third part
The challenges before the revolutionary movement
The challenges before the party are – to protect the party leadership, cadres, PLGA forces and organs of people; to rectify the life style that does not suit communists, overcome non-proletarian trends and proletarianisebolshevise; to deepen the theoretical and political base of the party; to organisationally consolidate the party with lively relations with the people of urban, plain and forest areas; to build a broad, strong secret party of parttimers and Professional Revolutionaries (PR) invincible to the enemy that can lead the people in class struggles-guerrilla war at the local level in areas of strong carpet security; to mould the party such as to protect the subjective forces, to constantly increase them and to have continuity of leadership. (Continuity in the leadership of the Party at all levels must be guaranteed) Depending on the concrete conditions of the areas and in the background of the perspective of those areas, we must mobilise the oppressed class and people in urban, plain and forest areas where there are party units/forces, develop and organise people’s movements, enhance mass base, gain and develop new subjective forces. We must mobilise, organise and arm the worker, peasant, middle class (petty bourgeois), small and medium kind capitalist classes into the revolutionary movement against the targets of Indian revolution – the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic capitalist and feudal classes – and bring a change in the class composition of the Party and PLGA and United Front.
PLGA We must solve the political, military and organisational problems in PLGA. We must mould the PLGA sharp and active such as it takes part in class struggle-mass work, guerrilla war-military work. We must rectify its life style and raise its fighting capacity. It must be ready to resist the enemy offensive at any time as a part of tactics of active self-defence and if get the opportunity it must first retreat from there. It must implement tactics of Maoist guerrilla 18 war basing on local supplies amidst carpet security in the changed social conditions in the period of temporary setback of our revolutionary movement. It must take up the manoeuvres of decentralisation-centralisation and effective guerrilla war. The PLGA must be humble, dedicated, have a sacrificing nature and develop the style of struggle-Maoist style of struggle to play a vital role as one instrument in revolution, in taking up struggle, propaganda and in mobilising people. It must thus utilise proper tactics, techniques and skills of guerrilla war, successfully take up tactical counter offensive and seize arms from the fascist enemy forces to increase the armed strength of our PLGA. United Front
We must consolidate the party units in Mass Organisations according to the party constitution and cadre policy. We must develop party organisers to lead every Mass Organisation. We must take up political and organisational effort such as to develop open-secret, legal-illegal people’s struggles in the urban and plain areas; to advance People’s War; and to interlink these struggles with the armed struggle. We must fight against legalism, economism, reformism and post-modernist ideas in these movements and organisationally against individualism, careerism, bureaucracy, disunity/groupism and economic misappropriation. We must rectify the non-proletarian tendencies. We must take up political effort by formulating a program aiming the policies of the central and the state governments that are in the interest of Multi-National Companies, Comprador Bureaucratic Capitalist and feudal classes, which displace the tribal and non-tribal peasantry from jal-junglezameen (water-forest-land) for indiscriminate loot of natural wealth and to establish basic infrastructure. The party committees must be trained from the top to the bottom such as these overcome the limitation and weakness in applying the policies and resolutions of the party and formulating proper tactics corresponding to the concrete conditions where the party is weak all over the country and to the situation of the movement of the respective areas and the changing conditions.
The people of the oppressed classes, oppressed social sections such as Dalit, tribal, women and religious minorities and oppressed nationalities of the country are in spontaneous struggles to fulfil their hope and aspirations on just, democratic demands, as a part of the social changes since the imperialist globalisation process started and against the attacks of the Brahmanic Hindutva forces.
The Party must respond to these struggles at all levels and 19 make efforts to give support, participate and develop these into organised movements. It must give effort for Theoretical, political struggle against legalism, reformism and economism that are arising in the people is one challenge for the party. The party must take up political and agitational effort to prepare the Dalit and tribal people, women, religious minorities and oppressed nationalities so as they resist the attacks on them and on the powers of the states, in addition to the continuous class struggle in the ideological, political, and cultural spheres against Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism. We see that in the Party, movement and in the present conditions and contradictions of society are bringing forth several challenges. We must face them. We cannot achieve genuine independence and genuine democracy in our country out of dreams. We can achieve only when we enlighten, mobilise and organise the people into mass movements, bring the advanced forces in to the Party, develop their active role in People’s War, establish new state power, explore their enormous strength and creativity and mould them into the three strong, magic weapons of revolution. Working among the people will be main and vital in overcoming these challenges. The party can gain the strength to overcome the challenges by politically mobilising the people. It can then take forth the movement in the revolutionary movement in India for the past decades. We must learn to fulfil the interests of the worker-peasant, middle class, small and medium kind capitalists and all other oppressed classes and oppressed social sections. We must learn to develop our strength, efficiency and struggle capacity. We can step forward only if the entire party developsthe process of learning. We must develop the learning culture in the entire Party. However active the masses are, if the party is not strongly and effectively proletarian, it is not possible to mould the people’s strength into an effective revolutionary force or to mould the challenges in the revolutionary movement. Therefore, we must understand the importance of the party. Every member of the party and every unit at all levels must work strongly determined and efficiently and actively to 20 fulfil its tasks, responsibilities and duties. They must explore and bring to practice their total strength and efficiency. It is not possible to face the present challenges if the members/units at all levels in the party from the top to the bottom do not mould the people into an organised force and if the Party and PLGA do not raise their strength and efficiency. It is important to note that the Party leadership at all levels shows how much determination, daring, eligible, active, efficiency and unity, that much opportunities will be there to advance and what is present right now, its' magnitude will be doubled.
Dear Comrades and people,
In spite of the eagerness and the aggressive cruel offensive to eliminate our party and the revolutionary movement with the support of the imperialists, the Indian ruling classes are drowned in severe economic crisis. The imperialism and Indian semi-colonial, semi-feudal society which is standing as a hurdle in the path of development of society are on the deathbed. The historic lesson is that these turn crueller and shall face the opposition of the oppressed people in a more severe and wide manner. Due to the imperialist globalisation policies, imperialist system is in deep worldwide financial, economic crisis. US and its allied imperialist forces, especially facing the contention from China and Russia they are leading to wars in several countries. This has an impact on our country. The imperialist Multi-National Companies and their comprador ruling classes of various countries that are intensely trying to loot the natural wealth, cheap labour and markets in backward countries of the world like India are taking shelter in fascism (Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism in our country). On one hand fascism is creating social divisions among the people through their divide and rule policy and on the other is unleashing brutal suppression on the people. In our country the Modi government is indulging in unceasing massacres and terrorising to ‘subjugate’ the people and suppress people’s resistance. Especially, it deployed more than 7 lakh government, military, Para-military and police personnel in the areas of Maoist movement and is causing bloodshed. It is violating human rights and indulging in bombing through drones, helicopters and artillery. But the oppressed people are becoming increasingly clear about the ill consequences of globalisation policies. They are taking up struggles in various places on various problems. We must utilise this favourable condition, enlighten and organise the people of entire oppressed classes, oppressed social sections, oppressed nationalities and democratic forces of our country. The people must especially aim their struggles against rising prices, for hike in massacres on the people and is propagating that they killed Maoists. In fact, enemy is murdering Maoists more in deceptive attacks than in real battle. Did we not see how these murderers fled the arena of war when PLGA made decisive wars? Is the enemy not hiding the facts of fatalities out of cowardice? The enemy cannot affect the commitment of the Party and the PLGA even if they take up a number of operations. We are seeing how much pro-people is the Agrarian Revolution to the oppressed people.Therefore we have to continuously fulfil our responsibility in the efforts of the party like the old generation comrades. Our future lies in our hands. There is no effective way other than to lead a study movement to learn from history. This must be taken 22 up as a part of People’s War, from the angle of movement for genuine national independence and real democracy by igniting and developing revolutionary, patriotic spirit in the people. We can pave the path for the liberation of the people and preserve the lives and livelihood of the oppressed classes, communities and nationalities only if the party is strong and we are united. We will accomplish the New Democratic Revolution.
With intensifying contradiction between the imperialists and the oppressed nationalities and oppressed people of the world, the objective conditions at the international and domestic plane are unprecedentedly turning favourable to revolution. 40,000 people of Palestine, mostly women and children died and above 90 thousand were injured in the genocide unleashed by the Zionist chauvinist Israel on Palestine with the full support and guidance of US, UK, Germany, France and Italy. Apart from the displacement of Palestine's in Gaza all residential buildings, educational institutions, hospitals and government offices has been ruined. Israel is paving the way to unleash its long-dreamt plan to occupy the entire land of Palestine by stopping all sorts of humanitarian aid and forcing the people out of Gaza to Sinai desert in Egypt. The people and resistance organisations of Palestine are heroically fighting against this. The people of several countries are demanding their governments to stop Israel’s war of aggression to break their relations with Israel, to boycott Israeli companies that support the Zionists. This apart, student movement spread like a flame from US to Europe in the Universities and on the streets. Kenya of Africa became bankrupt with the loans the government took from IMF and African Development Banks. The Parliament passed an IMF sponsored economic bill and imposed heavy taxes. People rebelled in protest to this situation and attacked the Parliament. President Ruto had to dissolve his government. In Bangladesh, students and democratic forces took up struggle against the anti-people policies of dictator Hasina in favour of the imperialist Multi-National Companies, Comprador Bureaucratic capitalist, feudal classes and Indian expansionism that intensified economic crisis day to day and especially against the imposition of anti-Constitutional reservations on the people. The struggle ultimately led to the collapse of the government and the Prime Minister was forced to take shelter in India. Thus we see that large scale anti-imperialist, anti-Comprador Bureaucratic ruling class struggles are going on all over the backward countries. The proletariat in the capitalist-imperialist countries are taking up agitations in a big way against the capitalists of their countries. The struggle of migrants from Asia and Africa 23 against the murder of three young women with knives by the racists in South Port in Britain on 30th July put the country in an internal turmoil.
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