Applausi sul molo delle tante persone che hanno solidarizzato con i migranti
è arrivata l'autorizzazione e i 40 migranti sono scesi finalmente a
terra e sono stati portati nel Centro di contrada Imbriacola.
Una motovedetta della Guardia di Finanza aveva provato ad
ostacolare l'ingresso della Sea Watch nel porto, ma il tentativo è
durato poco. Mentre la capitana manovrava la nave entrata di poppa la
motovedetta si è spostata lungo la banchina e andava avanti e indietro
cercando di impedire l'attracco. La nave, però, ha proseguito nella
manovra di accostamento rischiando di schiacciare l'imbarcazione dei
La Sea Watch durante la manovra d'attracco disturbata da una motovedetta della Finanza
"La comandante Carola non aveva altra scelta - dice Giorgia Linardi,
portavoce di Sae Watch Italia - da 36 ore aveva dichiarato lo stato di
necessità che le autorità italiane avevano ignorato". "E' stata una
decisione disperata - dicono i legali della Ong tedesca Leonardo Marino e
Alessandro Gamberini - per una situazione che era diventata disperata".
Quando la capitana ha concluso la manovra si è affacciata sul ponte di
comando ed è stata accolta da un lungo applauso di circa un centinaio di
persone arrivate sul molo. Tra loro attivisti di Sea Watch, Pietro
Bartolo medico dell'isola ed europarlamentare del Pd, don Carmelo
parroco di Lampedusa, e le persone che avevano solidarizzato in questi
giorni con la Sea Watch dormendo sul sagrato della chiesa.
Sea Watch 3 attracca a Lampedusa, i migranti sbarcano dopo 17 giorni. E' stata la notte della Sea Watch, con l'ingresso nel porto di Lampedusa,
intorno all'1.40 della nave, e il successivo attracco, tra applausi e
urla, dopo un turbolento avvicinamento al molo con motovedette italiane a
cercare di impedire l'approdo forzato voluto dalla comandante Carola Rackete, posta in stato di arresto al momento dello sbarco. «Non ce la faccio più, devo portarli in salvo», ha detto la comandante.
Liberare subito Carola Rackete
Carola Rackete arrestata, rischia sino a 10 anni
Fermare la mano barbara razzista e assassina di Salvini e del suo infame governo fasciopopulista Lega/M5stelle
...The initial years of the last decade saw huge outpourings of the masses against globalisation policies that destroyed their lives and a strengthening of people’s wars and armed liberation struggles. The ideology of the proletariat was more sharply posed through the establishment of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Its wider adoption strengthened the grounds for closer unity among Maoist forces, internationally and in different countries. Stirrings of a new wave of revolution could be seen in the world. Mainly in response to this, imperialism, particularly US imperialism initiated and launched a massive, worldwide counter-revolutionary offensive, directed against the people. This was the main content of the so-called ‘War on Terrorism’ which all imperialists and reactionaries joined or supported. Wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, curtailment of democratic rights, attacks on people’s struggles, growing fascicisation throughout the world, step up of suppressive campaigns against armed struggles... .. the world today shows a situation of great potential for a powerful new wave of revolution. But there is another side to this, a bitter side, one of betrayal. Once again in the history of the international communist movement revisionism has blocked it from gaining the most of a favourable situation. The betrayal of the people’s war in Nepal by the CPN (Maoist) leadership, particularly the Prachanda-Bhattarai clique, was the most damaging of its acts. The possibility of forcing the enemies of the people to drop their guise as saviours of democracy fighting obscurantist fanatics and bringing them into direct confrontation with a revolutionary people, of raising the banners of a people’s war led by Maoists as a rallying centre against imperialism and reaction, of winning over broad sections of the people to the cause of communism, was destroyed. From another end we see a liquidationist attack on our ideology that seeks to pull down the banners of a MLM and replace it with the hollow claims of Avakianism. This has already destroyed some Maoist parties, who once had an honourable place in the ranks of the ICM. Both of these deviations have been confronted by the Maoists and the struggle continues. Efforts are on to consolidate Maoist parties and build new ones. But the loss is evident. There is a considerable drop in the subjective forces of world proletarian revolution, caused not by enemy suppression, but by the enemies emerging from within it. Thus we see the contradiction, the glaring gap between the potential of the objective situation and the subjective capacities of the Maoist forces. This is what we must confront. ...Our party believes that it is the need of the hour for the communist forces to strive to mobilise the broadest possible anti-imperialist, democratic and revolutionary forces to strengthen the campaign to end OGH and with a view to build a broad worldwide anti-imperialist front that is in process. And the further strengthening of the unity of communist forces world over would lead to stronger support for the Indian Revolution too. In the present situation, the objective potential of the world situation is far outstripping the subjective capacities of the individual parties. Yet much can be done to win over a large section to the cause of communism through their united effort. The recent years have seen collective activities in the form of joint May Day statements, seminars on important developments, conferences of Maoist parties for summing up experiences of international organisation and strengthening the struggle against neo-revisionism, joint forums such as the International Support Committee and the solidarity activities it has initiated. We have welcomed these efforts and continue to support them. We must now explore the possibilities of making the closer ties born out of these activities and growing unity of thinking on ideological, political issues the basis for further advance. Just as the Indian revolution serves the world proletarian revolution so too is its future vitally linked to how best the Maoists throughout the world can make the most of the world situation and advance world revolution.....
Dozens of political activists came together to raise their voices for
jailed Delhi University Professor G.N. Saibaba at a rally held in
Surrey on Sunday, June 16.
Organized by Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI), the rally was
aimed at drawing international attention to the deteriorating health of
physically challenged Prof. Saibaba who is being incarcerated under
inhuman conditions by the Indian state.
Wheelchair-bound Saibaba is ninety percent disabled below the waist,
and is suffering with 19 ailments. Yet, the Indian judiciary has refused
to set him free on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
En la mañana de hoy
miércoles, estaba convocada la celebración de la tradicional ceremonia
de We Tripantu, Año Nuevo mapuche en la Cárcel de Angol. Sin embargo,
sólo se permitió el ingreso a 64 personas, en circunstancias que habían
llegado más de 300 personas entre familiares y amigos. Frente a esto las
autoridades mapuche decidieron no ingresar y dirigirse a la Gobernación
Provincial de Malleco a exigir explicaciones, hecho que fue duramente
We Tripantu
Esta ceremonia es una fecha
trascendental para la religiosidad y espiritualidad del pueblo mapuche, ya que
se celebra la llegada de un nuevo año en el solsticio de invierno. Es común que
las familias se reúnan y compartan alimentos ante el ciclo de producción venidero.
Tan importante es esta ceremonia para los mapuche que existe una propuesta parlamentaria para que esta fecha sea feriado nacional,
como supuesta muestra de acercamiento al pueblo mapuche. Pero estas
buenas intenciones se desvanecen cuando, por otra parte, se actúa con
total desprecio, como fue el día de hoy para las familias de los presos
políticos mapuche de Angol.
Han pasado trece
años de aquella madrugada del 14 de Junio de 2006, donde el impresionante
operativo policiaco del gobierno del Tirano Ulises Ruiz Ortiz en contra del
plantón magisterial-popular en Oaxaca devino en fallido desalojo ante la
pujante resistencia y autodefensa de los trabajadores de la educación y las
capas más profundas del pueblo, que salieron en apoyo al magisterio democrático,
haciendo morder el polvo a los esbirros del viejo estado.
La intensa lucha
callejera que se desarrolló en el primer cuadro de la Ciudad enfrentó al
aparato bélico de la policía antimotines que atacó el plantón con fuerzas de
tierra y aire, lanzando granadas de gas lacrimógeno, bombas aturdidoras,
disparos con armas de fuego y el propio incendio de nuestros campamentos.
¿Quién puede
olvidar el helicóptero comercial utilizado por el Tirano y la Unidad Policiaca
de Operaciones Especiales (UPOE) para atacar a los manifestantes?
O Brasil é um dos dez piores países do mundo para ser um trabalhador no ano de 2019, segundo o ranking do Global Rights Index (Índice
de Direitos Globais, em tradução livre). O relatório, produzido pela
própria Confederação Sindical Internacional (CSI), levou em conta o
nível de repressão violenta a greves, dificuldades para acessar leis de
trabalho, ameaças e intimidações na atividade laboral e sindical e
adoção de leis regressivas.
Os países que dividem
com o Brasil a lista são: Zimbábue, Bangladesh, Argélia, Guatemala,
Cazaquistão, Arábia Saudita, Turquia, Colômbia e Filipinas. São
analisadas as situações em mais de 145 países utilizando-se de 97
indicadores, numa classificação de um a cinco.
Segundo a avaliação, o
Brasil recebeu a pior pontuação no que respeita a garantia de direitos
para os trabalhadores, junto com outros países como Eritreia e outros.
"Os governos estão
tentando silenciar a era da raiva ao restringir a liberdade de expressão
e de reunião", afirmou a secretária geral da CSI, Sharan Burrow.
Ela disse ainda que em 72% dos países os trabalhadores sofreram
restrições também para acessar à justiça, como é o caso do Brasil com a
"reforma trabalhista" aprovada por Temer e pelo Congresso de corruptos.
“O trabalho decente
está sendo afetado e os direitos estão sendo negados pelas empresas,
evitando regras e regulamentos", disse Burrow.
Os dados são atestados
pela própria CSI, que produziu o relatório. Tal entidade é vinculada
com as Federações Sindicais Globais e com o Comitê Consultivo Sindical
da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE),
grupos e instituições controladas pelo imperialismo.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the
Philippine National Police (PNP) for trying to cover-up and downplay the
extent of fascist mass killings perpetrated by both the police and
Duterte’s death squads in the course of Duterte’s so-called “drug war.”
The CPP denounces the PNP for its rejection of calls of international
human rights stalwarts to investigate the rampant cases of killings
claiming that police operations are “generally aboveboard” and that the
number of deaths is high because suspects “fight back.”
Since assuming power in 2016, Duterte has unleashed unmitigated
fascist violence against the people in his drug war especially against
the poor people in the urban slums. By repeatedly insisting that those
addicted to the use of illegal drugs do not deserve to live, Duterte has
instigated the police and police-directed death squads to carry out
mass killings.
Samidoun: Repression Continues in Berlin: Solidarity with leftists under attack!
On Wednesday, 26 June, state repression continued to escalate in
Berlin, Germany, as Berlin police and right-wing media outlets promoted
a series of raids and searches at the homes of nine alleged members of Jugendwiderstand (Youth
Resistance), a left revolutionary youth organization that fights
fascism and upholds Palestinian rights as well as supporting liberation
struggles around the world. After a series of repressive attacks, the
group dissolved itself earlier in June, but the raids and attacks have continued.
According to media reports, police allegedly accuse the
Jugendwiderstand members of “attacking” two events. First, they accuse
them of engaging in militant confrontations with the open neo-Nazis that
parade through Berlin each year in the “Rudolf Hess Memorial March”
protected from antifascists by the Berlin police. Despite the German
government’s cynical use of the term “anti-Semitism” to oppose advocacy
for Palestinian rights and criticism of Israel, actual Nazis and
anti-Semites who celebrate Nazi leaders are provided with extensive, expensive protection against leftist demonstrators.
Par Si tu veux mon avis
Si tu veux mon avis, l’invitation de Marion Maréchal Le Pen à
l’Université d’été du MEDEF et son rapprochement avec plusieurs
personnalités de droite, est quelque chose de tout à fait significatif.
Cela montre que la droite traditionnelle et une partie du patronat sont
tout à fait prêts pour le fascisme.
On l’a dit plusieurs fois sur cette page, le fascisme c’est la
dictature ouverte de la frange la plus réactionnaire de la bourgeoisie,
un système ultra capitaliste dans lequel la bourgeoisie renforce son
pouvoir, attaque frontalement les droits des travailleurs, divise le
prolétariat sur des critères racistes, xénophobes, LGBTIphobes,
sexistes, islamophobes, antisémites. Le fascisme est un mode de
gouvernance du capitalisme basé sur un autoritarisme accru. Le fascisme
intervient souvent en période de crise intense, dans un moment où la
bourgeoisie craint pour son pouvoir.
Depuis la déroute de la droite traditionnelle aux élections
européennes, depuis qu’une bonne partie de l’électorat bourgeois des
quartiers riches a abandonné LR pour LREM, Marion Maréchal Le Pen tente
de revenir sur le devant de la scène pour nouer des alliances avec des
personnalités de LR. Le parti bourgeois, réactionnaire, qu’est LR se
prépare donc à nouer des liens avec le Rassemblement National, parti
fasciste qui a toujours servi de roue de secours à la bourgeoisie de
l’État français.
Du côté du patronat, ça joue un jeu double. D’un côté, le grand
patronat ne cesse de réitérer sa confiance en Macron, de l’autre, il se
prépare à l’éventualité du fascisme dans un contexte de lutte sociale
intense, dans le contexte des gilets jaunes. En invitant Marion Maréchal
Le Pen à son Université d’été, le MEDEF envoie donc non seulement un
signal fort à Macron, mais il se prépare également à gouverner avec une «
droite élargie » composée de personnalités issues de LR et du RN.
Là où la stratégie d’attaque frontale contre les masses populaires
menée par Macron depuis deux ans a produit le mouvement des gilets
jaunes, le RN et la pseudo « droite sociale » ont toujours préféré tenir
un discours défendant les travailleurs français face aux travailleurs
immigrés, les honnêtes agriculteurs face aux assistés au RSA, les petits
patrons français face à la « finance mondialisée ». Ce discours
rencontre une sympathie relative auprès d’une partie des travailleurs
des petits patrons et des agriculteurs.
Si le patronat, en jouant sur tous les tableaux, se prépare à
l’éventualité du fascisme pour mater un mouvement révolutionnaire, alors
les forces progressistes, qui luttent contre le capitalisme, doivent
renforcer leur lutte contre le fascisme, faire front commun afin de se
préparer à combattre les fascistes, par tous les moyens nécessaires,
légaux ou illégaux, pacifistes ou violents. Il est nécessaire de nous
préparer à l’éventualité d’une accession au pouvoir des fascistes,
soutenus par la bourgeoisie, il est nécessaire que les militants
révolutionnaires des différentes villes nouent des liens entre eux,
apprennent à mener des campagnes communes, nouent des relations avec des
organisations progressistes d’autres pays afin d’avoir un soutien
international en cas de victoire du fascisme.
Les capitalistes montrent les crocs, préparons nous à riposter !
Anlässlich des 19. Juni haben Genossen in Freiburg
bemerkenswerte Aktionen in Solidarität mit dem Volkskrieg in Indien
entwickelt. In mehreren Aktionen wurden Banner u.a. mit den Slogans "Es
lebe der Volkskrieg in Indien" und "Es Lebe die KPI (Maoistisch)"
aufgehangen, eine Grußbotschaft verlesen und eine stilisierte Modipuppe
in Flammen gesetzt. All das findet sich dokumentiert in einem
großartigen Video der Genossen sowie komplementierenden Bildern die wir
im Folgenden dokumentieren:
Berlin: Aktionen zur Solidarität mit den politischen Gefangenen in Indien
Am 19.Juni, dem 33. Jubiläum des
Tags des Heldentums, wurde in Berlin eine Kundgebung und ein Vortrag in
Solidarität mit den politischen Gefangenen in Indien durchgeführt.
Dieser Bericht wird erst jetzt veröffentlicht, da wir ihn wegen
technischer Probleme erst jetzt erhalten haben.
Faşist Türk devletinin işgal ve saldırısı Hannover’de protesto
HANNOVER|29.06.2019|29.06.2019 Cumartesi günü
Hannover tren istasyonu önünde, TC’nin Kürt hareketine ve Kürt halkına
karşı giriştiği işgal ve katliam hamlesi protesto edildi. NAV-DEM’in
örgütlediği eyleme ATİF Hannover’de destek verdi. Eylem de TC’nin
katliamcı politikaları teşir edildi ve NATO’nun ve Almanya’nın bu
katliama finansal olarak destek verdiği vurgulandı. ATİF Hannover adın da bir konuşma yapıldı.
Konuşmada ;TC’nin dün olduğu gibi bugün de katliamlara imza attığı ama
bu zulüm karşısın da her zaman direnen halkları bulacağı vurgulanırken,
devrimci dayanışmanın bu süreçte dahada önemli bir görev olduğu
söylendi. Eylem slogan ve alkışlarla son buldu.
new act of violence has shocked the inhabitants of the city of Ibarra,
Imbabura. On January 19, 2019, an individual stabbed his pregnant
partner to death in the presence of police officers and passers-by on a
downtown street. The absurdity of this fact is that the police proved,
once again, inoperative, unable to respond and avoiding an event that
ended in tragedy.
Beyond the
fact that this type of violence has become a daily occurrence in the
country, it must be considered that, contrary to what social media says,
the fact that the murderer was of Venezuelan nationality is of no
relevance. This generates a kind of xenophobia that does not coincide
with objective reality.
murderer kills for various reasons, not precisely because of his
nationality, gender, ethnic group or other reason, he does so because he
is a criminal, a liability of the old society. In addition, it is
important to consider that the problem also happens because the police,
in spite of having the necessary instruments to intervene, did not have
the capacity to respond.
is important to point out that the escalation of violence in which we
are immersed is proportional to the level of pauperization, misery,
unemployment that the country lives.
..... Current
attempts imperialist and reactionary to deal with and overcome it are
unsuccessful and it is going to deepen and extend. The crisis, emerged in the field of finance, has its cause in
production and today results in a new recession. The global
inter-imperialist dispute and contradictions become sharper. These new
disputes start as trade war, and then are increasingly turning into
political-military geo-strategic contradictions, resulting in and
expanding in aggressive, occupied and proxy wars in countries oppressed
by imperialism and also somewhat advancing the tendency to a new direct
world war between imperialist for world repartition. Deeping and expanding of imperialist crisis means to overloaded and
expanding of imperialist and reactionaries unloads on the proletarians
and masses of the peoples It means an increasing gap between the wealth
of a handful of imperialist countries and the poverty of three-quarters
of the humanity of in the countries oppressed by imperialism and, within
each country, between the ruling classes and the proletarians, peasants
and exploited masses. And causes to become sharper the contradiction
between of oppressed peoples and nations of world with imperialism and
the contradiction of imperialist capitalist and proletarian and masses
of the peoples in imperialist countries The policies of imperialism exacerbate and make the impact of the
system more and more catastrophic in terms of environmental and natural
disasters. Within the imperialist countries the tendency to fascism and open dictatorship advances. In countries oppressed by imperialism, where the ruling regimes have
always been reactionary and subservient of the imperialist powers,
illusions on national, popular and anti-imperialist governments are
falling down and dictatorships with openly fascist and military
character are advancing. Imperialism is misery, reaction and war. Development, wealth,
democracy and peace, the safeguard of health and environment are
increasingly proven to be incompatible with the rule of the imperialist
system. Against this system and its crisis the proletarians and the peoples
are rebelling both in the imperialist countries and in the countries
oppressed by imperialism. The objective conditions of the class
struggle, of the national liberation struggle, of the people’s war are
getting sharper. On the subjective level, the proletariat and its
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (MLM) organizations are still lagging behind in
developing strategies, tactics and organizations and are not up to the
challenges put by the objective situation both in the imperialist
countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism. The ruling classes of the whole world are increasingly resorting to
fascism, to impose their plans and their power and also to divert the
growing discontent and resistance of the people’s masses. The rebellions of the masses in the countries oppressed by
imperialism are led by sectors still bound to one or another fraction of
the big, petty or middle bourgeoisie, or even the feudal forces or to
one or another imperialism and cannot find the way to a genuine
revolutionary struggle for New Democracy and socialism. In the imperialist countries, even if the people’s struggle increase,
as in France, the fascist-populist demagogy advances and the use of the
huge immigration waves, caused by imperialism, to divert the anger of
the masses not towards the domination of the ruling bourgeois forces but
towards the migrants, provoking a war between the poors In this national and world situation, the task of the communist, revolutionary and progressive forces in the world is huge. To affirm the irrefutable truth that the only alternative to waged
slavery, exploitation, oppression, domination, misery, discrimination,
devastation, crises and wars created by capitalism in today’s world is
socialism and communism. To develop and build the parties of the working class, to root them
among the masses; to wage a hard struggle within the ranks of the masses
for the ideological and political independence of the proletariat,
based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; to build mass organizations under the
leadership of these parties, able to lead the struggling sectors of
masses and tear them away from the influence of the reactionary
fundamentalist pan Islamist, fascist-populist forces as well as the
remnants of the social democratic and reformist forces; fight economism,
legalism, imperialist chauvinism. To organize the proletariat and mass resistance to internal
reactionaries wars and, when the imperialist war advances, make serious
determined preparations, to transform it into revolution; to build the
militant and fighting forces of the masses to respond to state
repression and fight fascist groups; to direct and pave the way for a
true revolutionary struggle to overthrow imperialism, its states, its
governments and establish the proletarian power. This battle, to be fought in each country, demands, in the current
international context, an international view, international links, a
common battle at the international level of the proletariat and the
oppressed peoples.....
Follow-up Note: On the Question of Protracted People’s War in Industrial Capitalist Countries. By Jose Maria Sison Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines
Waging protracted people’s war in any industrial capitalist country is not a matter of dogmatically asserting it or putting every part of my article out of its clear context.
For many decades already, I have heard of the notion or threat to wage a protracted people’s war in imperialist countries but to this day I have not seen any Maoist party proclaiming and actually starting it in any imperialist country.
In fact, I am not aware of any Maoist party in an industrially developed capitalist country strong enough to lead any armed revolution with the participation of any sizable proletarian masses in the industrial and service sectors of the economy. Nowhere in the industrial capitalist countries is there any Maoist party as formidable as the Bolshevik party in the trade unions and workers’ cooperatives in the run up to the October revolution of 1917.
There is no protracted people’s war of any kind going on in any industrial capitalist country. What has been protracted is merely idle talk or hot air about the possibility of waging protracted people’s war. No serious preparations for it are being made. There can never be such a people’s war without preparations for a certain period of time, depending on the subjective factors and the objective conditions. It will take at least some years to prepare and to realize the start of such armed revolution of the people.
A people’s war of whatever duration and scale is possible in the industrial capitalist country country only after a period of preparations of ideological work, political education and mass work, party and mass organizing, clandestine accumulation of arms, politico-military training and Bolshevik style penetration of the reactionary armed forces. Such preparations or suggestions thereof should not be disdained or begrudged.
These preparations ought to take advantage of the imperialist crises and wars, splits among the imperialist powers, violent contradictions among reactionary factions in the imperialist countries, the revolutionary advances being made in the underdeveloped countries, the desire of the proletariat and the people for revolutionary change and the strength of the revolutionary party to lead the armed revolution of the people in their millions.
It is only a “Left” opportunist, a fake Maoist or even an agent provocateur who has disdain for the lasting admonition of the Communist Manifesto to win the battle for democracy against the bourgeois class dictatorship and who clamors for proclaiming and starting a people’s war in an industrial capitalist country without the necessary preparations of the subjective forces and the favorable objective conditions that I have mentioned.
Winning the battle for democracy does not mean merely competing with the bourgeoisie within the confines of its class dictatorship but fighting in every possible and necessary way the attempt of the monopoly bourgeoisie to misrepresent itself as the center of moderation and to use reformism or social democracy and fascism as its two arms to stave off the proletarian revolution by debilitating or destroying it.
In any kind of country, the serious Maoist party makes concrete plans and preparations for armed revolution. The Filipino proletarian revolutionaries had to study the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, put forward the general line of people’s democratic revolution and the strategic line of protracted people’s war, conduct social investigation and mass work in the effort to develop the party, the people’s army and the united front as the weapons of the people’s revolutionary struggle against US imperialism and the local exploiting classes.
To prepare for the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines on December 26, 1968 and the New People’s Army on March 29, 1969, the Filipino proletarian revolutionaries used a full decade of ideological, political and organizational work and some five years of politico-military training and linking up with remnants of the old people’s army whose main force had been decimated from 1950 to 1952.
Communists proclaim their ideological position and political program and never conceal their ultimate goal of overthrowing the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and replacing it with that of the proletariat. But they are smart enough to use both the open and legal as well as the clandestine and nonlegal forms of struggle and methods of developing the revolutionary mass movement towards the proletarian-socialist revolution. And they are prudent enough not to go into the pitfalls of “Left” and Right opportunist, the fake Maoist or the Agent.
The 5th of June (2019), founding
chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, José Maria Sison,
put forth a text on People’s War in what he define as industrialized
capitalist countries. The day after we made public a response to this
article, and Sison has replied on the 7th of June. The reply is quite interesting. While
the first text has to be read as a condemnation of the line of People’s
War being universally applicable, his second text is kind of a retreat.
It is even less clear than the first article on the the question of
People’s War. While the question is raised to the level of the title, it
is not clearly answered in the article itself. Not directly and beyond
doubt that is. It is still impossible to read these texts as anything
else than an attack on the universal applicability of Protracted
People’s War, but the door is left with a tiny crack open. We know the extreme flexibility of many
opportunists. They are able to wiggle them self through the most narrow
cracks, and thus they might pretend there is no contradiction between
Sison’s statements and upholding the necessity of People’s War in the
imperialist countries. As usual, they pretend ‘two merges into one’ and
want nothing more than to run away from the two-line struggle
Vijay Prashad, Chief Editor of Leftward
books on his new book ‘Red Star Over the Third World’, the Russian
revolution’s impact on the colonised world, the early growing
relationship between Islam and revolutionary communism, the growing
relationship between the US, CIA and radical Islam and how we must take
inspiration from Lenin’s outlook before the 1917 revolution!
‘Like the brilliant sun, the October
Revolution shone over all five continents, awakening millions of
oppressed and exploited people around the world. There has never existed
such a revolution of such significance and scale in the history of
humanity’. – Ho Chí Minh From Cuba to Vietnam, from China to
South Africa, the October Revolution remains as an inspiration. After
all, that Revolution proved that the working class and the peasantry
could not only overthrow an autocratic government but that it could form
its own government, in its image. It proved decisively that the working
class and the peasantry could be allied. It proved as well the necessity of a
vanguard party that was open to spontaneous currents of unrest, but
which could guide a revolution to completion.
This book explains the power of the
October Revolution for the Third World. It is not a comprehensive study,
but a small book with a large hope – that a new generation will come to
see the importance of this revolution for the working class and
peasantry in that part of the world that suffered under the heel of
colonial domination
Sin duda uno
de los protagonistas de la nueva sociedad revolucionaria será el Urbanismo y la
planificación del territorio. Cuestión
esta, que enfrentará las contradicciones Ciudad/Campo y Centralización/Descentralización. Ligado todo
ello con las fuentes energéticas y a los medios de transporte.
desarrollo acentuado de las ciudades o mega-ciudades en el capitalismo, en la la sociedades esclavistas o feudales
también se manifiesta ya esta tendencia, es sin duda un problema que tendrá que ser
abordado por el nuevo urbanismo socialista. La ciudad se construye como espacio
de poder, comercio y negocios, no al servicio del pueblo o de una vida sana y
plena de sus habitantes. Este es sin duda el centro del debate.
La Gran
Revolución Socialista de Octubre nos legó un gran caudal de conocimientos y
propuestas sobre el nuevo urbanismo socialista y aunque muchas de ellas, no
pudieron ser aplicadas por las circunstancias históricas, si son patrimonio del
Socialismo y abrieron nuevos cauces para la solución de los problemas del
mismo. Lo mismo podemos decir de la revolución en la Republica Popular China
y sus soluciones sobre la contradicción
Campo/Ciudad, las Comunas Populares, novedosa propuesta del Pdte. Mao aplicada
no solo en China, sino también en el marco de la revolución en Kampuchea
Democrática o en Mozambique.
Servir al
Esta es la
toma de posición que debe guiar la nueva sociedad.
sociedades burguesas acentuaron su carácter de división de la ciudad en aéreas
para las elites y barrios periféricos, más o menos marginales, para la clase
obrera y el pueblo trabajador. Todo ello, serán cosas del pasado que habrá que
revertir en el nuevo estado de Dictadura del Proletariado.
desarrollo de la planificación del territorio obedece a cuestiones económicas y
a la producción, base económica, pero también a decisiones políticas e ideológicas,
superestructura. Frederick Engels señaló que hay que “terminar con las grandes
ciudades, cualquiera que sea el precio a pagar”. Las megas-ciudades son
estructuras al servicio del capitalismo y de la opresión, no son espacios
habitables sanos, que promuevan unas nuevas relaciones sociales y de producción, por ello tenderán a desaparecer
gradualmente o a ser abandonadas.
fundamental de la planificación socialista del territorio, tendrá que ser el
cuidado del mismo, tanto en sus aspectos ecológicos como de reducción del
impacto industrial en el mismo. A todo ello ayudara, la nueva planificación económica,
con un considerable ahorro de materias y finalizando el derroche caótico de las
¿En realidad
necesitamos para vivir un millón de objetos, como nos vende la sociedad de
consumo capitalista?
La tecnología
al servicio del pueblo barrera esta patológica necesidad de consumo inculcada
en las masas populares por la burguesía imperialista.
Juguetes educativos de la diseñadora Alma Siedhoff-Butcher.
Con ello me
refiero, al hecho de que al desaparecer el factor de lucro en la producción,
los objetos, tanto en su diseño como su calidad, tendrán una mayor duración,
sin el caótico derroche del capitalismo y sus técnicas de “obsolescencia
programada” para beneficio del “mercado”.
volvamos al urbanismo revolucionario de la nueva sociedad, evidentemente todos
estos cambios decisivos, no se producirán de la noche a la mañana. Será un
proceso paulatino, con la desaparición de las formas burguesas y pequeño-burguesas
de convivencia, tales como la familia o las relaciones de producción.
Todo ello
tomando como clave la lucha de clases a nivel ideológico, por el método
unidad/lucha y aplicando línea de masas para las contradicciones en el seno del
pueblo, basado en el respeto al sentir de las masas.
Es un hecho objetivo,
que el peso de la vieja sociedad y sus valores, individualistas y egoístas,
están presentes en todos nosotros.
Hemos crecido en medio de la lucha contra
ello, pero somos, también, parte de esta contradicción. Para ello tenemos que
tomar posición decidida por lo colectivo (comedores populares, restaurantes,
lavanderías, etc.).
Todo ello, para la clase obrera, con el nivel de diseño y
calidad de los mejores locales exclusivos de la vieja sociedad, lo mismo para
las viviendas o las propias instalaciones industriales o agrícolas. Un ejemplo histórico
de esto, fue el metro de Moscú y sus estaciones, que aun hoy, siguen disfrutando los
trabajadores, en la capital de Rusia.
necesidades del pueblo, no son un lujo”, esta frase del arquitecto comunista
Hannes Meyer, que fue director de la Bauhaus en Dessau, es un correcto resumen
del nuevo enfoque en la planificación y la arquitectura.
La labor de
la burguesía y sus agentes ha sido durante años denigrar lo colectivo, presentando
imágenes de suciedad y pobreza de los mismos. Evidentemente ocultando que
dichas situaciones, en su mayoría, obedecen a la opresión y explotación de la
clase obrera y del pueblo trabajador, por la oligarquía burguesa.
Nuevas formas residenciales.
Una sin duda,
importante experiencia fue el planteamiento de viviendas colectivas,
organizadas como autosuficientes que se desarrollaron en los años 20, basadas
en las teorías de los socialistas utópicos, pero ahora posibles en el nuevo
marco revolucionario.
planificación del territorio y sus realidades nunca pueden ser “calco o copia”
al igual que los procesos revolucionarios. Lo cual indica, que es la realidad
objetiva y el análisis concreto de sus contradicciones, lo que determinara que
formas requerirán la solución de las mismas.
Dick Urban Vestbro. La vivienda colectiva en Suecia.
Anatole Kopp. Arquitectura y urbanismo soviéticos de los años
P. Ceccarelli. La construcción de la ciudad soviética.
Pekin Informa / VV. AA. ¡La Comuna Popular es excelente!
New Delhi, 24.06.19
Un reporte de la agencia PTI, da cuenta de la muerte de un agente policial, a manos de un escuadrón del maoísta EGPL en un mercado en la aldea de Mirtur, distrito de Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, el pasado domingo. La acción de los
maoístas, fue sobre las 2:00 pm, cuando el agente se encontraba, junto a
familiares, en el mercado semanal de Mirtur, donde fue rodeado por el
escuadrón del EGPL y apuñalado mortalmente, llevándose a contiuación,
una pistola que portaba el policía. Según fuentes policiales, los familiares no sufrieron ningún daño.
New Delhi, 25.06.19
La prensa india informa de nuevas acciones de la guerra popular revolucionaria en diversos estados de la Unión.
EnJharkhand, en el distrito de
Gumla, miembros del Ejercito Guerrillero Popular de Liberación,
arrestaron y posteriormente ejecutaron a un comerciante, de 37 años, en
la aldea de Sahu. Así mismo se informa que incendiaron un camión con
hojas de Kendu, en la misma aldea
En Chhattisgarh, en el distrito de Dantewada, un agente de fuerza
represiva District Reserve Guard (DRG )resulto herido de gravedad, al
explotar un artefacto IED colocado fuerzas guerrilleras, en la aldea de
Hiroli, mientras la policía cubría la seguridad de una inaguración de
una carretera. En Telangana, se informa del arresto por la policía de cuatro supuestos simpatizantes del PCI (maoísta) , el pasado día 23, en el distrito Mulugu. Los detenidos identificados
como Madakam Ramesh, Kurusam Rakesh, alias Madavi Kosal Kosa y Madakam
Jogaiah de Kaushettyvai Gothi Koya Gudem, se les acusa de contactos con
cuadros dirigentes del PCI (maoísta). También en Bihar, se informa del arresto de un supuesto combatiente maoísta por elementos policiales, en el distrito de Vaishali. Según la policía fue detenido herido, tras una escaramuza con fuerzas del EGPL.
Kathmandu, 26.06.19
La prensa nepalí informa de un amplio seguimiento de la huelga general
convocada por el ahora ilegal Partido Comunista del Nepal, que dirige el
camarada Blipav. El PCN llamó al
bandh para protestar por el asesinato de Kumar Paudel en "encuentro". El
transporte se interrumpió, mientras que las instituciones educativas y
los mercados permanecieron cerrados debido al bandh en varias
provincias. Presuntos miembros del PCN-Bipalv colocaron dispositivos
explosivos improvisados (IED) en Kailali, Baitadi, Bajhang, Pyuthan,
Nawalparasi, Kaski, Palpa, Chitwan, Baglung, Sindhupalchok, Sindhuli,
Solukhumbu, entre otros distritos. No hubo víctimas humanas ya que el
personal de seguridad desactivó la mayoría de los explosivos. También la prensa
nepali da cuenta d nuevas detenciones de cuadros y dirigentes del PCN.
En el distrito de Lamjung, fue arrestado el camarada Binod Sonam, secretario del distrito de Pokhara.