By the Editorial Board Tribune of the people
The Joint Task force between the Austin Police Department and FBI has begun singling out, tracking, and arresting protesters believed to be associated with a protest against the corporation Target.
So far three people have been arrested and charged with trumped-up
felonies for “participation in a riot” and “burglary of a building.”
The first felony arrest was carried out tactically against a young
Black mother, who received both of the above mentioned charges. She had
only livestreamed the protest without entering the building or carrying
out any physical act that could be considered rioting. She was targeted
by the state who immediately began labeling her “Antifa” in an attempt
to criminalize her reporting and the movement for Black lives. She has
no previous convictions and is being persecuted because the state fears
the voices of Black women who stand for the people and believe that
revolution is necessary. The Target Protest that has caused authorities to single out protesters.
Two more protesters were apprehended by the state and charged almost
identically. In no case has the state even attempted to articulate an
actual criminal act, just that they were believed to be at the protest
and were “known members of Antifa.” This is not a crime, and neither of
the others have any record of ever being convicted of a crime associated
with the broad and nebulous ‘Antifa’ movement.
The state agencies attempt, with broad strokes, to label anyone who
ideologically opposes fascism or racism as a member of ‘Antifa’ because
it dreams of making dissent illegal. While none of the Three deny being
opposed to fascism (who would!) they do not identify with organized
groups owning the name “Antifa” and have no involvement with such
groups. This label was a police invention placed on community activists
and independent journalists to smear them in the press and cause an
increase in bond amounts with stricter conditions in the short term. In
the long term its purpose is to taint potential jury pools so the
fraudulent charges can stick on nothing but the basis of right-wing
fears and insecurities.
The case of the Targeted Three has become local and national news,
having been reported in the New York Times. The Three are the only cases
in the US where police affidavits claim, without any basis in fact,
that there were “Antifa members” arrested, making it a spearhead in
enacting Donald Trump’s fantasy of ‘Antifa’ provocateurs. This fact
makes rallying support and awareness around this case paramount. If the
state is able to railroad those covering protests and those
participating in them as “Antifa rioters and burglars” then they will
surely escalate this tactic. Anyone who protests, anyone who films a
protest can then be viewed as an “extremist” or “terrorist,” to use the
state’s words, and anyone who is not a fascist boot licker can then be
deemed criminals and labeled ‘Antifa.’
The protest which the Three are said to have attended was not an
“antifascist action.” It was a protest to demand that the corporate
retailer Target stop financing anti-Black police surveillance in
Minneapolis and across the US. There was no visible iconography, and no
chants associated with the antifascist movement.
Neo-McCarthyism: the new Red Scare as an attempt to stop anti-police and anti-racist activism
‘Antifa’ is an umbrella term which is loosely derived from
Antifascist Action, a pre-fascist German organization banned by Adolf
Hitler in 1933. Talks from the ultra-reactionary President Donald Trump
of banning the contemporary “Antifa” still stink of Hitlerism. Since the
conclusion of the original Antifascist Action, the name has been used
by a diverse group of movements, organizations, and individuals, mainly
of the anarchist variety, who do not maintain a cohesive ideology or
organizational structure. It is not used to describe the original
organization led and supported by the Communist Party of Germany. The
term is most often used to describe anyone in opposition to fascism, who
use a variety of methods and tactics. The current name has no
association with the original use, but the underlying reasons for
wanting to ban it are the same as Hitler’s. Antifaschistische Aktion, led by the Communist Party of Germany, 1932
In times of economic crisis and major upheaval the state becomes
desperate to scapegoat the anger of the people onto what they call
“fringe groups.” During WWI they used the Palmer Raids, and following
this the McCarthy hearings with the House of Un-American Activities
Committee and the Red Scare Trials. In the 1960’s the authorities used
Counter Intelligence and COINTELPRO to disrupt the people’s movements,
with a clear focus on destroying Black and pro-people organizations.
Red Baiting, labeling activists as anarchists or Communists to
discredit their political views out of hand is nothing new. It is part
of the US imperialist’s legacy of oppression and social engineering. All
of the above serves to preserve the old, racist, and unequal order. The
state attempts to convince everyone that it is only a small group of
people who are fed up, and even the corporate media is having difficulty
maintaining this ruse, with many journalists exposing the fact that it
is a sham, and that the mass uprisings are not an “Antifa plot” to sow
discord, but genuine unrest due to a 400-plus year long history of
bloody racist oppression.
While favoring communism, anarchism, or identifying with the label
‘Antifa,’ is not in of itself a crime, the courts and the police use
these views and affiliations to increase bond amounts and penalties for
those on trial, and at the same time prevent them from receiving a fair
trial. And they will not refrain from labeling those who do not hold
such principles as ‘Antifa,’ anarchist, communist etc. without any
substantial evidence, it is enough for a cop to say that he knows
someone is such a thing, and this is largely uncontested by the courts
and media. Making it essential to rally to the defense of those who are
labeled, while declaring loudly that making revolution is no crime. When
the state seeks to make a mindset illegal no one who opposes injustice
is safe.
While the state has gone to great lengths to label the people’s
activists as dangerous radicals, they have done almost nothing to
prevent the movement of actual fascists who today use violent terrorism
against demonstrators and other oppressed peoples. The right-wing and
fascist movements maintain close links with the police and have
significant overlap. This is not the case for the people’s activists on
the left: one side seeks to preserve an unequal, decaying, and backward
system, while the other seeks to change it. This is the dividing line
between the left and the right.
District Attorney Margaret Moore, Trump’s Accomplice
Margaret Moore, Travis County District Attorney
Moore, the District Attorney for Travis County and a Democrat, moved
immediately to place charges on the Three, while displaying absolute
sluggishness to call for a Grand Jury against APD officers Christopher
Taylor and Mitchell Pieper who murdered unarmed Black-Latino man Mike
Ramos. Before this she made no efforts at all to get the body camera
footage of APD officers on the scene of the murder of unarmed Black man Javier Ambler,
who was brutally murdered in front of television cameras in her
jurisdiction. So much time has gone by that those complicit have
destroyed the footage. Moore has only been forced to begin moving ever
so slightly against the police due to the mass rebellions that rocked
the city of Austin at the end of May and the successive large rallies
that followed.
Where was the urgency when it came to getting justice for Black
people against the police? The system’s racism is on full display when
Moore wasted no time propping up the police and FBI with rapidly moving
on the arrest of a Black mother, who did nothing but film, as well as
the other two community activists which the state seeks to crucify.
According to one of the attorneys of the accused, the accusations are
“a transparent, incendiary attempt to distract from the problems
plaguing our society—systemic racism and state sponsored murder.” He
told the Houston Chronicle, “every time these accusations are repeated,
they lend credence to the dangerous allegation that anyone committed to a
world where people have more value than property is a terrorist.”
The aims of the reactionaries are clear; to criminalize the mass
movement, neutralize the voices of strong black women, and any one who
rises against racism. This must be energetically opposed by all who
believe that a better world is possible.
What You Can Do
All comrades in the struggle, no matter their views or disagreements
must come to the aid and support of the Targeted Three in Austin, Texas.
There is always something anyone can do to help out. Organize
solidarity actions, presenting the slogan “Defend Austin’s Targeted
Three,” carry out solidarity protests outside of the District Attorney
offices. Attend all court dates and any events in support of the
Targeted Three. Support and volunteer with legal aid groups, mutual aid
organizations, and field medics. Support the National Lawyers Guild and
others who are stepping up to help stop the witch hunts.
Those who cannot attend protests or take direct action can still do
their part, spread support far and wide on all social media and online
platforms, speak up in defense of the Three, share this article and
others. Donate to the defense funds of those arrested, and especially to
the legal support of the Three. Share donation links far and wide.
Demand that all charges are dropped against the Three and the
approximately 10,000 other arrests made of activists and protesters in
the mass movement. When the state arrests anyone for standing up for
Black lives they are attempting to crush the struggle and continue their
racist, oppressive business as usual. Document and report fascist and
racist threats against protesters and specifically against the Three,
email evidence to and we will forward
it to legal supporters.
Most importantly, defend and uphold the movement for Black lives,
including all those on the ground who take great risks by speaking up
against the reactionary state. Stay updated on the current events and
the state’s attempts to divide and end the mass struggle. Challenge all
official and civilian attempts at red baiting or reckless labeling of
individuals or groups. Make it clear that it is the police and the
system which are responsible and at fault and not those who have taken
up the struggles for a better world. Side with the people! Supporters
and lawyers have secured the release of the Three but with the long
funds for these activists and any other protesters who the state will be
targeting at the following link:
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