Shatter the shackles of imperialism and feudalism,Destroy
this rotten system !
Build yourfuture
and that of the country with your own hands !
Dear people,
Warmest greetings to you from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the occasion of its 10th founding anniversary.
Ten years ago, we came before you to announce a joyous event – the
merger of two revolutionary streams. A single Maoist party, the
Communist Party of India (Maoist) was formed on the 21st of September,
2004, to shoulder the tasks of revolution. Today we place before you an
account of these momentous years. It has been a decade of heroic
struggle and sacrifices by the best daughters and sons of this land.
Nearly two thousand and five hundred of them, from Dandakaranya
(Chattisgarh), Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Paschim Banga, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand and Asom, laid down their precious lives. They include
hundreds of great leaders of the revolution, from the topmost level of
our party to its basic levels. Scores of valiant fighters of the
People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army shed their blood in battle with the
oppressor’s mercenaries. Many among the masses too made
the highest
This blood was not shed in vain. It has built on past achievements
and valuable experiences. It fuelled a decade of resolute struggle in
the political, military, economic and cultural spheres. This was a
period which saw ever more militant mobilisation of lakhs of people,
people at the bottommost levels of society, in mighty revolt to destroy
the oppression and exploitation weighing heavy on them for ages.
Glorious years when the shoots of new political power were further
nurtured through the destruction of the old power and more extensive
building of a new society in a primary stage. And, in this process, the
People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) was further strengthened in
its fighting capability. Its
force, the People’s Militia, now numbers in the thousands. These brave
women and men stand firm, weapons in hand, to defend every achievement
of the people — political, economic, social, cultural and environmental —
particularly, the emerging new society they are building.
Yes, we have striven hard to fulfil the promise given to you and made
advance. It is so, because we are communists. Our words are sealed in
deeds, serving the people. Inheriting the finest traditions of the
countless rebellions waged by the peoples of this land throughout the
centuries against their oppressors, both local and foreign, drawing
inspiration from the heroic struggles of a long line of patriots who
fought for true independence from British colonialism, boldly taking up
the banner of armed struggle bequeathed to us by the red fighters of the
Telengana armed struggle, Tebhaga and Punnapra-Vayalar, forever holding
high the Red flag crimson with the blood of lakhs martyrs throughout
the world, we will fight on — till our beloved country is liberated from
the clutches of imperialism and its lackeys, to make it a base of the
world socialist revolution, to advance through socialism to the bright
future of communism. We will fight as a contingent of
the international
proletariat, as comrades-in-arms with all oppressed nations and
oppressed people and broad masses of capitalist countries. It is so,
because we are the children of that mighty Spring Thunder that shook up
the whole of India — the great Naxalbari armed peasant rebellion of
1967. We have been taught and trained by our great founder leaders,
comrades Charu Majumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee and by several other
beloved leaders. We are guided by the ideology of the international
proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Dear people,
We were led to believe that our country became independent in 1947.
Yes, it is true that the hated colonial rule was ended. But the misery
of our lives forces us to acknowledge a bitter truth — the foreign
masters have only stepped behind a curtain. All the vital controls are
still in their hands. We see their presence in the big multinational
companies that come to exploit our labour and plunder our resources; in
the scant value they attach to our lives as seen in the murderous Bhopal
gas incident. We witness it in the control foreign powers have over our
entire country in
a thousand
ways. We see it in the aggressive promotion of consumerism and
self-indulgent individualism. We experience it in the invasion of their
decadent values and the contempt they breed for our richly diverse ways
of life and cultures. We feel its oppressive weight in the disastrous
economic policies they impose through agencies like the IMF, World Bank
and WTO; policies that uproot people, create new shackles of dependence
and pollute the air, water and earth. We see its sinister hands in the
arming and training of the Indian state in the counter-revolutionary
‘war on the people’ waged against the revolutionary armed agrarian
revolutionary war. This is imperialism, one of the big mountains
weighing on us.
There are two more of them.
The rulers tell us we are fast advancing to information highways,
bullet trains, hi-tech cities and what not. They go on and on. But look
around you, look at your lives. Despite all those gadgets,
smart phones
cable TVs, motor cycles and flashy dresses why do the chains of
hidebound tradition weigh so heavy? Why do the landlord, old or new, and
the greedy moneylender still corner the major chunk of the peasants’
surplus? Why are their wishes inviolate, their word the law, when all of
us are supposed to be equal? Why is most of the land still in the hands
of few, while the vast majority eke out a meagre living either selling
their labour or trudging on scraps of land? Why are women fettered in
obnoxious customs? Why is the dalit still preyed upon? Why are the
adivasis scorned? Why this ridiculous spectacle of Brahmanic rituals
heralding the launch of high tech space vehicles? Why is the inhuman
caste system still alive and strong? There are many changes, new things
not seen before. But the age-old structures and values of the caste
system, of patriarchy, of landlordism still remain. This is feudalism
inextricably bound up with caste, another big mountain crushing us.
Yes, the rulers
at times
admit, there are still vestiges of the old. But they would direct our
sight to the glitz of fast growing cities, to huge factories, to big
corporates, some of whom have even spread out abroad. Very well, but do
you really need to be reminded? Haven’t you suffered them, living and
slogging in the squalor of slums right in the midst of those glittering
cities? Don’t you already know them for their land grabbing, resource
plundering, greed which drove you from your ancestors lands? Haven’t you
known their rapacious exploitation, experienced their denial of basic
rights and witnessed their murderous attacks on those who demand them?
But that is not all. They are big capitalists, no doubt. Yet, for all
their pretensions, they are mere servitors of foreign interests, of the
imperialists. Born as commission agents of the colonial rulers, they
have forever depended on them in all aspects of their existence and
growth. They thrive on this dependence. They sell out our country, its
people and resources to the foreign marauders. And in their core they
conserve Brahmanic feudal values, no matter how modern the technology
they employ. From their birth they have remained tied up to feudalism.
They are the comprador-bureaucrat capitalists, representing bureaucrat
capitalism, yet another big mountain bearing down on us.
These are the three huge mountains weighing down on us. They squeeze
out our breath, break our backs. They block our country’s development
and progress. To take our destiny into our own hands, stand up in
freedom, breathe the fresh air of democracy and equality, enjoy the
fruits of our labour, clean up the air, water and earth, rid society of
the evils of caste, patriarchy and communalism, dynamite Brahmanism that
lies at the core of everything reactionary in India, yes, to
as human beings, we must overthrow them. This is what we fight for.
This is the meaning of the new democratic revolution we wage. This
revolution will bring national independence uprooting imperialist
slavery, exploitation and control, and will establish people’s democracy
uprooting the feudal autocracy. It will establish the rule of the
workers, peasants, urban petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie
under the leadership of the working class. The New Democratic state
would unequivocally recognize the right to self-determination of the
nationalities including the right to secession.
They say India is a republic, a secular democracy. The Constitution
even lays claims on its being ‘socialist’! Isn’t this an outrageous
mockery of the crores forced to
on 20 rupees per day? And its secularism? Has there been a single year
since 1947 without communal attacks, mainly targeting the Muslim
minority? Who can forget the thousands massacred in the pogroms against
the Sikhs under Congress rule in 1984 and against the Muslims in 2002
under BJP rule? The rulers claim India’s strength lie in its ‘unity in
diversity’. But how are these national and cultural diversities treated?
With arrogant contempt, racist, casteist slurs and attacks. That has
been the plight of not only adivasis and dalits. It is the searing
experience of all the national peoples in the North Eastern States of
India. Many nationalities fighting for their freedom, such as the
Kashmiris, Nagas and Manipuris, have been under the jackboots of the
Indian Army for decades together. They are subjected to the worst
atrocities and denied all legal redress by laws that protect the Army
from prosecution. Everything, its murders, rapes, tortures, yes
everything is Constitutionally sanctioned! The plight of thousands of
prisoners, locked up in unimaginable conditions,
this damning picture of Indian democracy. Their vast majority comes
from the bottommost levels of society. Charged with trivial crimes whose
punishment would be no more than a year or two, they languish in jails
for years together without bail or trial. As for the Maoist political
prisoners, the torture in police camps is extended to the jails, by
denying them basic rights including medical care, blocking their access
to literature and news, limiting or even preventing family visits and
obstructing legal rights.
Why should we live in this hell?
The rulers accuse us of violence, of destruction. But what about the
violence of this society they protect? Isn’t their social system a
assault on human existence? When will they account for the countless
lives destroyed every minute, or the living dead who barely manage to
exist? Where will they answer for the destruction and havoc they create
in society and the environment? Our violence is a just reply to this.
What we destroy is this human-devouring system, its values and culture.
But this is not some mindless act. With the participation and support of
the vast masses of the oppressed people of this country, the PLGA led
by our party destroys to create. Its violence is purposeful. It is
ploughing up the land to clear out anti-people and obsolete relations,
structures and institutions. Together with the masses, it plants and
builds a new political power, a new social order. These now exist at the
primary level as Revolutionary People’s Committees (popularly known as
Krantikari Janatana Sarkars, Krantikari Jan Committees or Viplava Praja
Committees) in the guerrilla bases of Central and Eastern India.
These centres of new political power are as yet mere specs in this
vast land. But they already make possible a meaningful life, vibrant
with the strength of cooperation, collectivity, rich in values of humane
care and concern. They realise the centuries old dream of the exploited
to be their own masters. They ensure land to the peasantry. They allow
the adivasis to foster the new while nurturing their distinctiveness.
They enable the dalits to live a life of dignity. They create space for
women by supporting their struggle for liberation. This is the promise
of a future for India — a democratic, sovereign, federal, people’s
republic; self-reliant, just and equitable. This is
is possible if we dare to fight and reach for the heights.
What is this new society? What has it already achieved?
In these villages the Indian state has been destroyed. The outdated
authority of feudals and those tribal elders, who lorded over people,
has come to an end. The bondage of caste has been smashed and ground
prepared for its annihilation. Organs of people’s political power were
established. This new democratic power is the biggest success achieved
by the people through people’s war. The Revolutionary People’s Committee
at village level, with 9 to 11 members, is directly elected every
two/three years by all adults, except a few who oppose people and stand
in support of the reactionary state and their armed forces and gangs.
The voters
have the
‘Right to recall’. Women have right over half of the political power
through equal representation. The people have the all fundamental
democratic rights — – Right to meet, Right to form organization, Right
to conduct strikes and demonstrations, Right to live according to one’s
wish, Right to primary education, Right to primary medical treatment,
Right to gain minimum employment, etc.
The RPC addresses all aspects of the people’s lives through its
defence, finance, agriculture, trade and industry, judicial, education
and culture, health and social welfare, forest protection and
public relations
On the basis of ‘Land to the Tiller’ forest lands were distributed by
the RPC to all those who have no land or have scant land. Where people
are well organised, women own half of the proprietary right over land.
“Equal wages for equal work” is being implemented. Bazaar committees are
working to end the indiscriminate exploitation in weekly bazaars. Mass
struggles demanding fair wage rates were successfully waged and there
was an increase in fund collection to fulfil the needs of the people.
All kinds of restrictions and taxes on
collection of
forest produce were annulled. Forest produce can be freely collected
and consumed. The slogan of “All rights to the Adivasis/ local people
over Forests” has been realised. There is a ban on taking away any kind
of resources from the forest without permission from the RPCs. New entry
of imperialist multinational companies (MNCs) and comprador companies
has been blocked.
Apart from creating irrigation facilities for crops to increase the
average yield and encouraging the usage of organic manure and
high-quality local seeds, the RPCs assist the poor peasantry in all
possible ways to cultivate their lands. Where conditions permit, with
the purpose of raising living standards, fulfilling the masses food
needs and those of the PLGA, all efforts are made to develop
agricultural production and thus ease dependence on
the market
The RPCs are themselves establishing agricultural farms. Mutual aid/
work teams are formed to fulfil various productive tasks and services.
Grain Cooperative Associations are formed. The effort to provide
nutritious food to people through planting orchards and growing
vegetables and greens has begun. Encouragement is given to fish rearing
in ponds. The party and PLGA participate in productive labour as a
The development of class struggle and building of RPCs has opened
doors for new developments in people’s cultural life. As the free labour
done for the tribal elders came to an end, people fulfilling their
needs through mutual aid / work teams has increased. In adivasi areas,
collective hunting which used to go on for weeks together was gradually
discouraged. Instead, expending labour power on land levelling and
creating irrigation facilities which promise growth in yield of
agricultural products is increasing.
As the customs and rituals observed with blind faith are proving a
hindrance to production and productive forces in the changing
conditions, meetings are being
with traditional healers and priests and necessary changes are brought
about through discussions. Apart from discouraging consumerism, RPCs are
opposing forceful religious conversion of adivasis into Hinduism and
Christianity. They also inculcate scientific thinking and atheism.
Overspending in marriage ceremonies and death rituals has been reduced.
Women are more respected now. With the development of class struggle
and the building of women’s organisations, sexual exploitation of feudal
lords and demeaning practices have been eliminated. Forced marriages
and the Gotul system (practiced in some adivasi areas) have come down
considerably. This liberated women and young women from social and
psychological pressures.
Schools are opened as part of fulfilling the basic needs of the people.
For the first time
in history, in Dandakaranya, education is imparted in ‘Koya’, the
majority people’s mother tongue. Syllabi were prepared in the light of
democratic-socialist ideas. In Bihar-Jharkhand too, special emphasis is
laid on reaching education to the adivasis, dalits and other sections
deprived of it. Health care is provided as part of fulfilling the basic
needs of the people. Sanitation work and providing safe drinking water
facilities are taken up actively by training up people’s doctors in
villages. Construction of houses with the mutual cooperation is taken up
for people who do not have proper houses.
Indiscriminate felling of forests and the robbing of valuable timber
by the government and the timber mafia was stopped. Instead of people
felling trees according to their will and wish for their agricultural
and domestic needs, RPCs are striving to fulfil the needs of the people
and are regularising the felling of trees. Ban was imposed on pouring
poison in river water to catch fish and catching birds which come to
water sources in summer. Ban was imposed on hunting which is carried for
commercial purposes to sell the meat. Thus preservation of wildlife is
Delegates elected from village level RPCs have constituted Area RPCs.
Similarly elected delegates from the Area level form the Divisional
(District level) RPCs. This represents an extension of territory over
which people exercise political power and create the new. It strengthens
the advance towards building liberated areas and establishing a
People’s Government, confronting the
Such are the fruits of the protracted people’s war. More than three
decades of hard sacrifice had already made significant advance in the
war zones of Dandakaranya, Bihar-Jharkhand. Given
the different
situation in these two regions this advance took different forms, but
was always guided by the politics of new democratic revolution. In
Bihar-Jharkhand a stubborn struggle, backed by arms, to break the bonds
of caste-feudalism, defeat upper casteist private armies, seize and
distribute land, paving the way for the development of Krantikari Kisan
Committees as leading centres. In Dandakaranya, the grounds were laid
through struggles in which the adivasi peasantry was mobilised, arms in
hand, to smash the authority of the forest department, private
contractors and, in some areas, feudal lords or feudalistic tribal
elders and end their exploitation. Party and mass organisations were
built. Revolutionary armed forces, the People’s Guerrilla Army and
People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army, were formed step by step. Thus
forms of
people’s power emerged. The merger of the two revolutionary streams in
2004 made these gains, its experiences and lessons, the solid foundation
for a bold, powerful, push forward. Its results are before you.
The growth of powerful mass struggles led by our party directed
against anti-people projects and state repression is another significant
development. Among them the struggles in Nandigram, Lalgarh,
Narayanpatna and Kalinga Nagar stand out for the new forms of struggle
they brought out and the broad unity they achieved. Forces led by our
party have contributed much to the success of the long drawn struggle
for separate Telengana. It has also provided strong support to many
other mass struggles. This has helped them withstand state repression
and attempts to divide them. Through all these struggles the right of
the people over water, land and forests (jal-jangal- zameen), their
right to lead a life of dignity has been asserted.
On this occasion, we must specially mention the unparalleled role
played by the people in the main guerilla zones of the revolutionary
movement. It is they who bore the brunt of the repression. It is they
who gave us confidence. Without their immense sacrifices and unbound
enthusiasm this protracted people’s war would have been impossible. Run
down and scorned as ‘backward’, and in
the process
they are becoming the advanced, the path breakers. We hold them up,
these makers of history, as glowing models before the whole country. We
greet them and salute them!
The formation of the CPI (Maoist) as the single directing centre of
the Indian revolution was acclaimed by the people in India and
throughout the world. Where the people were inspired, their enemies
despaired. True to the nature of all dying forces, they gathered their
forces for more and more murderous attacks on the revolutionary forces.
This was a total assault. Brute military force was
with targeted capture and murder of CPI (Maoist) leaders. False talk of
peace was coupled with filthy lies and canards. Killer gangs and
vigilante forces were armed and set loose in a bid to pit the people
against the people. Even then, braving heavy attacks and overcoming
major losses the party, PLGA, RPCs and the revolutionary masses stood
firm. Heavy blows were given, such as the heroic storming of the
Jehanabad jail to liberate imprisoned revolutionaries and the historic
seizure of the Nayagarh armoury to arm the PLGA. The historic Unity
Congress-9th Congress (country-level gathering of party delegates) of
the united party was successfully held. Ideological, political unity was
deepened and strengthened. Its unified thinking was raised to a higher
level. Its fighting capacity sharpened.
Rebuffed in their counter-revolutionary plans the Indian ruling
classes launched ‘Operation Green Hunt’ in mid 2009 and are intensifying
it day by day. They were backed and guided by imperialism, particularly
US imperialism. This is a deadly ‘war on the people’. It is not green,
but red. Red with the blood of adivasis and other masses gunned down by
the mercenary troops of the Indian
Red with blood of the sons and daughters of the people who bravely
fought till their death, however poorly armed and outnumbered they ught
till their death, however poorly armed and outnumbered they 10 were.
This is a manhunt. Party, PLGA members are poisoned and murdered by
coverts and counter-revolutionary gangs like the Trithiya Prasthuthi
Samithi. It is a frenzied spree of attacks on people — murder, rape,
razing down houses, loot, destruction of harvests and granaries, looting
and slaughter of poultry and livestock by counter-revolutionary gangs,
police and para- military forces. In Bihar, Jharkhand and Paschim Banga,
relying on the worst traditions of British colonial suppression known
as ‘kurki japthi’, the houses and property of those associated with the
Maoist movement are seized by court
The hideous attack in Chintalnar area of Bijapur District, where they
razed down four villages, killed and raped is a recent hideous example
of state repression. The firing on a gathering of villagers, massacring
17, mostly women and children, at Sarkeguda, Bijapur District is another
one. The Indian ruling classes and their political parties often cite
lack of funds for not providing even basic amenities to the masses. But
they think nothing of pouring in crores of rupees in order to deploy the
latest technology in their war on the people. Already 500,000 Central
and State mercenary troops have been thrown into this war. Another fifty
thousand is on its way. The Air Force provides drones. It is now
preparing for aerial attacks. The Army is engaged at brigade level in
command and training. With great haste it is raising a
force within the Army for deployment against the Maoist led revolution.
The Indian state is getting ever more desperate and ferocious in its
attacks. There is logic to this madness of waging ‘war on the people’,
of ‘pitting the people against the people’. Day by day the true
condition of the country is being revealed. With 70 per cent of the
population scrapping on at Rs. 20 per day, the rulers’ tall claim about
India entering the league of world powers is seen as a cruel
story. In opposition to this stands the new armed force, new people’s
movements, new political power and society emerging in Central and
Eastern India. This is beginning to attract wider attention, not only
among the deprived but also among a broad section of patriots and
progressives. It is increasingly seen as a real alternative to the
destruction of human and natural resources by the rapacious exploitation
and loot and oppression carried out in the name of development by the
imperialist and Indian corporates. It holds up a democratic model where
the oppressed classes and social sections— workers, peasantry, urban
petty bourgeois, women, adivasis, dalits, national and religious
minorities — will be freed from the domination of Brahminical
caste-feudalism and all the reactionary values it promotes, serving as
the social base of imperialism and colluding with the
comprador-bureaucrat bourgeoisie. It shows what is possible — how the
landless and poor peasants will get land, how the tremendous energies of
collective labour can be unleashed, how traditional knowledge can be
harnessed in service of the new, how it is possible to preserve the
environment keeping people’s interests at heart and achieve a truly
sustainable development. It shows in embryonic form the immense
potential for a new India. An India that can only arise on the ashes of
the existing one, after destroying the Indian state. Yes, there is every
reason for the desperation of the Indian rulers. Everyday this new
power and society exists, it drives in another nail into their coffins.
They see their death in it. Therefore they madly hasten to destroy it.
There is something more. The Central and State governments in these
regions had already signed a huge number of agreements, selling out the
resources to foreign and Indian corporates. But the advance and
expansion of the people’s, with the involvement of the people, and the
establishment of the people’s power over land, water and forests spoilt
their plans. Now they are under greater pressure. The imperialist system
is in the grip of the worldwide economic crises. This is severely
impacting the Indian economy. This crisis situation makes the enemies of
the people, the imperialist MNCs and Indian compradors, ever more
desperate to plunder the resources of our country and exploit the
labouring classes to the hilt. Therefore the added haste to crush the
struggling people, no matter how much blood is shed.
The boots of the mercenary troops trample the people. They beat them
up and shoot them. But that is not all. They also come with ‘gifts’.
They shower all sorts of gadgets, hand out clothes and food, and insist
on giving adivasi children lodging and free tuition. They take them from
the remotest villages on “India tours”. This is the ‘soft touch’
complementing the boots and bayonets. This is the sinister plan of US
imperialism and their lackeys to lure a section of people and make them
the base for building an informant network. They come with promises of
reform and development, but only to divide the people. The aim is to
isolate the Maoists and hasten the suppression of the revolutionary
movement, destruction of the new political power and blocking the
expansion of the people’s war. And once that is realised it is back to
business as usual, the business of denying basic rights and amenities to
the people, the
out of resources. If you want proof
take a look
at Saranda in Jharkhand. First, a sudden and all-out brutal attack with
more than 10,000 troops to destroy the revolutionary organisations and
drive out the PLGA. Then the establishment of a Special Saranda
Development Authority with the promise to take basic amenities to all.
And finally the real thing — a wholesale sell out of thousands of
hectares of pristine forest land to Tata for its mining of iron ore and
the entry of around 100 imperialist and comprador corporations into
resource rich area; the return of the hated rule of the police station,
bureaucrats and local exploiters. This is the actual course of the
counter-revolutionary campaigns waged by the Indian state.
In India armed revolution is confronting armed counter-revolution.
Combating the superior forces of the Indian state with guerrilla tactics
of people’s war the PLGA fights back. Unlike the aggressor, its
strength lies in
ties with the masses, in its creativity and steely determination. The
annihilation of whole company of the CRPF at Mukkaram (Dandakaranya) by
the PLGA was a resounding rebuff to the Indian state’s ‘war on the
people’. In a protracted people’s war, it is not the control of
territory but the preservation of the revolutionary military force that
is decisive. Grasping this principle, the PLGA has evaded efforts of the
Indian state to pin it down and destroy it. It has broken out of heavy
encirclements by attacking small units of the enemy and breaching its
circle. Withdrawing in the face of massive forces it circles around to
hit back with all force when an opportunity arises. The Tongpal ambush
(Dandakarnya) in which 15 mercenaries were annihilated, and 20 weapons
and a large quantity of ammunition were seized and the Farsagaon
(Jharkhand) ambush where 5 mercenaries were wiped out and 5 weapons
seized testify to the strengths of a protracted people’s war, a war that
is led by a Maoist party and draws in the masses in their thousands. It
is significant that these ambushes came in an area claimed to be
‘cleared’ by the Indian state. From January till June of this year, in
the midst of two intense country-level suppression campaigns, covering 9
States, carried out during December-January 2013-2014 and in March, 39
were carried out by the PLGA.
The resistance to the Indian state’s aggression against the new
political force, new movement, power and new society is not just a
matter of the PLGA. The masses
involved in it greatly. They participate in actions and in their
preparations, provide food, shelter and information, help in maintaining
supplies, and refuse to cooperate with the enemy. The People’s Militia
is a very important component of the PLGA. Apart from its role in
actions, it has played an exceptional role in defeating the Salwa Judum
and the attacks of Sendra and other counter-revolutionary vigilante
gangs in various States. There are many instances where the masses have
braved repression to seize back the bodies of martyrs and give them a
befitting funeral. On some occasions they have collected all the goods
distributed by the enemy forces and burnt them in bonfires. In Minpa the
with the PLGA and waged continuous struggle for more than a week
forcing the enemy to close down its military camp. In Herrakoder masses
mobilised from surrounding villages and forced the closure of a newly
established camp through peaceful, but resolute, agitations. Women
played an exemplary role in this. Broad sections of intellectuals,
progressives and democrats have also come out in large numbers, in India
and abroad, to protest the Indian state’s ‘war on the people’ and
expose its atrocities.
Dear people,
Our livelihoods, dignity and very existence are under multiple
attacks by neo-liberal policies that intensify foreign and Indian
corporates exploitation. In
the name
of mega projects, mines, power plants, dams, ports, airports,
super-highways, metros, hi tech cities, tourist spots/resorts and
Special Economic Zones, etc, lakhs and lakhs of our people are being
driven out of their habitats. The destructive policies of the rulers are
triggering of environmental disasters which take the lives of hundreds
and render thousands homeless and penniless. They are enacting laws to
cut down, one after the other, the rights won by workers. They are
handing over more and more sectors of the economy to the control of
imperialist multinationals. Agriculture is being shaped for deeper
penetration of foreign capital and technology like genetic engineered
plants. Land concentration is taking place in new forms as real estate
‘land banks’ and SEZs. Corporate farming is being promoted. Existing
laws are being amended to assure that the chiefs of MNCs cannot be
prosecuted here, no matter what crime they commit.
While they grab land for their projects, nothing is being done to
address the cry for land from the deprived sections of the peasantry.
Big landlords
to monopolise this precious resource. They have branched out into
sellers of chemical fertilisers and other modern inputs and buyers of
agricultural produce. They either function directly as usurers or
control co- operative societies. They are also MLAs, MPs and ministers
of ruling class political parties, control the local bodies and wield
influence over the police forces. Thus they exercise total control in
alliance with the comprador- bureaucrat bourgeoisie over the peasants
and rural poor and are a big obstruction for country’s progress.
Wherever the people protest they are met with brute force and black
laws. While the farce of democracy is enacted with elections, the ground
reality is one of increasing fascicisation. With the genocidal Modi,
this tool of the fascistic RSS, in the Prime Minister’s chair,
Brahmanical Hindu fascism is consciously promoted by the ruling classes
and their imperialist masters. The most reactionary religious fanaticism
is fanned up to instigate sectarian violence, specially targeting the
Muslim minority. Narrow chauvinism is whipped up to foster illusions of
becoming a world power and thus cover up the abject dependence of the
country. National cultures and religious diversities and even the formal
federal structure of the country are sought to be effaced by sinister
moves to impose a ‘Hindi-Hindu’ mould as supreme.
The rulers know very well that the people’s anger is boiling over.
Every one of their political parties has been in government at the
Central or State level or is now in power. All of them are exposed as
equally anti-people, anti- corrupt and corrupt. From time to time they
parade one or the other reform. Through such reforms they hope to pacify
the masses and breed inactivity and hope to
and further intensify their exploitation and oppression. Thus the
horrendous penetration of imperialism in the form of globalisation,
privatisation and liberalisation is now window dressed as “globalisation
with a human face”. Yes, they will be smiling while they kick you out
of your houses, or throw you out of your jobs, or bury you alive in your
ancestral lands. It is like in the tactics of their ‘war on the
people’. First they brutalise you and then give you presents!
Dear people,
Our country is at a critical juncture. Which road should it take?
Onwards, to spread the flames of the people’s war all over the country
and achieve real liberation? Or backwards, to more deprivation, more
dependence and more devastation? We await your decision, confident that
you will recognise your destiny too in the fight we wage. Meanwhile, we
hasten by throwing ourselves and all we have into battle against the
state and its foreign mentors. Starting from the martyrs of the
historic Naxalbari armed peasant rebellion till today more than twelve
thousand have laid down their lives for the great cause of destroying
the three mountains bearing down on us. We well know that many more will
have to bear that supreme sacrifice as we fight on. We communists will
never shirk from sacrifice, for serving the people, for liberating the
country. But we hasten. We hasten to quicken the advent of that day when
the enemies of our people and the country are finally destroyed, when
the imperialists are driven out, and we can begin building a future of
self-reliance, of all-round and equitable development of our country, of
all our national and ethnic peoples. Let us celebrate the 10th
anniversary of the formation of our glorious party in every guerrilla
zone and red resistance area, in
the villages
and the cities, in the country and abroad with revolutionary fervour
and spirit; spread the message of people’s war far and wide; and carry
the revolutionary movement forward with redoubled determination.
* Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the formation of CPI (Maoist) with revolutionary fervour!
*Join us
in this great endeavour to build a New Democratic India!
* Join the CPI (Maoist) and PLGA, they are yours!
* Take up the people’s war in India, expand and carry it forward!
* Spread the flames of armed agrarian revolution!
, resist and defeat ‘Operation Green Hunt’, the Indian state’s ‘war on the people’!
* Rise up in the crores, Get organised, fight back against the anti-people, country- selling policies of the Indian state.
* Unite in struggle against the Brahmanical Hindu Fascist Modi government!
to Fight! Dare to win!
* Dare to Take Your Destiny in Your Own Hands!
Central Committee, Communist Party of India (Maoist)
September 1, 2014