Tuesday, June 25, 2019

1 - the time is NOW - towards a preparatory meeting for a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist International Joint Conference of the MLM parties and organizations,.. info maoistroad@gmail.com

....This MayDay, the genuine MLM communists call for:
- a unity based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, on the path of people's war for the development of the world proletarian revolution. A unity that will develop mutual help and cooperation to make common steps forward in the construction of proletarian parties able to lead the class struggle through the direct experience of the proletarians and peoples, towards the development of new democratic and socialist revolutions.
- a unity of action in the fundamental fields of the class struggle both in the imperialist countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism: the support to the People’s war in India, the Philippines and all the countries,Peru, Turkey etc.- where the path of the people's war is developed at different stages; the defense and release of the political prisoners and prisoners of war in the world; the development of the anti-fascist and anti-imperialist front; the unity of the classist trade union organizations; the development of women's struggle and proletarian feminist revolutionary organizations.
It is to achieve this goals that today we need the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist International Joint Conference of the MLM parties and organizations, with meetings and content discussions about ideological political items and tasks of this.
In the year of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Third International, let us organize a preparatory meeting this year, to reach this International Conference.


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