Saturday, March 29, 2014

Afghanistan - Let’s Boycott the Elections that would determine the prime national-traitor from the list of national traitors - Communist (Maoist) Party Afghanistan February 24, 2014!

Let’s Boycott the Elections that would determine the prime national-traitor from the list of national traitors!

The puppet regime’s third presidential election possesses particular importance. In this election the person who would be chosen as the president of the puppet regime will sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the American imperialist occupiers and become the regime's main implementer of the agreement for the next five years. Whoever wins the position of the prime national-traitor, will not change the anti-patriotic, anti-national and anti-people orientation of the puppet regime following the election. All candidates running in this election have already announced that they would sign the agreement with the American imperialists.
The signing of the BSA with the American imperialists by the future helmsman of the puppet regime means that the American military strategic bases will remain in Afghanistan until 2024, or even until 2034. Therefore, the condition of our country's occupation, and the national servitude of our people, will be prolonged: the occupying forces will continue to remain the actual rulers of Afghanistan, the land and air of the country will remain under their control, and the vicious incursions and onslaughts against the country and its people will continue. It is possible that the puppet regime under a new president might have slightly more authority in particular areas, although its essence as a satrap puppet regime would fundamentally remain intact. Unemployment, poverty, hunger, addiction, oppression of women and oppressed nationalities, theft and plunder of the commons, plunder of mineral resources and destruction of the environment will continue to affect this already ravaged country and wreak havoc upon its people.
Under such circumstances the peace-mongering of the imperialists and the national traitors is nothing other than the calm that predator animals desire before hunting; it will only result in further bloodshed and the continuation of the occupiers' and the national traitors' brutality. When the invading armies and the imperialist occupying forces continue to have a prolonged presence in this country, our people have no other option than to continue and carry out an equally prolonged resistance.
In this context, our primary responsibility is still to continue to prepare for the initiation of a more immediate and principled revolutionary people’s national war of resistance against the imperialist occupiers and their national traitor satraps. The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, in order to progress further along this path of struggle, calls for election boycotts, the principal objective of which is to determine the preeminent national traitor planning to sign the strategic agreement with the American occupiers. We desire the solidarity, support and coordination of all national democratic and revolutionary forces in the joint struggle against the imperialist occupiers and their national traitor satraps.

Communist (Maoist) Party Afghanistan
February 24, 2014


Statement of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan on the Bilateral Security Agreement between the American imperialists and the Puppet Regime:

Bilateral Security Agreement and the Imposition of a Prolonged and broad Resistance on the People of Afghanistan

On November 21, 2013 the puppet regime convened its fourth sham Loya Jirga. The first Emergency Loya Jirga was held to endorse the imperialist invasion and subsequent occupation of Afghanistan and the enslaving decisions of the gathering of the national traitors in Bonn held under the plumage of the invading imperialists for approving the puppet regime of Hamid Karzai. The second Loya Jirga was held to ratify the colonial constitution; the third Loya Jirga was held to approve the Strategic Agreement between the American imperialists and its satraps. The issue for the current and fourth Loya Jirga, then, is the signing of the Bilateral Security Agreement which will grant strategic military bases to the American occupiers and its imperialist allies in Afghanistan. Formally, the imperialist occupation and the colonial condition of the country will be prolonged for many years to come.
Thus, the regime that in the eleven years of its shameful existence has held two fraudulent general presidential and parliamentary elections, and has upholding the feudal institution of Loya Jirgas four times, has served the objectives of the imperialist occupiers––all of these elections and Loya Jirgas have been orchestrated to nurture the puppet regime. Hence, the country's condition is colonial and semi-feudal. Colonial in the sense that the fate of Afghanistan and its people is ultimately determined by the imperialist occupiers. Semi-feudal in the sense that the reactionary ruling classes forming the puppet regime possess both feudal and bourgeois comprador characteristics in a proportion similar to the ratio between the Loya Jirgas and the sham elections.
In fact, since the inception of the disgraceful puppet regime, Loya Jirgas, and not the fraudulent and sham elections, have been the real source of decision making. Now the occupying imperialists, through their imported feudal and bourgeois comprador democracy, are holding a Loya Jirga to earn legality and legitimacy for their occupation under the name of the people of Afghanistan. However, our people clearly understand that the overwhelming majority of the participants of the Loya Jirga have been carefully selected by the occupiers and the upper brass of the puppet regime, bought with hundreds of millions of dollars, to approve and ratify the continued existence of the occupying forces and consequently ensure this regime's survival and continuation. Therefore, we cannot call the decisions of such a gathering the expression of the free will of the people of Afghanistan.
Additionally, this Loya Jirga is intended to formalize the conditions that have been in existence for the past eleven years with the explicit agreement of the puppet regime––conditions that are this regime's source of vitality. Although the legal immunity of the occupying forces has been, without exception, an informal fact since the beginning of the invasion and occupation, in the past year the puppet regime has only now made this an issue of contention so as to cast itself as independent and nationalist The puppet regime's fictitious independence, and its opposition to the killings of civilians and intractable military operations, is nothing new. But such exhibitions have never stopped the murder of civilians, nor have they curtailed the reckless military operations of the occupying forces.
The reality, despite all phony political shows, is the presence of the occupying forces and the colonial condition of the country under occupation. Such a condition can take various forms and configurations, as well as different levels of intensity; no cunning, deception or masquerades can remove its objective and subjective effects.
Right now a legal opposition to the granting of legal immunity to the occupying forces has been constructed; it will be brought to the Loya Jirga so as to play a “democratic” role. The participants of this so-called opposition have divergent incentives. The objections of some of members of this opposition are intended as a bargaining chip for gaining a better colonial agreement. Others oppose the agreement simply because they are afraid of being targeted by the armed opposition; otherwise they do not have any disagreement. Others are those who are consciously playing the role of opposition in order to complete the political drama. Then there is a fourth section of this legal opposition that consists of those who are under the delusion that if they oppose the legal immunity for the occupying forces they will perform their patriotic and national duty––only these participants of the Loya Jirga can be addressed so as to challenge their delusions and convince them not to commit national treason with good intentions.
The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan proclaims that it is fundamentally against any security pact with the American imperialist and other imperialist powers, just as it is against the continued presence of the occupying forces in the country. We believe that signing any security agreement with the American imperialists and other imperialist powers, and agreeing to the continued presence of the occupying powers at whatever level and for whatever duration is to also agree with the occupation and colonial condition of the country––it is nothing other than national treason.
We proclaim that the current Loya Jirga, put together by the occupying imperialists and their satraps, has no normative basis for being the representative of the people of Afghanistan; it is only a gathering for executing another national treason, following previous national treasons, particularly the treason of the consultative Loya Jirga on the strategic agreement with the American imperialists.
We proclaim that the security agreement between the American imperialists and the puppet regime, that would result in the continuing presence of American strategic military bases in the country, imposes a prolonged and comprehensive resistance on the people of Afghanistan based upon the revolutionary and peoples national armed resistance and for the purpose of forcefully throwing out the occupiers and bringing down the puppet regime.
Down with the occupying imperialists and their puppet regime!
Advance towards launching and carrying forward a prolonged revolutionary and national people’s war of resistance!
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
November 21, 20

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