Posted by admin on June 14th, 2015
According to the information provided by the cadres of MCPM who are operating in the areas of Chandel report that the armed Black gang under SoO came on the lead followed by Indian Army behind. Mr. Minthang, a gang leader took the charge of first in command and Thangboi@Jacob as second in command while the Indian armies followed behind. Thus some of the individuals who are claimed or said to be talking peace-process under SoO are utilised as Human Robot by Indian Army in this so called Military Operation. Mr. Jacob@ Thangboi is the middle man to communicate with the Indian Forces and their Gang members as Indian Army does not understand and speak local dialect and he is the lone person who understands and speak Indian Language (Hindi). These gang of reactionary led by Minthang and Jacob has pick them up from a camp which officially constructed by the Indian Government at Khamarol Village, hails at Chandel District. They are not allowed to use in so called Counter Insurgency operation of Indian Army as per the agreement under the Suspension of Operation (SoO) or Peace pact. The people of Chandel know well, clearly which members of gang party Mr. Minthang and Mr. Thangboi@Jacob belong to.
There are many party cadres and its units in different places in Chandel district of Manipur. There is no any point of hurt or wound or casualty on the part of the party members in there where military operation is undergoing. It is also an impossible thing on the part of Indian Army who afraid to approach on the lead the encounter to suppress and defeat the revolutionary parties of Manipur. There is not a single camp of MCPM in the territory of Burma (Myanmar).
The National Liberation Movement of Manipur cannot be ever suppressed or uprooted whenever and wherever the Manipuri’s exist on the earth. That the Indian Army who have joint and sent to earn monthly salary by the imperialist and Colonialist India will never be able to suppress the National Liberation Movements of Manipur. Without the slightest knowledge of what is happening in Manipur and without collecting any exact details of the Operation from the spot or nearby villages, some of the mainland Indian Media houses make the Indian armies turn into tigers. Nothing is to be considerable and convinced such hired propaganda. Such people and such activities are termed as “Reactionaries are the paper tigers” by Comrade Chairman Mao. Amid this, the most wonderment is that real situation are in front of the local journalists of Manipur, yet reports are copied or translated from concocted information’s which are published in mainland Indian media (National media, which are thousands of miles far from the Manipur) and re-printed in Manipur by Manipuri Media.
Even a single Manipuri journalist (media) including Mainland Media has not yet trodden and traced into any place where the Military Operation, which comprises of the gang party under SoO is on the lead and the Indian Army that follow behind the gang party, has affected. So the news and information which has been provided regarding the Military Operation in the media are all for none but to preserve the moral of the Indian Army. Thus the newspapers run in mainland India are all hiring of Indian Multi co-operation.
Unfortunately, the way of taking responsibility of the journalists of Manipur at this juncture in such crucial moment is contemptible that such deeds never existed in the history of Manipur. It is high time for the local journalists to ponder over their risk and responsibility in such a situation particularly Indian Military Operations and gross human rights violation by the State.
Essentially our communiqué is to extend so as to affirm the people of Manipur and the people of the world as well to know the very fake drama played and exercised by GOI since local media and occupied Indian media have not yet provided and published the true accounts of Military Operation conducted utilizing group of Black gangs under SoO.
Our Statement might not be published by any of the Indian media. Therefore, all the Maoist Party of the world is appealed to publish it throughout the world. The very message that the UNDERGOING MILITARY OPERATION CANNOT AFFECT THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS OF MCPM is relayed and assured to the people of the world at large.
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