Saturday, August 17, 2019

In the year of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Third International, let us organize a preparatory meeting this year, to reach this International Conference.

....The policies of imperialism exacerbate and make the impact of the system more and more catastrophic in terms of environmental and natural disasters.
Within the imperialist countries the tendency to fascism and open dictatorship advances.
In countries oppressed by imperialism, where the ruling regimes have always been reactionary and subservient of the imperialist powers, illusions on national, popular and anti-imperialist governments are falling down and dictatorships with openly fascist and military character are advancing.
Imperialism is misery, reaction and war. Development, wealth, democracy and peace, the safeguard of health and environment are increasingly proven to be incompatible with the rule of the imperialist system.

Against this system and its crisis the proletarians and the peoples are rebelling both in the imperialist countries and in the countries oppressed by imperialism. The objective conditions of the class struggle, of the national liberation struggle, of the people’s war are getting sharper....

....It is to achieve this goal that today we need the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist International Joint Conference of the MLM parties and organizations, with meetings and content discussions about ideological political items and tasks of this.
In the year of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Third International, let us organize a preparatory meeting this year, to reach this International Conference.

MD JD 2019

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