Sunday, March 9, 2025

ICSPWI Call for new international and internationalist week of action from 7 to 12 avril


New international and internationalist week of action from 7 to 12 avril  Towards a one year long campaign to support People’s War in India and the Communist Party of India (Maoist)

The world campaign against Operation Kagaar that continues, has denounced and affected imperialists and Modi’s government set the target to wipe put the Indian democratic, popular and revolutionary movement and to affected the people's war led by the CPI (Maoist), that are the real political alternative for the proletarians and the people of India

All campaigns of the fascist Modi's regime, developed in recent years from “Green Hunt” onwards have failed to achieve the objective that the regime had.

Now Modi claim he will wipe out the people’s war, the revolutionary movement and the CPI(M) by march 2026.
The International Committee to Support the People’s War In India (ICSPWI) calls
all the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties and organizations, the revolutionary parties, the anti-imperialist forces, to meet the challenge launched by the Modi’s government with a one-year-long campaign from Avril 2025 to March 2026.

It is one year of mobilization and support for the Indian revolution which ICSPWI calls to. It will begin with an international and internationalist week of action from 7 to 12 avril

The CPI (Maoist) and the popular masses are resisting and rejecting the Kagaar campaign with determination and heroism.
In any sector of the economy, the Modi’s regime is unloading on the masses the crisis brought by imperialism, its lackeys and the policies at the service of the big Indian capitalists, as Adani, Ambani etc and landlords

Modi was the first head of state in the world to go to meet and pay homage to the new chief of US imperialism, Trump. They had a meeting on February 12 to reaffirm the importance of their relationship in the framework of the alliances under the imperialist world system; particularly in the energy and defense sectors.
In the energy sector, Trump asks India to increasingly be the main customer of the American oil sector, which in the recent past had also been weakened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Modi has committed to Trump to achieve the objective of bringing the trade between the two countries from 15 to 25 billions dollars in the energy sector over a five year term.
In the defense sector, India is the world's main importer of weapons, bought also from Russia and various countries in the world. In the mentioned meeting, Modi opened firther purchases from US and Trump offered to sell the F35s to India. Finally, as part of the strategic control of trade routes, the great novelty of the meeting was the decision to relaunch the project of the "India-Med-East-Europe corridor", that is, a corridor for goods, data and energy from India to Israel, Italy, up to the United States. This project already existed, but the attack of the Palestinian resistance and the contradictions that it caused between the State of Israel and the Arab countries had blocked it. With the meeting, Trump and Modi are relaunching this project.

This meeting Trump/Modi should make clear to everyone the indissoluble link that exists between American imperialism and its servants and the Indian regime.

The Indian regime is one of most important supporter of Netanyahu and his genocidal campaign in Palestine. For this reason, ICSPWI calls during the week of action and to unite the international solidarity with the resistance of the Palestinian people to the international campaign against the Modi regime and Imperialism.

ICSPWI call for Intensifing the mobilization against Kagaar operation made of massacres, forced deportations, murders of villagers and leaders of the tribal masses, social activists and revolutionary leaders, as well as persecution of the journalists and human rights activists who oppose it.

ICSPWI strongly takes up the call of the Indian comrades to support the people of Maad who are resolutely opposing the decision to use their lands and forests for the army maneuvers, as part of the increasing participation of the army in the genocidal war on people under the name of Operation Kagaar .
To support the people’s war in India and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is one of the fundamental tasks of the revolutionary, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist communist movements of the world.
The Communist Party of India Maoist leads a people’s war to make the New Democratic revolution, to free the country and the working masses from exploitation and oppression and, united with the proletarians and the popular masses in the world, march to the proletarian and socialist revolution in the world.
For this reason, it is due to all of us to stop imperialism, Modi’s regime and their genocidal hand, as part of the global struggle against imperialism, that leads to wars, fascism, poverty and oppression of peoples.
ICSPWI calls to all for joining to the international week of action 7-12 April deciding ,
according to the concrete conditions. initiatives and forms of struggle.
For its part, ICSPWI calls to:
- a great day of mobilization towards workers, in factories and workplaces
- public demonstrations of all kinds towards embassies and consulates
- meeting in support of CPI (Maoist) and to study its documents. Message for the 20th Foundation Day Anniversary of the CPI (Maoist)






International Committee to Support the People's War in India

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