Friday, June 7, 2019

India: iʹm not sure that I would survive in this Solitary cell during this gruelling summer:prof. Saibaba - ALERTA! o Dr. Saibaba ten sufrido un ataque cardiaco o pasado 25 de maio.

iʹm (This is professor sai babaʹs wife AS Vasntha kumari Facebook Post)
Can anyone suggest me what can I do????
On 5th June, I received a letter from Prof G.N. Saibaba.
I am in tremendous shock after reading the letter. He got a severe chest pain on 25th May and consciousness. He was narrowly saved by jailor in-charge who took extreme cautious steps immediately, understanding his serious condition at that time. That happened in the morning when the doctor and other officials could run into the cell to give him life-saving treatment.
But what if the same attacks happen during the middle of the night?

From Saiʹs letter:
ʹI havenʹt been well because of high temperatures in the anda cell. Now it is 47.5 degrees C. On 25th May at around 11.15 am I suffered severe chest pain, syncope attack and high-level dehydration together all at the same time. I was sitting at my table and had just started eating. I hardly took two spoonfuls of rice into my mouth. First, sudden bouts of chest pain started, and then muscles in both shoulders, particularly left shoulder cramped and spasmatic attacks began. I lost consciousness, drooping in my wheelchair. Two prisoners, who saw me from outside of my cell ran inside immediately and shifted me to the cot. They informed the guards. All the concerned prison officers and the doctor came within 10 minutes. They put me on saline. The first person to come was the incharge Jailor. He saved my life. Incharge jailor who took extreme cautious steps immediately understanding my serious condition at that time. The doctor gave a Solbitrate tablet immediately. The summer heat will continue at least till 20th June. I am not sure I can bear and survive this heat.
Wheelchair is in a bad condition.ʹ

Según unha entrada no facebook da compañeira Vasantha Kumari, hoxe ten recibido unha carta do profesor GN Saibaba, dende a carcere na que le informa que o pasado 25 de maio sufriou unha crisis cardiaca, na que foi atendido por persoal penitenciario mesmo polos medicos. Suliña a atuación dun carceleiro que ocupouse particularmente, afirmando que le salvo a vida. Denuncia as altas temperaturas na cadea e tamen relata que a cadeira de rodas atopase cada vez máis deteriorada.
O tono da compañeira Kumari é de total desespero e desamparo. Dende Galiza enviamolle moitos animos e saudos vermellos.
Facemos un enerxico chamado as organizacions e persoas democraticas do noso país a denunciar estes feitos, contrarios a unha basica atención aos presos políticos que so pode ter por obxeto a morte na cadea do profesor GN Saibaba.
Liberdade inmediata ao profesor GN Saibaba! 
Basta de crimens e represión na India!

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