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CPP CC Message On The 54th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of The NPA
Communist Party Of The Philippines Central Committee
March 28, 2023
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) gives its firmest salute and extends its most militant revolutionary greetings to the Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army as we celebrate today the joyous occasion of the 54th anniversary of the genuine army of the Filipino people. Let us exalt the achievements and victories of the people’s army accumulated through more than five decades of steadfastly waging revolutionary armed struggle across the entire archipelago. Today, the Party and all revolutionary forces reaffirm the commitment to fight and end the US imperialist rule and attain genuine freedom and democracy.
On this occasion, let us pay tribute to the hundreds of heroes and martyrs of the people’s army and extol them as models of patriotism and wholehearted service to the people. The people’s war could not have advanced and persevered without their individual and collective contributions and ultimate sacrifice. Their names are etched in the annals of the Filipino people’s revolution and will forever be remembered.
The New People’s Army has incessantly waged more than five decades of intense and relentless people’s war against US imperialism and its oppressive client-state of big bourgeois compradors and big landlords. This is testimony to the iron will and determination of the Filipino people to do everything humanly possible to put an end to four centuries of uninterrupted colonial subjugation and semicolonial domination that has oppressed and exploited countless generations of toiling people in the country, and which continue to condemn them to a permanent state of crisis and hardship.
From its small beginnings, the NPA has become a nationwide force of several thousand Red fighters. Although it remains small and weak compared to the US-trained and -funded puppet Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), its unbending loyalty and boundless ties to the broad masses of peasants, workers and toiling people, combined with the correct leadership of the Party guarantees its continuous growth and ultimate victory.
The NPA is the most powerful weapon of the Party for waging the people’s democratic revolution. It carries out protracted people’s war along the strategic line of encircling the cities from the countryside. By adapting to the particular conditions of the country, it has achieved great successes in carrying out guerrilla warfare, building guerrilla zones and base areas, and establishing Red political power covering vast areas in the countryside. Day by day, the seeds of the future people’s democratic government are sown in thousands of villages across the country, existing side by side with and antithesis to the present reactionary and fascist government.
The NPA faces heavier and greater tasks ahead. We need to surmount and defeat the intensified campaigns of encirclement and armed suppression being carried out by the US puppet army. We must continue to accumulate strength by smashing the AFP part by part in order to bring the people’s war from its current level to the next higher level. The Party and NPA remain fully determined to carry forward the people’s war to victory.
Given the objective conditions, there are clear prospects for a new period of revolutionary surge in the Philippines. The Party’s cadres and the Red fighters of the NPA are unwavering in their revolutionary commitment and are certain to surmount all obstacles, frustrate the enemy’s brutal campaigns of suppression and gain even further strength in the coming years. The Communist Party of the Philippines is ever determined to lead the New People’s Army to stir up and spread the flames of guerrilla warfare by way of advancing the protracted people’s war.