Gözaltılara ilişkin kısa bir açıklama yapan Ankara Yeni Demokrat Gençlik, açıklamasında “Türk Devletinin Kürt düşmanlığı politikaları ve Kürt halkına yönelik fiili saldırıları her geçen gün devam ediyor.Türk Devletinin, Rojava’daki Kürt kazanımlarına tahammülsüzlüğü, son süreçte Tel Abyad ve Kobanê’de yaşanılanlarla bir kez daha su yüzüne çıktı. Rojava’da yükselen halklı savaşla birçok planı suya düşen Türk Devleti, sürece sessiz kalmayanları da açıktan hedef tahtasına oturtmuş durumda” dedi.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
May Day Joint declaration 2015 about Greece and Syriza
....In order to face and prevent the people’s rebellion, imperialists, their States, their right or claimed “left” governments, respond with
fierce repression, massacres, persecution; demagogy and plotting. They establish police states that rub out political, social and
individual freedoms, in a vain attempt to stop the people’s wave and the revolutionary organization of masses.
They also employed the enticements of the electoral farce of reformist, socialdemocrats and revisionist in order to contain the rage of the mass within their reactionary system.
These forces foster the illusion that some ‘pro-people’ government can overcome the ravages of the crisis; for instance, in Greece,
highest expression of the crisis in Europe, forces of new social democracy as SYRIZA, come to power as a last resort, but they are
not able to stand up to the diktats of European capital and banks or give response to the needs and struggle of masses.
Also if the service done to imperialism by such fake left forces who misguide the masses still remain as a hurdle, in many countries
the masses respond with the intensification of the class struggle and an increasingly massive abstention and boycott....
Declaration signed by:
Collective of Iranian Maoists Committee Building the Maoist Communist Party, Galicia, Spanish state Committees for the Founding of the (Maoist) Communist Party, Austria Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan Communist Movement of Serbia Communist Party of Brazil Red Fraction – CPB (RF) Communist Party of Ecuador Red Sun – CPE (RS) Communist Party of India (Maoist) Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist – TKP/M-L Democracy and Class Struggle, British State Great Unrest WSRP, Wales, British State Long March Towards Communism, Spain Maoist Communist Group, USA Maoist Communist Movement Tunisia Maoist Communist Party Italy Maoist Communist Party Manipur Maoist Revolutionary League - Sri Lanka Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party Construction Committee (Germany) MLM-PAK Network of communist Blogs New Communist Party (Liaison Committee) USA Peru People’s Movement (Committee for Reorganizing) Red Fraction of Communist Party of Chile – RF CPC – PPM (CR) Red Block (Unity of Maoists) France Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP Canada) Revolutionary Intellectual -Cultural Front, Nepal Revolutionary Praxis - United Kingdom Serve the People - Communist League of Norway Servir le Peuple - Sheisau Sorelh - Occitany - French state Workers Voice – Malaysia
fierce repression, massacres, persecution; demagogy and plotting. They establish police states that rub out political, social and
individual freedoms, in a vain attempt to stop the people’s wave and the revolutionary organization of masses.
They also employed the enticements of the electoral farce of reformist, socialdemocrats and revisionist in order to contain the rage of the mass within their reactionary system.
These forces foster the illusion that some ‘pro-people’ government can overcome the ravages of the crisis; for instance, in Greece,
highest expression of the crisis in Europe, forces of new social democracy as SYRIZA, come to power as a last resort, but they are
not able to stand up to the diktats of European capital and banks or give response to the needs and struggle of masses.
Also if the service done to imperialism by such fake left forces who misguide the masses still remain as a hurdle, in many countries
the masses respond with the intensification of the class struggle and an increasingly massive abstention and boycott....
Declaration signed by:
Collective of Iranian Maoists Committee Building the Maoist Communist Party, Galicia, Spanish state Committees for the Founding of the (Maoist) Communist Party, Austria Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan Communist Movement of Serbia Communist Party of Brazil Red Fraction – CPB (RF) Communist Party of Ecuador Red Sun – CPE (RS) Communist Party of India (Maoist) Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist – TKP/M-L Democracy and Class Struggle, British State Great Unrest WSRP, Wales, British State Long March Towards Communism, Spain Maoist Communist Group, USA Maoist Communist Movement Tunisia Maoist Communist Party Italy Maoist Communist Party Manipur Maoist Revolutionary League - Sri Lanka Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party Construction Committee (Germany) MLM-PAK Network of communist Blogs New Communist Party (Liaison Committee) USA Peru People’s Movement (Committee for Reorganizing) Red Fraction of Communist Party of Chile – RF CPC – PPM (CR) Red Block (Unity of Maoists) France Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP Canada) Revolutionary Intellectual -Cultural Front, Nepal Revolutionary Praxis - United Kingdom Serve the People - Communist League of Norway Servir le Peuple - Sheisau Sorelh - Occitany - French state Workers Voice – Malaysia
PCm Italy about Greece crisis and referendum - unofficial traslation
Italy stands in solidarity with the proletarians and the masses in
Greece who fight against the dictates of the institutions of the
imperialist countries of Europe.
This attack must be responded
with the general struggle and the general uprising, resisting
whatever it costs any agreement between the Syriza government's and
the “Troika” that brings a worsening of living and working
condition of masses in Greece.
The Syriza’s move to go to
a referendum is a short-sighted tactical maneuver with no perspective
If the "NO" wins,
as we obviously wish, the situation will not change at all, the
blackmails of Troika will only continue and intensify.
If the blackmail backed by
all the imperialist governments in Europe - Renzi first – prevails
and the "YES" wins, it will be a "live" suicidal
and will open the road to the government downfall and a new
government in the hands of the Troika and Greek bourgeoisie. But,
above all, it will allow Syriza to unload on the masses the
responsibility for its failure.
Therefore, PCm Italy, while participates in all initiatives of
solidarity, does not join to campaign for "NO" and supports
the communist and revolutionary forces in Greece which do not align
with the electoral, parliamentary and governmental moves of SYRIZA.
June 30, 2015
poster of KKEml
Modi's Foreign Policy - Indian Expansionism’s Big Power Dreams - A paper by Ajith, now imprisoned in India. 1-28 July international campaign by ICSPWI
An excerpt from the statement of the International Committee in support of the people’s war In India, Afghanistan
.... Comrade Ajith’s crime is to
dedicate more than four decades of his life to the relentless struggle against
a brutal and reactionary system which is exploiting, oppressing, grinding, and
sucking the blood of hundreds of millions of the wretched of the earth. …
....Comrade Ajith’s crime has been
to think and imagine and fight for a better world, in which all these
atrocities become history. But for the reactionary Indian state, which
shamelessly claims to be the “biggest democracy” in the world this is a crime. …
Comrade Ajith is an ideologue of the
CPI (Maoist), which is currently leading a revolutionary people’s war to
demolish the system of semi-feudal, capitalist and imperialist oppression and
exploitation and to establish new democracy and socialism. Comrade has
dedicated more than four decades of his life for this cause.
The following paper by comrade Ajith
was published on the Vol. 3 No3 of People’s March, January-March 2015 - 2nd part
Foriegn Policy
Indian Expansionism’s Big Power Dreams
By ajith
In the
second half of the last century marked by liberation struggles and the shift to
neocolonialism, Third world country rulers were remarked for their socalled independence.
In these times of globalisation it is 'growth', measured in GDP, that counts.
GDP growth is now the mark of a country's standing.
even of a spurious variety funded by foreign aid, is no longer touted as an achievement.
Bigger and bigger volumes of foreign capital are no longer seen as detrimental,
as a sign of increasing imperialist control. On the contrary, success in
economic policy is measured by being able to attract greater shares of foreign
Philippines: Ka Parago remained strong and vigilant under no less than five reactionary regimes.
Leoncio Pitao: Legendary rebel, defender of the poor and oppressed
Legendary leader Parago | Photo courtesy of Bulatlat
THE death of Leoncio Pitao on Sunday came a shocker for many of those who know the most elusive rebel leader in Southern Mindanao.
The military lauded his death — with a top military official declaring that this is the start of peace in Davao City Paquibato District.
Major Gen. Eduardo Ano, commander of the 10 th Infantry Division, said Parago’s death is hoped to spark “true and lasting peace” in Paquibato District.
He credited the death of the long-time leader of First Pulang Bagani Company of the Merardo Arce Command of the New People’s Army to some villages who “have been fed up with the group’s banditry and terrorism.”
But for some, Parago is far from terrorist or bandit.
“He is the community’s defender, the head of the family — our tatay, our father,” said a woman who requested not to be named.
And the 57-year-old Parago is known in Paquibato as ‘Tatay’.
Parago is a soft-spoken, almost shy, rebel leader. He joined the movement in 1978. He was arrested in 1999 while he was visiting his family in Davao. He was released in 2002 and shortly after, he joined his comrades in the mountains of Paquibato once again.
He was never captured again since. He gained the ‘notoriety’ of being an elusive rebel leader in Southern Mindanao. Many said this was primarily because of his charisma. He, too, has earned the respect and admiration of the masses.
“He is a defender of the poor people of Paquibato. He will always be remembered as the rebel leader who always made sure that the rights of the people are protected,” a farmer said.
On March 5, 2009, Parago’s daughter, Rebelyn, disappeared after taken by suspected agents of the military. Her body was later found with signs of sexual abuse and torture. The 22-year-old Rebelyn was a volunteer teacher.
In his grief, Pitao continued to serve the “revolution of the poor”. He constantly stood for the people and against anti-poor programs and projects.
He has been vocal against the entry of large-scale mining in Davao communities and warned that mining trucks and equipment will be torched down by the rebels in Paquibato.
“These projects, these companies, can only expect punitive actions from us,” he told journalists once.
Online, people expressed their shock over the death. Then came the expressions of grief.
“You are a respected person because of your principles and goodness to the masses” said Eric de Guzman Agdon.
A Muslim, Rappa Nui, said “I salute you because you are real revolutionarian.”
The death of Parago came only two weeks after the government said it is ready to open negotiations with the National Democractic Front of the Philippines, the political wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Human rights lawyer Angela Librado-Trinidad scored the military celebration over Parago’s death, saying it showed how the government views the insurgency problem in the Philippines.
“There is something innately wrong here. It is obvious that the government is not serious in dealing with this problem. It is wrong when only see this as a numbers game. There has never been a single mention about proceeding with talks to prevent further deaths of combatants and civilians,” she said.
This is dangerous, she said.
“When the government sees revolutionarians like Parago as TV personalities, and not an opportunity to campaign for peace, the Filipino people are doomed,” she said. | JMT, NewsDesk
New People’s Army
Regional Command
Southern Mindanao
June 29, 2015
Press Statement
The Southern Mindanao Regional Command of the New People’s Army and the entire revolutionary forces express their deepest most profound salute to a great leader and warrior, Ka Parago or Leoncio Pitao who was killed in a raid together with guerrilla medic Ka Kyle on June 28, 2015 at 2:30 pm in Barangay Panalum, Paquibato district, Davao City.
Ka Parago was being treated for his
The Philippine Army must be very proud and happy to have killed a very sick man and an unarmed medic. They have no regard at all for the rules of engagement under the protocols of war as specified in the Geneva Convention and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. They kill with impunity.
Ka Parago had served the national democratic revolution for close to 37 years. He spent the greater part of his adult life serving the people, in unstinting dedication to the cause of national democracy. As a Red commander, he led and trained so many young warriors in the art of guerrilla warfare.
From the countless disarming operations in the 1980s and 1990s to the capture of General Obillo and Capt. Montealto in 1999 to the raid of Davao Penal Colony and the countless tactical offensives mounted by the Pulang Bagani Company.
Ka Parago remained strong and vigilant under no less than five reactionary regimes, from the Marcos dictatorship to the current US-Aquino regime.
When he was detained in 1999 and the enemy offered him so much “reward
Even when he was grieving and agonizing over the tragic death of his daughter Rebelyn who was raped and killed by military intelligence operatives in 2009, Ka Parago exercised political wisdom.
The people in Southern Mindanao remember him as their most beloved son who was always at their side, ready to help them solve their problems- -so unlike the AFP generals who do nothing but attack and burden the people.
He lived very simply. He was the exact opposite of the corrupt generals of the AFP. Ka Parago’s spartan life became an enduring example for every revolutionary who knew him or worked with him. As a matter of fact, for many years since the onset of his illness, he declined the Party’s offer of a sick leave. All he wanted to his last dying breath was to live with the masses and to serve them.
Long live the revolution! Long live the masses! These were the last defiant words uttered by Ka Parago—words that reverberate throughout the entire archipelago.
Truly he lives in the hearts of the people as we honor his death. Thousands of young revolutionaries who have been inspired by this great guerrilla warrior now follow in his footsteps. The masses and the comrades grieve his death, yes, but they turn his grief to greater revolutionary fervor as the people’s war goes on.
(sgd.) Rigoberto F. Sanchez
Southern Mindanao Regional Command
New People’s Army
INDIA: Jailed DU Professor G N Saibaba gets bail for 3 months./ El profesor GN Saibaba en libertad provisional por tres meses.
Delhi University professor G N Saibaba, jailed for alleged Maoist links, was on Tuesday granted bail for three months by the Bombay High Court on health ground. Saibaba has been in jail since his arrest in May 2014 by the Maharashtra Police from the Delhi University campus.
Saying that it will be failing in its duty in protecting the fundamental rights of Saibaba, the Bombay High Court granted him bail to undergo medical treatment for his failing health condition.
The English professor will walk out of Nagpur Central Prison as the HC felt he needed his family’s round-the clock assistance. He has been asked to furnish a personal bond of Rs 50,000.
“If extra ordinary powers enshrined under Article 226 is not exercised, this court will be failing in its duty to protect the fundamental rights of professor G N Saibaba, professor of English at Delhi University. Therefore, this court is inclined to direct respondents (jail authorises) to release him for three months for medical treatment and support of his family,” Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice S B Shukre observed.
Public Prosecutor Sandeep Shinde, however, opposed the reprieve saying Saibaba is associated with the banned CPI (Maoist) and there was a possibility of him tampering with evidence.
He argued that the hard disk retrieved from Saibaba’s house corroborated with the evidence in memory cards gathered from a couple of accused who had claimed of getting it from Saibaba.
Activist Purnima Upadhyay, whose letter to the court highlighted Saibaba’s failing health, had pointed out the difficulties faced by his family in getting him treated. His family stays in Delhi and his wife and brother have to travel frequently to meet him.
The HC took note of the affidavit which says that Saibaba had to be wheeled with assistance. He had also dislocated his shoulder, besides having a crippled right hand due to spinal problems.
“He often gets muscle cramps. He has also been fainting. He said that complications in his kidney and gall bladder have led to urinal problems as he was on strong medication,” the petitioner had said. Keeping his deteriorating condition in mind, the court noted that there was a need to re-examine his bail plea.
Allowing Saibaba’s brother and wife to meet him, Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice A K Menon had earlier directed prison authorities to shift the professor to a hospital of his choice. The HC had also rapped the police for ‘working blindly’ and treating the ailing professor ‘like an animal’.
Senior counsel Gayatri Singh, appearing for the petitioner, had said that government facilities in Nagpur were incapable of handling Saibaba’s case. Escalating medical cost, up to Rs 1 lakh, which the family had incurred was worrisome, she had said.
China workers' struggle
Trying to hit a moving target: The Lide shoe factory workers’ campaign for relocation compensation
22 June, 2015
Pearl River Delta has long been known as the factory to the world.
However, as production costs have increased over the last few years and
economic growth has slowed, thousands of manufacturers have relocated,
merged or simply closed down.
In the vast majority of these cases, factory owners or management did not consult the workforce over their relocation plans and simply announced the move as a fait accompli, offering workers only minimal compensation or even nothing at all. In response, workers at many of these factories took collective action in an attempt to force their employer to give them a better deal.
Many of these workers had been employed in the same factory for more than ten or even 20 years; they had established roots in the local community and had children in school. Any relocation would be a major disruption to their lives. Moreover, in many cases, their employer had never paid the social insurance, housing fund and other welfare benefits required by law, and as such these workers risked being laid off with no pension or medical insurance and little prospect of finding another job. For middle-aged workers in particular, there was a compelling incentive to make sure they had everything they were owed before the factory closed down for good.
The success of the workers’ collective action depended primarily on their organizational ability and the willingness of the employer to compromise, as well as the attitude of the local government and trade union. In some cases, workers could also call on non-governmental labour groups in the area for assistance. Groups such as the Panyu Migrant Workers Service Centre, for example, have gained considerable experience in organizing workers, helping them elect representatives and develop a strategy for collective bargaining with management. From August last year until May this year, the Panyu Centre was actively involved in helping workers at the local Lide shoe factory get the compensation and social insurance in arrears they were owed before the factory relocated to another district.
The Lide shoe factory dispute provides a useful case study of the challenges faced by factory workers in the Pearl River Delta; dealing with management and the local authorities, as well as trying to maintain solidarity among the workforce during a long-drawn-out struggle. There follows a detailed timeline of events in the Lide case followed by a discussion of the lessons learned and the way forward for other workers faced with factory closure or relocation.
Panyu is a sprawling manufacturing district in the southeast of Guangzhou with a population of around 1.5 million. Panyu Lide Shoes Co. Ltd. (番禺利得鞋业有限公司) is a Taiwanese-owned business employing 2,750 workers. It produces leather goods for major brands such as Coach. In the summer of 2014, Lide’s workers heard about plans to relocate the factory the following year to another site in Nansha, an even more remote district of Guangzhou, about an hour from Panyu.
August 2014: Around 20 worker activists at Lide start to organise their fellow workers and seek assistance from the Panyu Migrant Workers Service Centre. Their initial demands focus on the payment of social insurance and housing fund arrears.
September - November 2014: Workers hold several rounds of meetings among themselves and with staff from the Panyu Centre to discuss demands, tactics and options but progress is slow.
25 November 2014: Management forces employees to sign new labour contracts with fraudulent dates shortening their length of service.
6 December 2014: Workers in one department go out on strike in the morning and soon the whole factory is brought to a standstill. See photo below. Workers hold an employee conference to elect 11 negotiators and around 50 representatives. Workers clarify their demands and put nine main items on the bargaining agenda. A meeting between workers representatives and management ends with an agreement to schedule a second meeting in three days’ time but there is no specific response to the workers’ demands. The workers, not satisfied with the outcome, continue their strike action. The worker representatives meet to decide their various roles in the strike campaign; negotiator, strike fund manager, media officer, and picket line supervisor etc.
Lide shoe factory workers on strike. 6 December 2014.
7 December 2014: Negotiators add four more demands to the bargaining agenda but management only responds to the initial nine demands. Representatives suggest that workers go back to work the following day to demonstrate their goodwill. Another meeting is scheduled for 13 December.
10 December 2014: Worker representatives hold an emergency meeting with management to address reports that some low-level managers are trying to undermine workers’ solidarity. The representatives also meet with the deputy head of the Panyu District Trade Union Federation but they decline the federation’s offer of help.
12 December 2014: Worker representatives work with the human resources department to confirm accurate details of every employee’s length of service. The third meeting with management is rescheduled for 14 December.
13 December 2014: Management refuse to meet on the 14th and instead issues a unilateral notice limiting the lump-sum compensation to be paid for annual leave, overtime and high-temperature subsidies to just 2,500 yuan per employee. The workers reject the offer.
15, 16 December 2014: Workers go out on strike again in protest at the company’s refusal to negotiate in good faith.
Lide shoe factory workers on strike. 16 December 2014.
17 December 2014: Management attend the third negotiation meeting and agree to raise the annual leave, overtime and allowance compensation limit to 12,000 yuan per person. Management promises to announce details of the relocation compensation offer by March 2015. Employees agree to return to work.
26 December 2014: Director of the Panyu Centre Zeng Feiyang is attacked in his office by unknown assailants. The attack is believed to be related to the centre’s involvement in the Lide dispute.
April 2015: Management refuses to publish details of the relocation compensation offer.
19 April 2015: The worker representatives elected in 2014 are reluctant to take the matter further so a group of around one hundred activists meet to discuss strategy and elect 19 new representatives. Police attempt to break up the meeting and detain Panyu Centre staff member Meng Han. Several workers are reportedly beaten or briefly detained by police.
20 April 2015: Workers go out on strike again. Negotiators meet with management and demand the timely resolution of all outstanding grievances including social insurance and housing fund arrears, as well as relocation compensation based on length of service. Local government officials attend the meeting and promise to facilitate future dialogue between the workers and management.
21 April 2015: Up to 300 workers begin an around-the-clock picket at the factory.
22 April 2015: Management promises to address workers’ grievances but workers demand a formal written statement or signed agreement. Workers also help to release Panyu staffer Meng Han, who had been held under house arrest.
23 April 2015: Lide Shoes and the local government issue a joint-statement promising to address all of the workers’ demands.
25 April 2015: Lide issues workers with relocation compensation and housing fund arrears, and pledges to complete payment of social insurance arrears by the end of June. Partial payment had already been made. The workers agree to call off the strike.
16 May 2015: 120 workers take part in a celebration dinner organised by the Panyu Centre.
Labour activist Zhu Xiaomei addresses the Lide workers.
Ultimately, around half the workforce agreed to move with the factory to the new location in Nansha and the relocation process is due to be completed by the end of this month.
Although the Lide workers’ campaign was ultimately successful, it was a long struggle that depended on a relatively small group of worker activists to keep the momentum going. The worker activists and their advisers from the Panyu Centre had to counter constant threats and intimidation from both management and the local authorities, while at the same time trying to communicate with and maintain solidarity among more than 2,700 employees at the factory.
Worker solidarity was the key issue in the Lide dispute, as it is in nearly all disputes arising from business closures. In many factory closures or relocations, different groups of workers have different interests; some employees want to continue working in the new factory and so are reluctant to rock the boat, others (often younger workers with little time at the factory) are happy to be laid off with whatever management is prepared to offer, and it is usually only a small group of hardliners that is determined to push for everything they can get.
In the highly publicised closure of the Walmart store in Changde, Hunan, last year, the more than 100 staff held out for weeks on end demanding a better deal but eventually time, financial pressure and intimidation from the local authorities took its toll, and after one year, all but nine former employees had given up and accepted Walmart’s final offer.
In the Lide case, solidarity began to weaken after the initial deal was struck in December. Management reportedly attempted to buy off some of the elected worker representatives and tried to undermine the legitimacy of the Panyu Centre. It was only a group of around 100 workers who were determined and organized enough to force management to honour its promises.
Moving forward, workers faced with factory closure will have to be keenly aware of the different needs and priorities of their fellow workers and devise a strategy that is acceptable to all workers and can counter attempts by management and the local authorities to threaten, intimidate or buy off worker representatives.
In the vast majority of these cases, factory owners or management did not consult the workforce over their relocation plans and simply announced the move as a fait accompli, offering workers only minimal compensation or even nothing at all. In response, workers at many of these factories took collective action in an attempt to force their employer to give them a better deal.
Many of these workers had been employed in the same factory for more than ten or even 20 years; they had established roots in the local community and had children in school. Any relocation would be a major disruption to their lives. Moreover, in many cases, their employer had never paid the social insurance, housing fund and other welfare benefits required by law, and as such these workers risked being laid off with no pension or medical insurance and little prospect of finding another job. For middle-aged workers in particular, there was a compelling incentive to make sure they had everything they were owed before the factory closed down for good.
The success of the workers’ collective action depended primarily on their organizational ability and the willingness of the employer to compromise, as well as the attitude of the local government and trade union. In some cases, workers could also call on non-governmental labour groups in the area for assistance. Groups such as the Panyu Migrant Workers Service Centre, for example, have gained considerable experience in organizing workers, helping them elect representatives and develop a strategy for collective bargaining with management. From August last year until May this year, the Panyu Centre was actively involved in helping workers at the local Lide shoe factory get the compensation and social insurance in arrears they were owed before the factory relocated to another district.
The Lide shoe factory dispute provides a useful case study of the challenges faced by factory workers in the Pearl River Delta; dealing with management and the local authorities, as well as trying to maintain solidarity among the workforce during a long-drawn-out struggle. There follows a detailed timeline of events in the Lide case followed by a discussion of the lessons learned and the way forward for other workers faced with factory closure or relocation.
Panyu is a sprawling manufacturing district in the southeast of Guangzhou with a population of around 1.5 million. Panyu Lide Shoes Co. Ltd. (番禺利得鞋业有限公司) is a Taiwanese-owned business employing 2,750 workers. It produces leather goods for major brands such as Coach. In the summer of 2014, Lide’s workers heard about plans to relocate the factory the following year to another site in Nansha, an even more remote district of Guangzhou, about an hour from Panyu.
August 2014: Around 20 worker activists at Lide start to organise their fellow workers and seek assistance from the Panyu Migrant Workers Service Centre. Their initial demands focus on the payment of social insurance and housing fund arrears.
September - November 2014: Workers hold several rounds of meetings among themselves and with staff from the Panyu Centre to discuss demands, tactics and options but progress is slow.
25 November 2014: Management forces employees to sign new labour contracts with fraudulent dates shortening their length of service.
6 December 2014: Workers in one department go out on strike in the morning and soon the whole factory is brought to a standstill. See photo below. Workers hold an employee conference to elect 11 negotiators and around 50 representatives. Workers clarify their demands and put nine main items on the bargaining agenda. A meeting between workers representatives and management ends with an agreement to schedule a second meeting in three days’ time but there is no specific response to the workers’ demands. The workers, not satisfied with the outcome, continue their strike action. The worker representatives meet to decide their various roles in the strike campaign; negotiator, strike fund manager, media officer, and picket line supervisor etc.
7 December 2014: Negotiators add four more demands to the bargaining agenda but management only responds to the initial nine demands. Representatives suggest that workers go back to work the following day to demonstrate their goodwill. Another meeting is scheduled for 13 December.
10 December 2014: Worker representatives hold an emergency meeting with management to address reports that some low-level managers are trying to undermine workers’ solidarity. The representatives also meet with the deputy head of the Panyu District Trade Union Federation but they decline the federation’s offer of help.
12 December 2014: Worker representatives work with the human resources department to confirm accurate details of every employee’s length of service. The third meeting with management is rescheduled for 14 December.
13 December 2014: Management refuse to meet on the 14th and instead issues a unilateral notice limiting the lump-sum compensation to be paid for annual leave, overtime and high-temperature subsidies to just 2,500 yuan per employee. The workers reject the offer.
15, 16 December 2014: Workers go out on strike again in protest at the company’s refusal to negotiate in good faith.
17 December 2014: Management attend the third negotiation meeting and agree to raise the annual leave, overtime and allowance compensation limit to 12,000 yuan per person. Management promises to announce details of the relocation compensation offer by March 2015. Employees agree to return to work.
26 December 2014: Director of the Panyu Centre Zeng Feiyang is attacked in his office by unknown assailants. The attack is believed to be related to the centre’s involvement in the Lide dispute.
April 2015: Management refuses to publish details of the relocation compensation offer.
19 April 2015: The worker representatives elected in 2014 are reluctant to take the matter further so a group of around one hundred activists meet to discuss strategy and elect 19 new representatives. Police attempt to break up the meeting and detain Panyu Centre staff member Meng Han. Several workers are reportedly beaten or briefly detained by police.
20 April 2015: Workers go out on strike again. Negotiators meet with management and demand the timely resolution of all outstanding grievances including social insurance and housing fund arrears, as well as relocation compensation based on length of service. Local government officials attend the meeting and promise to facilitate future dialogue between the workers and management.
21 April 2015: Up to 300 workers begin an around-the-clock picket at the factory.
22 April 2015: Management promises to address workers’ grievances but workers demand a formal written statement or signed agreement. Workers also help to release Panyu staffer Meng Han, who had been held under house arrest.
23 April 2015: Lide Shoes and the local government issue a joint-statement promising to address all of the workers’ demands.
25 April 2015: Lide issues workers with relocation compensation and housing fund arrears, and pledges to complete payment of social insurance arrears by the end of June. Partial payment had already been made. The workers agree to call off the strike.
16 May 2015: 120 workers take part in a celebration dinner organised by the Panyu Centre.
Ultimately, around half the workforce agreed to move with the factory to the new location in Nansha and the relocation process is due to be completed by the end of this month.
Although the Lide workers’ campaign was ultimately successful, it was a long struggle that depended on a relatively small group of worker activists to keep the momentum going. The worker activists and their advisers from the Panyu Centre had to counter constant threats and intimidation from both management and the local authorities, while at the same time trying to communicate with and maintain solidarity among more than 2,700 employees at the factory.
Worker solidarity was the key issue in the Lide dispute, as it is in nearly all disputes arising from business closures. In many factory closures or relocations, different groups of workers have different interests; some employees want to continue working in the new factory and so are reluctant to rock the boat, others (often younger workers with little time at the factory) are happy to be laid off with whatever management is prepared to offer, and it is usually only a small group of hardliners that is determined to push for everything they can get.
In the highly publicised closure of the Walmart store in Changde, Hunan, last year, the more than 100 staff held out for weeks on end demanding a better deal but eventually time, financial pressure and intimidation from the local authorities took its toll, and after one year, all but nine former employees had given up and accepted Walmart’s final offer.
In the Lide case, solidarity began to weaken after the initial deal was struck in December. Management reportedly attempted to buy off some of the elected worker representatives and tried to undermine the legitimacy of the Panyu Centre. It was only a group of around 100 workers who were determined and organized enough to force management to honour its promises.
Moving forward, workers faced with factory closure will have to be keenly aware of the different needs and priorities of their fellow workers and devise a strategy that is acceptable to all workers and can counter attempts by management and the local authorities to threaten, intimidate or buy off worker representatives.
Paris - Meeting international pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires - International Committee Support people's war in India call to new international campaign 1 july -28 july
Le samedi 27 juin aura lieu un meeting international pour la
défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires organisé par le CRI (Collectif
rouge internationaliste pour la défense des prisonniers politiques
révolutionnaires) dont le Bloc Rouge fait parti.
Ce meeting se déroulera au CICP (21 ter, rue Voltaire - 75011 Paris, métro rue des boulets) de 14h30 à 23h30.
Voici le programme du meeting :
15h15 – 16h00 Ouverture du meeting, déclaration cadre du CRI et ouverture de la partie internationale du meeting avec un zoom sur la situation de la détention du président Gonzalo.
VOLET INTERNATIONAL : la question des prisonniers politiques révolutionnaires
16h00 – 16h45 - en INDE
16H45 – 17H30 - en TURQUIE
17h30-17h45 pause
17h45 – 18h15 - au MAROC
18h15 – 19h00 - en TUNISIE
19h00 – 19h30 - aux PHILIPPINES
19h30 – 20h30 - en PALESTINE
Repas – de 20h30 à 21h00
21h00 – 21h45 - Ouverture de la partie nationale du meeting avec un zoom sur la situation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
21h45– 22h30 - La question des réprimés des violences policières
22h30 – 23h15 - La question des réprimés de luttes syndicales
- La question des prisonniers politiques dans les colonies
23h15 – 23h30
Ce meeting se déroulera au CICP (21 ter, rue Voltaire - 75011 Paris, métro rue des boulets) de 14h30 à 23h30.
Voici le programme du meeting :
15h15 – 16h00 Ouverture du meeting, déclaration cadre du CRI et ouverture de la partie internationale du meeting avec un zoom sur la situation de la détention du président Gonzalo.
VOLET INTERNATIONAL : la question des prisonniers politiques révolutionnaires
16h00 – 16h45 - en INDE
16H45 – 17H30 - en TURQUIE
17h30-17h45 pause
17h45 – 18h15 - au MAROC
18h15 – 19h00 - en TUNISIE
19h00 – 19h30 - aux PHILIPPINES
19h30 – 20h30 - en PALESTINE
Repas – de 20h30 à 21h00
21h00 – 21h45 - Ouverture de la partie nationale du meeting avec un zoom sur la situation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
21h45– 22h30 - La question des réprimés des violences policières
22h30 – 23h15 - La question des réprimés de luttes syndicales
- La question des prisonniers politiques dans les colonies
23h15 – 23h30
La OIT es una organización agenciada por el imperialismo y al servicio de los capitalistas. Eso explica la gran mentira de la OIT de presentar al Estado y los capitalistas de Colombia como “respetuosos” de los derechos laborales, cuando lo que ocurre hoy es una feroz arremetida de persecución y despidos de trabajadores sindicalizados o que intentan organizarse en sindicatos. Es el caso de Femsa Cocacola que despide a diario a trabajadores enfermos y lisiados, persigue dirigentes sindicales, retiene salarios en alianza con las tercerizadoras Serdam y Contactamos. Lo mismo hace Bavaria Sabmiller con los trabajadores en alianza con la tercerizadora Supla S.A. Y qué decir de los trabajadores de Industrias Alimenticias Ramo, de Cerromatoso donde arbitrariamente intentaron aumentar la jornada laboral de 8 a 12 horas, de Michelin y Chicles Adams hoy Mondeles donde pretendieron despedir a todos los trabajadores, sin contar todos los atropellos que viven al interior de las empresas, sin siquiera descanso para ingerir alimentos o para hacer sus necesidades.
Con razón el payaso Ministro de Trabajo Garzón, aplaude esta monumental mentira de la OIT y desvergonzadamente declara: “la razón por la que el país salió de ese listado se debe a que es considerado como un caso de progreso en el respeto de los derechos laborales e inspección laboral”. No podía ser otra la declaración de este ministrillo antiguo Presidente de la CUT, promotor del sindicalismo patronal burgués, defensor de la conciliación y concertación con las clases enemigas de los trabajadores. Por ese oficio servil a los capitalistas, la burguesía le retribuye con el cargo de Ministro de Trabajo.
Es por ello, que en las páginas de esta prensa denunciamos la política de conciliación y concertación de clases; denunciamos a los jefes oportunistas y sindicales que la pregonan para engañar a las bases obreras con la ilusión de resolver sus problemas sin necesidad de luchar, para llamarlas a confiar y apoyar a sus más encarnizados enemigos como es el caso del respaldo al Gobierno Santos amparados en la defensa del proceso de paz.
Denunciamos a los jefes oportunistas y sindicales que engañan a las masas trabajadoras con el cuento de confiar en que la organización imperialista OIT va a resolver problemas que el gobierno y los empresarios se niegan a atender. En realidad lo que se ha visto es que la OIT y sus asambleas han servido precisamente como universidades para formar sindicalistas politiqueros de oficio, para abrazarse con los representantes de los capitalistas, para irse de turismo viaticando de cuenta de los fondos sindicales, y al final, no conseguir nada para los trabajadores, pero sí dar respaldo a los acuerdos patronales, y ganar puntos para escalar puestos en el Estado reaccionario. Esa es la historia de Angelino Garzón, otro ex Presidente de la CUT, que de vendeobrero de siete suelas también pasó a ser Ministro de Trabajo, embajador ante la ONU, y hasta Vice-presidente del Gobierno Santos y candidato a la presidenciade la OIT. Ese es el papel actual del jefe de la CGT, el vende-obrero Julio Roberto Gómez miembro titular del Consejo de Administración de la OIT.
La clase obrera no puede seguir esperanzada en que sus enemigos caritativamente le resolverán sus problemas. Son esos enemigos y su sistema de explotación asalariada precisamente los causantes de los sufrimientos de los trabajadores. La emancipación de la Clase Obrera es obra de la propia Clase Obrera, y para lograrla es necesario luchar y organizarse como clase independiente, no solo en el movimiento sindical, sino en la lucha de clases de conjunto organizándose en Partido político propio, no para las elecciones, sino para dirigir a toda la clase obrera, a todas las masas trabajadoras en una revolución que ponga fin al sistema de la esclavitud asalariada.
Entre tanto, en lo que hace al Movimiento Sindical, luchar y organizarse independientemente significa adueñarse de la dirección de su lucha y de sus organizaciones. Éstas no pueden seguir dependiendo de la dirección de los imperialistas a través de sus confederaciones internacionales (llámense Confederación Sindical Internacional CSI o Federación Sindical Mundial FSM), ni tampoco esa dirección puede seguir en manos de los explotadores y gobernantes a través de los partidos politiqueros burgueses de derecha y pequeñoburgueses de “izquierda” (llámense Progresistas o Polo Moir o PC Mamerto…).
La reciente traición de los jefes de FECODE al gran paro magisterial, es una amarga lección de la inaplazable necesidad de desterrar la política burguesa en la dirección de los sindicatos. Hasta tanto los propios obreros no conquisten su unidad consciente, por la base y al calor de la lucha, su Movimiento Sindical seguirá beneficiando a los patronos y no a los trabajadores; seguirá siendo un púlpito de politiquería y no una escuela de socialismo; seguirá siendo una marioneta en manos de los capitalistas, y no una fuerza para resistir a la explotación asalariada; seguirá siendo un baluarte de la dictadura de los explotadores, y no un integrante de la lucha por la emancipación de la clase obrera.
Comité Ejecutivo – Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm)
in the Dilma's Brasil worker killed!
Por RAFAEL GOMES PENELAS / A Nova Democracia
Por RAFAEL GOMES PENELAS / A Nova Democracia
Lutar nao è crime - after Mendes' liberation the struggle continues for the liberation of all political prisoners in Brasil
S
No último dia 22 de junho, o Ministro relator da sexta turma do STJ,
concedeu liminar suspendendo a ordem de prisão contra os ativistas Igor
Mendes da Silva, Elisa Quadros Pinto Sanzi e Karlayne Moraes da Silva
Pinheiro, alvos de processo político por participarem de protestos
contra a farra da Fifa.
O ativista Igor Mendes foi preso em 3 de dezembro de 2014 e passou quase sete meses encarcerado no Complexo Penitenciário de Bangu. Elisa e Karlayne foram forçadas a viver na clandestinidade.
Durante todo este período nosso companheiro Igor Mendes manteve-se firme, reafirmando a sua condição de preso político revolucionário.
Igor foi libertado no dia 25 de junho e recebeu calorosa recepção de organizações populares e democráticas e ativistas em sua saída de Bangu e no IFSC (UFRJ).
Com a decisão, os ativistas responderão em liberdade ao absurdo processo de criminalização do protesto popular que persegue ao todo 23 ativistas na cidade do RJ.
O Habreas Corpus não beneficiou Rafael Braga, que segue preso por porte de produtos de limpeza durante manifestação em junho de 2013.
Uma vigorosa campanha internacional de denúncia da perseguição, processos e prisões políticas dos ativistas segue em curso, exigindo a libertação imediata de Rafael Braga e a extinção do processo contra os 23 ativistas.
O ativista Igor Mendes foi preso em 3 de dezembro de 2014 e passou quase sete meses encarcerado no Complexo Penitenciário de Bangu. Elisa e Karlayne foram forçadas a viver na clandestinidade.
Durante todo este período nosso companheiro Igor Mendes manteve-se firme, reafirmando a sua condição de preso político revolucionário.
Igor foi libertado no dia 25 de junho e recebeu calorosa recepção de organizações populares e democráticas e ativistas em sua saída de Bangu e no IFSC (UFRJ).
Com a decisão, os ativistas responderão em liberdade ao absurdo processo de criminalização do protesto popular que persegue ao todo 23 ativistas na cidade do RJ.
O Habreas Corpus não beneficiou Rafael Braga, que segue preso por porte de produtos de limpeza durante manifestação em junho de 2013.
Uma vigorosa campanha internacional de denúncia da perseguição, processos e prisões políticas dos ativistas segue em curso, exigindo a libertação imediata de Rafael Braga e a extinção do processo contra os 23 ativistas.
Lutar não é crime!
Extinção imediata de todos os processos!
Liberdade imediata para Rafael Braga!
Liberdade para todos os presos políticos do campo e da cidade!
Exigimos nossos direitos democráticos à livre reunião, expressão e manifestação!
Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário - Brasil - junho de 2015
India: PCI (Maoísta) llama a protestar contra la represión la semana del 1-7 de julio
India: PCI (Maoísta) llama a protestar contra la represión la semana del 1-7 de julio

Paderu (Visakhapatnam) 26 de Junio 2015 – La agencia de noticias TNN informa que el PCI (Maoísta) ha llamado al pueblo a protestar entre el 1 y 7 de julio contra los falsos enfrentamientos, las atrocidades, detenciones, acosos y falsas rendiciones llevadas a cabo por la policía. En un comunicado del Comité de la división Malkangiri-Visakha-Koraput, firmado por su secretario Venu, se llama a los trabajadores, estudiantes, comerciantes y establecimientos comerciales a que se unan al bandh (huelga general) los días 6 y 7 de julio. En el mismo comunicado se señala que los policías estaban implicados en falsos enfrentamientos con armas de fuego, cometiendo atrocidades contra las mujres, saqueando la propiedad de los aldeanos y efectuando detenciones ilegales. “Están realizando detenciones ilegales y poniendo a los aldeanos tras las rejas. Tras varias semanas, son presentados como maoístas que se han rendido y son forzados a emitir declaraciones contra los maoístas”, afirma el comunicado que señala además que en un reciente incidente, unas 20 personas de Boitili y Killamkota fueron detenidas ilegalmente por la policía, torturadas y luego presentadas como maoístas que se habían rendido. El comunicado desafía a los mandos policiales a demostrar que las rendiciones eran auténticas y afirma más adelante que: “Todos estos actos ilegales de la policía unirán al pueblo que tomarán la senda revolucionaria” y hace un llamamiento a los intelectualesy miembros de las tribus a condenar estos actos ilegales y apoyar la semana de protesta.
Igualmente, el despacho de la agencia TNN informa que guerrilleros maoístas quemaron maquinaria para construcción de carreteras en la aldea Moyyalagummi en la noche del martes día 23 de junio. En una nota de prensa que dejaron en Odiya en el lugar del incidente se señalaba que la policía ha estado involucrada en falsos enfrentamientos y deteniendo aldeanos de manera ilegal. Además, el jueves día 25 los maoístas colocaron pancartas en Boitili y otras zonas de los municipios de G Madugula y Pedabayalu.
solidarity with political prisoners in Turkey
HABER MERKEZİ (24-06-2015)- Devletin hapishanelerde siyasi tutsaklara yönelik saldırı ve tecrit politikaları devam ediyor. 27 Mayıs’ta uydurma fezlekelerle gözaltına alınan ve çıkarıldıkları mahkemece tutuklanarak Silivri L Tipi Hapishanesi’ne gönderilen DHF’li tutsaklar Akın Odabaş ve Çağlar Fakir hapishane yönetimi tarafından çıplak arama işkencesine maruz bırakıldı. Gardiyanların ve hapishane yönetiminin fiziki ve psikolojik şiddetine maruz kalan tutsaklardan Çağlar Fakir’e ayrıca yemek yemesi için masa da verilmedi. Bunun üzerine DHF’li tutsaklar saldırıları protesto etti.
YDG demo in Ankara - turkey
Gözaltılara ilişkin kısa bir açıklama yapan Ankara Yeni Demokrat Gençlik, açıklamasında “Türk Devletinin Kürt düşmanlığı politikaları ve Kürt halkına yönelik fiili saldırıları her geçen gün devam ediyor.Türk Devletinin, Rojava’daki Kürt kazanımlarına tahammülsüzlüğü, son süreçte Tel Abyad ve Kobanê’de yaşanılanlarla bir kez daha su yüzüne çıktı. Rojava’da yükselen halklı savaşla birçok planı suya düşen Türk Devleti, sürece sessiz kalmayanları da açıktan hedef tahtasına oturtmuş durumda” dedi.
solidaity with ATIK in Germany
Hapishane önünde ” Erhan Aktürk yalnız değildir” Mitingi
27.06.2015 Cumartesi saat 15.30 da Nürnberg Hapishanesi önünde toplanan “Nürnberg ATİK le dayanışma Birliği” bileşenlerinin düzenlediği Erhan Aktürk şahsında ATİK tutsaklarıyla dayanışma mitingi gerçekleştirildi. Nürnberg in ilerici demokrat ve devrimci çevrelerinden Alman,Türkiyeli ve Kürdistanlı göçmen demokratik kurumlarının ve Kadın örgütlerinden oluşan 16 kurumun ve ilerici bireylerin oluşturduğu Platform sözcüleri yaptıkları konuşmalarda ve attıkları sloganlarda, Tutsaklara yönelik iazalasyon ve tecritin son bulması ve 129 a/b yasalarının kaldırılması ve ATİK li devrimci tutsakların serbest bırakılması taleplerini dile getirdiler.
Onlarca insanın katıldığı mitingi düzenleyen “Nürnberg ATİK le dayanışma birliği” önümüzdeki dönem dayanışma çalışmalarını devam ettireceklerini belirterek, 18 Temmuz 2015 Cumartesi günü şehir merkezi,Weiserturm`da kitlesel bir miting yapacaklarını duyurdular.
Bugün 28.06.2015 Pazar günü, Nürnberg Belediyesi Kültür Dairesinin katkılarıyla ve demokratik dernek ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının bu yıl Villa Leon bahcesinde 10. düzenlediği Nachbarschafts kültür ve dayanışma festivalinde yer alan, Nürnberg ATİF derneği Dialog der Kültüren e.V, festivalde açtığı stand ta tutsaklarla dayanışma afişlerı asarak ve imza toplayarak festivalde çalışmalar yürüttü.
maoistroad solidarity with moroccan and palestinien prisoners
Maroc/Sahara occidental : Un prisonnier en grève de la faim illimitée
Le prisonnier politique sahraoui Abdelfatah
Dallal mène depuis mardi 23 juin une grève de la faim illimitée dans la
prison locale de Goulimim, au sud du Maroc, pour protester contre les
mauvais traitements que lui réservent les responsables de la prison.
Abdelfatah Dallal, qui a été emprisonné en août 2014 dans la ville de
Goulimim en raison de sa participation dans des manifestations
pacifiques pour revendiquer le droit du peuple sahraoui à
l’autodétermination, a fait l’objet d’agression physique et verbale
contre sa personne commis par des responsables de la prison, après
l’avoir transféré dans une cellule isolée.
Palestine : Ahmad Sa’adat transféré à Nafha, toujours privé de visites
Le leader du FPLP a été transféré depuis la
prison de Gilboa vers la prison de Nafha, déclenchant une grève de la
faim solidaire de la part des prisonniers palestiniens emprisonnés à
Gilboa. Son dernier transfert datait du début du mois de mai. Le 23 juin
dernier, le tribunal de Nazareth a examiné la demande de Sa’adat de
dévoiler ou de révoquer le dossier secret qui est utilisé par les
autorités israéliennes pour le priver de visites, notamment de sa femme
et de ses enfants.
Sa’adat a annoncé qu’il attendrait 45 jours la décision du tribunal, suite à quoi il ferait sa demande à la Cour Suprème et se mettrait en grève de la faim. Ahmad Sa’adat est privé de visite depuis le 14 septembre 2014.
Ahmad Sa’adat
Sa’adat a annoncé qu’il attendrait 45 jours la décision du tribunal, suite à quoi il ferait sa demande à la Cour Suprème et se mettrait en grève de la faim. Ahmad Sa’adat est privé de visite depuis le 14 septembre 2014.
turkish drones against kurdish guerrilla
Kurdistan/Turquie : Nombreux vols de drônes au-dessus des zones de guérilla
Le HPG (la branche armée du PKK) a rapporté de nombreux vols de drône au-dessus des zones de la guérilla du PKK,
dans l’est de la Turquie. Les drônes ont été repérés au-dessus des
régions de Kandil et de Zap au-dessus des zones de Çarçella, de Oremar
et de Avaşin. De nombreux véhicules blindés sont également présents
autour de la zone de construction du barrage de Silvan (Province de
Diyarbakır/Amed). Les drônes repérés sont probablement des drônes de
reconnaissance, la Turquie cherche à fabriquer via sa propre industrie
’Turkish Aerospace Industry’, des drônes armés. Le ANKA-S, variante
équipée de deux missiles UMTAS entrera dans la panoplie de la force
aérienne turque en 2016.

honour to the maoist commander of NPA Parago - Philippines
Un haut dirigeant de la NPA,
Leoncio Pitao, bien connu comme le "commandant Parago," et une femme
encore non identifiée, ont été tués par l’armée dans le district de
Paquibato, à Davao City dimanche après-midi. Pitao commandait le
"Commandement de la Pulang Bagani", la principale unité de la NPA
dans la région de Davao, un des bastion de l’insurrection maoïste aux
Philippines. La femme tuée avec lui appartiendrait aux service sanitaire
de la NPA.
Soupçonné d’être un dirigeant NPA depuis la fin des années 1980, Pitao était activement recherché. Une prime de plusieurs millions de pesos était proposée à qui fournirait des informations permettant de l’arrêter. Il avait échappé à plusieurs opération déclenchées contre lui. Au cours des opérations le visant, la contre-guérilla avait commis un massacre de civils à Barangay Paradise Embac.
Le commandant Parago
Soupçonné d’être un dirigeant NPA depuis la fin des années 1980, Pitao était activement recherché. Une prime de plusieurs millions de pesos était proposée à qui fournirait des informations permettant de l’arrêter. Il avait échappé à plusieurs opération déclenchées contre lui. Au cours des opérations le visant, la contre-guérilla avait commis un massacre de civils à Barangay Paradise Embac.
India - against repression!
Campaigns planned
The Federation Against State Repression (FASR) has planned to organise campaigns and meetings on the alleged false case registered against Maoist sympathisers under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). Federation organiser D.R. Dinesh said that they would also press for release of activists working for the welfare of tribals and oppressed persons, allegedly booked under the Act.
The Federation Against State Repression (FASR) has planned to organise campaigns and meetings on the alleged false case registered against Maoist sympathisers under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). Federation organiser D.R. Dinesh said that they would also press for release of activists working for the welfare of tribals and oppressed persons, allegedly booked under the Act.
India - advances people's war, advance PCIm and mass organisations..Make advance international support!
Maoist Communist Party claims IED threat at MM Hr Secondary School
IMPHAL, Jun 28: The Maoist Communist Party, Manipur has claimed that the IED found near the gate of MM Higher Secondary School was planted by the outfit`s Red Guards. A statement of the outfit while making the claim said the outfit has been trying to avoid any kind of confrontation for long it has been induced to plant the explosive as a last warning to the school. It said the outfit will not remain silent incase the school continue to remain indifferent to the outfit.
It said the IED was planted against the school`s indifference to the confusion regarding a huge number of CBSE students and instead turning itself into a profit making institute. It also said that the outfit is now clearly aware of the fact that several of its cadres had been arrested due to the school and now the outfit cannot forgive the school. The outfit has also warned the CBSE Monitoring Cell which is yet to announce any of its findings regarding the issue of CBSE school students who were unable to appear for their exams.VISAKHAPATNAM: With the security forces gradually limiting the movement of the CPI Maoists in the Andhra-Odisha Border (AOB) area, the banned outfit has reportedly modified its tactics as well as its organizational structure. The naxals are believed to have formed a new committee called the Malkangiri-Visakha-Koraput divisional committee with an experienced leader at the helm to strengthen the rank and file and regain their past glory. According to sources, the new division was formed after the visit of Maoist central committee leaders to Visakha Agency in May and June this year. Around 14 leaders from the Dandakaranya Zonal Committee of Chhattisgarh, including Maoist central military chief Namballa Kesava Rao alias Ganganna and central regional bureau (CRB) chief Katakam Sudarsan alias Anand are learnt to have visited the district. Few days after their visit, another team of nine members interacted with the squads and area committees in the AOB, sources said.
They said the new committee was aimed at not only strengthening the naxal presence in the AOB areas, but also to safeguard their movements in Chhattisgarh. If the AOB Maoists become weak, the ones in the Dandakaranya zone would be in danger as security forces of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha would seal the borders and corner them. Though one Venu calling himself the head of the Malkangiri-Visakha-Koraput divisional committee has already begun issuing press notes, the Visakha Rural cops suspect that Venu is none other the dreaded Gajarla Ravi alias Ganesh alias Uday, the present Malkangiri-Koraput border (MKB) divisional committee secretary.
Ravi, a native of Warangal district, was one of the Maoist representatives that attended the meeting with the state government in 2005, following which he became famous as Charchala Ganesh. “Ravi, a chronic diabetic, worked as a North Telangana Special Zonal Committee (NTSZC) member but when the NTSZC lost grip over Telangana due to severe repression by security forces in the form of encounters and arrests as well as surrenders of squad members, he was transferred to the AOB Special Zonal Committee,” a senior police officer involved in anti-naxal operations told TOI.
“Uday might have been given charge of the new division as he has good organisational skills. The Reds will now try to concentrate on areas where they have lost their grip and chalk out plans to strengthen their presence AOB, which is the key to protecting their movement in Chhattisgarh,” a senior police official in Visakha agency said. Sources said that the Maoists set up the new committee to guide the other divisions after the strength of potential leaders reduced in Visakha, Malkangiri and Koraput. However, all the three divisions would now be treated as sub-division committees led by commander rank naxals, who would become members of the new divisional committee.
Maoists visit Adivasi colony in Wayanad again
Mananthavady: After a brief lull in the Maoist-related incidents, the presence of the ultras has been reported from Wayanad once again. Kerala Police confirmed the visit of a five-member Maoist gang to the Adivasi colony at Upper Makkimala in Thavinhal panchayat. The gang visited Vellan, an Adivasi, at his house by 7.00 pm on Friday and handed him Maoist publication ‘Kaattuthee’ and some pamphlets. They spent around three hours in the area and visited two more houses in the neighbourhood. The gang also asked for food and ate from the houses, the tribals said. The colony dwellers remained silent about the Maoist visit due to fear. One of them had introduced himself as Jayanna to the tribals. Police suspect that the gang was led by Maoist leader Vikram Gowda.
IMPHAL, Jun 28: The Maoist Communist Party, Manipur has claimed that the IED found near the gate of MM Higher Secondary School was planted by the outfit`s Red Guards. A statement of the outfit while making the claim said the outfit has been trying to avoid any kind of confrontation for long it has been induced to plant the explosive as a last warning to the school. It said the outfit will not remain silent incase the school continue to remain indifferent to the outfit.
It said the IED was planted against the school`s indifference to the confusion regarding a huge number of CBSE students and instead turning itself into a profit making institute. It also said that the outfit is now clearly aware of the fact that several of its cadres had been arrested due to the school and now the outfit cannot forgive the school. The outfit has also warned the CBSE Monitoring Cell which is yet to announce any of its findings regarding the issue of CBSE school students who were unable to appear for their exams.VISAKHAPATNAM: With the security forces gradually limiting the movement of the CPI Maoists in the Andhra-Odisha Border (AOB) area, the banned outfit has reportedly modified its tactics as well as its organizational structure. The naxals are believed to have formed a new committee called the Malkangiri-Visakha-Koraput divisional committee with an experienced leader at the helm to strengthen the rank and file and regain their past glory. According to sources, the new division was formed after the visit of Maoist central committee leaders to Visakha Agency in May and June this year. Around 14 leaders from the Dandakaranya Zonal Committee of Chhattisgarh, including Maoist central military chief Namballa Kesava Rao alias Ganganna and central regional bureau (CRB) chief Katakam Sudarsan alias Anand are learnt to have visited the district. Few days after their visit, another team of nine members interacted with the squads and area committees in the AOB, sources said.
They said the new committee was aimed at not only strengthening the naxal presence in the AOB areas, but also to safeguard their movements in Chhattisgarh. If the AOB Maoists become weak, the ones in the Dandakaranya zone would be in danger as security forces of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha would seal the borders and corner them. Though one Venu calling himself the head of the Malkangiri-Visakha-Koraput divisional committee has already begun issuing press notes, the Visakha Rural cops suspect that Venu is none other the dreaded Gajarla Ravi alias Ganesh alias Uday, the present Malkangiri-Koraput border (MKB) divisional committee secretary.
Ravi, a native of Warangal district, was one of the Maoist representatives that attended the meeting with the state government in 2005, following which he became famous as Charchala Ganesh. “Ravi, a chronic diabetic, worked as a North Telangana Special Zonal Committee (NTSZC) member but when the NTSZC lost grip over Telangana due to severe repression by security forces in the form of encounters and arrests as well as surrenders of squad members, he was transferred to the AOB Special Zonal Committee,” a senior police officer involved in anti-naxal operations told TOI.
“Uday might have been given charge of the new division as he has good organisational skills. The Reds will now try to concentrate on areas where they have lost their grip and chalk out plans to strengthen their presence AOB, which is the key to protecting their movement in Chhattisgarh,” a senior police official in Visakha agency said. Sources said that the Maoists set up the new committee to guide the other divisions after the strength of potential leaders reduced in Visakha, Malkangiri and Koraput. However, all the three divisions would now be treated as sub-division committees led by commander rank naxals, who would become members of the new divisional committee.
Maoists visit Adivasi colony in Wayanad again
Mananthavady: After a brief lull in the Maoist-related incidents, the presence of the ultras has been reported from Wayanad once again. Kerala Police confirmed the visit of a five-member Maoist gang to the Adivasi colony at Upper Makkimala in Thavinhal panchayat. The gang visited Vellan, an Adivasi, at his house by 7.00 pm on Friday and handed him Maoist publication ‘Kaattuthee’ and some pamphlets. They spent around three hours in the area and visited two more houses in the neighbourhood. The gang also asked for food and ate from the houses, the tribals said. The colony dwellers remained silent about the Maoist visit due to fear. One of them had introduced himself as Jayanna to the tribals. Police suspect that the gang was led by Maoist leader Vikram Gowda.
TKP/ML-TIKKO celebrates the victory of Girê Spi
REDACTION: TKP/ML-TIKKO Middle East Regional Committee issued a communique on the liberation of Girê Spi. According to ANF news, TKP/ML-TIKKO Middle East Regional Committee issued a communique about the liberation of Girê Spi. The communique states that
“The liberation of Girê Spi, which was cleared of DASH fascists supported by imperialism, is a rebellion of the oppressed people especially Kurds and Arabs. Freedom fighters are he sole guarantee of this success. We salute the wish and determination of the people to live together fraternally and freely.” TKP/ML-TIKKO remembered the fighters who lost their lives with respect and promised to keep their ideals alive, stating “The people who resist and fight for their freedom will win. Imperialism and reaction will lose”.
Via Nouvelle Turquie
Monday, June 29, 2015
Modi's Foriegn Policy - Indian Expansionism’s Big Power Dreams - A paper by Ajith, now deteined in indian prison. 1-28 july international campaign from ICSPWI
An excerpt from the statement of the International Committee in support of the people’s war In India, Afghanistan
.... Comrade Ajith’s crime is to
dedicate more than four decades of his life to the relentless struggle against
a brutal and reactionary system which is exploiting, oppressing, grinding, and
sucking the blood of hundreds of millions of the wretched of the earth. …
....Comrade Ajith’s crime has been
to think and imagine and fight for a better world, in which all these
atrocities become history. But for the reactionary Indian state, which
shamelessly claims to be the “biggest democracy” in the world this is a crime. …
Comrade Ajith is an ideologue of the
CPI (Maoist), which is currently leading a revolutionary people’s war to
demolish the system of semi-feudal, capitalist and imperialist oppression and
exploitation and to establish new democracy and socialism. Comrade has
dedicated more than four decades of his life for this cause.
The following paper by comrade Ajith
was published on the Vol. 3 No3 of People’s March, January-March 2015 - 1st part
Foriegn Policy
Indian Expansionism’s Big Power Dreams
By ajith
Nearly a
year into its rule, the Modi regime is yet to deliver anything substantial on
the socalled ‘economic growth’ front –– other than several policy decisions
that further open up the country to imperialist plunder. Despite the windfall
gain made through the steep fall in crude oil prices, the Central government’s
finances are still in a bad shape. With their hype on fasttracking the economy
punctured, Modi’s spindoctors are now trumpeting his foreign policy. The claim
is that he has masterfully catapulted India into a prominent position on
the world arena through his international moves. Obama's visit as the chief
guest at the Republic Day parade took this to a frenzy. Forceful, dynamic,
strategic –– the flow of adjectives are torrential. On closer observation, they
stand in inverse proportion to actual results.
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