27 November 2011
YOU CAN CRUSH THE FLOWERS, BUT YOU CAN’T STOP THE SPRING!! Condemn the cold-blooded murder of Kishenji! Stand in solidarity with the revolutionary masses!!

The manner in which Kishenji was killed bears similarities in the way Maoist spokesperson Cherukuri Rajkumar, alias Azad was killed in 2010. Azad was picked up from Nagpur railway station when he was carrying the letter of peace talks, taken to the forests of Andhra Pradesh and killed in cold blood. The fascist Indian state was once again enacting its drama of holding ‘peace talks’ with the Maoists when they zeroed down on Kishenji to eliminate him. The selective targeting and elimination of the leadership of revolutionary movements is a lesson-well-learnt by the Indian ruling classes from its imperialist masters, especially from the US.
The murder has been executed right after the new Chief Minister of Bengal Mamata Banerjee blurted out lies after lies before the media in Delhi that there is no Joint Operation going on in Jangalmahal. This is not the first time that a political representative of the ruling classes has denied the reality of Operation Green Hunt. Chidambaram has done it in the past as well. They denied when the fingers of a 2 year old were cut and the breasts of a 70 year old women were severed by their mercenary forces in Gompad in February 2010, they denied when adivasi women were raped and murdered by their forces, they denied when popular mass leaders like Lalmohan Tudu and Wadeka Singana were eliminated. Now they are once again denying that Kishenji has been killed in cold blood. Denial is what Operation Green Hunt has been all about – denial of basic right to life, to their jal, jangal and jameen for the most oppressed masses of the country, the denial of a new society.
As the Indian ruling classes celebrate what they call their biggest success in West Bengal with a jingoist media baying for more blood, its mercenary forces are once again at it for what they are known – terrorize the people of the entire area. Additional forces have been sent to Jangalmahal to counter the possibility of ‘retaliation’ on the part of the Maoists. However, they know very well that the revolutionary movement does not believe in attacks of ‘revenge’. The revolutionary movement has worked painstakingly amongst the most oppressed masses and organized them for their basic rights to life and dignity which the Indian state has denied them all along, and for a new society free of oppression and exploitation. This murder and the combing operations are the tactics of the Indian state to coerce the fighting people of Jangalmahal into submission. Houses of the villagers are being ‘searched’, their commodities have been stolen, women are being specifically targeted for harassment and many people have simply been picked up by the Joint Forces. However, the people of Jangalmahal have seen this and much more. They refused to acquiesce during the 30 year reign of social-fascist CPM. They refuse to do so now and in the future as well.
The new Chief Minister of Bengal has only intensified the fascist legacy which her predecessor CPM had perpetrated. The main “pre-election promise” of Mamata Banerjee was that she will stop Operation Green Hunt, release political prisoners and hold dialogue with the Maoists. She tried to garner support from Jangalmahal as well as from the ‘civil society’ of Bengal by trumpeting these false assurances. However, just after winning the assembly elections and fulfilling her ambition of becoming the chief minister, she predictably revealed her class character to turn against the people. The pre-meditated murder of Kishenji is a flashpoint of this very intensification. Like any other agent of the ruling classes, her agenda is the fascist repression of all dissent to her government and its policies. Her open threats, intimidation, and repression of students and democratic rights organizations like APDR clearly show the deepening crisis within the ruling classes, and the real face of the fascist Indian state. This targeted killing exposes the hoarse cry by sold-out pseudo-left organizations like CPM and CPI (ML) Liberation which croaked about the alleged ‘alliance’ of the Maoists and TMC. And past masters they are CPM has called it a genuine encounter.
A revolutionary is never buried, but sown. It is the unflinching commitment of Kishenji to work among the most oppressed and exploited, being one with them responding to the CALL OF NAXALBARI that he steeled himself as a revolutionary. An engineer by education and a former member of the Andhra Pradesh Radical Students' Union (APRSU), he along with his comrades worked among the people to propagate the revolutionary ideology of Naxalbari. Armed with invincible ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism he rallied round vast sections of the masses braving the worst kind of state brutality in Lalgarh which came to be known hence as the second Naxalbari. It was the hope that he sowed among the masses who had nothing to lose but their chains that earned him the ire of the blood thirsty ruling classes. Those who sow hope never die. They are reborn in their death in the memories and struggles of the people; in the class war in which the people have seized the moment and sown hope for the future. Friends, revolutionaries never die. They live in the dreams of those who have already lent their lives for a world free from all forms of exploitation and oppression. And this is what drives mad the ruling classes. Kishenji was not just an individual, he represented the invincible ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the concrete practice of building a new society.
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