Sunday, January 7, 2024

On his 130th anniversary, long live the Chairman Mao! PCm Italy

 unofficial traslation

On his 130th anniversary, long live the Chairman Mao!

This year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Mao Tse Tung, the great revolutionary leader of the international proletariat, whose contribution to the proletarian and oppressed peoples’ struggles points out the way to the full social liberation of humanity still today.

Mao Tse Tung and the CCP led by him, guiding the oppressed Chinese social classes to the seizure of power under the political leadership of the Chinese proletariat, creatively applying Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions of China, have qualitatively developed Marxism-Leninism in all spheres, giving the proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world the weapon of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM).

The 1st of October 1949, with the birth of the People's Republic of China, 500 million of Chinese (about 1/5 of the world's population at that time) joined at that time Socialist Camp. The Chinese Revolution concretely demonstrated how even the peoples oppressed by imperialism under a semi-colonial, semi-feudal regime can contribute not only to their own national liberation, but also to the march to Socialism and Communism, in the struggle to overthrow the capitalist-imperialist system.

Through the construction of socialism in China, with the experience of the CCP under the revolutionary line of Chairman Mao, Marxism-Leninism was developed in various spheres, in full continuity with and inseparably from the developments and contributions brought by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin who had summarized the lessons of the main revolutionary experiences, from the Paris Commune to the Bolshevik Revolution, to the construction of socialism in the USSR

Comrade Mao developed:

- Marxist philosophy or dialectical historical materialism, enriching it with the law of contradiction as a fundamental law;

- Political economics, with the analysis of bureaucratic capitalism as a predominant form of the capital in the countries oppressed by imperialism and by developing the socialist political economy in anti-revisionist sense, against the thesis of "the development of productive forces" as the main factor;

- Scientific socialism: with the strategy of the Protracted People's War, as a both political and military war, as a strategy to destroy of the old social system and construct at the same the embryo of the new one, he showed the way, with the crowning achievement of the seizure of political power; He stated and demonstrated the continuity of the class struggle even under a Socialist order, structuring this struggle in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR).

Socialist China (1949-1976) and the CCP led by Chairman Mao brought also a great contribution to the international communist movement (ICM) and the world proletarian revolution (WPR), which can be summarized in three points:

1) The struggle against modern revisionism, affirming and developing Marxism-Leninism, mainly fighting Soviet revisionism and its lackeys in the imperialist countries, particularly those at the head of the queue, Togliatti (memorable the writings “On the differences between comrade Togliatti and us” and “Again on the differences between comrade Togliatti and us”), Thorez and the so-called "Euro-communists". He stated and demonstrated the revisionism of Tito and his so-called “cooperative socialism” were also exposed and criticized.

The revisionist theories of "peaceful coexistence" between the socialist and capitalist camp (which reflected the actual convergence of the capitalist restoration in the USSR with the capitalist/imperialist system), the "State and Party of entire people", the "peaceful transition to socialism", upheld by these revisionist, were attacked.

The CCP led by Chairman Mao encouraged the formation of new genuine revolutionary Communist Parties, suitable for the day, i.e. Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties, which had to break with the revisionist parties.

2) Putting into the practice proletarian internationalism, socialist China became a red base in support of the international workers' movement and its vanguards in each country (two examples above all: the support to the French May 1968 and to the African-Americans’ movement in the US in the 60s and 70s) and in support of national liberation struggles and against imperialist aggression in Africa and Asia (such as in Korea and Vietnam)

The support for these movements by red China was unselfish and based on the mutual respect, at the opposite of the social-imperialist USSR, which established semi-colonial relationships with some countries (Cuba and Syria, among others).

3) The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), which currently represents the qualitatively highest level of experience achieved by the proletariat and, at the same time, a revolutionary experience that concentrated and further developed the contributions mentioned above.

The GPCR in China carried out the class conflict between workers, young, peasants, women and people’s masses on the one hand and the new Chinese bourgeoisie in the Party to prevent the latter from restoring capitalism; at the same time, Chinese socialism developed, with the creation of Revolutionary Committees as a form of further exercise of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the decision-making power of the working class in the factories and of the peasants in the countryside was extended, the principle that "the class worker must direct everything", from material production to the superstructure was established and put into the practice.

In the decade of the GPCR, the CCP under the leadership of Mao practically showed how a revolutionary party in power must develop and lead the struggle to transform not only the society but also itself and its own cadres, to constantly prevent revisionist degeneration, by means the revolutionary practice and developing the mass line.

The GPCR represented in itself a highest form of proletarian internationalism, defending and developing the Chinese revolution as a contribution to the WPR and inspired the beginning of a few Protracted People's Wars in Asia, including those in India and the Philippines, still ongoing.

If because of the defeat of the GPCR at the hands of the revisionist clique headed by Deng Hsiao Ping, and the consequent loss of the last socialist red base, which has now become a stronghold of imperialism, the MCI has fallen back into a stage of strategic defensive which lasts since 1977 until today, all the above mentioned achievements pointed out the way to start again.

In 1980, the PCP led by chairman Gonzalo contributed to clear up confusion and unmask revisionism prevailing in various forms (from the Soviet and Chinese ones, to the ultra-Orthodox Albanian, up to the Korean and Cuban) with the launch of the People’s War in Peru and stating the need to take up MLM. In the same period, the TKP/ML driven by I. Kaypakkaia, launched the People's War in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan also.

In 1984, almost forty years ago, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) was founded to bring together the communist parties and revolutionary organizations ML, followers of Mao's thought. The RIM officially took up MLM as its leading ideology in 1993 with the Declaration "Long live MLM!".

The RIM was an International Center which, unlike others existing of a Trotskyist or Marxist-Leninist shape, did not just issue formal declarations, but contributed to the unity and development of MLM Parties and Organizations by organizing of international level world-scaled campaigns; importantly, those for support of the People's Wars ongoing at that time (in Peru, Nepal, Turkey, India and the Philippines), as well as that for the liberation of Chairman Gonzalo.

The RIM contributed to political and theoretical exchanges between parties and, also as a result of this work, the People's War broke out in Nepal in 1996 led by the CPN(Maoist).

The RIM contributed to the affirmation of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and a first attempt to develop active and concrete internationalism.

So, why are we celebrating this 130th anniversary today?

Currently, the MCI is fragmented and crossed by old and new neo-revisionist and opportunist trends and the MLM fraction, the vanguard of the ICM, has not yet achieved sufficient unity in an ideological, political and organizational.

This is mainly a reflect of the objective situation that the WPR is experiencing (no socialist countries, weakness or lack of genuine revolutionary communist parties in most of countries).

From the subjective point of view, within the MLM movement there is a influence of dogmatism and petty-bourgeois revolutionism, which negatively influences conceptions, political line, organization and proletarian work style.

At the same time, however, the situation on the hill of the bourgeoisie, of imperialism, brings objective conditions ripe for the development of the revolution in every part of the world.

The wars waged by the imperialist powers, which are preparing a new world inter-imperialist conflict, make Mao Tse Tung's warning all the more true and timely: “The means of opposing a war of this kind is to do everything possible to prevent it from breaking out but, once it has broken out, we must oppose war with war, oppose the unjust war with the just war, whenever possible”, “oppose the revolutionary war to the counter-revolutionary war, oppose the national revolutionary war to the counter-revolutionary national war, oppose the revolutionary class war to counter-revolutionary class war…”.

That is why today, on the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao, to take up MLM means:

1) Study MLM as a guide for analysis and action, applying it creatively on the class struggle, banning any form of dogmatic re-proposal and application of the stands and theories of Chairman Mao's CCP: do a concrete analysis of the concrete conditions, without studying and understanding the objective changes occurred in all the countries of the world in the last half century; build and develop MLM Parties and Organizations as an effective revolutionary proletarian vanguard, in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses, to develop the path of long-lasting popular war, applying it in specific and different forms in the countries oppressed by imperialism and in the capitalist/imperialist countries.

2) To fight resolutely old and new revisionism and any form of opportunism.

New-revisionism (post-Maoist revisionism disguised as Maoism) in the two main forms of Bob Avakian's "new synthesis" of the RCP US and the "Prachanda path" were the main causes of the collapse of the RIM and the capitulation of the CPN(M) and the People's War in Nepal.

Today the main enemy within the ICM is still right-wing revisionism, which still put forward bourgeois delusions among the proletarian ranks such as electoralism, legalitarianism, pacifism, class conciliation, chauvinism, which take form of a false anti-imperialism that in facts materialises in the support for Russian and Chinese imperialism or reactionary regimes, in the name of anti-Americanism.

At the same time, the "left" opportunism that today takes the forms of "mainly Maoism" that denies the MLM as an integral body and guide, in forms that combine dogmatism, new syntheses, subjectivism and petty-bourgeois extremism, represents an obstacle to the unity and advancement of the MCI.

3) To practice genuine internationalism by forming and developing MLM Communist Parties in each country, as vanguard of the working class; to support the People’s Wars in India and the Philippines and all over the world; to support the MLM Communist Parties working to develop the path of the People’s War in the respective countries; to support the national liberation struggles in all continents, first that in Palestine; work to overcome dispersion dispersion of MLM Parties and Organizations by intensifying bilateral and multilateral relationships using of the tools of criticism, self-criticism and two-lines-struggle for re-establishing a new international centre of MLM Parties and Organizations, now absent for over fifteen years following the collapse of the RIM, as a step forward towards the prospect of a new Communist International.

On the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Form, develop, strengthen MLM Communist Parties in all countries of the world!

Support People's Wars, National Liberation Struggles, Workers' Struggles all over the world!

Study, understand and apply MLM in the fire of class struggle applying the mass line!


 PCm - Italy

 january 2024

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