(Presented by Chairman Comrade Kiran and adopted by the National Conference held on 8-12 October 2017)

“The fundamental task of proletarian
tactics was defined by Marx in strict conformity with all the postulates
of his materialist-dialectical Weltanschauung. Only an objective
consideration of the sum total of the relations between absolutely all
the classes in a given society, and consequently a consideration of the
objective stage of development reached by that society and of the
relations between it and other societies, can serve as a basis for the
correct tactics of an advanced class. At the same time, all classes and
all countries are regarded, not statically, but dynamically, i.e., not
in a state of immobility, but in motion (whose laws are determined by
the economic conditions of existence of each class). Motion, in its
turn, is regarded from the standpoint, not only of the past, but also of
the future, and that not in the vulgar sense it is understood in by
the “evolutionists”, who see only slow changes, but dialectically:”
- I. Lenin,Volume 21, page 75
- Our party has accepted that the socio-economic condition of Nepal has been semi-feudal and semi/neo colonial for long with multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural and regional diversities. And it is also clear that, in order to set the country free from such condition, party has adopted its general line to be communism through socialism, after the accomplishment of new democratic revolution. Ever since the period of absolute Panchayati monarchy, in general, and subsequent to the founding of republic, in particular, the right revisionists in Nepal have been spreading illusions that bourgeois democratic revolution has been already accomplished and the socialist revolution should be the task now. Taking into account of some quantitative changes taken place in the world and Nepal as well, it has been a pressing need to enrich and amend party’s general line by undergoing a thorough study of the Nepalese society.
In order to realise this
objective, it is necessary to comprehend well the succinct statement by
Lenin quoted above. In order to decide a correct tactical goal i.e. the
general line and goal for the advanced class, Lenin in the said excerpt
says that it is necessary to consider mutual relation of classes in the
given society, world relation and the stage of revolution as the basis,
in accordance with dialectical and materialist outlook propounded by
Marx. Moreover, he has laid special emphasis on the need to understand
things not on the basis of vulgar evolutionism i.e. metaphysics, which
conceives society from obsolete view and the world in the state of rest
and inertness but on the basis of dialectics, which takes leap and
futuristic view as the basis and the law that decides the existence of
classes from economic condition. We can enrich and amend party’s general
line by grasping Lenin’s aforesaid statement and identifying the form
of Nepalese society well on the basis of the dialectical and historical
materialist world outlook.
- The socio-economic structure and relations of production of Nepal have been developing via various turning points in the history. These turning points can be presented as: a) from the beginning to the creation of centralized and unitary state, b) from Sugauli treaty to 1950, c) from 1951 to 1989 and d) from 1990 to now. The form of Nepalese society has been constantly developing via these turning points. It is necessary to have a brief look at them.
- Nepal, becoming a converging place of human communities like Negrito, Astroloid, Mangol and Arya species, proceeded towards the direction of establishing a state power through matriarchal and patriarchal tribal condition, geographical and social diversities and the emergence of classes. The feudal system began in Nepal at the time of King Mandev, in Lichchhabi period. It attained its culmination in the course of establishing the central and unitary state power by Prithvi Narayan Shah and extended up to Rana period. Along with agriculture and animal husbandry, the small, cottage and artisan industries and trades based on wood, clay, metal, cloth and woollen garment started growing and at the later part of time, the industries and businesses based on armaments developed. At that point of time, land holding was mainly based on feudal system and it was connected with state, community and individual ownership. Later, the system of land holding developed to Birta (land awarded for someone’s bravery), Jagir (land given as salary) and Rakam (a kind of land holding). In this course, mainly the commodity exchange and currency system as well started being used in trade. Nepal’s internal trade used to take place with different parts of the country and the external one used to be with India and Tibet. In this long process, mercantile and usury capital also started developing. In total, the country remained in feudal condition based mainly on independent, self-reliant and natural economy.
- All through the period from Sugauli treaty to the emergence of Rana regime and its collapse in 1951, Nepalese society had changed into semi-colonial and semi-colonial condition. This treaty, on the one hand, imparted a blow to the independent and self-reliant economy of the country and, on the other, pushed ahead the process of collusion between domestic feudalism and British imperialism. Right at that time, Gorkha recruitment centre came into being. And in this course, a law that allowed buying and selling of Raikar land (Taxable private land) came into force in 1923. Through a treaty with British-India in the same year, provisions were so made that the goods manufactured in Anglo-Indian factories could be imported to Nepal with no restriction at all. In this period, Ranas deposited Nepali gold, silver and cash worth Rs tens of millions in the Indian banks. At the time of Juddha Shamsher, a board of industries was constituted and more than a dozen of industrial installations including Jute, match and cloth factories were established in Nepal. All of them were under the control and supervision of British-India. While arriving at 1950, the state of land-holding was: Raikar 50%, Birta3%, Guthi (property owned by religious or social institutions) 4% and Jagir, Rajya (a kind of land holding) and Rakam altogether 7.7%. During this period, the structure of Nepalese society and the relations of production changed into semi-feudal and semi-colonial condition.
- British imperialism returned from India in 1947. After the World War II, imperialism followed the path of neo-colonialism instead of colonialism. The Indian expansionism inherited the legacy of intervention and oppression the British imperialism had been doing in Nepal. From then on, Nepal did not remain merely in semi-feudal and semi-colonial condition but started changing into neo-colonial condition as well.
Nepal signed an unequal treaty
with India in 1950. It allowed the Indian ruling class to dwell in
Nepal, open industries and business, carry out trade and take on
travelling with no restriction. All this established Indian expansionist
monopoly upon Nepal. Nepal allowed India to take control of the water
resources by signing Koshi Treaty in 1954 and Gandak Treaty in 1959. The
trade and transit treaty inked in 1960 with India created obstruction
to Nepal’s overseas trade and it frustrated country’s transit right.
This process continued. The Indo-Nepal security treaty signed in 1965
turned Nepal to be a country dependent upon India in the field of
armaments and military technology.
The aforesaid treaties and
agreements, on the one hand, express the unholy alliance between
domestic feudalism and Indian expansionism and, on the other, indicate
the brokerage of domestic feudalism towards foreign reaction as well.
These treaties and agreements have eased India to capture the natural
resources and heritages of Nepal, make Nepal its market, create
obstruction to domestic and foreign trades and deprive Nepal of
reserving national capital in the country.
Although, the first five year
plan, in 1956, said to place transportation, communication, agriculture,
industry, energy, irrigation etc. in priority, nevertheless it could
not be implemented. Six economic plans, from second to the seventh ones,
were taken up in Pachayati era. Also, relation with the countries
including China and America was extended. Kathmandu-Kodari and East-West
highways too were built. A number of industries were also established
in public sectors. Nevertheless, the wind of liberalisation started
blowing towards the end of Panchayati system.
After 1950, several acts regarding
land reform and land holding were enforced and many commissions were
constituted. On the one hand, systems like Birta, Raikar, Kipat
(Non-sellable land granted to certain communities) etc. were brought to
an end, and on the other, land reform programme was implemented in the
Panchayati period. To a certain extent, it imparted a blow to the
landlord class. Nevertheless, the land reform could not take place in
real sense; it produced middle class peasantry and consequently it
helped small peasant holdings to sustain. After Panchayati land reform,
the state of land holding remained like this:
Quantity of land in Hectares |
Family, percentage of total |
Land held in percentage of total |
Landless |
1.17 |
0.06 |
Up to 0.5 hectare |
42.62 |
11.26 |
From 0.5 hectare to 1 hectare |
26.1 |
19.25 |
From 1 hectare to 5 hectares |
28.73 |
55.59 |
From 5 hectare to 10 hectares |
1.7 |
8.06 |
Above 10 hectares |
0.30 |
5.82 |
Nepalese society and culture, ibid 178. Central bureau of statistics 1991.
This table shows that 70 per cent of the
families, each of which owns less than 1 hectare, possess 30 per cent
of total land and 30 per cent of families, each of which owns more than 1
hectare, possess 70 per cent of it. From this it is seen that there is
not only inequality in land holding, but ownership of land seems to
remain mainly in the hands of feudal i.e. landlord class.
In this period, the socio-economic
structure and the relations of production have been in semi-feudal,
semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition, and it has been affected by
globalized imperialism and neo-liberalism as well.
- Right after the end of Panchayati System and the establishment of multiparty parliamentary system in 1990, the Nepalese economy got connected more with neo-liberalism of globalized imperialism. Country’s big public industries have been privatized. Foreign investment and expansion of multinational corporations have been growing in different sectors. The privatization and commercialization of agriculture, industry, finance, education, health and communication have grown rapidly. The neoliberal structural adjustment programme has caused to impart a fatal blow to subsidy the regime had provided in agriculture, customs, agro-markets and the entire import and export. As a result, the country is in the brink of sinking in foreign debt, trade deficit and bankruptcy. The domination of financial sector has been increasing in the Nepalese economy. Nepal has become a playground of comprador and bureaucratic capitalism, not that of national capitalism. The socio-economic structure and relations of production of Nepal remained in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition from 1950 to 1989, and it continues to be so from 1990 to even now. Our study has focused on the analysis of this very condition.
- In their process of development, the neoliberalism has developed being connected with imperialism, the imperialism with capitalism, the capitalism with feudalism and the feudalism with imperialism. According to Marx, feudalism is formed of small quantity of peasant’s agriculture being combined with craftsmanship. Feudalism appears in different forms in different places. Generally, peasants in the feudal society provide labour, goods or money and render unpaid labour to the landlords for the land they use.
Commodity is produced in the feudal
system too; nevertheless, it is not mainly for sale and profit but for
consumption. It is known as a simple or initial type of commodity
production and it is expressed, to its maximum, by the formula: C-M-C.
In the history of mankind, capitalism has developed in general from the
embryo of feudalism. The capitalism emerges from capital. According to
Lenin two things are necessary for the birth of capitalism, they are:
one, the accumulation of certain amount of money in the hands of several
individuals and relatively a higher stage of development of commodity
production and two, the existence of free workers. From this
perspective, the accumulation of sufficient money, on the one hand, and
presence of huge number of workers forced to live on by selling their
labour, on the other, is unavoidably necessary for the capitalism to
develop. In addition to this, the main characteristic of capitalist
production is to buy for selling. It can be expressed by the formula
M-C-M. In the beginning, the capitalist economy was called liberalism.
It meant that the state must not create any obstacle to privatise and
grow capital.
In the process of its development,
capitalism took the form of imperialism and Lenin termed it as the
highest stage of capitalism. Imperialism and colonialism have a long
history, the term imperialism we say is classical imperialism propounded
by Lenin. The colonialism is linked with this very imperialism. When
imperialism establishes its direct rule by intervening upon the
under-developed countries to accumulate profit is called colonialism. In
the same manner, when imperialism fulfils it interest by way of
machination with feudalism in many under-developed countries to earn
super profit, but does not establish its direct rule, then those
countries turn to be in semi-feudal and semi-colonial condition. In such
countries, the growth of national capitalism is hindered and comprador
and bureaucratic capitalism flourishes. Right in this course, two big
world wars took place in the process of resolving the unusual
contradictions emerged among the imperialist countries in their attempt
to establish hegemony in many backward countries of Asia, Africa and
South America. In the course of First World War, Lenin issued the slogan
of civil war against imperialist war and socialist revolution succeeded
under the leadership of the proletariat in Russia. During the Second
World War, Stalin led struggle against fascism, and in this course, the
bourgeois democratic revolutions took place under the leadership of the
proletariat in many countries including China, East Europe, North Korea,
North Vietnam etc. Following the Second World War, the imperialism
indirectly established neo-colonies in the under-developed countries.
Right in this course, Nepal also changed into semi-feudal, semi-colonial
and neo-colonial condition.
- While arriving at the end of cold war through 80s, imperialism kept changing its cover externally and it emerged as globalised imperialism. It is formed of monopoly capitalism, financialization, neoliberalism and neo-colonialism. The essence of imperialism, as said by Lenin, is monopoly capitalism and there has been no any qualitative change in it yet. What is added in it later is that the centre of gravity of economy has mainly shifted from production to finance. It is known as financialization and it is a process of accretion of capital. Its characteristics have been expressed by building of multinational companies at the international level, decentralised production and centralised control, transfer of production from northern hemisphere to the southern one, internationalisation of work force, neoliberal economy, open market system, secondary role of the state in economy etc. and have undergone some changes externally. The Washington consensus was reached with some countries to implement neoliberal economy. And on the basis of this, it was decided to implement neoliberalism by means of the structural adjustment programme constituting institutions like World Bank and International Monetary Fund. In the Reagan-Thatcher period the apologists of imperialism trumpeted that neoliberalism has no alternative. In the midst of the centralisation and concentration of capital accumulation, on the one hand, and serious problems of unequal distribution of property, poverty and fulfilment of basic necessities, on the other, insoluble contradictions started emerging in the world and consequently all this led to a serious economic crisis. The crisis emerged in America, in 2008, is its concrete example.
- In consideration of the development of comprador and bureaucratic capitalism and the establishment of democratic republic in Nepal, what is being uttered today is that Nepal is no longer a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country and the bourgeois democratic revolution has already been accomplished here. Is it a fact? Certainly not, it requires clarity on it.
- Taking into account of some changes taken place nationally and internationally, the socio-economic structure, condition and relations of production of Nepal can be studied and analysed from different angles and aspects as follows:
First: from the standpoint of land
holding. According to the Eleventh Census, the total population of Nepal
is 26 million and 400 thousand. This total population is comprised of
553 thousand families. According to this census the total number of
families in Nepal is nearly 5.4 million and out of this about 3.72
million are peasant families. Thus, peasant families seem to share
nearly 70 per cent of the total population. According to the Sixth
Census of Agriculture, the state of land holding in Nepal is as
mentioned below.
Land holding (In hectares) |
Land holding (families) |
Land holding (area) |
thousands |
Per cent |
Thousand hectares |
Per cent |
Less than 0.1 hectare |
355.5 |
9.6 |
20.1 |
0.8 |
0.1 hectare – less than 0.2 hectare |
462.0 |
12.4 |
68.2 |
2.7 |
0.2 hectare – less than 0.5 hectare |
1169.5 |
31.5 |
396.7 |
15.7 |
0.5 hectare – less than 1.0 hectare |
984.0 |
26.5 |
695.1 |
27.6 |
1.0 hectare – less than 2.0 hectares |
549.0 |
14.8 |
749.8 |
29.7 |
2.0 hectares – less than 3.0 hectares |
129.4 |
3.5 |
308.6 |
12.2 |
3.0 hectares – less than 4.0 hectares |
39.5 |
1.1 |
134.4 |
5.3 |
4.0 hectares – less than 5.0 hectares |
14.9 |
0.4 |
65.4 |
2.6 |
5.0 hectares – less than 10.0 hectares |
10.7 |
0.3 |
69.2 |
2.7 |
10.0 hectares and more |
1.1 |
0.0 |
15.2 |
0.6 |
Total holdings |
3715.6 |
100.0 |
2522.5 |
100.0 |
According to the Sixth Census of
Agriculture, 53.5 per cent small peasants possess only 19.2 per cent of
land and 7.3 per cent rich peasants do 23.4 per cent. (Summary of the
Sixth Census of Agriculture 2011). It shows that number of small
peasants prevails in Nepal and on the other there is a big gap in the
distribution of land.
Second: from the standpoint of tenancy
right and share cropping. Here, tenancy based on rent system exists in
both forms, direct and indirect. Though the government statistics does
not give a clear picture of these things, however according to some data
the tenants comprise more than 20 per cent of the total population and
the estimated number of the unregistered tenants is more than 400
thousands. (High Level Land Reform Commission Report, 2011). According
to another report, the number of peasants who cultivate others’ land is
31.6 per cent of the total population. (Nepal living standard survey,
2010/11). In addition, share cropping system also continues here. From
this point of view, Nepal is still in the semi-feudal condition.
Third: from the standpoint of
subsistence farming. The traditional subsistence farming prevails in
Nepal. Modernisation and commercialisation is very less in agriculture.
According to the report (2012) prepared by the high level land reform
commission of the government of Nepal, the agricultural production of
Nepal is traditional and subsistence because of feudal production
Fourth: from the standpoint of
production and use in the agricultural sector. According to the census
of agriculture of 2010, the peasants involved in food grains are 91 per
cent and those in vegetables, fruits, livestock and fisheries etc. are
only 9 per cent. Of that production, 96.2 per cent is for use and 3.8
per cent is for sale. (Summary of National Census of Agricultural
2009/010, page 31, Central Bureau of Statistics).
Fifth: from the standpoint of Gross
Domestic Product. From the standpoint of structure of Gross Domestic
Product, the contribution of primary sector i.e. agriculture was 35.91
per cent in 2009/2010, 32.23 per cent in 2015/016 and 30.0 per cent in
2016/017. And contribution of the second sector i.e. industry was 14.61
per cent in 2009/010, 13.57 per cent in 2015/016 and 14.01 per cent in
2016/017. In the same manner, contribution of the third sector i.e.
service was 49.48 per cent in 2009/010, 54.20 per cent in 2015/016 and
55.99 per cent in 2016/017. (Economic Survey, 2016/017, data, page 8,
Government of Nepal). In the data above, on the one hand, the
contribution of industry is less than that of agricultural sector, and
on the other, the contribution of service sector has been increasing
while that of other two has been decreasing. When the contribution of
agriculture is 30 per cent, contribution of industry is 14.0 per cent
and service sector is 56.0 then from the standpoint of the structure of
Gross Domestic Product one cannot say that Nepal is a capitalist
Sixth: from the standpoint of industry:
The number of industries approved by the government to register and
conduct till the first eight months of 2016/017 was 6,834. They comprise
of agriculture and forest, construction, energy, mineral, service and
tourism industry. Of them, 52.9 per cent of capital is invested in power
industry, 23.1 per cent in production industry, 10.7 per cent in
service industry, 8 per cent in tourism industry, 3.4 per cent in
construction industry, 1.6 per cent in agriculture and forest industry
and 0.3 per cent in mineral industry. (Economic survey, page 7/8,
2016/017). Likewise, altogether 270 thousand 188 cottage and small
industries were registered in 2016/017. But, all of them are not in
running condition now. It shows that the condition of industry in Nepal
is very weak.
Seventh: from the standpoint of division
of workforce and employment. The workforce in Nepal can be studied
mainly in three categories – workforce based on agriculture in the
countryside, workforce based on industry and business in the urban areas
and the workforce based on foreign employment. According to the Central
Bureau of Statistics, 53.0 per cent of workforce in 1995/96, 37.0 per
cent in 2003/04 and 35.0 per cent in 2010/11 were involved in
agricultural sector. The workforce in non-agricultural sector is
involved mainly in manufacturing, construction and private service.
[Nepal Living Standards Survey 2010/11, Statistical Report Volume Two,
2011 Page 62]
From the standpoint of industrial
workforce and employment, the number of workers involved in industries
mentioned in the sixth point above is 536 thousand 181. (Economic survey
2016/017, page 160). Hence, the state of industrial workforce in Nepal
is very weak. The workforce, involved in cottage and small industries,
is about 65 thousand. In total, the workforce involved in industry is
about 600 thousand.
From the standpoint of foreign
employment, the condition is very much terrible. The unemployment,
semi-unemployment and pseudo-unemployment are very much widespread in
the country. The number of youths flying for foreign employment is
intensively rising, thanks to the lack of employment in the country.
Till the fiscal year 2015/016, the number of people who visited abroad
for foreign employment with government approval was 3 million, 619
thousand and 81, whereas 186 thousand and 166 more were added to it till
the first eight months of the fiscal year 2016/017. Hence, the number
of foreign employee has reached to 3 million, 806 thousand and 147.
(Economic Survey, Ibid page 119). In addition, the number of employees
with no government approval also is huge. Apart from this, a big number
consists of those who have gone to India for employment since years.
Hence, about a one-third of the population of Nepal has left country for
foreign employment. In this way, the condition of unemployed and
semi-employed people is very much disappointing. On the one hand, all of
those who have gone abroad for employment are connected with small
peasants’ subsistence farming in Nepal and, on the other, the number of
foreign employees has started declining and the employment is not
guaranteed in the foreign countries as well. The journey of uncertain
employment, leaving a huge quantity of land uncultivated, cannot be any
identity of wage labours and the main characteristics of the development
of capitalism.
Eighth: from the standpoint of agencies
who provide domestic loans. The contribution of loan-providers to the
households was: 18.0 per cent by banks, 49.0 per cent by merchants and
33.0 per cent by relatives in 1971/072 where as in 2010/011 it was: 20.0
per cent by bank, 25.1 per cent by merchants and 51.1 per cent by
relatives. (CBS – Nepal Living Standard Survey, 2010/011 Highlights).
What is clear from this data is that bank’s role in providing loan to
the households is less and the tradition of taking loan from merchants
and relatives is still more. It is not an indicator of the development
of capitalism.
Ninth: from the standpoint of saving and
investment. In Nepal, the process of capital accumulation and its
centralisation could not develop well. The trend of spending the surplus
value, gained from agriculture, by feudal in luxury, the tendency of
using money in unproductive sectors in buildings and building-sites, the
government’s thinking of discouraging protection of industries and
national investment and the uncertainty of internal and external markets
as well have caused serious problems in national industries and
businesses of Nepal. Moreover, the rise of investment in financial
sector not in production, on the one hand, and return of profit back to
investor’s country, on the other, indicates the state of capital flight.
This situation is strong evidence that our country is still in
semi-feudal and semi-colonial condition and is trapped in neoliberal
Tenth: from the standpoint of financial
market. Capital market and currency market fall under the financial
market. The capital market that had started after the establishment of
Nepal Bank Limited in 1937 and Nepal Industrial development Corporation
in 1959 proceeded in a systematic way when it reached to the founding of
Nepal Stock Exchange in 1993 through Security Exchange Centre. It has
been playing its role in economy by means of saving, investment, share,
bond etc. Currency is traded in currency market. Central bank,
commercial bank etc. play an important role in it. The financial market
is the one from which money is earned from money. It runs not according
to the formula M-C-M, but M-M. It is an inseparable part of financial
capitalism. Thanks to the growth of financial market in Nepal, the
manufacturing industries are declining.
Eleventh: from the standpoint of trade
and transit. Trade is of two types: internal and external. Nepal has
been confronting serious problems in the internal and external trade,
because she is in semi-feudal and neo-colonial condition, on the one
hand, and Nepal as a landlocked country has been facing transit problem,
on the other. Also, neoliberalism and open market economy have
destroyed the trade of Nepal. Nepal has been forced to suffer serious
trade deficit every year for the reasons that the natural and human
resources have not been used for the interest of country and people,
necessary attention has not been paid to the growth of agriculture and
agricultural production, country has been forced to export raw and cheap
items but import refined and expensive commodities, country has been in
no state of competing with other strong economies and the government
has been escaping from its duty of defending national interest.
Twelfth: from the standpoint of foreign
loan and aid. Though, Nepal had started receiving foreign aid since
before 1950 but she has been regularly receiving it from 1952. The
country that helped Nepal before 1950 was British India and it was
America to provide aid in 1952. All of the development expenditure
brought about by the first economic plan in 1956-1961 was based on the
foreign aid. Later on, while arriving at the tenth plan in 2002-2007,
the rate of foreign aid was 56.6 per cent, with ups and downs in
between. The economists say that it is a matter of concern.
The foreign aid has two aspects: loan
and grant. Nepal has been taking both types of aids. Nepal started
receiving aid from Aid Group from 1969 after she became member of the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The foreign aid Nepal
receives is of two types: bilateral and multilateral i.e. they are some
countries and international organisations. The countries, which provide
aid to Nepal, are America, India, Russia, China, Germany, Britain etc.
In the same manner, the international financial organisations that grant
aid to Nepal are World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian
Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, European Union,
Global Fund etc.
Comparing the contribution of foreign
aid in the total national budget of the last 6 years, the part of
foreign aid in 2009/2010 was 27.46 per cent, while that of 2014/015 has
been 20.05 per cent. (Development Aid Report, Fiscal year 2014/015, page
The foreign loan and aid are regarded as
a strong economic base and means of neo-colonialism. Though, it may not
be correct to put all foreign loans and aids in one basket, but the
character of these types of loans and aids is certainly neo-colonial.
Thirteenth: from the standpoint of class
structure. From the standpoint of class structure, mainly four kinds of
classes are seen in Nepal, they are: reactionary class, oppressed and
working class, petty-bourgeois class and middle class. In the context
when the structure of Nepalese society is in semi-feudal, semi-colonial
and neo-colonial condition, the comprador and bureaucratic capitalist
and landlord fall under reactionary class and of them the role of feudal
and landlord class is secondary where as that of comprador and
bureaucratic bourgeoisie is principal. They represent the backward
relations of production based on the right and interest of imperialism,
expansionism and feudalism and they are opposed to the development of
new productive forces. The leadership and dictatorship of this very
class exists in the state power. For some years now, the process of
brokerage has been growing also from those, who were progressive,
leftist and communist before. The domination of neo-elites, neo-rich and
neo-brokers has been growing in the country. This very class should be
taken as the enemy force of revolution. Industrial worker is the most
oppressed and working class. The size of this class is also small
because the number of industries and factories is less in Nepal. It
works in various industries and businesses. It is the main
representative of new productive force and the leading class of
revolution. The number of proletariat has started growing from the rural
and urban semi-proletariat. A big part of the poor and middle peasants,
craftsmen, small traders, professors, teachers, lawyers, doctors, civil
employees, students and intelligentsia fall under the petty-bourgeois
class. This class has been oppressed by feudalism, imperialism and
expansionism and it supports revolution. The whole middle peasants fall
under this class. A big part of foreign employees is from this class. It
is the basic ally of revolution. Middle class is basically the national
bourgeoisie. This class is the representative of capitalist relation of
production. This class is opposed, on the one hand, to comprador and
bureaucratic capitalist and feudal class, and on the other, to the
proletariat as well. It vacillates between revolution and the
counter-revolution. Some argue that national bourgeoisie does not exist
in Nepal because the domination of neoliberalism, multinational
companies and globalised imperialism has been increasing. However, it is
not a fact, national bourgeoisie exists in Nepal, but it is weak and
its political party has not been able to shape up yet. The national
bourgeoisie should be considered as an ally of Nepalese new democratic
revolution. A big section of poor peasants, small craftsmen,
semi-workers working in shops and semi-employed people, fall under the
semi-proletariat class. It is very much oppressed and on the other it is
sliding towards proletariat class.
Fourteenth: from the standpoint of
oppressed masses. Women, Dalits, indigenous nationalities, Madheshis,
Muslims and masses from the under-developed regions have been oppressed
since long by the feudal, comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie in
Nepal. The feudal patriarchy has made women the domestic slaves. Their
ownership upon land is very insignificant. According to the Census of
Agriculture in 2011, women own 19.0 per cent of land where as men do
81.0 per cent. Likewise, Dalits are oppressed by various forms of
oppressions including feudal Brahmanism, Manuvadi untouchability etc.
About 25 per cent of Dalits in hills and 45 per cent in Madhesh are
landless and of the 77 per cent of Dalits, each family possess land less
than one-tenth of a hectare. (Agrarian revolution in Nepal, dimensions
of possibilities, 2015, page 50). Muslims have been oppressed by Hindu
Brahmanism. In the same manner, Karnali and Seti-Mahakali regions have
been oppressed by regressive state power centred at Kathmandu. Although
all these fall mainly under comprador, bureaucratic bourgeois and feudal
class oppression, but all of them are oppressed by high caste
Brahminist hegemony and they have their independent collective identity
as well. Moreover, all of these communities have been oppressed
internally by feudalism and externally by imperialism and expansionism.
Fifteenth: From the standpoint of
government policy, plan and programme. In the Nepalese economy, the
policy, plan and programme determined by the government are made on the
one hand by keeping at centre the unequal treaties and on the other the
right and interest of comprador, bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the feudal
class. The entire plans, from the first to the fourteenth, and the
policy and budget that guide them are connected with this objective.
Country is in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition and
at the later part of time it has also been trapped in neoliberalism. The
neoliberalism that had entered into Nepal towards the end of Panchayati
era started increasing its influence after 1990. The state adopted
industrial policy compatible to economic liberalisation and
globalisation in 1993. It pushed neoliberalism ahead in a systematic
way, adopted open market economy and privatization, escaped from its
economic liability, declared commitment to structural adjustment, after
obtaining membership of the World Trade Organisation etc. Consequently,
the economic sector was deprived of government subsidy and protection.
Big industries owned by the government got destroyed and the country
started facing unprecedented deficit in foreign trade. These kinds of
policies, plans and programmes have been implemented in connivance of
comprador and bureaucratic capitalism, feudalism, imperialism and
expansionism. It has further reinforced comprador and bureaucratic
capitalism as opposed to the independent national economy.
- The conclusion of study, which has been carried out here about the socio-economic structure of Nepal, is as follows:
- According to the Census of 2011 of Nepal, the total number of households has been 5 million and 427 thousand, out of this the peasant households are found to be 3 million 831 thousand and the total population has reached to be 26 million and 515 thousand. Out of this, 71 per cent of total households are connected with agriculture in any form and the peasant families add up to 78 per cent of total population. According to National Sample Census of Agriculture 2011/012, the peasant families numbering 115 thousand and 538 are landless. Even after six years now, the situation is basically the same with some partial changes. Therefore, Nepal is still an agricultural country.
- Taking into consideration of the structure of GDP, the contribution of agricultural sector is 30 per cent, that of industrial sector is 14 per cent and that of service sector is 56 per cent. The recurrent decrease in contribution of agriculture is not because the contribution of industry has increased; but because the regime has laid emphasis on economic liberalisation, subsidy in agriculture has been decreased and the workforce involved in agriculture has been forced for foreign employment. In this way, the recurring decrease in the contribution of agriculture and industry and increase in the contribution of service cannot be regarded as the development of industrial capitalism.
- The one, who possess land, is called landowner. Out of the 2 million and 500 thousand hectares of land cultivated in Nepal, 2 million and 363 thousand hectares is used in agriculture. In view of the ownership in land, the small peasants that make up 53 per cent of total households possess 19 per cent of land and rich or landlord families which make up 5 per cent of total households possess 24 per cent of land. The remaining middle peasants which make up 42 per cent of the total households possess 57 per cent of land. Thus, the households involved in agriculture are divided into three classes as: poor peasants, middle peasants and rich or landlord peasants. Apart from this, landless peasants, squatters, Hali, Gothala, Kamaiya, Haruwa and Charuwa (different kinds of bonded labours) also make a big number. Thus, on the one hand, there is inequality in land distribution and, rich peasants and landlords seem to have owned more land compared to small and poor peasants, while on the other, the number of peasants with small holding seems to be much more. Those, who are called rich peasants or landlords, are not the owners of land only; they own industries and businesses as well. Whereas those, who are known as poor and middle peasants, are connected not with agriculture only but with other professions and labour as well. This kind of holding is based on petty production, trade and usury too. In this situation, a peasant with small holding can simultaneously be a landowner, a labour and a small capitalist. This is a kind of pre-capitalist, natural or subsistence economy. But, this economy is connected with imperialism and expansionism too. This state of land holding is called to be in semi-feudal condition.
- The owner of capital is called a capitalist. Three kinds of capitalists are operative in Nepal. They are: industrial capitalists, mercantile capitalists and financial capitalists. When the accumulation of national capital was obstructed in Nepal, the development of industrial capitalists had also hindered. The industrial capitalist is related with industry, mercantile capitalist with trade and financial capitalist with currency and capital market. Here, on the one hand, the share of internal capital in industrial capital is weak while, on the other, foreign investment is growing. The mercantile capitalists trade the domestic production very less and imported commodities much more. Ultimately the profit, which is earned from this kind of business, goes back to foreign countries and thus the capital flights. The usury capital had been developing traditionally in the country, but in the later part of time, financial capital has developed after the banks were established. This capital is not used in productive sector and its character is regressive. Thus, all kinds of capitals said above have changed into comprador and bureaucratic capital and the capitalists said above have changed into comprador and bureaucratic ones. This kind of capital, on the one hand, hinders the development of national capital and, on the other, protects small peasant economy present in the country in a very painful state.
- The real owner of labour force is called the proletariat. The number of industrial proletariat is very small here. The unemployment and semi-unemployment, which has been growing in the vast countryside, is producing a big number of semi-proletariat from among the landless, squatter and poor peasants. But, on the one hand, it is connected with agriculture in either form; while on the other, a big part of population has been compelled to take a flight to abroad for jobs. Thus, Nepal has become such a country that exports domestic agricultural raw materials to abroad. In this manner, the proletariat, which is free from productive forces including agriculture and is called “free” proletariat to paraphrase Lenin, has not developed in our country.
- The financial activities, by which the government has been chalking out policy, plan and programme and presenting budget, seem to have strengthened comprador and bureaucratic capitalism not the national capitalism. This job is being done fast by a) keeping the backward relations of production alive, b) creating obstruction to the growth of national capital, c) strengthening further the hegemony of neo-colonialism in the name of foreign aid. And, d) in keeping with the concept of corporate farming under globalisation and liberalisation, attempts have been made to create such a condition, in which the existence of farming based on small holding and small peasant is brought to an end and a huge number of unemployed youth generated by this process is compelled to take their flight to abroad. Hence a situation, in which the comprador and bureaucratic capitalism gets stronger and the national independence of the country is jeopardised, seems to come about. Although the government has said that there will be a conciliatory role of private, cooperative and public sectors in economy but it has given priority to the private sector. It is, in fact, the influence and interference of globalised imperialism and neo-liberalism.
- Nepal is still in a semi-feudal condition because, some of the characteristics that include Kut (a fixed amount of grain given to the landlord) system, share cropping, small peasant farming and subsistence economy based on feudal production still persist. Notwithstanding this, semi-feudal condition is weakening and the comprador and bureaucratic capitalism, not the industrial one, is developing.
In the same manner, Nepal is still in
semi-colonial condition, because several unequal treaties have been
signed first with British India and later with India. As a result, Nepal
has not been able to utilise human and the natural resources including
water, energy, herbs etc. The development of independent and
self-reliant economy of Nepal has been hindered due to the unholy
alliance of comprador and bureaucratic capitalist and feudal class with
imperialism and expansionism.
In the same manner, Nepal is in
neo-colonial condition, because the imperialism, after the Second World
War, has adopted neo-colonial policy and also Indian expansionism after
the return of British imperialism from India has been following
neo-colonial policy towards Nepal. Using the comprador and bureaucratic
bourgeoisie and feudal class as their agents, forming their puppet
government and pretending various aids, the Indian expansionism by
itself and in alliance with imperialism has been maintaining its
hegemony in economic, political, military and cultural sectors of Nepal.
Several imperialist countries, in their own or through Indian
expansionism, have been spreading their domination in Nepal. However,
Indian hegemony and domination is prevalent here.
Thus, though many characteristics of
semi-feudal and semi-colonial condition continue in Nepal, but as a
whole, the neo-colonial condition is dominant. Since long, capitalism
has been developing in Nepal. But that capitalism is not industrial
capitalism. It is comprador and bureaucratic capitalism based on the
alliance between feudalism and imperialism/expansionism. It has become a
forbidding hurdle to the development of independent and self-reliant
economy and industrial capitalism of Nepal.
Therefore, in order to develop an
independent national economy opposed to comprador and bureaucratic
capitalism, to resolve basic and the principal contradictions existing
in the society and to prepare base for socialism, the new democratic
revolution is a must. The new democratic revolution has been and will be
a target against imperialism, expansionism, feudalism and comprador and
bureaucratic capitalism.
- Some of the political parties, intellectuals and right opportunists have been creating confusion that the bourgeois democratic revolution has been accomplished in Nepal and now the line of socialist revolution, not of the new democratic revolution, should be pursued. It demands clarity.
First: taking the issues like republic,
federalism, secularism, inclusive proportional representation as base,
the logic that bourgeois democratic revolution has already been
accomplished in Nepal is totally wrong and a confusing concept. In fact,
bourgeois democratic revolution has not been accomplished in Nepal,
because: 1) here the old state power and the old state machinery of
comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the feudal class still
continues, there have been some changes in governance from Rana period
to now but the leadership and dictatorship of comprador and bureaucratic
bourgeoisie and feudal class in the state power remains the same. 2) In
a semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial country like Nepal, the
democratic and national revolutions are carried out simultaneously, not
in two different stages. Here, on the one hand, the problem of democracy
has not yet been solved and, on the other, the imperialist and
expansionist intervention and oppression are intensifying further, let
alone their end. 3) Here, new state power has not been set up under the
leadership of the proletariat and joint dictatorship of the oppressed
masses, consistent with the concept of new democratic revolution. But
contrarily, the path of class and national capitulation before the
domestic and foreign reactions has been followed. 4) The domination of
comprador and bureaucratic capital still continues in the field of
people’s livelihood and the entire economy including agriculture,
industry, commerce, education and health, and the imperialist
globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation have been intensified
further. The industrial capital has not developed here.
So far as the question of the end of
monarchy and the establishment of republic is considered as the sole
criteria of the completion of bourgeois democratic revolution, it is not
correct. Because, the countries can be republics in which semi-feudal
condition exists and there can be monarchy where the bourgeois
democratic revolution has been accomplished.
Second, what the entire opportunists and
revisionists say is that whether it be comprador and bureaucratic
capitalism or national or industrial capitalism, ultimately it is
capitalism. This logic is absolutely wrong. Because: 1) there is
qualitative and fundamental difference between comprador and
bureaucratic capitalism, and industrial capitalism. The comprador and
bureaucratic capitalism is established under the leadership of comprador
and bureaucratic capitalist and feudal class in the countries, which
are in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition. The
industrial capitalism is established only after the establishment of new
democratic state power under the leadership of the proletariat. 2) The
comprador and bureaucratic capitalism is inseparable part of imperialism
whereas the industrial capitalism is that of scientific socialism. 3)
The comprador and bureaucratic capitalism continues with the same old
state power and is instrumental to imperialist and expansionist
oppression while the industrial capitalism prepares objective basis to
go to scientific socialism.
Third: today, many right opportunists
have started saying that the political revolution in Nepal has been
completed; now the economic revolution should be carried out. In fact,
it is also absolutely wrong. The apologists of present state power,
system and the constitution have been creating confusion that political
revolution has been completed and now economic revolution should be
carried out. First, the relation between political and economic
revolutions should be understood as the relation between superstructure
and base. The economy is principal in between politics and economy in
general, even then they influence each other and one changes into
another. Nevertheless, there is identity between the economic base of
the present semi-feudal, semi-colonial and mainly neo-colonial relations
of production and the superstructure of democratic republic. It does
not have any sense in the saying that political revolution has been
completed and what is remaining now is economic revolution. Secondly,
while talking about politics and economy, the revolution which is
mentioned here is merely the misuse of terminology. Because, the
comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal class had the state
power in their hand yesterday, it is true for today and they are going
to continue with it even in the days to come. In the same manner, the
comprador and bureaucratic capitalist class had dominated in the
economic field yesterday, it is true for today and they are going to
pursue it even tomorrow. Those who stand for liberalism, privatisation
and open market economy under the guidance of globalised imperialism and
expansionism cannot make revolution in economy. The term revolution
they are using now is nothing other than illusion.
Fourth: they blame that those who argue
democratic revolution has not been accomplished in Nepal and the country
is still in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition are
dogmatists and traditionalists and claim that they are creative
Marxists. Firstly, it is a traditional accusation the right opportunists
make of the revolutionaries. Secondly, the Marxists also oppose
dogmatists. The question here is: whether one opposes dogmatism from the
Marxist angle or revisionist angle. In fact, what we have seen and
experienced is that those who accuse revolutionary Marxists of
dogmatists in the name of being creative Marxists have not used Marxism
creatively but have helped reaction against Marxism and have ultimately
changed into reaction. Exactly, it has been happening since long in
Fifth: Some of the people say capitalism
has developed in Nepal with a logic that the peasants with small
holding are bourgeoisie and foreign employees, unemployed and
semi-employed people are the proletariat. It is not correct as well.
Because, a big section of people, which are considered to be bourgeoisie
and the proletariat as such, are linked with traditional farming on the
one hand, and they are related with semi-feudal, semi-colonial and
neo-colonial condition, on the other. The peasants with small holding
cannot be said as pure bourgeoisie and semi-unemployed people as free
proletariat. But, it is sure that a big section of them is going to
become proletariat.
Sixth: Those, who argue that the
bourgeois democratic revolution has been realised and now the socialist
revolution should be made in Nepal, are in fact the defender of present
state power and the parliamentary system, not the advocates of socialist
revolution. Because, 1) they have made the implementation of the
constitution that protects regressive state power and the parliamentary
system a central question of their politics, 2) they have disproved the
path of violence and have followed the path of peaceful transition by
saying that socialism can be reached by way of constitution amendment,
3) they are transforming into super rich and neo-elite class people by
collaborating with comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and 4) they
have pursued the path of class and national capitulation and they have
become part of counter-revolution, not of the revolution.
- Nepal has been oppressed since long by a hybrid culture which is formed of feudalism, imperialism and the expansionism. The feudal culture is made up of spiritualism, idealism, Brahmanism, Hinduism and the perverted values and conducts of other religions. It is opposed to people and workforce. Imperialist culture is distorted capitalist culture. It is based on nihilism, anarchism and consumerism. The expansionist culture is derogatory, intrusive and dominating one. The revisionist culture that favours class collaboration supports this type of hybrid culture. A democratic, national and scientific culture also is developing amid people’s struggle against this type of culture.
- There are three kinds of basic contradictions in Nepal, which is in semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition. They are: 1) the contradiction between the domestic reactionaries formed of comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal class and, the broad masses, 2) the contradiction between Nepali nation and people and imperialism and expansionism and 3) the contradiction between capital and labour. The entire oppressed masses including workers, peasants, petty-bourgeoisie, handicraftsmen along with national bourgeoisie and women, Dalits, indigenous nationalities, Tharus, Madheshis, Muslim and masses from the oppressed region fall under the category: broad masses. In the present stage of new democratic revolution, the comprador and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal class make the principal enemy. These classes are directed and conducted by imperialism in general and the Indian expansionism in particular. Now the contradiction between the comprador and bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism at one pole and the broad masses at the other is the principal contradiction. Of these contradictions, the contradiction between class enemies and the masses should be resolved by new democratic revolution. The contradictions among the class enemies should be utilised to make the revolution advance, and contradictions among the people should be resolved in a comradely way.
- In order to liberate country from semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition and to defend national independence, establish people’s democracy and to solve the basic problems of people’s livelihood, party’s basic programme i.e. the minimum programme of new democracy is as follows.
- Establishment of new democratic republic
The new democratic state power of Nepal
will be established under the leadership of the proletariat and the
joint dictatorship of oppressed classes and the broad masses. This state
power will target against comprador and bureaucratic capitalism,
feudalism, imperialism and expansionism. Moreover, it is targeted
against patriarchy, Brahmanism, high caste egotism, high caste hilly
egotism and also the central monopoly. The governance of the new
democratic state power will be conducted by the concept of democratic
centralism. Nepal will be a secular country. The new democratic state
power is neither the old state power established under the dictatorship
of the bourgeoisie in the countries of Europe including France in the
past nor is it the socialist state power established under the
leadership and dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia. The new
democratic state power politically, economically and culturally prepares
the basis to enter into socialism by setting the country free from
semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition. The new democracy
is an inseparable part of scientific socialism.
- National independence and sovereignty
The national independence, territorial
integrity and sovereignty of the country should be defended against
imperialism and expansionism. New treaties on the new basis should be
signed by abrogating the entire unequal treaties that have been done in
different time and issues against the nation and people. The national
independence should be connected with proletarian internationalism, not
with ultra-nationalism.
- Realisation of workers’ interest and right
Realisation of the basic right of the
workers, determination of minimum wage and appropriate salary should be
guaranteed. By bringing the entire suppression and oppression upon the
working class to an end, the proletariat should be made the leader and
owner of the state power. The energy embodied in the workforce should be
established and bloomed. Worker’s right to carry out movement and
strikes should be guaranteed.
- End of feudal holding and revolutionary land reform
The revolutionary land reform should be implemented by confiscating the land and agro-tools owned by the landlords and Guthis
and distributing them to the landless and poor peasants. Land
segmentation carried out by brokers and land mafias must be brought to
an end. The land should be nationalised. Emphasis should be laid to
develop scientific, professional and co-operative agricultural system
and establish industries based on agriculture and forest. Agriculture
should be modernised.
- Federalism with national identity
Accepting theoretically the right to
self-determination, the federalism with national and regional autonomy,
inclusive proportionate representation and oppressed national identity
should be established. Internally the feudal Brahmanism and externally
the imperialism and expansionism should be opposed for this. A strong
unity between oppressed masses and working class should be maintained.
- Arrangement of prerogatives
Equal right to women as men should be
provided in all fields. All sorts of oppression and discrimination to
women, Dalits and Muslim community and handicapped ones should be ended
and, freedom and privileges should be accepted and established for them.
Prerogative is the right of compensation for the oppressed masses who
were extremely oppressed in various fields.
- Proportional/inclusive representation
Proper arrangement of rights including
proportional/inclusive representation should be made available to those
workers, peasants and oppressed masses, who have been dominated and
exploited since long. The system of full proportional representation
should be adopted in election.
- On the right of national bourgeoisie
The class, which is opposed to comprador
and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the feudal class, is national
bourgeoisie. This class plays an important role in the struggle against
globalised imperialism and the expansionism. Though this class is weak,
necessary initiative should be taken to strengthen it and establish its
right and interest. This class should be encouraged to ease socialism by
developing national capital.
- Building of independent national economy
In order to build up an independent
national economy, stress should be laid to develop national capital by
nationalising the comprador and bureaucratic capital that has been
dominating in agricultural, commercial and financial sectors since long.
The basic industries should be established and developed in the public
sectors. Foreign trade should be made national interest friendly and
should be stressed to make it export-oriented. The transit right should
be established with no restrictions. The national industries and
national productions should be developed by bringing to an end the
monopoly of multinational companies and neo-liberal economy that have
been dominating world economy in the name of free market. Land use
policy and the development of infrastructures should be emphasized for
the overall development of industries. The international open border
should be closed.
- Independent foreign policy
New relation on the new basis should be
established by undoing the entire unequal treaties and agreements. A
friendly relation that is based on the concept of peaceful co-existence
and Panchasheel with all countries should be developed. The national
liberation, democratic and socialist movements being waged against
imperialism, expansionism and reactions the world over should be upheld.
Good neighbourhood relation should be established with China and India.
- Judiciary responsible to people
A judiciary responsible to people should
be established to provide speedy, accessible, independent and impartial
justice for the people. The working class people and the oppressed
masses should avail real justice. For this purpose, the courts should be
responsible to people and the legislature.
- People’s democratic education system
The public sector should be established
by doing away with the privatisation and commercialisation of education.
Laying emphasis to the development of labour-oriented, vocational and
technical education, the people’s democratic, national and scientific
education should be established.
- Main basic problems
Special emphasis should be laid to solve
the basic problems of livelihood of the workers and oppressed people
along with those of education, health, food sovereignty, employment and
shelter. The state should take the solution of these problems as its
liability and they should be solved in real life.
- People’s scientific culture
By bringing the oppression of feudalism,
imperialism and expansionism in the field of ideology, literature, art
and culture to an end, the people’s democratic, national and scientific
culture should be developed. Any kind of oppression, intervention and
domination carried out in the religious sectors should be brought to an
end. By establishing the progressive stream in ideology, art, literature
and culture under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the feudal
elitism, Brahmanism, bourgeois modernism, post-modernism, cultural
imperialism, consumerism, expansionism and revisionism should be
opposed. The protection, development and invention of the cultural and
artistic things and pro-people national and progressive art, literature
and culture with historical and archaeological importance should be
carried on.
- In order to accomplish new democratic revolution in Nepal, formation of a revolutionary communist party, people’s army and united front is necessary. Of these three weapons of revolution, the revolutionary party plays the principal role.
- In order to liberate the country from the semi-feudal, semi-colonial and neo-colonial condition, armed people’s revolution is necessary. In the history of revolution, the military lines, based on armed people’s insurrection and the protracted people’s war, have been used. The military line too develops with the development of society. None must confine oneself within a certain form of armed struggle and either form may be used as required. However in the present context, taking into account of the past mass movements, armed struggle and mainly the base and experience of people’s war, the line of armed people’s insurrection based on the Nepalese characteristics should be adopted.
- In order to provide a correct direction to the Nepalese revolution and make it success, the ideological struggle against all forms of revisionism and mainly the right revisionism, in the present context, should be effectively carried on.
- The development of Nepalese revolution takes place in two stages. They are: new democratic and socialist revolutions. Now the Nepalese revolution is in new democratic stage. After completing the stage of new democratic revolution in Nepal, we will enter into the stage of socialist revolution. The communism is our ultimate goal and destination
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