Friday, August 30, 2024

¡Este 30 de agosto, a tomar las calles en exigencia de verdad y justicia! Mexico - info solidaridad



A la clase obrera y los trabajadores

Al campesinado pobre y los pueblos originarios-oprimidos

A las mujeres y la juventud popular

A las organizaciones hermanas y colectivos de búsqueda

A las madres y familias buscadoras


Saludamos la firmeza y dignidad de las organizaciones hermanas; de los colectivos de búsqueda; de las madres y familias buscadoras que, pese a todas las campañas de difamación, pese a la persecución y el terror, pese a las prebendas y migajas con que el régimen pretende acallar su digna lucha, mantienen en alto la exigencia de verdad y justicia sin arrodillarse. ¡La verdad es siempre revolucionaria!

Es importante decir que el 30 de agosto, Día Internacional del detenido-desaparecido, no es una fecha más del calendario, sino una oportunidad para gritar a una sola voz, desde las distintas geografías, desde los diversos contextos y desde la heterogeneidad de nuestros pensamientos ¡Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos!

Toda esa trampa maquillada por el Registro Nacional de Personas Desparecidas, que insiste en que son menos de 112 mil personas desaparecidas, contrasta con la enorme estela de víctimas que ha dejado el terrorismo de Estado desde el inicio de la guerra sucia -pasando por la guerra “contra el narco”- hasta los tiempos de la autoproclamada “cuarta transformación”. Todo ello habla de la realidad de un mismo proceso: la guerra contra el pueblo, como una guerra reaccionaria que ha dejado más de 116 mil personas desaparecidas de acuerdo con la Declaración de la 5ª Asamblea Nacional por el Agua, la Vida y el Territorio. ¡Fue el Estado!

Sostenemos que ni la continuidad del modelo político (en realidad económico) del capitalismo burocrático bajo la gerencia de AMLO-Sheinbaum; ni las pretendidas reformas judicial, electoral, etc. del Estado (que por viejo, caduco e irracional tiene que ser barrido por completo); ni la descarada militarización y balcanización del país (ordenada por el imperialismo yanqui), podrán detener al pueblo que no ha cejado en la defensa de la tierra y la lucha de liberación nacional. ¡La rebelión se justifica!

En este contexto, nuestra organización democrática hace un llamado a todas las organizaciones anti-electoreras, anti-capitalistas y anti-imperialistas de nuestro país para salir a las calles este 30 de agosto, Día Internacional del detenido-desaparecido, en exigencia de presentación con vida de los compañeros y compañeras del movimiento democrático-revolucionario que han sido desaparecidos por el régimen a lo largo de estas casi seis décadas. La lista es interminable, pero sus nombres y sus rostros tienen que ser escritos y plasmados en cada pared, en cada edificio público, en cada comisión de búsqueda y en cada oficina de injusticia. ¡Presentación con vida y castigo a los culpables!

Como organización levantamos en alto la roja bandera del camarada Dr. Ernesto Sernas García desaparecido desde el 10 de mayo de 2018 en San Agustín de las Juntas, Oaxaca. Junto a esta, retomaremos con firmeza la exigencia de libertad para el compañero Arnulfo García Santos, preso político en el penal de Miahuatlán, Oaxaca, quien forma parte del Comité de Desplazados Triquis de San Miguel Copala. ¡Combatir y resistir!

Finalmente, a nuestros amigos y compañeros en otras latitudes del mundo les agradecemos las muestras de solidaridad e internacionalismo proletario que siempre acompañan nuestra lucha y las luchas de los pueblos de México. Sabemos que, así como aquí, en aquellos lares también el rostro y el nombre del camarada Sernas García azotará la tranquilidad de los dueños del dinero y del poder político. ¡Proletarios y pueblos oprimidos del mundo, uníos!

¡Este 30 de agosto, inundar de banderas rojas las calles y plazas!

¡Alto al terrorismo de Estado y la guerra contra el pueblo!

¡Porque vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos!

¡Doctor Ernesto Sernas García, presentación con vida!

¡Libertad para Arnulfo García Santos!



Agosto de 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay will forever be remembered

Central Committee

Communist Party of the Philippines

August 26, 2024

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) gives its highest tribute to Maria Concepcion Araneta-Bocala (Ka Concha), Vicente Hinojales (Ka Hadjie/Ka Emil) and the August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay. They are Party cadres and Red fighters of the New People's Army who died resisting the Marcos fascist regime, defending the rights of the oppressed masses of workers and peasants, and fighting alongside the Filipino people to attain their centuries-long aspirations for genuine freedom and democracy.

Ka Hadjie, Ka Concha, along with Aurelio B. Bosque (Ka Zarco/Baijan/Rio), Jose Jerry Tacaisan (Ka Miller/Bronze), Bemjamin Cortel (Ka Amor/Ruby/Mamang), Romulo Iturriaga Gangoso (Ka Reagan/Biboy/Pedik), Jielmor Gauranoc (Ka Doc/Tango/Baron), Juvylene Silverio (Ka Kaykay/Purang), Armando Savariz (Ka Nene/Kulot), Rewilmar Torrato (Ka Minerva/Mara/Moray) and John Paul Capio (Ka Ronron) were killed in a series of armed encounters with the bloodthirsty fascist troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) from August 5 to 15 in Calinog and Lambunao towns, Iloilo province, and last August 24 in Valderrama, Antique.

They are martyrs of the broad masses of the Filipino people, and heroes of the Philippine revolution. They devoted their lives to the interests of workers, peasants and all democratic classes, in their struggle against all forms of oppression and exploitation in the country, and to attain national and social liberation.

The Party honors the August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay with the highest distinction. Their deaths are a great loss to the masses of Panay and the Filipino people and weigh heavily on our hearts. We express our deepest sympathies to their families, the revolutionary forces and the oppressed and exploited people of Panay, and share with them profound grief. At the same time, we express our indignation at the Marcos fascist terrorist regime that continues to wage a brutal war of suppression against the Filipino people.

We give our highest honors to Ka Hadjie, member of the Central Committee and Secretary of the Panay Regional Party Committee. He was among the younger cadres of the Party who have assumed important roles in leading the revolution in the past years. He assumed leadership of the Panay region in 2016, after having played an important part in the comprehensive growth of the revolutionary struggles in Northeast Mindanao from 2006 to 2016. Over the past years, Ka Hadjie and cadres of the Panay Regional Committee have led the revolutionary forces in the region in resisting the relentless and brutal campaign of the Marcos fascist regime. He was 55.

We also pay special tribute to Ka Concha, who dedicated her long life to the revolutionary cause. She started to work full-time as a cadre organizer in 1972. Other than serving as a key official of the Party's Regional Committee in Panay, she was also assigned as consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in peace negotiations. Ka Concha abandoned all the comforts and privilege of the landlord class, and joined the oppressed peasant masses and Tumandok people in their struggle for land and justice. She would have turned 74 this August 26.

The names of the August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay will forever be etched in the collective memory of the Filipino people. Their contributions to the people's democratic revolution will never be forgotten. Their lives of revolutionary service will always serve as inspiration to the people.

We call on all revolutionary forces of Panay and the entire Filipino people to remember the August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay. Let us conduct memorial meetings to pay tribute and honor their revolutionary deeds. Let us draw courage and determination from their examples and pledge to commit ourselves to continue the people's struggle and armed resistance to achieve the people's aspiration for genuine freedom and democracy.

While some Party cadres and revolutionary leaders in Panay have fallen, other leaders of the Party in the region are now picking up the mantle of leadership. Amid the worsening crisis of the semicolonial and semifeudal system, aggravated by the anti-people and anti-national policies of the Marcos regime, more and more young workers and people, from both cities and rural areas, are heeding calls to join the Party and the New People's Army. They are driven by the urgency of fighting back against the fascist and oppressive regime.

The broad masses of Filipino people have no option but to fight back against the abuses and ruthless war of the Marcos regime directed against them. Marcos uses the AFP to serve the interests of multinational corporations, their local big bourgeois comprador business partners, big landlords and bureaucrat capitalists. Peasants and minority people in their millions are being dispossessed of their land and driven away by Marcos and the AFP to make way for mining operations, plantations, dams, tourism and crony infrastructure projects.

Marcos and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) are fooling only themselves when they claim that they can crush the armed revolution this year or next. Despite having experienced setbacks, the New People's Army, under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines, is resolute in its determination to wage armed resistance relentlessly.

Inspired by the rectification movement, and driven by the desire to fight for the interests of the broad masses, Red fighters and commanders of the NPA are giving their earnest to surmount all obstacles, face all difficulties, overcome past errors, wage guerrilla warfare and launch tactical offensives, carry out mass work, help advance the peasant struggle for genuine land reform and build the organized strength of the masses. With the boundless support of the masses, it is only a matter of time that the NPA will recover from losses and regain strength.

No amount of state terrorism will stop the broad masses of the Filipino people from advancing their national and democratic cause. They are unwavering in their resolve to defend their rights and resist the Marcos puppet and fascist regime, the current most concentrated expression of the oppressive and exploitative ruling system.

Imbued with the spirit of selflessness and courage of the August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay, they will wage all forms of struggle against the US-Marcos fascist regime, advance the people's war, and carry forward the struggle for national and social liberation until victory.

Let the memory of the August Heroes and Martys of Panay live forever! Inspired by their sacrifices, persevere in the national democratic revolution!

Long live the New People's Army!

Long live the National Democratic Front of the Philippines!

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live the Filipino people!

Brasil Porque rompemos com a Coordenação Nacional do MEPR? - info for debate


Saludos maoístas, camaradas,

Con mucha alegría anunciamos la fundación del Nuevo Movimiento Estudiantil Popular Revolucionario (MEPR). Enviamos el manifiesto de nuestra ruptura a los camaradas. La juventud revolucionaria rompió con la Coordinación Nacional y realizó un Encuentro Regional con énfasis en el apoyo a la guerra popular en la India e los 20 años de su fundacion. Pedimos a los compañeros difusión y apoyo, porque nos separamos para seguir levantando en alto la bandera del maoísmo en nuestro país para hacer avanzar la revolución brasileña, bebiendo de la fuente de las gloriosas luchas que el proletariado internacional viene librando en los últimos años y de sus más heroicas y brillantes experiencias.

Porque rompemos com a Coordenação Nacional do MEPR?

Sob os princípios e o estilo marxistas, retificar desvios e construir o Novo Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário!

Muitos camaradas não se empenham em unir à sua volta os elementos ativos para formar o núcleo dirigente ou não são capazes de fazê-lo, nem se empenham em estabelecer laços apertados entre o núcleo dirigente e as grandes massas ou não são capazes de fazê-lo, sendo por isso que a sua direção se torna burocrática e desligada das massas. Muitos camaradas não se empenham em fazer a síntese da experiência da luta das massas ou não são capazes de fazê-lo; julgando-se inteligentes, preferem expor múltiplas opiniões subjetivas, pelo que as suas ideias se revelam vazias e impraticáveis. Muitos camaradas se contentam com lançar apelos gerais para cumprir as tarefas e não se empenham em passar imediatamente a um trabalho de direção particular e concreto ou não são capazes de fazê-lo, de modo que os apelos ficam-lhes nos lábios, no papel ou na sala de reuniões, caindo o seu trabalho de direção no burocratismo. No decurso do atual movimento de retificação, devemos corrigir esses defeitos e aprender a empregar, tanto no estudo como no controle do trabalho e na verificação dos quadros, os métodos seguintes: ligar a direção às massas e ligar o geral ao particular. Há que aplicar esses métodos em todo o trabalho que temos de fazer.(Presidente Mao, A Propósito dos Métodos de Direção, 1943)

Companheiras e companheiros,

É com grande comoção e felicidade que comunicamos ao conjunto dos ativistas do Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário, aos estudantes brasileiros e ao movimento popular em geral que, por decisão unânime da Coordenação Regional do Rio de Janeiro, referendada em Encontro Regional Extraordinário – com a participação de dezenas de militantes do movimento estudantil – rompemos com a Coordenação Nacional do MEPR. Isto significa objetivamente que não nos submetemos mais à sua direção nem a quem ela indique, e fundamos neste domingo, 25 de agosto de 2024, o Novo Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário.

Renunciamos de bom grado às nossas más heranças, não para romper, senão que para defender as gloriosas tradições revolucionárias de nossa Corrente, que esteve à frente do maior movimento de massas da história recente do Brasil – as jornadas de 2013 e 2014 -, bem como de um número incontável de ocupações, manifestações, greves, campanhas de solidariedade etc, de modo ininterrupto nos últimos vinte anos. Não acatamos nem acataremos no futuro a tentativa vã de nos fazer recolher as nossas bandeiras, de reduzir nossa atuação a um estreito economicismo-ocultismo, de desqualificar as nossas queridas lideranças, de montar organizações paralelas e informais para combater não os oportunistas mas o próprio MEPR, de substituir a linha de massas do Presidente Mao pelo sectarismo e estilo de clichê estéreis, de menosprezar a participação das mulheres na direção dos movimentos, de sonegar a luta teórica e ideológica sobre o papel da escravidão e da questão negra na formação histórica do Brasil, de usar da mentira ou meias verdades, bem como dos ataques pessoais, como armas de luta política. A esta caricatura não só renunciamos: a repudiamos e combatemos!

7 octobre - Georges Abdallah doit etre liberè


INDIA – CASR Strongly Condemns the NIA Raiding the home of Murali Kannampilly

statement from Campaign Against State Repression

News has come to light that on 13th August 2024 at around 6 am, the house of Murali Kannampilly (Comrade Ajith) at Thevaikkal, Kerala was raided by the NIA in connection with KPHB Colony, Hyderabad case of September, 2023. In this case, Sanjoy Deepak Roy was arrested on the allegation of being a Central Committee member of the banned CPI (Maoist), along with “Saraswati”, his wife- accused of being instrumental in organizing for the so called proscribed organization.

Right from 2019 to September 2023, multiple number of Journalists, Writers, Students, Teachers, Lawyers and Democratic Rights Activists were implicated in false cases by the State under IPC, UAPA, Telangana Public Security Act and the Arms Act. The police divided their list of individuals under three categories, particularly people who they deem “top Maoist leaders” such as Namballa Kesava Rao, Muppala Lakshman Rao, Mallojula Venugopal Rao, Tippiri Tirupati, Kadari Satyanarayan Reddy, K.R. Reddy, M.R. Reddy, Paka Hanumanta, Gajarla Ravi, Modem Balakrishna and Konnath Muralidharan. The second category includes “other leaders” and the third category includes various activists and journalists such. Murali was also accused of being a” top Maoist leader” by the Indian state and was arrested for the same, but was released under pressure from the grassroots level, at both a local and international level in 2019.

At around 6 am, NIA arrived at Comrade Murali’s house. Despite not being given permission to enter, a group of eight officials broke open the door and entered the house in Thevaikkal. Murali had merely requested that his lawyer be present during the raid. In response, the NIA team broke opened the door and have been conducting investigations. Some months ago, as well, the home of Murali was raided and he was called in for questioning. Unable to build a sound legal case against Murali, the state has instead resorted to harassing and intimating the activist.

Murali is a 62-year-old heart patient who lives alone. Previously, he was lodged in Pune’s Yerwada jail for 4 years between 2015-2019 and was an accused in a 1976 case in Kayanna. This shows that the targeting of Murali was a very deliberate attempt by the Fascist state in order to curb the voices of dissent. Murali has been a political activist for the past few decades. By his contributions to international revolutionary theory, Murali is threatening the Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist state in speaking for the rights of exploited and oppressed people.

This speaks the very nature of NIA itself. Though it calls itself a national “investigation agency”, the agenda of NIA is clear that it serves as the guard-dog of Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism, unleashed to suppress voices of dissent by labeling of all democratic, pro-people activities as the activity of “Maoists”. Once these activists are tagged and arrested under labels like “Maoists” “Urban naxals” , the State is able to utilize draconian “anti-terror” laws which suspend the fundamental rights of accused people.

Through associating all forms of dissent as Maoist-associated, the State attempts to carry out a chilling effect which discourages criticism and dissent. The space to dissent, organize and protest is a basic feature of a democratic society which is being corroded. These scare tactics, fake charges and arrests are all targeting dissent itself.

Campaign Against State Repression (CASR) vehemently condemns these tactics of the State intended to curb democratic resistance.


  1. Immediate withdrawal of cases against Murali and all Democratic Rights Defenders.
  2. Repeal National Investigating Agency.
  3. Repeal UAPA.

Campaign Against State Repression

Organizing Team:

(AIRSO,AISA, AISF, APCR,ASA,BAPSA BBAU,BASF, BSM, Bhim Army, bsCEM, CEM,COLLECTIVE,CRPP, CSM CTF, , DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Repression Telangana, Fraternity ,IAPL, Innocence Network, Karnataka Janashakti, LAA,Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, , NAPM, NAZARIYA , Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People’s Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Jana Parishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samajvadi Manch, SFI, United Peace Alliance, WSS,Y4S)

An Action of Solidarity with the Indian People’s War was Held in London

 a report published by Partizan.

In London, capital of England, an action in solidarity with the People’s War led by the CPI (Maoist) in India and the rising struggle of the Indian people was held. The massacres and attacks of the reactionary-fascist Indian State aiming to suffocate this struggle with the “Operation Kagaar” were protested.

The action organized and called by PARTIZAN and AIF (Anti-imperialist Front) was held today in front of the Indian Embassy in London (August 19).

During the action, which was also supported by revolutionary-democratic-patriotic organizations and individuals, the English press release prepared by PARTIZAN was read. After the press release, the following slogans were shown on placards: “Long live Proletarian Internationalism!”, “Long live International Solidarity!”, “Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!”, “Long live the People’s War in India!” The protest ended after chanting slogans.

During the action the embassy officials acted in panic and tried to intimidate the protesters, the prepared press release was given to the officials and it was stated that these actions will continue.

, ,

India - At least 17 killed in blast at pharma factory in India

Officials in Andhra Pradesh state say many of 40 people injured suffered extensive chemical burns.

Explosion at India pharma factory
Relatives of the victims killed in a fire triggered by an explosion at a pharmaceutical factory sit outside the facility in Andhra Pradesh state, India, on August 22 [AP Photo]

An explosion at a pharmaceutical plant in India’s southern state of Andhra Pradesh has killed at least 17 people, according to a government official.

Nearly 40 people were injured, state’s Industries Secretary N Yuvaraj told the Reuters news agency on Thursday, adding the rescue operation was completed.

A fire broke out following the blast on Wednesday at the privately held Escientia Advanced Sciences’s 40-acre (16-hectare) manufacturing unit in the Anakapalli district.

The incident took place during lunchtime at the factory, which began operating in 2019, said District Collector Vijaya Krishnan. Some 380 employees work two shifts at the plant. Many workers escaped unhurt because they were on lunch break.

The company manufactures intermediate chemicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, local media reports said.

Secretary Yuvaraj said the initial investigation showed “there was some vapour leak that led to chemical reactions, which caused the explosion”.

The state government has ordered an inquiry into the incident. Officials said they were scanning security camera footage and questioning the injured to decide if human error was responsible for the blast.

“The workers who died or were injured do the most crucial and dangerous jobs,” L Srinivas Rao, a local politician, told The Indian Express newspaper.


France/United kingdom/ Usa repression against supporterts Palestinian/resistance

 Royaume-Uni: Ecosse, Condamnation de 5 activistes d’Action Palestine

Cinq activistes ont été condamnés à de lourdes peines de prisons pour avoir occupé une usine d’armes à Glasgow. Le 1er juin 2022, des militants d’Action Palestine sont montés sur le toit de l’entreprise d’armement Thales et ont déployé une banderole de soutien au peuple palestinien. Deux activistes sont entrés dans les bâtiments de production en usant de fumigènes qui ont déclenché l’alarme incendie, ils ont ensuite détruit plusieurs armes, les militants restés sur le toit du bâtiment se sont collés au revêtement de celui-ci. Malgré leur nombre, les forces de l’ordre n’ont pas pu les déloger, l’occupation à duré toute la nuit. Trois des militants ont été condamnés à 12 mois de prisons, le quatrième à 14 mois de prison et le dernier à une peine de 16 mois de prison.

A ce jour, plus de 40 personnes sont emprisonnées au Royaume-Uni pour avoir apporté leur soutien à la Palestine, 16 d’entres elles sont liés au groupe « Action Palestine », 26 autres au collectif « Just Stop Oil ».

De Paris à Marseille, de nombreux cas de répressions administratives ou judiciaires envers des étudiants ont été dénoncés dans plusieurs campus français, cela fait suite à la grande mobilisation étudiante de soutien à la Palestine au printemps. La direction d’Aix-Marseille Université a engagé des poursuites disciplinaires pour diffamation contre des étudiants qui ont diffusé des tracts dénonçant les partenariats de leurs établissements avec les universités israéliennes. Une relaxe à été prononcée envers l’un des militants mais une plainte a été déposée envers un autre étudiant syndicaliste, ce dernier devra se présenter devant le tribunal correctionnel de Marseille le 4 septembre, il encoure plusieurs milliers d’euros d’amende. A Paris, 25 étudiants sont convoqués en section disciplinaire pour leur soutien au peuple palestinien au sein de leur établissement universitaire.

Une campagne de soutien s’organise contre la répression des soutiens étudiants au peuple palestinien

Etats-Unis: Chicago, intervention de la police lors de plusieurs manifestations de soutien à la Palestine

En parallèle de la convention du Parti démocrate Américain qui a débuté lundi à Chicago, des manifestants pro-palestiniens ont brièvement ouvert une brèche dans le périmètre de sécurité extérieur de la convention. Prise sous des jets de bouteilles et de gazages au poivre, la police a violament repoussé les manifestants . 20.000 personnes étaient présentes revendiquant la fin du génocide à Gaza et sommant le Parti démocrate à cesser toute aide américaine à Israël.

Ce mardi des manifestants se sont à nouveau rassemblés sous les mêmes revendications que la veille devant le consulat israélien à Chicago. Dès leur arrivée, le département de Police a renforcé la sécurité de la zone, déployant un grand nombre de policiers armés de matraques et d’agents en casques anti-émeute. La police a arrêté et repoussé les manifestants confisquant leurs pancartes et drapeaux alors qu’ils tentaient de former un cortège et de prendre la rue. Des slogans tels que « Le monde entier regarde ! » et « Free Palestine » ont résonné dans de la ville. Au cours des événements, 15 personnes ont été arrêtées, dont trois journalistes.

India - Saibaba Speaks To The Media: “Prison Is A System That Robs Human Beings Of Their Value”


Hyderabad District, August 23, 2024: Former professor of English at Delhi University’s Ram lal Anand college Dr G.N. Saibaba, a political prisoner who was acquitted of the charges against him under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, recounted the horrors of imprisonment during an interaction with the media, organized by the Telangana State Union of Working Journalists (TUWJ) today.

“Prison is a microcosm of the external world, where all the societal evils are even more pronounced than outside,” Dr Saibaba said during his first-ever media interaction after his release from prison in March of this year.

“Caste-based discrimination is rampant in prison, and works are assigned based on the caste of inmates. In fact, assignment of jobs based on caste is mentioned in the jail manual too,” Dr Saibaba said.

The amended Prisons Act 1894 allows ‘mild bodily torture’ as a means to control and discipline prisoners. While there is no way one can protest against such a system except through a hunger strike, even that would yield no result unless amplified by voices outside the prison.

Under the pretext of mild torture, all prisoners are beaten up upon arrival without reason. The only exceptions are gangsters, politicians of repute and ‘Naxal cases’, Dr Saibaba said.

“When Anil Deshmukh visited me in prison as Home Minister in Congress and NCP coalition, I requested of him for better conditions for prisoners. But he sought to know what I wanted for myself. Later, he was jailed, and experienced the conditions first hand,” Dr Saibaba said.

Similar experiences were shared by Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut and businessman Naresh Goyal too, and yet there is no change in the conditions.

“After seeing all this, my opinion is that nobody should be sent to prison. Prison is a system that robs human beings of their value,” Dr Saibaba said.

Tracing through the period that led to his arrest, Dr Saibaba said he was warned and threatened by a posse of officials, including Maharashtra police, thrice before the arrest, with regard to his campaign as convenor of the ‘Forum Against War On People’ against Operation Green Hunt.

“Hany Babu had done some exceptional work in the field of Linguistics and had no part in any activism except for our combined fight for implementation of reservation in Delhi University. He is now in jail, and almost lost his eyesight during COVID-19 time,” Dr Saibaba said.

To a question about the loss of faith in judiciary, Dr Saibaba said that it is part of the collapse of all institutions, and even courts are aware of this.

While Bench-hunting is severely castigated by the judiciary, even unlettered inmates of the prison discussed which Bench would give a favorable order, Dr Saibaba said.

“They would tell me before which Bench my bail petition stood a better chance. General population is looking at a Judge as an individual and not as a system. All of them know that court orders depend on judges,” Dr Saibaba said, recounting how his bail petitions were either rejected or never came up for hearing, and how the hearing on student activist Gulfisha Fatima’s bail petition was listed 65 times, but never came up for hearing

Ireland: The Campaign “Stop the Extradition of Sean Walsh!” faces repression - info solidarity

AIA Ireland has published:

Anti-Imperialist Action activists from South Wicklow highlighted the extradition case of Irish Republican Seán Walsh. Seán is an Irish Republican who was arrested three years ago and is now detained in Portlaoise prison by the Free State administration at the behest of British military intelligence – MI5.

The British Government are demanding that Seán Walsh shall be handed over so he can be transfered into Maghaberry prison on trumped up charges. Maghaberry is run by MI5 and all Irish Republican POWs held there are subjected to a torturous regime including inhumane treatment such as forced strip searches and isolation torture.

Republican Activists in Dublin have been demonstrating support for Republican POWs by engaging in a slogan writing campaign demanding the Free State Stop the Extradition of Sean Walsh and for Freedom of All Republican Prisoners.

Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland called upon all Republicans to speak out and campaign against extradition, a tactic British Imperialism uses to continue its war against Irish Republicans:

Stop the Extradition of All Irish Republicans – Free All POWs!

The campaign obviously has its effect, since reaction started trying to counter it: On Tuesday, August 20, a republican activist in Limerick was arrested by the Special Branch under Section 30 of the offenses against the Free State act, and held in Henry St Barracks. The republican activist was strip searched and had his clothing and personal belongings taken by the Free State police. The republican was then interrogated about republican activism in Limerick and in particular about AIA’s campaign against the extradition of Irish republicans. The republican then had his period of detention extended over night and was brought before the Free State Court on Wednesday, where he was charged with ‘criminal damage’ for allegedly engaging in a slogan writing campaign against the extradition of Cork republican Seán Walsh. Released on bail from the court, in a petty attempt at harassment the branch refused to return his phone, personal belongings and clothing.

AIA stated: such tactics will not stop Irish Republicans from working towards the rebuilding of the Irish Republic proclaimed in 1916 and will fail to deter us from pursuing our legitimate objectives.

red herald

Thursday, August 22, 2024

new joint declaration for Palestine

  A new joint declaration for Palestine has been launched and continues to have signatures and support in the world from Europe Asie Latin America Usa Australia China etc-

We call all parties and organisations for supporting and signature - the deadline for signature is 31 august

The final text will issue 1th september and this JD will launch an international week of action for 7th october (7-13 october)

They are important all signatures that aid the extension and the work for 7th october week

 Lal Salaam


for text and signature write to

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

From Bangladesh, a statement from the garment workers’ union (NGWF) -info

make info about these statements it does not mean to share these positions

From Bangladesh, a statement from the garment workers’ union (NGWF)

We receive from Bangladesh and gladly publish a recent statement from the National Garment Workers Federation [the date of 24.05 on the header of the sheet is clearly wrong – the text was written on a sheet with an old header], which denounces how in the student and popular protests of recent weeks the police have killed dozens of workers, and sets out the demands of the National Garment Workers Federation against the Provisional Government. Demands that, although mostly referred to the specific category, have the merit of not being simply category-based: release of workers still arrested, conviction of those responsible for the killings, health care for the wounded paid by the state, increase in the minimum wage – conceived as a living or decent wage -, abolition of special laws (brutally anti-worker and pro-capital) in the special economic zones for exports, freedom of organization and strike, equal rights of women workers and women in all areas of working and social life – – we point out that this is one of the very few unions in the world in which a feminist symbol appears in the same flag as the union (advanced Bangladesh, very backward Italy…). The communiqué concludes with an international appeal to send funds to cover the large expenses to be incurred for aid to the families of workers murdered by the police, the treatment of the wounded and the defense of those who are still under arrest.

In fact, as is also clear from this position taken by the NGWF, a great student revolt that started at the beginning of June has gradually been transformed, following the bloody repression of the government of Sheikh Hasina, into a broader popular uprising. The students’ initial demand was, in reality, rather limited: the suppression of the reserved quota for access to public employment in favor of the descendants of the fighters of the “war of independence” against Pakistan (1969-1971), with “merit and knowledge” opposed to the clientelistic use of this reserved quota. No bridge has been built towards the industrial working class, the protagonist of major strikes and revolts in recent years, and there was a certain basic ambiguity regarding the position of the rebels towards the BNP, the rival party of Hasina’s Awami League, certainly no less anti-worker and anti-popular than the ruling party since 2009. But the dynamics of the clash nevertheless involved layers of the proletariat, and forced the student movement itself to pose political and social problems of a general, overall nature. Just as it has provided the right for a union like the NGWF to present its own complaint and its autonomous demands to the new government, presided over by the so-called banker of the poor people – for many, and also for us, leech of the poor – Yunus.

The choice of the part of the student movement headed by Students Against Discrimination to indicate Yunus, considered very close to the notorious Bill & Hillary Clinton gang, and immediately congratulated by the US Secretary of State Blinken (as well as by the Beijing government), indicates at least the confused political state of the student leadership. And it could indicate something even more dangerous for the outcomes of this broad uprising: the trust in a “technical” management of the enormous social and political contradictions of this country subjected to the diktats of the IMF and the predatory interests of the great powers near and far (India, China, the United States and even Great Britain), and of the multiplicity of foreign multinationals (mostly Western, and of course also Italian, starting with the “progressive” Benetton) that suck the blood of millions of young (and not so young) industrial manufacturing workers there, textiles and clothing in the first place.

But we note with interest and attention that a part of the student movement has been dragged into dealing with issues of a more general nature: the defense of Hindu minorities (hit by hundreds of attacks as they are considered accomplices of the Hasina government), price controls in the markets against profiteers (with an “ultimatum” to the Yunus government to take drastic measures against inflation within a week), the restoration of services, and – in some cases – the creation of worker-student committees which, for the first time since the beginning of this revolt, connect these two worlds that have remained in recent months, despite everything, distinct.

The new government immediately presented itself with the sly smile of billionaire Yunus who recommended everyone to repudiate violence and return home, and to work: the government (and its great internal protector: the army) will take care of putting things “back in place”. In what sense: “in place”? In the meantime, the stock market celebrates, the industrialists – trusting the new government – claim to unload the costs of the recent troubles of the economy on the workers by not paying the wages due, the army does not exclude anything (some sectors of the student world, and not only, fear conspiracies).

In short, the risk that this great revolt will be neutralized by a series of internal political and economic maneuvers in Bangladesh and internationally is quite high. However, it is precisely in necessarily complicated and tumultuous class clashes of this kind that the workers’ movement must cut its teeth to make itself totally independent from the multiple bourgeois parties, and become the reference point for that component of the student world that dreams and wants a future of liberation from oppression and exploitation not only for itself, corporately, but for all the exploited and oppressed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Belgique/Bruxelles : Sur la surveillance contre les militant·es révolutionnaires - info solidaire

 secours rouge

Dans un article, paru aujourd’hui (le 20 août 2024) et basé en grande partie sur des sources policières, on apprend que quelques 50 personnes affiliées à l’extrême gauche font l’objet d’une surveillance de la part des services de police de la Zone Midi (Saint-Gilles, Anderlecht, Forest). Un nombre qui a doublé par rapport à ces 5 dernière années.

Par ailleurs, parmi les personnes figurant sur la liste de l’OCAM (Organe de coordination pour l’analyse de la menace) et ayant des opinions d’extrême gauche, presque toutes habitent à Saint-Gilles. Leur nombre exact n’est pas communiqué, mais il s’agit d’une quinzaine de personnes au total, soit 2 % des 650 personnes reprises dans cette liste. Ce chiffre n’aurait pas augmenté de manière significative au cours des dernières années.

Enfin, une formation sera organisée à l’automne 2024, pour aider les forces de la Zone de midi à comprendre et à réagir à la propagation de l’extrême gauche à Bruxelles.

Friday, August 16, 2024

INDIA: Maoist political prisoners fasting protest on August 15 "Independence Day" at Viyur High Security Prison

The demands made by political prisoners:

1. UAPA cases denied bail and accused sent to jail without investigation. UAPA should be legally accepted to bail in cases.

2. Those who are in prison in political cases should be recognized as political prisoners.

3. The salary of the prisoners should be raised.

4. Naked body check-up practice, forced handcuffs etc should be stopped.

5. Prison threats, torture and revenge should be stopped.

6. UAPA prisoners should be given legal escort parole once in 6 months.

7. Stop refusing to provide essential items to prisoners via prison, canteen, postage.

8. In order to reduce stress of prisoners, ground facility for exercise, education facility should be increased every day.

9. Prison authorities should not stop complaints filed by prisoners transferred to court and other places.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Italy - Milan for Palestine

against the new horrible massacre of Netanyahu's terrorist state


speech of proletari comunisti ' comrade'

INDIA: Political Prisoners in India: On the State’s Conspiratorial Lawsuits and Agencies - info


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bangladesh - A call to the struggling students and masses/3

Eradicate Hasina-Awami-Indian fascism completely and utterly.
Struggle for the Establishment of the Governance of the Struggling Students, Workers, Peasants, Poor, Middle class.

(August 5, 2024. Extended reprint: August 8, 2024)

-[originally published in Bengali. Unofficial English Translation by Supporters of Maoists in Bangladesh]

The 15-year Hasina-Awami misrule has finally come to an end. The students have won a great victory in their fearless movement. To achieve this goal, many different political forces and masses have made immense sacrifices and conducted valiant armed and unarmed struggles for the past decade and a half. In this continuation, around 350 lives were lost to achieve this feat at the last minute. Several thousand people were injured. Over five hundred people lost their eyes. Many more have become permanently crippled. 15,000 or more people were taken into custody. In addition to that, thousands of political activists and common people have been killed, and millions of people have suffered oppression and unjust arrests in the past 15 years. False cases have been filed against hundreds of thousands of people.

However, this victory is not the end of the fight, rather it is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go. Because the oppressed cannot be liberated until the power or rule of the bona fide struggling masses is established. That has been experienced many times in the past—in '69, '71, '75, and '90. Even after shaking off the main enemy sitting on the neck, the puppets of the ruling elite bourgeoisie have seized power. To prevent this, the struggling masses must struggle for the right political agenda. Currently, an "interim government" has been formed under the initiative of the military and the bureaucrats. We shall rationally insist that the hopes of the oppressed students for emancipation from fascism be fulfilled. In light of this, we would like to draw attention to a few key points below.

1. To establish a provisional government composed of representatives of all anti-fascist classes, professions, communities, and democratic political forces instead of an externally imposed government led by pro-western ex-military, civilian bureaucrats, bourgeois intellectuals, professionals, and elite bourgeoisie representatives.
- Strongly oppose the imposition of martial law, so-called army-backed governments, or the imposition of a state of emergency.
- Complete repeal of the constitution that allows fascism.
- Promulgation of a new constitution and basic principles of a state system favourable to the democratic system.
- Abolition of the district council, sub-district, and UP formed on the blueprint of fascism.
- Formation of “mass committees” of farmers, workers, labourers, students, youth, middle class, religious and ethnic minorities, progressive and democratic intellectuals at all levels of society starting from village/neighborhood, and having the administrative work done by them. To form an armed “Mass Militia” under them to counter any anti-Mass threat and attack.
- Creating an environment for fair elections based on the elimination of fascism, the development of mass power, and the urgent demands of the anti-fascist democratic forces, especially the workers, peasants, students, and masses.

2. Arresting and punishing all Awami godfathers who are the main pillars of Hasina-India fascists and have dominated all spheres of state and society for the past 15 years.

- Hasina's fascist allies included cabinet members, parliamentarians, powerful bureaucrats, powerful military officers, tyrannical officers of Police-RAB-DB, big businessmen, media magnates, so-called student-youth terrorists, abominable and identified elites among judges, professionals, cultural leaders, etc. Publish a list of names of all these people and arrest them. Disarm them all.
- Immediate release of prisoners in "Aynaghar," a torture prison maintained by the Hasina-loyalist DGFI. Publish a white paper on this.
- Immediate abolition of the murderous RAB force.
- Publishing the list of public enemies involved in murder, disappearance, rape, and money laundering, and prosecuting them under the speedy trial law.
-Banning the Chhatra League, Jubo League, and Hasina-Awami League as terrorist and fascist organizations. Depriving them of their political rights.
- Confiscation of all properties of the above. Confiscation of all agricultural lands, wetlands, residential plots, and commercial plots occupied by Awami fascists. Free distribution of agricultural land to landless-poor farmers. Opening of reservoirs to fishermen.

3. The immediate release of all political leaders and activists of all political parties and struggling people who were tortured and imprisoned during the last 15 years of fascist rule, especially in the last July movement. The withdrawing of all cases brought against them.

4. Opening universities and educational institutions immediately. Lifting the curfew, sending the army back to the barracks. Deploying of BGB immediately to guard the borders. Having the university halls managed by student committees. De-fascistization and reformation of the administration of universities.

5. Publishing the list with the names, addresses, and ages of all those killed during the fascist regime, especially in recent movements. The state should provide compensation to the affected families. All injured should be provided with medical treatment at state’s expense. Those who have already undergone treatment at their own expense should be compensated. A white paper on the injured should be published. Those responsible should be punished severely.
- Listing the general police—Ansar—BGB and army personnel, and common people killed in various anarchic activities that followed the fall of Hasina and honoring them socially.

6. All anti-national agreements and understandings with foreign countries, especially with India, by the Hasina-Awami government in the last 15 years must be cancelled.
- The Rampal Power Plant destroying the Sundarbans should be stopped immediately.

- Immediate cessation of providing India with train and road corridors through Bangladesh, giving them the responsibility for the Teesta project, buying electricity from India at a high price etc.
- Announcing no new agreement or compromise with India until India publicly apologises for supporting Hasina's fascism.
- To be fully alert of subversive or potentially aggressive activities of Indian expansionists. Condemning their harbouring of Hasina/Awami fugitives in India and demanding their handover to Bangladesh.
- Strictly opposing all imperialist meddling and conspiracy, including those of America, China, and Russia, on internal matters of the country.

7. Immediate repeal of all black laws, including the Service Act, Digital Act, and Industrial Police.

8. Accepting the legitimate demands of workers, farmers, fishermen, poor and working urbanites, tenants, students, teachers, and musicians. Implement stringent measures immediately to break up syndicates and regulate commodity pricing. Taking strict measures to stop extortion and bribery by the Hasina-Awami Fascist bureaucrats and police regarding sidewalk traders, hawkers, transport workers, markets, buying and selling land, building houses, getting government jobs, etc. Strictly controlling the change of hands of extortion and of expropriation. Taking strict measures to prevent persecution and attacks on religious and ethnic minorities.

If the interim government is not formed and run in the above way, it will be a imperialist-comprador bourgeois government based on the existing fascist structure, which will not be able to fulfil the aspirations of the struggling masses.

The above demands are not a complete program. Rather, these are only some preliminary outlines for creating an anti-fascist environment and system. Hence many more amendments may be made to it, and specifications have to be made that can be finalised based on the opinion of the serious anti-fascist fighting forces.


Our proletariat party has not only fought relentlessly against the recently expelled Hasina fascism but also outlined a genuine revolutionary program for real liberation from all imperialism, including that of America-China-Russia, Indian expansionism, and their crony elite bourgeoisie, semi-feudal exploitation-control. The party is thus conducting a continuous struggle for the real independence of the country and the empowerment of the masses of people, including the workers, peasants, and middle class, and the establishment of a truly democratic society. The ongoing anti-fascist struggle is a part of this. We are working to fight to the end and lead it to victory. The ultimate goal of the fight is to establish a society without exploitation in the country and move towards communism worldwide.

To advance that goal and to achieve a real revolution, the oppressed people must take up arms, build an army of their own, and build a rural-based people's war based on the program of agrarian revolution. All struggles should be conducted based on this aim and work. The advanced section of students and youth must be equipped with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. They should be organized into a revolutionary party. Only then can their today's sacrifice and struggle progress towards success. 

-Central Committee, Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

the only analysis and correct line for today international and national situation and international and national tasks of mlm parties and organisations is contained in Joint Declaration 1May2024

 we invite to read, support and apply - english and spanish

Joint Declaration 2024 - Proletarian and Internationalist May Day -


                                                                  Proletarians and oppressed peoples around the world, unite!

Proletarians, exploited masses, peoples of the world it is now clear for all : imperialism is war, reaction, misery and oppression of peoples!

The imperialist powers US, EU and NATO are marching step by step towards a new imperialist world war; all countries are equipping themselves with increasingly modern and devastating armaments and foresee the use of nuclear weapons which put the future of the world at risk, combined with the growing environmental crisis. All imperialist countries strengthen their armies, militarize territories and society, prepare public opinion for war, develop a war’s economy. War originates from the global, systemic, economic crisis that requires a new division of the world.

Russian imperialism and Chinese social imperialism are, on the one hand, the target of this offensive and, on the other one, they are riding the crisis of Western imperialism, mainly the US, for a new order favourable to them, in the name of ‘new multipolar world’.

Imperialism unleashes its watchdogs as the front line in the war - see Israel, Ukraine and the governments of the countries subservient to them.

All the imperialist powers, in collusion and dispute with each other, and the governments subservient to them are united against the proletarians and peoples of the world.

Imperialism is reactionarization:old and new fascism.

All imperialist states and their subservient governments advance in the transformation of states by reducing and erasing bourgeois democracy, attacking the democratic freedoms and rights of workers and the masses, filling the prisons with political opponents, establishing more and more open forms of dictatorship, which attack the women's rights, freedom of thought, etc. and foment suprematism, racism, obscurantist culture and religious fundamentalism.

Imperialism is relative and absolute misery for the proletariat and the oppressed masses, for the impoverished petty bourgeoisie in the cities and countryside.

It means cutting of wages, precariousness, unemployment, cutting of social spending, healthcare, school, environment; widening of the gap between rich and poor regions; new slavery, youth unemployment, women's inequality; high cost of living.

In the countries oppressed by imperialism all this is aggravated by the permanence and conservation of national, colonial, semicolonial and feudal oppression


In all the countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa, popular revolts and anti-imperialist struggles are developing, often bloodily repressed, to the edge of genocide, as is the case today in Palestine. And the war of imperialism and lackey governments continues against the people's wars in India, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru and against all the forces in the world that pursue the revolutionary path of the people's war.

In these objective conditions the need for revolution increases.

The need for a genuine revolutionary path, able to make New Democratic, socialist revolutions advance and win, in a context of the world proletarian revolution marching to communism.

To achieve this goal, the experience of proletarians and peoples in struggle (the Commune of Paris, the October Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) historically showed that three tools are indispensable to fight and win.

The revolutionary, communist Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party of the proletariat, as organized vanguard detachment of the working class, vanguard political fighter, equipped with strategy and tactics suited to the conditions of each country for the seizure of political power the construction of the Dictatorship of the proletariat.

The united front of proletariat and people’s masses.

In the imperialist countries this requires the leadership and majority participation of the proletariat and its central nucleus, the industrial working class, which allies the poor masses, the students, the impoverished sectors of the urban and agricultural petty bourgeoisie.

In countries oppressed by imperialism the fundamental alliance is between workers and peasants who unite the poor masses and the large sectors that suffer national, colonial, semicolonial, feudal oppression.

The proletarian revolution requires armed struggle, as vanguard and mass struggle, and the construction of the people’s army to wage class war and revolutionary war resulting in people’s insurrection for the seizure of state power and the construction of the proletarian state, indispensable for the socialist transformation, marching, with all the countries of the world, to communism.

It is Fundamental in this process the slogan of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution:

The working class must lead everything.

We need the unity of the communists, in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses, who fight revisionism, economism, wright opportunism and ‘left opportunism’, factor of sectarianism, division in the ranks of the communist movement.

Let us unite under the leadership of the proletariat to make the peoples of the world towards the world advance to world socialist revolution, to eradicate imperialism and thereby establish communism on earth.

We need an International Conference and a new international organization of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations, at the stage possible today, of coordination, unity of action and the working out a new general line of the international communist movement.

Free Palestine – Stop the Zionist/imperialist genocide – Support the Palestinian Resistance until victory!

Support people's wars in all countries of the world!

Stop imperialist war and fascism!

Defend the lives and conditions of political prisoners!

Unleash the fury of women as a powerful force of the revolution!

Death to imperialism / the future is socialism and communism!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)

Communist Worker Union (mlm) Colombia

Maoist Communist Party – Italy

 Proletarian Party Of Purbo Bangla( PBSP/Bangladesh)

 Red Road of Iran (Maoist group)

 Revolutionary Communist  Party of Nepal 

Worker Voice - Malaysia

Chinese Proletarian Alliance Communist Party

Revolutionary Maoist Coalition - USA

PS. other signatures are possible - 

Texto en castellano

Primero de Mayo proletario e internacionalista

         ¡Proletarios y pueblos oprimidos del mundo entero, uníos! 

Proletarios, masas explotadas, pueblos del mundo, ahora está claro para todos: ¡el imperialismo es guerra, reacción, miseria y opresión de los pueblos!

Las potencias imperialistas de EE.UU., la UE y la OTAN están marchando paso a paso hacia una nueva guerra imperialista mundial; todos los países se están equipando con armamentos cada vez más modernos y devastadores y prevén el uso de armas nucleares que ponen en riesgo el futuro del mundo, combinado con la creciente crisis medioambiental. Todos los países imperialistas fortalecen sus ejércitos, militarizan los territorios y la sociedad, preparan la opinión pública para la guerra, desarrollan la economía de guerra. La guerra es originada por la crisis económica sistémica global, que requiere una nueva división del mundo.

El imperialismo ruso y el socialimperialismo chino son, por un lado, el blanco de esta ofensiva y, por otro, aprovechan de la crisis del imperialismo occidental, principalmente de los EE.UU, en busca de una nueva marco global que les favorezca, en nombre del ‘nuevo mundo mulipolar’

El imperialismo desata a sus perros guardianes como primera línea de la guerra: véanse Israel, Ucrania y los gobiernos de los países subordinados a ellos.

Todas las potencias imperialistas, en colusión y pugna entre sí y los gobiernos subordinados a ellas están unidos contra los proletarios y los pueblos del mundo.

El imperialismo es reaccionarización: viejo y nuevo fascismo.

Todos los estados imperialistas y los gobiernos sus lacayos avanzan en la transformación de los estados restringiendo y borrando la democracia burguesa, atacando las libertades y derechos democráticos de los trabajadores y las masas, llenando las cárceles de opositores políticos, estableciendo formas de dictadura cada vez más abiertas, que atacan los derechos de las mujeres, libertad de pensamiento, etc. y fomentan el supremacismo, el racismo, la cultura oscurantista y el fundamentalismo religioso.

El imperialismo es miseria relativa y absoluta para el proletariado y las masas oprimidas, para la pequeña burguesía empobrecida de las ciudades y del campo.

Recorte de salarios, precariedad, desempleo, recorte del gasto social para la sanidad, la escuela, el medio ambiente; ampliación de la brecha entre regiones ricas y pobres; nueva esclavitud, desempleo juvenil, desigualdad de las mujeres; alto costo de vida.

En los países oprimidos por el imperialismo todo esto se ve agravado por la permanencia y conservación de la opresión nacional, colonial, semicolonial y feudal.


En todos los países de Asia, América Latina y África se desarrollan revueltas populares y luchas anti-imperialistas, a menudo reprimidas sangrientamente, hasta llegar al genocidio, como ocurre hoy en Palestina. Y la guerra del imperialismo y los gobiernos su lacayos continúa contra las guerras populares en India, Filipinas, Turquía, Perú y contra todas las fuerzas en el mundo que siguen el camino revolucionario de la guerra popular.

En estas condiciones objetivas, se desarrolla la necesidad de la revolución.

La necesidad de un auténtico camino revolucionario, capaz de hacer avanzar y ganar las revoluciones de Nueva Democracia, las revoluciones socialistas, en un contexto de revolución proletaria mundial que marcha hacia el comunismo.

Para lograr este objetivo, la experiencia de los proletarios y los pueblos en lucha (Comuna de París, Revolución de Octubre, Revolución China y Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria) demuestra históricamente que las tres herramientas para luchar y vencer son indispensables.

El Partido Revolucionario del proletariado, comunista, marxista-leninista-maoísta, destacamiento organizado de vanguardia de la clase obrera, luchador político de vanguardia, dotado de estrategia y táctica adecuadas a las condiciones de cada país, en función de la conquista del poder político, para la construccióla dictatura del proletariado

El frente único del proletariado y masas populares.

En los países imperialistas esto requiere la dirección y participación mayoritaria del proletariado y su núcleo central, la clase obrera industrial que se alía con las masas pobres, los estudiantes, los sectores empobrecidos de la pequeña burguesía urbana y rural.

En los países oprimidos por el imperialismo la alianza fundamental es entre obreros y campesinos que unen a las masas pobres y a los grandes sectores que sufren la opresión nacional, colonial, semicolonial, feudal.

La revolución proletaria requiere lucha armada, de vanguardia y de masas, y la construcción del ejército popular para conducir la guerra de clases y la guerra revolucionaria que desemboque en la insurrección popular por la conquista del poder estatal y la construcción del Estado proletario, indispensable para la transformación socialista, marchando, con todos los países del mundo, hacia el comunismo.

Fundamental en este proceso es la consigna de la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria: La clase obrera debe dirigir todo.

Necesitamos la unidad de los comunistas marxistas-leninistas-maoistas, en el fuego de la lucha de clases en estrecha conexión con las masas, que luchan contra el revisionismo y neorevisionismo, el economicismo, el oportunismo de derecha y de 'isquierda'  factor de sectarismo y división en las filas del el movimiento comunista.

Unámonos bajo la dirección del proletariado para hacer avanzar a los pueblos del mundo hacia la revolución socialista mundial, es decir, erradicar el imperialismo y así establecer el comunismo en la Tierra.

Necesitamos una conferencia internacional y una nueva organización internacional de partidos y organizaciones marxistas-leninistas-maoístas, en la etapa posible hoy, de coordinación, de unidad de acción y elaboración de la nueva línea general del movimiento comunista internacional.

¡Palestina libre – detener el genocidio sionista/imperialista – apoyar a la Resistencia Palestina hasta la victoria!

¡Apoyar las guerras populares en todos los países del mundo!

!Alto a la guerra imperialista y al fascismo!

!Defender las vidas y condiciones de los presos políticos!

!Desencadenar la furia de las mujeres como fuerza poderosa de la revolución!

¡Muerte al imperialismo, el futuro es el socialismo y el comunismo!

¡Viva el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo!

¡Viva el internacionalismo proletario!