting like the tentacles of a giant Octopus and entangling the people and making them breathless. The struggles of political prisoners in the jails are also being crushed most brutally. The rights to which prisoners are entitled are also violated most blatantly. It is this suffocating situation inside and outside jails that is leading to arrests of government representatives by people.

With all doors closed for justice, such struggle forms are taken up to find some respite from the umpteen numbers of violations of human rights of the Adivasi people by the central and state armed forces. In a country where media corporations are in cahoots with the interests of the imperialists, MNCs and the big land lords and do not lend their voice or space to the poor people, sometimes such struggle forms are being used by the people to even bring the genuine demands of theirs to the attention of the citizens of this country.

A quick perusal of the main demands put forward during such arrests would give anybody a fair idea about the ordeal of people under Operation Green Hunt (OGH). They are demanding the release of ordinary Adivasis who were ‘kidnapped’ by the state and have been traceless since then or were put in jails under fabricated charges and they are demanding the release of their leaders. On such occasions, they are also focusing the demand to end the multi-pronged country-wide offensive named OGH but in reality a ‘War on People’ - on the toiling masses of our country, most of whom are Dalits and Adivasis and half of whom are invariably women.

The young collectors that Chidambaram is speaking of are implementing the ‘development’ part of the two-pronged strategy and this development leads to nothing but the impoverishment and displacement of the hundreds of thousands of Adivasis and is nothing but the other side of the coin that has repression on one side. And the foreigners he is speaking of were taking objectionable photos of Adivasi women as part of tourism that the Indian state wants to promote at the cost of the dignity of the Adivasi people. There is no need to write much about the ‘elected representatives’ that are part of the rotten parliamentary system reeking of corruption, nepotism and is implementing nothing but anti-people policies as dictated by their imperialist masters. These representatives have done nothing to get the poor Adivasis released from the jails and deliver justice to them in all the years of their tenure. In fact, they are very much part of the implementation of OGH in their areas.

So we appeal to all democrats and citizens of this country to truly distinguish who the real ‘terrorists’ are – is it the poor Adivasis led by their party the CPI (Maoist) resorting to some struggle forms for their genuine demands or the Indian State that is unleashing ‘terror’ day in and day out on the disadvantaged destitute of our country? We appeal to the Indian masses to support the genuine demands put forward by the people during such arrests and fight for their fulfillment by joining hands with them. Our party firmly believes that a broad united struggle of the Indian masses is compulsory and necessary for getting the indisputable democratic rights of the deprived to be realized in practice.  

It is the democratic right of the people to take up various struggle forms for fulfilling their genuine demands or even to propagate them when every inch of democratic space is being gradually but rapidly occupied by the giant octopus that is the Indian State. When this space is getting shrunk with each passing day due to the marching of the security forces in their hamlets and villages and now with the formation of a fascist institution like the NCTC, it is the inalienable right of the people to resort to various struggle forms including arrests of this kind. No struggle form is anathema to the fighting people as long as they adhere to mass line and class line as taught by our Marxist Teachers.

Chidambaram is saying that formation of NCTC is the ‘need of the hour’. Through this fascist institution modeled on the NCTC of US, the Indian ruling classes and the imperialists, particularly the US imperialists backing them wish to crush every democratic aspiration and genuine demand of the people. The ‘need of the hour’ is to fight back such fascist attempts by the Indian State to crush every political struggle and struggle form in the name of so-called ‘terrorism’. The Indian people would definitely defeat the two-pronged strategy of 'development' and repression (two sides of the same coin) of the central and state governments by creatively inaugurating a rainbow of myriad struggle forms. Yes, of course, Mr. Chidambaram! The people led by the CPI (Maoist) definitely wish to put a stop to your anti-people, pro-imperialist, undemocratic and repressive ‘development’ model. They categorically reject it and are very clear about it. They would prove with their uncompromising struggle for New Democratic Revolution that true ‘development’ is what they aspire for while having the interests of their children and their ecology at heart and not what the ruling classes want to impose on them while having the interests of the MNCs and the big land lords at heart.



Central Committee,

CPI (Maoist

Sweden - protest and support for people's war in india

Tal hölls på kyrkogård
Protest upptejpad. Ambassadpersonal kilade runt

Väl framme vid ABF där protestmötet skulle hållas insåg vi att ABF var helt igenbommat. Bärande på en viss känsla av förvåning knatade vi bort till en närliggande kyrkogård där ett kort tal hölls (se nedan) om det nuvarande läget i Sverige och Indien. Därefter begav vi oss till ambassaden där en protest tejpades upp på väggen utanför ingången. Ambassadpersonalen anlände i en fräsig Mercedes precis när vi packade upp banderollen. De stod och stirrade och vi delade ut flygblad.

On the 26th of May the Indiasolidarity group of Stockholm made a small protest in front of the indian embassy. A large protest note condemning the ongoing war on the people was attached to the embassy wall and leaflets was handed out as the embassy staff was staring with not so happy faces. Also the Indiasolidarity group in the northern town of Umeå where handing out the same leaflets in their district. 

international conference - call in norwegian

Støtt folkekrigen i India –– internasjonal konferanse 24. november i Hamburg

Indiasolidaritet mottok følgende invitasjon til en internasjonal konferanse i Hamburg den 24. november, arrangert av Den internasjonale komiteen til støtte for folkekrigen i India. Vi stiller oss bak konferansens parole om å samle kreftene og peke ut en kurs for å reise en slagkraftig internasjonal solidaritetsbevegelse for folkekrigen i India. Tross tilslutning er vi uenige i tekstens innhold når det kommer til den indiske revolusjonens “uunngåelige seier”. Det er ikke sånn at utviklingen bærer preg av uunngåelige hendelser. Selv om vi støtter folkekrigen i India – og ønsker dens seier – betyr ikke det at den må seire av en slags regel skrevet i stein. Likevel, vi håper på stor oppslutning for denne konferansen og trur at dette vil være et skritt i riktig retning for den internasjonale solidaritetsbevegelsen.
Det imperialistiske verdenssystemet fører en offensiv mot verdens folk. Imperialistiske aggresjonskriger som de mot Irak, Afghanistan og Libya er blitt startskuddet for det 21. århundre. Imperialistene forbereder deres neste kriger mot Syria, Iran eller andre land. Vi kan med sikkerhet si at de imperialistiske stormaktene ikke kommer til å stoppe av seg selv, og at de unngåelig vil starte nye kriger. Samtidig tvinger de konsekvensene av sin selvpåførte krise på folket, spesielt folket i land de har underkua, men også folket i deres egne imperialistiske land merker konsekvensen av krisa.
I en slik situasjon hvor imperialismen ble hemmet av en alvorlig krise, er arbeiderklassens rettigheter det første som undertrykkes. I en slik situasjon fremtrer fascismen, ikke som en fjern, fremtidig trussel, men som en aktiv kraft i samfunnet. Samtidig ødelegger imperialismen grunnlaget for våre alles liv – planeten – i sin jakt etter maksimal profitt. Dette viser at imperialisme er reaksjon og undertrykkelse, at det ikke er i samsvar med menneskehetens progresjon, at det ikke engang er i samsvar med grunnlaget for menneskehetens fortsatte eksistens.
“Historiens endestasjon”, som imperialistene erklærte det så flott etter murens fall, betyr håpløshet for verdens folk. Men økt undertrykkelse betyr økt motstand. Fra Peru til Filippinene, fra de britiske øyer til Kina, fra Colombia til Kurdistan, fra Nigeria til Hellas kjemper folk for nasjonal uavhengighet fra imperialismen og revolusjon. Dette er grunnlaget for en strømning som kan og vil knekke det imperialistiske systemet. Problemet i mange tilfeller er at kampen mot imperialismen kun er begrenset til en kamp for overlevelse – uten noe dypere aspekt. Så for å kunne utvikle disse kampene til en kraftig bølge av antiimperialistisk, revolusjonær kamp er den beviste organiserte faktoren nødvendig for å kunne lede kampen mot imperialismen – for å opprette folkets røde makt overalt. Derfor er det nødvendig å se på situasjonen i India.
India er landet imperialistene feilaktig og kynisk kaller den “økonomiske oase” og blir ofte trukket fram som et bevis på imperialismens “menneskelige ansikt” og “økonomiske utvikling“. I realiteten er dette systemet en himmel for de rike og et helvete for flertallet av folket. Samtidig som velstanden til landets 53 rikeste er 31% av landets BNP, lever 77% av befolkningen på mindre enn 20 rupi om dagen (20 rupi = ca. 3,50 NOK). Hver dag dør 5000 barn av sult og feilernæring, dvs. at nesten to millioner barn dør hvert år som et direkte resultat av imperialismen. Prosenten av folk som sulter i India er større enn i Etiopia. Den pågående jordbrukskrisen er et direkte resultat av imperialistenes politikk. Dette skaper overveldende lidelser for bondestanden og er den direkte årsaken til tusenvis av selvmord utført av desperate og desillusjonerte bønder hvert år.
“Verdens største demokrati” er i virkeligheten et land hvor imperialistene og jordeierne gjør som de selv vil – uavhengig av folkets behov eller ønsker. Et land hvor kastesystemet fortsatt er dominerende, tross at det ble formelt avskaffet for årtier siden. Et land hvor forskjellige minoriteter og nasjonaliteter blir tvunget til å leve i “nasjonenes fengsel”. For å kunne øke den imperialistiske superprofitten blir det opprettet såkalte “spesialøkonomiske soner”, hvor multinasjonale selskaper kan operere uten begrensninger. Millioner på millioner av mennesker blir tvunget til “eksil i sitt eget land”, fordi de blir tvunget vekk fra jorda deres forfedre har levd på i tusenvis av år grunnet imperialistene som ønsker å ut utvinne råmaterialet som finnes der for egen vinning.
Vi kan nevne mange flere eksempler, kanskje skrevet en hel bok med eksempler, men spørsmålet er allerede besvart. Den antiimperialistiske, antiføydale og nydemokratiske revolusjonen er livsnødvendig for det store flertallet av folket i India.
Denne revolusjonen pågår nå. Under lederskapet til Indias Kommunistiske Parti (maoistene) utvikler det seg en folkekrig i landet, en krig som imperialistene og deres lakeier beskriver som “den største interne sikkerhetstrussel i landet”. På landsbygda finnes tusenvis av organisasjoner med reel makt – folkemakt. De som i århundrer har vært maktesløse ovenfor utviklingen i India har nå – gjennom de revolusjonære folkekomiteene – begynt å skape sin egen statsmakt. Med sine egne hender og skaperkraft bygger de et samfunn uten sult, hvor utdanning og helsetjenester tilhører de som trenger, hvor det ikke finnes undertrykkende jordeiere eller imperialister og deres lakeier. Et samfunn hvor folkets behov skriver loven, et samfunn med virkelig demokrati – folkets nydemokrati. Folkekrigen for nydemokrati ryster samfunnets dypeste røtter.
De imperialistiske herskerne og deres indiske lakeier sitter ikke stille med armene i kryss og ser på fremgangen til den revolusjonære bevegelsen. De handler slik de alltid har handlet i historien. De forsøker å drukne folkets rettferdige kamp i blod. Spesialister i såkalt “antiterror” fra USA og israelske Mossad er blitt sendt til India for å bistå de reaksjonære kreftene. De såkalte paramilitære – som i virkeligheten er organisert gjennom et militært system og bevæpna på statens kommando - kjemper daglig mot maoistene. Hæren og luftforsvaret blir også mer og mer involvert i denne krigen.
Den reaksjonære staten har lansert barbariske kampanjer – som for eksempel Salwa Judum og Operation Green Hunt – som utgjør en politikk som lett kan sammenlignes med nazistenes kampanjer mot antifascistisk motstand under den 2. verdenskrig. Det brukes systematisk mord og tortur mot revolusjonære ledere, voldtekt av kvinner for å spre frykt og folkegrupper tvangsflyttes samtidig som landsbyer brennes ned.
Men dette underkuer på ingen måte folket. Folkekrigen beveger seg fremover kontinuerlig mot målet – som er mulig fordi den medvitne og organiserte faktoren, som vi har nevnt ovenfor, eksisterer og er villige til å lede kampen til slutten. Deres kamp er rettferdig og det er en internasjonalistisk plikt å gi dem vår hele og kompromissløse støtte. Folkekrigen i India må smelte sammen med kampene til verdens folk og bli en del av den store revolusjonære bevegelsen som til slutt vil begrave imperialismen. Utviklingen til en konsekvent antiimperialistisk bevegelse i et land som rommer 1.2 milliarder mennesker vil – uten tvil – forandre balansen mellom imperialistiske makter og undertrykte land. Derfor vil folkekrigens seier i India være en viktig faktor i utviklingen til lignende revolusjonære bevegelser over hele verden. Å støtte denne bevegelsen betyr ikke bare å utføre sin plikt, men også å tjene fremgangen til disse bevegelsene i alle land.
Det er i denne sammenhengen vi organiserer en internasjonal konferanse den 24. november i Hamburg i år. Vi håper at denne konferansen vil være en stor inspirasjon for alle organisasjonene og enkeltpersonene i den internasjonale bevegelsen til støtte for folkekrigen i India. Delegater fra mange forskjellige land vil delta og med dette medbringe deres erfaringer og ideer om hvordan denne bevegelsen kan komme opp på et høyere nivå. Vi ønsker en konferanse som utrykker initiativet, energien og den antiimperialistiske, revolusjonære kraften hos arbeiderne, kvinnene, ungdommen, innvandrerne, progressive kunstnere og intellektuelle. Vi ønsker ikke kun å være en formell samling, men et levende uttrykk for internasjonal solidaritet – slik at vår konferanse kan tjene den konkrete fremgangen til den internasjonale bevegelsen. Konferansen er åpen for alle krefter som deler vårt mål. Derfor:

Alle til den internasjonale konferansen til støtte for folkekrigen i India!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nepal - down Prachanda-Battarai government !

Nepal – Security Strategy for May 27th

Posted by hetty7 on May 27, 2012
The constituent assembly process has again failed to draft a constitution that would benefit the people of Nepal. The numerous  nationalities of the country have been left in the lurch, as the CA could not decide on a proper federal system to guarantee their rights. In response, Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is calling for new elections in November, while nearly every other political force in the country–including the revolutionary faction of the UCPN(M) is calling for him to step down.
The situation in Nepal is unstable again, and as the article below suggests, security forces, no doubt with blessings from India and the US, are installing measures to curtail any rebellion of the people. It seems clear now, that if there is a road to revolution in Nepal, it will not be through the Constituent Assembly process.

[Intro by Redpines] This article is from

New Security Strategy to be Enforced in Kim Valley for May 27

A new security strategy has been prepared to obviate possible risks during the period around the promulgation of the new constitution and also to maintain peace and security, RSS reports.
Organizing a press meet in the capital  on Tuesday, Metropolitan Police Commissioners Office said the strategy would be implemented in three phases.The implementation status of the new strategy would be reviewed every 15 days and strengthened as per the need said Spokesperson of the Office, Rabiraj Shrestha.
As per the security plan, 4677 security persons would be mobilized every day in the three districts of the Valley maintaining coordination among Nepali Police, Armed Police Force and other security bodies, he added.
The first phase of plan will come under operation from April 12 to 28th.
For the security in and around the Constituent Assembly building, three layers of security would be built up, Shrestha said, adding that security check at every entry point of Valley would be  beefed up.
Moreover, important locations across the Valley would be used, regular patrol arranged and campaigns launched in hotels, crime-prone areas and possible

India: Maoists support Bharat Bandh (Strike) against gas price hike

TNN | May 27, 2012
BHOPAL: Outlawed Communist Party of India (Maoist) has extended their support to ‘Bharat Bandh’ on May 31 in protest against the unprecedented hike in petrol prices asking the people to be on the forefront of the agitation against the wrong policies of UPA-IIgovernment at the centre.”Petrol prices went up 10 times in 14 months, triggering inflation. People have to stand up against exploitation,” CPI (Maoist) central committee spokesman Abhay said in an e-mail statement sent to TOI.Slamming the UPA-II government for repeatedly making claims poverty was declining, the rebels said increase in petrol prices within few days after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made such a claim indicated that the government was not concerned about the common masses. Abhay said the UPA-II and its economists were blaming subsidies for the present economic crisis and were trying to somehow phase out them. “This will only put the already overburdened common man in more trouble”, he added.
Maoists appealed to the people in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, parts of Maharashtra (Gadchiroli, Gondia, Chandrapur and Bhandara), Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar to actively participate in the Bharat Bandh on May 31.

canada rebel mouvement

Seize the Time! Blaze a Revolutionary Path!

Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee and its student division, the Revolutionary Students Movement, are looking forward to participating in this upcoming conference. Young people from proletarian and popular quarters are rising up everywhere to confront the capitalist crisis. The struggle is a class struggle! If there ever was a moment to Seize the Time! It is now…Those interested in building a revolutionary youth movement, in strategic questions on how to make revolution, in fighting collectively for the abolition of capitalism are encouraged to get in contact with the conference organizers. Details below.
“A single spark can start a prairie fire.” – Mao Zedong

1st National Conference of the Students and Youth: October 2012, Toronto, Canada
Parti communiste révolutionnaire – Revolutionary Communist Party (Canada)
It is Right to Rebel
From the Arab Spring, to the UK riots and the #Occupy movements in North America, exploited workers and oppressed masses continue taking the streets. To tackle the economic crisis they created, capitalists and their lackey governments ruthlessly attack and further impoverish the majority of working and poor people. While this minority of the rich and powerful—intent on protecting their obscene profits and lavish lifestyle—gorges itself on the exploitation and immiseration of workers, the vast majority of the world’s population must toil for the most basic necessities to sustain life. “Where there is oppression,” said Mao Zedong, “there is resistance.”
At the forefront of these popular struggles, youth from the proletariat and popular classes are rising up against the authority of the ruling regimes. Radicalized students are leaving their classrooms to struggle with the masses in the streets.It is not difficult to see why. In this latest “age of austerity,” young people from these social strata—who are poor, recent immigrants, undocumented migrants, racialized, and especially those belonging to the First Nations—face further deterioration of their life conditions. In an aggressively imperialist state like Canada, unemployment for those between 15 to 24 years of age is over 17%; that’s more than double the national unemployment rate! Poor, unemployed and underemployed youth—a significant portion of what Karl Marx called the “reserve army of labour”—are criminalized and incarcerated at alarming rates. On or off the job, our quality of life is miserable. Riots and mass rebellions—triggered by racist pig murders and brutal state repression—are the expression of justified rage against this exploitative and crisis-ridden capitalist system. But to give this degenerating system the shove it deserves, we must collectively organize our rage and arm ourselves with revolutionary ideology and politics.
Toward a Unity of Proletarian Youth and Revolutionary Students
In the true words of radical hip-hop crew Dead Prez: “The same people who control the school system control the prison system, and the whole social system.” It’s no wonder they say this school shit is a joke! In Canada, 1 out of 5 teenagers between 15-19 years of age will drop out of school. The “education”—more accurately, the indoctrination—system under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie teaches us servility and obedience to authority, to act and live within very prescribed (class!) limits, to become dutiful and “flexible” workers for the interest of the bosses, to serve, to obey, to vote in their sham elections!
For those of us who reject this bullshit, who wish for an education that will help break the unending cycle of exploitation and misery, who want to bring an end to the capitalist system, the PCR-RCP encourages your contribution to building a revolutionary movement of the proletarian youth and students this October 2012.
What is a revolutionary student? According to Mao, we judge whether a youth is revolutionary or not by whether they integrate themselves with the masses or oppress the common people instead. Our perspective is that there is no such thing as an independent student “class” with its own distinct interests. Class permeates the student population as it does the wider society. As students climb up the ladder of higher education in search of upward class mobility, the more likely they will become the trained administrators, bureaucrats, and sentinels for the capitalist system.
Is our intention to become student politicians or politicize students? To serve capital or to Serve the People? Our perspective is that it is very necessary to break with reformism and social democratic politics dominating the student and labour movements today. We want to align student struggles with those of young workers on and off the campuses, young workers who are shuffled into mind-numbing, back-beaking, low-pay, low-skilled, precarious jobs. Why should proletarian youth and revolutionary students pursue politics that ultimately preserve a degenerating political system that is not a direct expression of our class interests? We should struggle alongside youth who risk imprisonment by the racist capitalist system, with those who refuse to submit to bullshit authority and who are destined to fill the mega prisons in the coming years.
Revolutionary students must align their interests and develop clear politics to advance the struggles of the proletariat and oppressed masses toward the only solution that can bring an end to their misery. As the Quebec students are showing the rest of North America, it is necessary to “seize the time” and to expand the immediate struggles against rising costs of higher education and burdensome debt loads to attacking the economic foundation which gives rise to mass exploitation and oppression—to ideologically and politically attack the capitalist system and to mobilize for socialist revolution.  We plan to raise hell and to raise it well.
We therefore invite anti-capitalist young people across the country who are organizing in high schools, in colleges and universities, who are employed or unemployed, and who are from the First Nations, to accumulate our forces and experiences, to develop and organize collectively in the coming months a plan for revolutionary political education, education that will be transformed into militant political action in the class struggle, which will truly make the ruling classes tremble. For more info contact:

canada - reply to state repression

Pas de moratoire! Pas d’élections-bidons! Amnistie et indemnisations de toutes les victimes de répression politique, rien de moins!

Publié par secoursrougecanada le 28 mai 2012
De nouvelles discussions auraient lieu Lundi entre des représentantEs des étudiantEs et le gouvernement. Depuis le début, ce dernier n’a rien offert de sérieux pour calmer le mouvement. Au contraire, aussitôt qu’il faisait une action, celle-ci ne faisait que mettre de l’huile sur le feu. C’est particulièrement vrai depuis que le gouvernement a rompu les négociations le 25 avril. L’entente de principe qui a sorti de négociations le 4 et 5 mai a été rejetée massivement. Il y a eu d’autres pourparlers entre les représentantEs étudiantEs et les deux ministres de l’éducation (une s’est faite liquidée par le mouvement de lutte) et rien n’a sorti. Au contraire, une loi spéciale scélérate a été votée le 18 mai.
L’entente de principe rejetée pouvait être interprétée de manière bien différente. Le gouvernement obtenait qu’il y aurait une hausse des frais de scolarité sur 7 ans. En pratique, pendant un an, il n’y aurait pas eu d’augmentations sur la facture des étudiantEs jusqu’à temps qu’il y ait des nouvelles élections. C’était donc une forme de moratoire déguisée sans que le gouvernement perde la face, escomptant une défaite libérale par la suite. C’est le genre d’entente qu’apprécient les directions syndicale habituées à faire avaler des couleuvres à leurs membres. Mais ça n’a pas marché avec les étudiantEs.
Mais l’idée d’un moratoire, peu importe les mots, est toujours là. Si, à la fin avril, cela aurait pu servir à démobiliser le mouvement étudiant, il n’est pas clair qu’à l’heure actuelle, cela désamorcerait la colère. Les étudiantEs ont fait beaucoup de sacrifices. Des amendes et autres procédures judiciaires ont été servies à profusion contre les étudiantEs. Il y a eu des arrestations massives. Seulement, le 23 mai, à Montréal, il y a eu 518 arrestations et, à Québec, 176.
Par ailleurs, le mouvement dépasse de plus en plus la problématique étudiante. De nombreux ingrédients pour faire un mouvement digne de mai 68 sont là, à part, cependant, la domestication complète du mouvement syndical québécois. Durant les manifs de soir, on ne retrouve pas que des étudiantEs; plusieurs jeunes de la rue et des citoyenNEs qui réclament une société plus démocratique participent à la contestation. Qu’en est-il du supposé complot de la confrérie des casseurs? La bourgeoisie et sa police ne sont même pas en mesure de reconnaître qu’une partie importante de la population se révolte.
Les journaux bourgeois affirment que les étudiantEs sont responsables de la crise compte tenu qu’ils et elles refuseraient tout compromis. Rappelons que c’est le gouvernement qui a décidé d’augmenter les frais de scolarité d’initialement 75% sur 5 ans et cela sans qu’il y ait eu des discussions sérieuses avec les regroupements syndicaux et étudiants. Aujourd’hui, les étudiantEs ont le rapport de force. Aujourd’hui, une partie importante de la population se range ouvertement derrière les étudiantEs prête à prendre la rue. Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement craint pour la saison touristique estivale. Pourquoi n’obtenir qu’un moratoire jusqu’aux prochaines élections? Et si les libéraux ou la CAQ prenaient le pouvoir?
Après 15 semaines de lutte, les étudiantEs ne peuvent accepter un moratoire. Le mouvement réclamait qu’il n’y ait pas de hausse; le gouvernement doit céder là-dessus. Mais le conflit dont l’unique responsable est le gouvernement Charest a provoqué beaucoup de préjudices. Les amendes ou autres charges judiciaires sont une des résultantes du conflit. Les gens qui ont été blessées, les autres traumatismes, les emplois perdus, les sessions abandonnées sans remboursement. Qui va payer pour cela? Dans plusieurs pays, lorsque se négocie un protocole de retour au travail, il est convenu que les travailleurs soient dédommagés entièrement du salaire momentanément non versé durant le conflit. Si ça se trouve les semaines de grève mériteraient la gratuité scolaire comme indemnisation des préjudices subies par la répression politique, policière et judiciaire pour les étudiantEs qui se sont battues.
Il faut attendre le résultat des discussions entre les représentantEs étudiantEs pour savoir ce qui s’est parlé. Par contre, souhaitons que sera discutée la situation des victimes de répression politique et judiciaire dans le conflit. Autrement, nous devons nous organiser pour monter un mouvement des victimes de la répression politique et judiciaire pour obtenir une totale amnistie ainsi qu’une indemnisation complète. On n’attendra pas les prochaines élections pour faire ça. Le Secours Rouge travaillera à monter ce mouvement.

L’État québécois nous fait la guerre ! Répliquons et sauvons nos camarades !

Publié par secoursrougecanada le 24 mai 2012
La preuve n’est pas à faire: depuis le début de la grève étudiante actuelle, des milliers de camarades en lutte se sont fait amendés, emprisonnés, blessés, traumatisés, éclopés, mutilés et handicapés par les forces de l’ordre capitaliste. Des contravention banales aux accusations de terrorisme, du poivre, du gaz et de la matraque jusqu’à se faire rouler sur le corps, des ecchymoses et des fractures à la mutilation des yeux et le coma, en toute vérité, la preuve n’est pas à faire: la violence de l’ordre capitaliste est sans merci. Rien ne doit remettre en cause le pouvoir du capital; le profit est loi et le peuple travailleur doit lui obéir.
La nouvelle loi n’est qu’une façon de légitimer la violence qui existe déjà et même d’aller plus loin encore. Elle vise à briser par tous les moyens ce qui fait la force du peuple travailleur: la solidarité. Elle rend purement et simplement illégale notre démocratie populaire. Les associations étudiantes, les syndicats et les groupes populaires sont effectivement mis hors-la-loi. Quiconque les supporte est criminel. Le Secours rouge du Canada invite tous ceux et toutes celles qui ont été victime de la violence de la bourgeoisie québécoise ainsi que ceux et celles qui sont solidaires des camarades en lutte à rejoindre l’organisation. Ensemble, imposons leur notre justice !
Exigeons l’amnistie totale et inconditionnelle de toutES les manifestantES judiciariséEs par une répression politique!
Exigeons l’indemnisation de nos camarades victimes de la répression politique faite par l’État québécois bourgeois et sa force de police!
N’exigeons rien de moins que la gratuité scolaire pour les étudiantEs qui ont fait des sacrifices énormes dans ce combat !
Exigeons l’abolition des conseils d’administration corrompus pour les remplacer par nos propres organisations démocratiques !
Nous nous devons de défier l’État québécois capitaliste et sa police par la grève, le blocage, le sabotage et l’autodéfense ! Rien de leur État n’est à notre avantage: ni leurs élections, ni leur système judiciaire qui ne fait qu’appliquer leurs lois. Nous nous devons de former un front commun de soutien politique et matériel à tous les blessés, les arrêtés et les emprisonnés, héros et héroïnes de la cause du peuple prolétaire qui luttent pour renverser cet ordre qui pourrit nos vies. Ne reculons sur rien ! Peuple prolétaire, défendons-nous contre les capitalistes qui révèlent leur vrai visage à travers cette crise: leur démocratie n’est qu’un mensonge, il n’y a que leur dictature. À tout prix, nous nous devons de la renverser. La solidarité est notre arme ! Faisons leur payer au centuple, chaque insulte, chaque coup, chaque blessure! Contre leur dictature nous opposons notre union, notre démocratie populaire et le communisme!
Victimes et sympatisantEs, rejoignez le Secours rouge du Canada pour la justice populaire!

ILPS supports popular revolt against Québec government’s repressive Bill 78 – Long live International Solidarity!

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle condemns the repressive Bill 78 imposed by the government of Jean Charest in Québec and salutes the militant response of the people 

The emergency law, known as Bill 78, was the Québec government’s attempt to break the back of a student strike, now in its 105th day, by imposing massive fines of up to $125,000 for organizing protests and strike actions. And in a clause drawn straight from the books of South American dictators like Augusto Pinochet in Chile, anyone planning to gather just 50 people must give police 8 hours notice including their itinerary. In imposing the law, the government said it was defending the “right to education”, the same kind of logic governments use when they try to break workers’ strikes in the name of the “right to work”.

However, far from putting an end to the strike, the unenforceable law has galvanized a growing section of the population into a massive “social strike” against neoliberal policies and a government mired in corruption and kowtowing to the monopolies. On Tuesday, May 22, 250,000 students and supporters marched in Montréal to mark the 100th day of the strike, all of them breaking the emergency law, because they turned left instead of right at the first corner, refusing to follow the route police had demanded the rally organizers provide in advance.
The next day over 500 people were arrested during the 30th consecutive night of demonstrations in Montréal, among some 3000 arrests since the student strike began. The people’s response to this repression has been a joyous and militant casseroles (pots in French) movement, where every night, as the clock strikes 8 pm, men, women, children and elderly start banging their pots and pans and flowing into the streets, a practise inspired by similar movements in Chile and Argentina.

ILPS-Canada and IWA join May 22, 2012 march of 250,000 in Montréal marking day 100 of student strike and protest against Bill 78
The Montreal police, overwhelmed by the public reaction as dozens of marches, often involving thousands of people, occur at any one time, have limited themselves to directing traffic and momentarily at least, put away their truncheons, plastic bullets, tear gas and handcuffs.
The student strike began in February when the Québec Liberal government decided to go back on past promises and to hike post-secondary tuition fees by CAD $1,625 over the next five years, doubling present rates. Soon, red squares, the symbol of the student strike, could be seen everywhere, attached to people’s jackets, hats, bags and backpacks, and even decorating public monuments. Several weeks into the strike the government finally sat down with the student associations and offered tuition hikes of $254 per year over seven years instead of $325 a year over five years, small changes to bursaries and a committee to oversee university administrations in which students would play a minor role. The insulting deal was overwhelming rejected by striking students. The government has since refused to reopen discussions on tuition fee hikes.
Education in Canada is under provincial jurisdiction and tuition fees have historically been lower in Quebec (approximately CAN$2100/yr) than in other provinces because of strong student and popular mobilization. Keeping tuition fees low in university to enable more French-speaking Quebecers to have access to higher education became a key social policy issue in Quebec starting in the 1960s. At the time, the Catholic Church controlled education and French-speaking Québecers’ post-secondary education rate was way below that of the rest of the population in Canada – with only 7% attending university in Québec. Over the years, Québec student associations won the right to organize strikes, a right which does not similarly exist elsewhere in Canada and is now under attack with Bill 78.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Support the People’s War in India! International Conference 24 november Hamburg -Germany

Support the People’s War in India!

The bosses of world imperialist system carry out an offensive against the peoples of the world. Imperialist wars of aggression as those against Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, mark the beginning of the century. They prepare the next war against Syria, Iran or any other, because one thing is certain, that they are not going to stop voluntarily. At the same time, they impose on people the consequences of the crisis, especially on the peoples in the oppressed nations, but also in the imperialist countries themselves, the working class is constantly trampled and their fundamental rights are quickly stolen away. In this situation, fascism is not a nebulous threat, but an active force. At the same time, the imperialists systematically destroy the planet. All this is well known. This shows that imperialism is reaction all along the line, it shows that imperialism is not consistent with the progress of humanity and, indeed, the survival of an ever larger part of the world population. “The end of history” that the imperialists announced loudly since the nineties, is a hell for the proletariat and peoples of the world. But, more oppression spurs more resistance, and so, from Peru to the Philippines, from the British Islands to China, from Colombia to Kurdistan, from Nigeria to Greece, all around the world, the countries want independence, the nations liberation, and the peoples revolution. This is the basis for a current that will bury imperialism. The problem is, in many cases, that the struggle against imperialism is limited only to the resistance with no prospect but the mere survival. Therefore, in order to develop this resistance as a powerful wave of anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggles, the conscious organized factor is required to be able to lead the consequent struggle to establish the people’s Power. Hence, it is worth the effort to take a look on India.

India, which the ruling classes cynically present as the Shining India” and a supposed example of that imperialism brings “development”, is a heaven for the rich and hell for the people. While the wealth of the 53 richest people in the country is equal to 31% of GDP, the 77% of the population live with an income of less than 20 rupees (approximately 50 Euro cents) a day. Every day 5,000 children die from starvation and malnutrition, that is almost two million child deaths per year. The percentage of hungry people is greater than in Ethiopia. The agrarian crisis, a direct result of the imperialist policy, causes immense misery to the peasantry and results in a wave of suicides, with hundreds of thousands of desperate peasants who have committed suicide. “The greatest democracy in the world”, is a country in which the big bourgeoisie and landlords do what they please. A country where the caste system is still fully intact. Where different minorities, different nationalities and peoples are forced to live in a “prison-house of nations”. In order to increase the imperialist exploitation, they established Special Economic Zones, where the so-called “transnational” companies can operate without limits. Tens of millions of people are forced to become internal refugees, because they are expelled from the land where their ancestors have since thousands of years, so that Capital can steal the raw materials existing there. We could mention many other examples, this might fill all a book, the question is clear: the anti-imperialistic and anti-feudal revolution is a necessity for the vast majority of the people of India.

This revolution is ongoing. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) a people’s war develops - described by the most important representatives of the ruling classes as the greatest danger for their system. In the countryside there are thousands of organizations of the genuine people’s power. In the Revolutionary People's Committees, those who for centuries have had nothing have started to construct their own state. They organize with their own forces a society where there is no hunger, where there is education and health, and the land belongs to who tills it. There are no landlords or lackeys of the imperialists. There, the needs of the people are law. There, they live the true democracy, the new democracy of the people. In the cities, the mass organizations are advancing by leaps, in February this year the working class of India has carried out the biggest strike in history of humanity, involving 100 million people, and the ruling classes are terrified by the growing influence of the Maoists. The People's War stirs the deepest foundations of society.

The ruling classes and their imperialist bosses - how could it be otherwise? - are not sitting quiet with folded arms watching the advance of the revolutionary movement. They act as always and everywhere have done; they seek to drown in blood the struggle of the people. “Specialists” in counterinsurgency from U.S. and Israeli Mossad are there to assist on the field the repressive forces. Paramilitary State forces are fighting daily against the guerrillas - the so-called paramilitaries are militarily organized and armed. The Army and Air Force every time more openly takes part in the fighting. The reactionary state has launched barbaric reactionary campaigns such as: Salwa Judum, "Green Hunt", among others, and implemented a policy that is comparable to the Nazi campaign against anti-fascist resistance in World War II. They apply systematic murder, torture and “disappearances” against the revolutionary leaders.

But the people do not summit. The people’s war advances without stopping, with the clear course in direction of seizing Power. This is possible, since the conscious and organized factor, which we have spoken about above, exists and is able to consistently lead the fight to the end. Their struggle is just and it is an internationalist duty to give them our full and unwavering support. The People's War in India has to merge with the struggle of peoples around the world and be a part of the great revolutionary current that will ultimately defeat imperialism. The development of a consistent anti-imperialist movement in a country of 1.2 billion people will change the balance of forces between imperialism and the oppressed nations, and therefore it would be a great boost for the revolutionary forces around the world. To support this movement does not mean only to fulfill an obligation, but to serve the advancement of our movement in all countries.

It is in this sense that we organize an international conference on 24 November this year in Hamburg. We hope that this conference will be a major boost to the international movement of support to the People's War in India. Delegations from different countries will participate in it and through this they will bring their experiences and ideas on how to raise this campaign to a higher level. We want a conference that expresses the initiative, the energy and the anti-imperialist and revolutionary will of proletarians, women, youth, immigrants, progressive artists and intellectuals. We do not want it to be only a formal act, but a living expression of proletarian internationalism, so that it may serve to give concrete progresses to the campaign of support. The conference is open to all forces who share this objective. Therefore:

Everybody to the International Conference in Support of the Peopple's War in India!


Bündnis gegen imperialistische
Aggression - BGIA (Hamburg)

International committe support people's war India 

24 novembre - Amburgo - conferenza internazionale di sostegno alla guerra
popolare in india

¡Appoggiare la guerra popolare in India!

I padroni del sistema imperialista mondiale portano avanti un'offensiva
contro i popoli del mondo. Guerre di aggressione imperialiste come quelle
contro Iraq, Afghanistan e Libia hanno segnato l'inizio del secolo e stanno
preparando la prossima guerra contro la Siria, l'Iran o chissà chi altro,
perché una cosa è certa, non si fermeranno per loro volontà. Allo stesso
tempo, scaricano sui popoli le conseguenze della crisi, specie sui popoli
delle nazioni oppresse, ma anche negli stessi paesi imperialisti, dove la
classe operaia è costantemente calpestata e i suoi diritti fondamentali
vengono rapidamente cancellati. In questa situazione, il fascismo non è una
minaccia vaga, ma una forza agente.

Allo stesso tempo, gli imperialisti distruggono sistematicamente il pianeta.
Tutto ciò è ben noto. Dimostra che l'imperialismo è reazione su tutta la
linea, dimostra che l'imperialismo non è compatibile col progresso
e neppure con la sopravvivenza di una parte sempre più grande della
popolazione mondiale. "La fine della storia" che gli imperialisti hanno
annunciato a gran voce dalla degli anni novanta è un inferno per il
proletariato e dei popoli del mondo, ma più oppressione catena più
resistenza, e così, dal Perù alle Filippine, dalla Gran Bretagna alla Cina,
dalla Colombia al Kurdistan, dalla Nigeria alla Grecia, i paesi in tutto il
mondo vogliono l'indipendenza, le nazioni la liberazione, e i popoli la

Questa è la base di una corrente che seppellirà l'imperialismo, ma il
problema è che in molti casi la lotta contro imperialismo si limita alla
sola resistenza senza altra prospettiva che la propria sopravvivenza.
Perciò, per sviluppare queste lotte come una poderosa ondata di lotta
antimperialista e rivoluzionaria, occorre un fattore cosciente e organizzato
che sia in grado di dirigere conseguentemente la lotta fino a stabilire il
Potere popolare. Per questo vale la pena di rivolgere lo sguardo all'India.

L'India, e quello che le classi dominanti presentano cinicamente come la
"Via indù" è un esempio di quello che porta lo "sviluppo" dell'imperialismo,
un paradiso per i ricchi e l'inferno per il popolo. I patrimoni delle 53
persone più ricche del paese è pari al 31% del PIL, mentre il 77% della
popolazione vive con meno di 20 rupie al giorno (circa 50 centesimi di
euro). Ogni giorno 5.000 bambini muoiono per fame e malnutrizione, quasi due
milioni di bambini morti all'anno. La percentuale delle persone che soffrono
la fame è superiore a quella dell'Etiopia. La crisi agraria, conseguenza
diretta della politica imperialista, è sempre causa di estrema misera per i
contadini e di un'ondata di suicidi di centinaia di migliaia di contadini
disperati che si tolgono la vita. "La più grande democrazia del mondo" è un
paese in cui la grande borghesia e i latifondisti fanno ciò che vogliono. Un
paese dove il sistema delle caste è ancora intatto. Le diverse minoranze,
nazionalità e popoli diversi devono sopportare di vivere in una "prigione
dei popoli".

Per incrementare lo sfruttamento imperialista sono state istituite le Zone
Economiche Speciali, dove le cosiddette "multinazionali" sono libere di
operare senza vincoli. Decine di milioni di persone sono costrette a
diventare profughi nel loro paese, espulsi dalla terra dove i loro antenati
hanno sempre vissuto, per permettere al capitale di razziare le materie
prime. Potremmo fare molti altri esempi, fino a riempire un libro, ma la
questione è chiara: la rivoluzione antimperialista e antifeudal è una
necessità per la stragrande maggioranza del popolo dell'India.

Questa rivoluzione è in corso. Sotto la direzione del Partito Comunista
dell'India (Maoista) si sta sviluppando una guerra popolare, definita dagli
esponenti più importanti delle classi dominanti la più grande minaccia per
il sistema. Nelle campagne ci sono migliaia di organizzazioni di vero potere
popolare. Nei Comitati Popolari Rivoluzionari hanno iniziato a stabilire il
loro Stato quelli che per secoli hanno avuto nulla. Organizzano con le
proprie forze una società dove non c'è fame, dove ci sono istruzione e la
salute, dove la terra è proprietà di chi lavora. Lì non ci sono più
latifondisti né servi degli imperialisti, le esigenze delle masse sono la
legge, vive la vera democrazia, la nuova democrazia del popolo. Nelle città
le organizzazioni di massa avanzano per salti. A febbraio di quest'anno la
classe operaia indiana ha realizzato il più grande sciopero della storia
dell'umanità, con la partecipazione di 100 milioni di persone, e le classi
dominanti sono terrorizzate dalla crescente influenza dei maoisti. La guerra
popolare scuote la società dalle fondamenta più profonde.

Ovviamente le classi dirigenti e i loro padroni imperialisti non se ne
stanno tranquilli a braccia conserte a guardare il movimento rivoluzionario
che avanza. Agiscono come hanno fatto sempre e ovunque, cercando di
soffocare nel sangue la lotta del popolo. "Specialisti" della lotta
anti-sovversiva sono giunti dagli Stati Uniti e dal Mossad di Israele per
collaborare sul campo con le forze repressive. Forze paramilitari dello
Stato combattono quotidianamente contro la guerriglia, paramilitari
organizzati e armati militarmente. Esercito e aviazione prendono sempre
parte ai combattimenti. Lo stato reazionario ha scatenato barbare campagne
quali, tra la altre, Salwa Judum, "Green Hunt", e applica una politica
paragonabile alle campagne dei nazisti contro le resistenze antifasciste
nella seconda guerra mondiale, praticando sistematicamente assassinii,
torture e "sparizioni" contro i dirigenti rivoluzionari.

Ma il popolo non si fa schiacciare. La guerra popolare avanza senza fermarsi
col chiaro obiettivo della presa del potere. Ciò è possibile in quanto quel
fattore cosciente e organizzato di cui abbiamo parlato, esiste ed è in grado
di dirigere coerentemente la lotta fino in fondo. La loro è una lotta giusta
ed è un dovere internazionalista darle il nostro pieno e saldo appoggio. La
guerra popolare in India deve fondersi con la lotta dei popoli di tutto il
mondo ed essere parte della grande corrente rivoluzionaria che infine
sconfiggerà l'imperialismo. Lo sviluppo di un movimento antimperialista
conseguente in un paese di 1,2 miliardi di persone, farà sì che cambino i
rapporti di forze tra imperialismo e popoli oppressi, e sarebbe perciò una
grande spinta per le forze rivoluzionarie in tutto il mondo. Appoggiare
questo movimento non significa solo osservare un dovere, ma serve anche a
fare avanzare il movimento in tutti i paesi.

E' in questo senso che il 24 novembre di quest'anno organizziamo ad Amburgo
una conferenza internazionale. ci aspettiamo che questa conferenza dia un
impulso importante al movimento internazionale di sostegno alla Guerra in
India. Delegazioni da diversi paesi vi parteciperanno e porteranno le loro
esperienze e idee su come far crescere questa campagna a un livello
superiore. Vogliamo che questa sia una conferenza in cui esprimano
l'energia e la volontà antimperialista e rivoluzionaria, di proletari,
donne, giovani, immigrati, artisti e intellettuali progressisti. Non
vogliamo che sia solo un atto formale, ma una viva espressione di
internazionalismo proletario, che possa servire a fare progressi concreti
nella campagna di appoggio. La conferenza è aperta a tutte le forze
coinvolte in questo obiettivo. Perciò:

Tutti alla Conferenza Internazionale di Appoggio alla Guerra Popolare in

Bündnis gegen imperialistische
Aggression - BGIA (Hamburg)

International committe support people's war India

Saturday, May 26, 2012

revolutionary students mouvement in canada -- photos and texts from MER-PCr canada

Les actes du gouvernement Charest démontrent que ce dernier n’est plus du tout capable de gouverner normalement l’État bourgeois. La loi spéciale 78 exigeant un retour forcé en classe en août là où il y a encore grève montre que ce dernier a subi une défaite. Jusqu’ici, toutes ses manœuvres impliquant l’utilisation du judicaire n’ont fait que mettre de l’huile sur le feu renforçant le mouvement.
Alors que le 16 mai, lors de la conférence de presse annonçant le dépôt du projet de loi, Charest insistait sur une manœuvre sournoise de suspension du conflit, il annonçait déjà des mesures dissuasives. Par contre, on n’aurait jamais soupçonné qu’il aurait voulu se venger à se point-là des étudiantEs contestataires, les dirigeantEs du mouvement, leurs organisation mais aussi leurs alliés. On parle d’amendes allant de 1000$ à 125 000$ selon qu’on soit un individu, unE dirigeantE, ou un regroupement. On limite le droit de manifestation dès maintenant en voulant s’assurer que les trajets, transports en lien à la manifestation soient transmis 8 heures à l’avance. En pratique, la simple participation à une  manifestation non annoncée à l’avance entraîne une amende d’un minimum de 1000$ à un individu y participant.
Le droit de s’organiser pour mener des luttes est aussi sanctionné. Les associations étudiantes accusées de défier la loi pourrait voir la suspension de la perception des cotisations par les établissements d’enseignement; pour chaque jour de défi de la loi, cela entrainerait la suspension d’un semestre de perception obligatoire. Cette disposition n’a pas de fin  dans le temps. Formellement, l’association pourrait toujours demander la cotisation à ses membres individuellement mais la loi prévoit que ces derniers ne seraient pas tenus de la payer. La capacité d’organisation de ces associations plus militantes se trouverait entamée.
L’incitation à la désobéissance civile par un tiers peut entraîner pour ce dernier de fortes amendes. L’article 29 de cette loi affirme « Quiconque, par un acte ou une omission, aide ou, par un encouragement, un conseil, un consentement, une autorisation ou un ordre, amène une autre personne à commettre une infraction visée par la présente loi commet lui-même cette infraction… » et conséquemment est passible des mêmes amendes. Les syndicats, les groupes anticapitalistes et marxistes se trouvent dans la mire de cet article.
Par cette mesure, le gouvernement montre sa crainte de voir le mouvement s’élargir. Il montre qu’il a perdu sa capacité de gouverner normalement. Si on se fie à la détermination de la base étudiante, il n’est pas sûr que cette loi résorbe ce que des commentateurs désignent comme une crise sociale. Par contre, elle mettrait les associations étudiantes et ses dirigeantEs dans une position très difficile les encourageant à étouffer le mouvement; en pratique, ils et elles seraient obligés de policer leur base, autrement, ils et elles seraient accusés en vertu de cette loi.
Quand des tyrans imposent des lois et mesures arbitraires, le peuple a le droit de se soulever et de s’en débarrasser. La jeunesse ne doit pas pliée. Tout le monde doit descendre dans la rue contre ce gouvernement pourri et ces lois scélérates. Allons en masse à la manifestation du 22 mai!

Alors que les étudiant-es du Québec mènent le combat pour une 13e semaine de grève dans ce qui se révèle être une lutte particulièrement combattive, le sénateur conservateur Claude Carignan attaque et menace les étudiant-es qui ont massivement et démocratiquement choisi de faire grève. Pour faire plaisir à ses deux fils réactionnaires qui veulent jouer aux scabs et à leurs ami-es, il a pris la tête d'une injonction contre l'Association étudiante et le Collège pour forcer un retour en classe. Puisqu'il est grassement entretenu à même l'argent des travailleurs et travailleuses, touchant plus de 160 000$ par année pour siéger dans un conseil de vieux croutons, il a le loisir de s'en prendre sans frais aux libertés associatives et aux principes de solidarité étudiante au nom de la liberté de quelques jeunes privilégié-es. En date du 14 mai, c'est 300 scabs qui bénéficieront de l'aide de ce bureaucrate pour faire écraser, tabasser, emprisonner et judiciariser les étudiant-es en grève de Lionel-Groulx. Vendredi dernier, les jeunes de Lionel-Groulx et ceux&celles qui sont venus les supporter de l'extérieur, ont empêché la reprise des cours, comme cela a été le cas dans de nombreuses autres écoles. Le sénateur Carignan veut rajouter l'injure à l'insulte; il menace de poursuivre directement les jeunes que lui et sa "gang" se sont amusés à photographier et à filmer, pour mieux les envoyer devant le juge. C'est probablement ce qu'il avait en tête quand il a défendu sur toutes les tribunes qu'il fallait mettre les jeunes contrevenant-es en prison!
Comme désormais au Québec il est aussi facile d'obtenir une injonction que de s'acheter un paquet de gomme au dépanneur du coin, de la part d'un juge corrompu et profondément lié au maintien du système d'exploitation et d'oppression, la Grève  aurait pu être menacée par ce processus juridique. Pourtant, dans toutes les régions, des jeunes courageux et courageuses considèrent que la légitimité de leur mouvement n'est à toute évidence pas la légalité des tribunaux, des juges et des injonctions. Alors que les rumeurs de scission et d'annulation de session se concrétisent de plus en plus, il est clair que les étudiant-es les plus déterminé-es à la lutte ne céderont pas le terrain aux politiques fascisantes d'une clique de politiciens et de magistraux véreux. Mais leurs tribunaux pompeux et leurs coups de matraque n'ont toujours pas réussi à nous mater; leurs fidèles laquais ne faisant que tenter de lancer de la poudre aux yeux qui n'aveugle désormais plus personne (On peut y lire la dernière chronique de Richard Martineau)À l'heure d'écrire ces lignes, on ne sait ce que les prochains jours nous réserve, mais il est fort à parier qu'on y verra un affrontement majeur entre les tenants de cette "démocratie pour les riches" et une jeunesse qui défend que le véritable pouvoir est celui du peuple. Les militant-es du MER seront au combat, avec tous les autres qui n'accepteront pas les magouilles, les compromis, les menaces.

À bas le vieux système sénile qui nous dirige tous et toutes!
Notre seule légitimité, c'est celle que nous prendrons dans la rue!

Solidarité avec les camarades arrêté-es dans la lutte :

Depuis le début du conflit, le gouvernement a systématiquement sous-estimé le mouvement de lutte étudiant. À sa décharge, il faut dire que le mouvement de grève défie les prédictions même des plus enthousiastes et qu’il fracasse tous les précédents. Il nous a amené au seuil d’une crise sociale comme le Québec en a rarement vécue. Sa combativité et son refus obstinés de concéder la victoire aux capitalistes gouvernementaux – comme ça a été si souvent le cas dans les dernières décennies – sont exemplaires et suggèrent qu’une nouvelle période historique commence peut-être, que le temps des défaites et des humiliations achève peut-être enfin. « Assez c’est assez, la paix sociale est terminée », ce slogan bien connu résonne aujourd’hui avec plus de force mais surtout plus d’authenticité que jamais. En traduisant ce slogan en actes, le mouvement étudiant affirme ceci : puisque le peuple doit subir des attaques constantes contre ses conditions de vie – son accès à l’éducation y compris –, puisque le capital se sauve de sa propre crise en accentuant de toutes les manières l’exploitation des travailleurs et des travailleuses dont il se nourrit, alors nous rendrons cette société ingouvernable pour la bourgeoisie.

Ça fait maintenant plusieurs semaines que le climat social pourrit et que le fond de l’air est explosif. En rejetant en masse la dernière arnaque gouvernementale – l’entente conclue le 5 mai – le mouvement de grève étudiante vient de franchir une nouvelle étape. Il a renforcé comme jamais sa position d’adversaire irréductible à l’épreuve des manœuvres gouvernementales. Revenons sur quelques aspects de cette prétendue occasion de « sortie de crise » pour comprendre la signification politique du moment.

Le mouvement étudiant refuse de se laisser désarmer
S’il y a dans le refus de cette entente un rendez-vous manqué pour les étudiants et les étudiantes, c’est avec une défaite humiliante. Le seul effet réel et certain de cette entente était de désarmer le mouvement étudiant, de lui confisquer son rapport de force, la grève. Elle prévoyait d’évincer les dizaines de milliers de grévistes et d’étouffer leur lutte en l’enfermant dans le cadre d’un Conseil de gestionnaires et d’agents de la bourgeoisie où une petite délégation étudiante aurait été réduite à l’impuissance et à l’insignifiance. Si toutes ces semaines de grève n’ont pas pu faire plier le gouvernement, que peut-on espérer d’un mécanisme complètement dominé par les ennemis affirmés des revendications étudiantes ? Cette partie de l’entente a été comprise pour ce qu’elle est : une aberration et une insulte.

Entre les lignes, l’entente proposait un deuxième horizon aux revendications étudiantes, celui des élections. En effet, en repoussant de quelques mois les effets de la hausse des frais de scolarité, la négociation tablait sur le fait que l’enjeu premier du conflit – la hausse, le gel ou la gratuité scolaire – se jouerait dans l’arène d’une campagne électorale. On s’en remettrait au choix de l’électorat pour la solution préconisée par l’un ou l’autre des grands partis bourgeois. C’est une issue sans doute particulièrement souhaitée par la FECQ et la FEUQ qui ont toujours été des forces auxiliaires du Parti québécois et se sont fait les agents de mille sabotages des luttes de la base et de mille récupérations politiques.

Sous cet angle, le refus massif de l’offre par les grévistes constitue un violent désaveu du parlementarisme bourgeois et de ses prétentions à jouer le rôle d’arbitre légitime et démocratique des conflits sociaux. Ils et elles ne s’y sont pas trompéEs : cette forme de gouvernement n’est pas le pouvoir populaire. Il est au contraire l’instrument de la domination du capital qui réduit le peuple à un rôle de spectateur tandis qu’une poignée de politiciens bourgeois décident de tout. Ils et elles ont eu raison de n’avoir confiance, pour faire triompher leurs justes revendications, qu’en leur pouvoir collectif et direct dans la lutte.

Les élections, éteignoirs des luttes
Dans tous les pays, les grands partis bourgeois se succèdent au pouvoir au fil des ans dans une alternance de couleurs qui est en fait une parfaite continuité. À chaque élection, les partis d’opposition se présentent en porte-parole des mécontents, en instrument d’un vrai changement et d’une manière de faire la politique autrement. Une fois au pouvoir, ils appliquent systématiquement le programme de la bourgeoisie, ils veillent essentiellement à la prospérité du capital.