Friday, June 22, 2012

from canada - partizan newspaper

For the past year, the Partisan has consistently defended the interests of the working class. Across the board, both nationally and internationally, Partisan condemns the dominant ideology and takes a solid stand in favor of socialism and revolution. It supports acts of resistance from the proletariat and oppressed peoples and popularizes revolutionary actions that attack the very heart of the exploitative capitalist system.
The Partisan Political Event is therefore intended to celebrate the first anniversary of this bilingual newspaper, published every two weeks by the Political Information Bureau (PIB) of the Revolutionary Communist Party and distributed free of charge, both in Québec and English Canada. In the months and years to come, we plan to expand and multiply the number of correspondents, supporters and contributors of this newspaper, in order to make it a truly pan-Canadian newspaper. From June to September, the PIB is waging a major fundraising campaign to help broaden its distribution and increase its circulation. The Partisan Political Event will officially launch this campaign in which all activists who want to fight against capitalism and for a new society are invited to join. During two days, we will discuss the current major challenges, not like the bourgeois media does, but by encouraging discussion, debate, exchange of experience and fighting spirit. Welcome to all!
Venue: CEDA, 2515, rue Delisle, Lionel-Groulx metro station, Montréal.
Voluntary Contribution: $5 each day.
Additional contributions are welcome!

PROGRAMME (updated on June 17, 2012)
(Most of the conferences will happen in French – Whisper translation will be provided)

Defending the right to rebellion and the right to make revolution!
This spring, the student struggle in Québec put the spotlight as never before in recent years —and in fact, rarely since the 1970s!— on social struggles, collective resistance, the right to rebel, the power of the street, but also on repression by government forces. Reactionary violence on one side (police, court orders, special legislation), popular resistance and even violence on the other side, while people were defending themselves and refusing the dictates of the ruling class. Today more than ever, we must learn how to organize resistance, not only to face state repression, but also to wage the struggle in the longer term to really transform the current system.

9:30 to 11am: WORKSHOPS
Workshop No. 1: Communist propaganda in 2012
At a time where social networks are spreading and talks of “democratization of information” are common, what about the traditional Communist propaganda? What are the differences between Communist and bourgeois propaganda? Between Communist propaganda and a mere disclosure of facts?
Workshop No. 2: Alain Badiou, or how to be Maoist without waging revolution?
Professor Alain Badiou is attracting many progressive and revolutionary people with his “Maoist-like” discourse and his sharp criticism of the society in which we live. But where does his thinking leads in a context of struggle to build?
11:15am to 12:30pm: WORKSHOP
Workshop No. 3: Election and bourgeois democracy: the grand illusion
While the watchdogs of the bourgeoisie are asking the protesters to respect “law and democracy,” both the left and the right try to convince us that the solution can be found in the elections... Is it really true?
1:30 to 3:00pm: WORKSHOP
Workshop No. 4: From student strike to social crisis: what the struggle learns us
Student activists of yesterday and today share and compare the achievements and lessons of the student struggles... from yesterday and today.
–> Bertrand Sassoye, former member of the “Cellules Communistes Combattantes” (Belgium)
–> Spokesperson from the Maoist Communist Party, France (to be confirmed)
A time for relaxing and exchanging among the participants (the venue will be confirmed on site).

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