Wednesday, May 1, 2024

LONG LIVE MAY DAY! Against imperialist aggression, racism, and exploitation -atik

May Day 2024, the day of workers' unity, struggle, and solidarity, will be celebrated with enthusiasm all over the world. The wave that has been accumulating from below for a long time has reached the surface in many parts of the world. From Europe to Asia, from America to the Middle East, we are once again witnessing the struggle and resistance of the workers in many continents of the world. Although these resistances seem small at first, they are the harbingers of the great resistances to come.

The contradiction between the imperialist powers is deepening!

The danger of a new imperialist war, which has become more visible with Russia's invasion in Ukraine, the military coups in Africa and the local proxy wars in the Middle East, is gradually maturing. In all the local wars, each imperialist pole is preparing, so to speak, for a general war of division by choosing a side. From today, this environment of conflict between the two imperialist poles led by the US-EU imperialists and the Russian Chinese imperialists will not bring any benefit to the working class and labouring people of the world. The wars that were fought yesterday over Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are being organised today over Ukraine, Palestine, and Iran. Wars and usurpations of rights are taking place in many parts of our globe due to the presence of imperialism. Western Europe, where we live, is not excluded from this general situation. The high inflation rates, the gradual decrease of the purchasing power and the fact that the salaries remain almost constant in comparison with these rises and increases put the working people in a dilemma. The EU imperialists, who want to have more say in a possible imperialist world war, add the budgets, which they have increased by restricting and abolishing many social rights, to the military budgets. That is why they have allocated huge military budgets in the last years.

The resistance of the Palestinian people must be an example for us!

The struggle of the Palestinian people for independence against the occupation of the Zionist state of Israel has always led to massacres and continues to do so. With the most modern weapons in the world, they destroyed Gaza in this attack that lasted for 7 months. In Israel's war of destruction in Gaza, 33 thousand people were killed, 73 thousand people were injured, 10 thousand people were missing, 10 thousand children lost one or two limbs, 17 thousand children lost their parents. Hundreds of women and children died in this attack. All hospitals in Gaza were bombed and rendered useless. Doctors and nurses working in the hospitals were massacred and almost all ambulances were destroyed. With no international aid allowed into Gaza, people are dying of disease and starvation because basic needs such as food, water and medicine cannot be met.

However, the Israeli state has not been able to take over the Gaza Strip for 7 months, although it has taken all imperialist forces and local collaborators with it. The people of Gaza are once again showing the whole world that their resistance cannot be ended by massacres, tortures, and arrests. Yes, Gaza is resisting, Gaza is fighting, although all its houses have been destroyed, the resistance is standing upright.

Struggle against racism, discrimination, and exploitation in Europe!

While the European countries are developing imperialist aggression on the one hand, they are spreading racism and nationalism on the other hand. As a result, in many countries, racist and fascist parties are entering the governments or being elected to the parliaments. These parties are preparing to form a strong group in the European Parliament elections on 9 June. Let us expose the fascist parties and support democratic progressive candidates in the upcoming elections.

The European bourgeoisie sees every attack as an excuse to divide the unity and the common struggle of the working class. It tries to divide and weaken the common struggle by continuing discriminatory and racist policies between the natives and immigrants. On the one hand, it develops discrimination in the production areas, on the other hand, it tries to weaken the common struggle with discriminatory and racist policies in the streets. Despite this, let us, as local and migrant workers and labourers, join the marches on Mayday by strengthening the common struggle. We have only one common enemy, the bourgeoisie that exploits us. We have only one friend, the common struggle of the workers and labourers. Let us show this common struggle by participating in the marches organised on Mayday.

Long live May Day!

Long live the unity, struggle, and solidarity of the workers

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