Friday, December 22, 2023

Repression in Germany against Zora for their solidarity with palestine - info - secoursrouge - Dem Volk Dienen

 secours rouge

Allemagne: 170 policiers contre le groupe féministe Roza accusé de soutien au FPLP

La police berlinoise est intervenue mercredi contre le groupe féministe Zora, lié à Young Struggle. Les agents ont perquisitionné six appartements et deux locaux dans différents quartiers de Berlin, dont un café pour femmes à Neukölln. La rafle visait quatre femmes et un homme âgés de 18 à 23 ans, qui auraient distribué des tracts intitulé « Pas de libération de la femme sans libération de la Palestine », que le groupe avait publié sur Instagram le 12 octobre, il était dit qu’il était important de « renforcer les forces progressistes » comme « le FPLP, qui font également partie de la résistance palestinienne ». Lors du raid, 170 policiers ont été mobilisées. Ils ont notamment confisqué des tracts, des ordinateurs et des téléphones portables et plusieurs dizaines de kilos d’engins pyrotechniques. Des mesures répressives ont également été prises à l’encontre d’un homme de 67 ans qui avait posté sur Facebook un symbole du FPLP sous une photo d’un martyr de l’organisation.

On Wednesday, December 20, a large contingent of 170 officers raided alleged members of Zora, who according to investigations by state security are accused of distributing a flyer and uploading a post on Instagram referring to "progressive forces such as the PFLP".

The Interbüro and Karanfil - places of political and cultural encounters - were also searched and completely vandalized. In addition to five young people between the ages of 18 and 23, there was also a raid on a 67-year-old man who allegedly posted the PFLP symbol on Facebook. On the occasion of this, we have received the following action report:

"On the occasion of yesterday's attack on comrades from Zora in Berlin and the completely excessive repression against all those who show solidarity with the justified national resistance struggle of the people in Palestine, we would like to express our solidarity today. Currently, hardly any demonstration takes place without the most arbitrary restrictions, which the local cops come up with ad-hoc and then enforce with the baton; banners with slogans are confiscated and identity checks are carried out. Because of the slogan "The rebellion is justified!" on a banner, people were taken into custody in Bremen and charged with incitement to hatred. In Cologne, too, people were recently arbitrarily arrested at a demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance because they called the genocide against the Palestinians by its name.

Today's attack is an attempt to intimidate and criminalize five young adults by breaking into their homes and political institutions at gunpoint and with 170 police officers and state security forces in tow. All because they allegedly showed solidarity with the completely justified struggle of the Palestinian people on Instagram and mentioned the PFLP, which is not banned in Germany. In addition, there is a smear and denunciation campaign in which the most outrageous lies are made up about the comrades from Zora, unpixelated pictures of alleged activists are printed in the tabloid press and television is allowed to be present live during the storming of some objects.

We condemn the attacks on Zora, the demonstrators in Bremen and all the other attacks and arrests - also here in NRW, as most recently at the demonstration in Cologne on December 16 - and express our solidarity with all those affected".

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