Posted by admin on December 13th, 2014
This new book Maoist Movement Dynamics and Orientation includes some Historical Documents and writings, concerning the Maoist Revolution and the People’s War. It includes: ”On correcting mistaken ideas in the Party” and ”Resolution on certain questions in the history of our Party” by Comrade Mao tse-Tung, Two historical documents: ”A Call To the People of India” and ”Message to the Milan International Conference in Solidarity with the People’s War in India : by CPI (Maoist), published in the occasion of 10 years of CPI(Maoist) . ”Mao tse-Tung’s theory of People’s War is he military strategy of the Proletariat and oppressed People’s of Semi-Colonies”, by TKP/ML, ”Categories of Revolutionary Military Policy by T. Derbent, Guevara, Debray and Armed Revisionism” by Lenny Wolf, RCP, USA and ”International Communist Movement and the question of building a new embryonic center” by Rishi Raj Baral, and more other articles. These all articles are translated in Nepalese vernacular. These are the articles of great significance. The editors of this collection are Rishi Raj Baral and Nandish Adhikari
These days Nepalese Maoist Movement is facing some unexpected obstacles. Prachanda-Baburam have abandoned the path of New Democratic Revolution and they are exercising ”peaceful transformation”. Netra Bikram Chanda ‘Biplav’, with his band, has left the CPN-Maoist, and has formed another party. He is pleading the ”Theory of Unified Revolution”. He has abandoned the path of New Democratic Revolution and has taken the path of Che and Debray that is Focoism. He use to take the name of armed struggle, but not the Maoist People’s War. He has lost his faith in Proletarian class and pleads —that the role of urban Middle Class will be vital for the Nepalese revolution. In fact, Biplav has abandoned the Maoist Road and has taken the road to ”Cuban Revolution”. Now he is bargaining for the power sharing in the reactionary government. No matter, in the name of the revolution, Biplav band has taken the road to Armed Revisionism. We urge our well wishers and Fraternal Party and Organisations to study the role and activities of Biplav minutely.
We think the documents and articles included in this book will enable their abilities and will power, who are misguided and who are still at the “cross roads”.
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