Wednesday, May 29, 2019

info from Nepal - Call for International Solidarity with the comrades of Communist Party of Nepal/Chand

Kathmandu, 29.05.19
La prensa de Nepal informa que según la policía, los muertos y heridos de las explosiones del pasado domingo en la capital, eran miembros o simpatizantes del clandestino Partido Comunista de Nepal, que dirige el camarada Biplav.
Según esto, las explosiones fueron accidentales, tanto en su manejo como en su transporte. Una tuvo lugar en una barberia en Sukehdara, en la que se afirma, se estaban fabricando bombas de tubo. En la misma, resultaron muertos un conocido activista de la organización juvenil del PCN y otras dos personas no identificadas, tres personas estan heridas de gravedad.

La segunda explosión, en Chandragiri, afecto a dos personas jóvenes, que viajaban en una motocicleta, resultando muerta una de ellas y herida de gravedad la segunda, se afirma que les explotó un artefacto que transportaban.

call by maoistroad

....This move of current pseudo communist Nepal government dangerously synchronizes with the historical social fascist acts against the fundamental human/political rights and righteous people's movement. Hundreds of party sympathizer and supporters, party members and leaders are being systematically arrested and tortured across the country. Fabricated fake legal cases are being manufactured by the state agencies against the detained individuals. Further, cadres from sister organizations (such as Students wing, Teachers wing, Workers wing) politically supporting the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) are also equally terrorized by the state agencies. This political ban and ongoing systematically organized state sponsored horror simply violets all fundamental sociopolitical rights of any human being.
We sincerely expect to receive your support and solidarity in the struggle towards the scientific socialism led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Biplov) against the fascist ban imposed by the government of Nepal. ...

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