We will tell this march with pride…
because it was a new fact, a march that crossed three important sites in our country in 2 days. This march has put into practice what a student said in the seminar on the 20th anniversary of MFPR in Palermo: “actions will speak”. A small group that boldly puts forward facts and by those involve others.
The spirit, the shape, the character of this march have been those of a “small revolutionary army” of women who go where it is needed, who set their targets and reach them, who win “bases” on which the pillars for the future work are to be built.. As a worker who participated in the march said: “Let us arm ourselves and go – we did so”
The MFPR with the march launched a wide-ranging challenge, not only to the bosses and the State, but also on the issues of the relationship between women and men, comrades, and on the theoretical issues.
We faced some difficulties, organizational problems, but the solution of problems we found has been the main aspect, not problems.
Pina, a union delegate of the Fiom at the Fca / Sata in Melfi told us: “I’m excited for seeing 10 comrades who moved from all Italy to come to us.” Of course, we found a general atmosphere of fear, mistrust in Melfi, along with anger and the unbearable working and life conditions this system imposes. Why should not it be so? But we will turn over this state of affairs. The collection of signatures against the white suits was flash of rebellion. Now, along with the combative workers we want to be the spark that sets on fire. Who has not yet realized this spirit, must read this story better.
The same surprise and delight was expressed by the statement of “Je so pazzo” in Naples. In Rome, even the International House of Women, that is clearly far from us and few days before we had criticized for reactionaries attending a Conference they had housed and for this had to step back, raised the information of our march and a comrade of theirs participated in the inauguration of the library.
All this gives us more strength and confidence that even a small group, but in tune with the moment, the needs and dreams of women, can do a lot.
The march marked the change of pace announced at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of MFPR: a “plus”, which we put into practice, not only with words, publications, but with faces, direct presence. We began to bring the new “strike of women”, bringing it with courage even where we are not present, making “our” also struggles in which we are not, making them known at the national level in charming and winning terms.
We struck a chord. This is important, because you move not just because you agree with a line but also because you are emotionally involved.
The centre of the march was the FCA Sata. We went to Melfi to bring a struggle that goes beyond the “normal” trade unionism. Because the new women’s strike should have as a reference the most exploited workers and women. And currently the FCA Sata is not only the main concentrate of bosses fascism but also the biggest factory in Italy, after Ilva, and where a third of workers are women. Here we saw first sparks of resistance in a difficult situation. It is true, it was only a flash, but we are materialist, we see and turn the “letter of the lucky workers in Melfi,” into an expression of rejection of all the workers, and the petition against the white suits, a first act of rebellion against the Marchionne system.
The situation is still difficult. The workers are afraid. But the point was to bring direct support and give a signal. We went there to say that the women’s strike, the struggle of women, is the answer. We went there to say that against the white suits it is time to achieve results. The women’s strike is the way that allows the development of this reality, both in terms of condemnation of conditions and development of foreground role of the women workers, to shoo away those “crows”, from secretary of Fiom to certain petty bourgeois, who first have opposed and now are trying to distort and dispossess the workers of this campaign.
At the Ex-OPG “Je so pazzo” we met comrades, men and women. Here the most important thing have been the questions they asked, putting an important issue: the relationship between working men and women, between women and men, as well as between friends and comrades; and finally these comrades, who had doubts, listening our concrete examples that sometimes make us known better than words, began to understand. What emerged was the novelty of the feminist proletarian revolutionary movement in ideological and practical terms. A novelty that wants to be a stimulus for comrades, but also an help and even a sincere criticism towards backward concepts and positions hampering the development of the necessary and urgent self-organization and autonomous struggle of women, to develop the rebellion of women as a powerful force of the revolution and for a proletarian revolution in the revolution that “shakes the earth and the sky”.
The meeting with the publisher of the “Città del Sole”, Manes, and the Marxist professor at the Federico II University, Di Marco, has been also very interesting. “We will publish some of your pamphlets,” Manes said; “We have to bring the MFPR to University”, said Di Marco. It is shown that women workers, unemployed not only organize themselves in MFPR to struggle, they also become able to bring the struggle even in the sphere of theory – it was beautiful at some point to hear a debate between an unemployed of ours and Prof. Di Marco.
At the 20th anniversary we took up the “challenge” to persist and raise the level of our theoretical work, mainly Marxist-Leninist-Maoist.
Of course, to enter the universities is a major challenge, to which we are not used, but with the spirit of the “small army” we will deal with the enthusiasm.
Finally, in Rome there was a party that our comrades took. In Rome we saw the high sense of celebration, comradeship, celebrating a result. We have created a popular atmosphere in the street, the right atmosphere also for the inauguration of a new militant library, ‘Metropolis’. “For some time we wanted to know you” told us some women in Rome.
Attricecontro told she can write and play a piece on the women’s strike. Now this march must and will continue! And this time the new “Women’s Strike ” will be a sort of march, developing here and there during all year, that will have a significant moment the next International Women’s Day, but that will continue even after.
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