Public Meeting on Human
Day, 10th December, 2014 at 5.30 p.m. at
Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, Near ITO, New Delhi
Subject: Challenges before the Human Rights
Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, Near ITO, New Delhi
Subject: Challenges before the Human Rights
Dear Friends,
We are passing through a critical phase of history in terms of
erosion of democratic values and shrinking democratic space. In the
recently concluded Lok Sabha Election BJP, the political wing of RSS
secured a clear majority with support of corporate
media and big capital. The Central Govt. has made many announcements
in favour of corporates and advancing economic reforms in support of
MNCs. Government is trying to amend Land Ceiling Acts, Labour laws,
Land Acquisition Acts to facilitate loot and plunder of natural
resources and unhindered exploitation of workers by the global
capital. On many issues they get support from various ruling class
parties but when government is not in a position to amend the laws of
the land due to lack of majority in Rajya Sabha, they are changing
the rules to make various provisions of law ineffective specially
those which are in favour of poor workers, farmers, tribals or
marginalized section of the society and in favour of big corporate.
We are sure that people will offer resistance as they are doing for
last many years to such policies and Govt. will deal with such
protests with iron hand
The present Govt. is trying to communalize all aspects of life as
many Hindu organizations are propagating against cow slaughter,
coined a term love jihad and indulging in moral policing. The present
Govt. is splanting their nominees in various institutions and
redrawing education syllabi. They are trying to impart communally
distorted version of history. Like previous Govt. , the present
regime is also targeting educated
muslim youth branding them as terrorist and putting them behind the
bar without evidence. Unfortunately, top echelons of bureaucracy,
armed forces, police and political power have chauvinist communal
mind set which is posing a greater danger to the composite culture of
India. The intent of the government is to keep people divided on
caste and communal lines so that a joint struggle of these sections
against the new liberal policies can be prevented. We apprehend that
they will continue to target religious minority, the glimpse of which
we have already seen in what has happened in Muzaffarnagar,
Saharanpur, Shamli and other places in Western U.P. in the recent
past and communal polarization occurring in city of Delhi.
Central Govt. is focusing on suppressing people
struggle specially those which are against displacement. They have
deployed more central force in the state of Chattisgarh and Jharkhand
to counter resistance offered by the people against displacement due
to clearance given to mining projects of big corporate and MLCs.
Resistance is being met by severe repression including fake cases
against the activists of the movements and their arbitrary arrest.
Latest case being the arrest of the one of the leaders of the
peaceful anti-displacement movement of the Adivasis of Niyamgiri
against the land grab for mining by Vedanta. Supporters of the
anti-displacement movements are subjected to various forms of
harassment including arrest under the Draconian laws like UAPA.
Glaring examples are the arrests of journalist Prashant Rahi, human
rights activist, Prof. GN Saibaba, cultural activist, Hem Mishra.
Thus the displacement, in the name of development that renders
millions homeless and bereft of the source of livelihood without
appropriate rehabilitation and poses the threat to the food security,
is one of the major concerns for human rights groups.
Yet another alarming issue of human rights is, women’s right as
human, seriously threatened by the jugglery of love
jihad and moral policing by the obscurantist RSS outfits as self
claimed custodians of “Indian Culture”. Another menace to women’s
right as human that at times, culminates into heinous crimes like the
honor killings under the dictates of regressive institutions like
Khap Panchayat or old feudal patriarchal order of Indian society
which keeps women enchained to keep caste and faith line pure.
Another danger to the civil
and human rights of ordinary people and intellectuals is spreading
fascist trend of intolerance of dissenting opinions that has further
aggravated after the acquisition of the power at center by the
Hindutva forces. There is continued presence of Army and
para-military forces armed with draconian black laws like AFSPA, UAPA
and others in North Eastern states, Chhatisgarh, J&K, Jharkhand
and other states to suppress people resistance against oppressive
economic policies and nationality struggles. Democratic rights of the
people of these states are trampled under the foot.
On this international day, Janahastakshep seeks a wider debate on the
pressing issues of threats to human rights among the democratic
forces in general and human rights organizations in particular, to be
able to objectively comprehend the gravity of the situation and to
chalk out strategies
to fight out.
Ish Mishra
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