Dear comrades,
Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo (Long March Towards Communism) has supported your call for 25 January 2014 Great International Day of Solidarity and Struggle with the Political Prisoners in India through making its blog a loudspeaker to create public opinion on the political prisoners of India and denounce their “living” conditions and sufferings in the sinister jails of the so-called “biggest democracy of the world”.
Between 20 and 25 January 2014, and on a daily basis, the Spanish Marxist-Leninist-Maoist blog of Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo selected, translated for the first time into Spanish and posted 6 different items related to the situation of the men and women political prisoners in India, the testimony of the hard conditions they experience, the tortures they suffer, their struggle through seat-in protests and hunger strikes, etc. All of these articles were headed with a link to the statement by the International Committee in Support of the People´s War in India calling for the 25 January 2014 Great International Day of Support and Solidarity with the Political Prisoners in India.
The texts in Spanish posted were:
MFPR Italia - India - ¡Por la libertad incondicional de todos los presos políticos! ¡Estamos del lado de las camaradas, mujeres, que son un corazón revolucionario decisivo de la Guerra Popular!
El mundo brutal de los presos políticos en la India
India - Movilización de presos de la Prisión Central de Lok Nayak Kai Prakash Narayan en Hazaribag
La tortura método rutinario de interrogatorio en la India: Wikileaks
India: Poner fin a las agresiones contra las mujeres presas en la Prisión de Byculla, Bombay
India - Libertad para los presos políticos
Furthermore, all of these 6 texts were sent daily by email to approximately 150 contacts, including political parties and organizations, class oriented trade unions, revolutionary media and progressive people not only from Spain but also from different countries of Europe, Latin America, Asia and North Africa.
Besides your blog, several other Communist and revolutionary blogs and websites from different countries (i.e. Revolución Naxalita, Maoist Road, Odio de Clase, Dazibao Rojo, Luminoso Futuro, Kaypakkaya Partizan) have reproduced at the same time these texts, helping in spreading the support to the political prisoners in India and making the working class and people of the world becoming more conscious on the situation faced by the political prisoners in India and for their unconditioned release.
Warmest internationalist greetings
Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo (Spain)
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